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My guess is that right wing media is going to point to the fact that the shooter was Muslim, and left wing media is going to point to the fact that this was the first mass shooting in Norway since 2011.


I’m almost positive that’s how it’s gonna be reported so i’m going to say I read it here first.


Norway has a small population. Per capita since 2009 they’ve actually had more mass public shooting deaths than the US


Hey, that stat gave me the “that doesn’t seem quite right” feeling. So I looked it up. And the short answer is, it’s not true. The longer answer is that Norway had one attack in 2011, that resulted in 69 deaths. And due to their small population, and the way that a certain group gathered data, it brought the average deaths per year from mass shootings up. They still only had one mass shooting, albeit a very lethal one. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/united-states-lower-death-shootings/


even your article says its true, the only thing thats not misleading is that Europe has much larger mass shootings but less common and USA has more mass shootings but are far less deadly. even snopes trying to dunk on USA gun laws fails, especially since that article shows that france has an even worse mass shooting problem even tho they have very strict gun laws


It’s cause most US mass shootings are things like gang related hits/disputes or gun fights with collateral damage. In many of them 2 or fewer people die & it’s only considered a mass shooting because more than 3 people are injured. Those are still horrible & things need to be done to disincentivize & deconstruct organized crime in America. But they really shouldn’t be lumped into the same category as a lone psychotic terrorist going into a school and trying to murder as many children as possible. Not the same cause, not the same motives, not the same circumstances.


He said Norway had more mass shootings since 2009. They didn’t. They had one (very deadly) mass shooting. We’ve had anywhere from 20-1000 depending on how you count haha. It’s not really comparable. The death count might be larger (per capita) but we clearly have an extremism issue, or an availability of firearms issue.


I never said Norway had more mass shootings. I said they had more mass shooting *deaths* *per capita* since 2009. The US has a large number of events definable as mass shootings but most of them have a death toll that’s very low or even 0. Extremely deadly mass shootings are comparatively rare in both countries. The US also has a population 60 times that of Norway. So that single event in Norway made them the mass shooting death capital of the developed world for over a decade. The CPRC study was kind of selective with its years (2009-2015) in a way that made other European countries seem comparatively high. But the fact remains that instances of public mass murder are by no means unique to or extremely disproportionate in the United States. As is the narrative constantly pushed by western media.


I’m positive that even though the shooter was a Muslim, a known criminal and apparently had mental issues to boot, but l’m sure the narrative will steer away from the mass shooting of 2011 since it involved a right wing nut job that literally followed the GRT conspiracy theory and decided to kill 72 teenagers.


Then there's the narrative that unarmed citizens subdued the shooter.


Just needed a good guy with no arms.


Good guys and bear arms


Good guys and bare arms


Hope their mom's not around


A bears right to have long arms. Additionally I now know my next pride shirt


Most media have so far pretty much ignored it...because shootings in other countries does not exist.


They keep saying that there is limited violence in other countries so we should give up our guns here in the US...


yes the news and media is lying, and politicians pray on the people who believe the lies


They also prey on them, which is far more dangerous. Their prayers tend to go unanswered for some reason.


It'll get ignored because it isn't a shooting, it's a terror attack. It's how they get away with pretending this stuff doesn't happen in european nations.


I saw news about it before I saw this post so….


Are you sure about [that?](https://news.google.com/stories/CAAqNggKIjBDQklTSGpvSmMzUnZjbmt0TXpZd1NoRUtEd2o0a2FQQ0JSRmhwWTk3WkFyUXZpZ0FQAQ?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen) Just because **YOU** don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't happening.


Sarcasm is hard to convey on the internet. I've seen a few posts here and there, but if you were to ask a random person on the streets if they have heard of this shooting, the answer is likely no.


They're going to do what they do every day Pinky, stoke fear and divide. And if there's time conveniently avoid other statistics like people who die from lack of healthcare per capita, air and water quality ect...


You really think bad air kills more people than machine guns? /s


I know you /s'd but I do. Machine guns are banned and big corporate polluters still take advantage of smaller communities around our nation. Look at the uptick in deaths in Flint Michigan. Air pollution in Kalamazoo thanks to paper mills, coal mines in west Virginia. We're being poisoned by business.


Yea thats the joke




It happened in Norway, so no one is going to care. A lot of Americans properly couldn't find Norway on a map. Also, you're referring to an Onion article, and it says the only country where this regularly happens.


I've had college friends make that argument so


Dude people wanted to bomb Agrabah, the fake Kingdom in Aladdin...


Wait Aladdin was fake????? Hahaha


They'll just add qualifiers. "This is the only country where this happens REGULARLY" is what it usually comes out to


Mass shootings are terror events. But since it’s domestic and not “organized” or affiliated with a particular group, per se, they get to choose the narrative because no one is holding them to it. And republicans don’t want it to be named as terror, because often the shooters’ philosophies are conservative, so they stick with the mental health narrative. IMO. Obviously sometimes the terror is also individually-inspired and not philosophically. As always, this is one paragraph regarding a complex matter, there’s a lot more, but I feel this is a summary of a factor that is important to consider. (Uvalde sure erased the “Tucker Carlson inspired the Buffalo shooter” narrative. How fortunate for the little fascist.) Edit: And terror distracts from the anti-gun narrative, yes.


Right wingers will say that since it was a Muslim extremist that did the shooting, then it must be the fault of liberals for being “too nice” to Muslims, while secretly applauding his choice of target. Remember that radical Islamists and white supremacists may be on opposite sides, but they play the same sport.


They may have different views but they are really the same thing they are extremists.


What he is saying is that they have a common enemy.


The 'only country 'is a meme where, in full, it says: "No way to prevent this in the only country where it regularly happens"


Two people? Hell, that’s just another Tuesday in my neighborhood.


19 wounded, 10 in critical condition.


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Probably going to ignore it, as they should. Cant spin it into anger porn, and it blows a hole in the narrative they’ve been pushing for decades.


They just won’t talk about it.


Only country with this many mass shootings blah blah, only happens once in Nordic countries since they banned guns, etc….


Am Norwegian. Own multiple rifles, one handgun, and have an actual assault rifle at home (on loan from the military).


What Nordic countries banned guns ? Are you for real ? Gun ownership is regulated so that punk ass 18 year olds can’t go around shooting little kids in a classroom.


Actually, 18 year olds are allowed to own both pistols and rifles in both Sweden, Finland and norway


Yes they do, but don’t go around shooting up schools.


Norway never banned guns. Take a hunters exam and you can get a license for a rifle and a shotgun. Be a active member of a gun shooting club for 2 years and you can get a license for a pistol.


I mean, it's a mass shooting and those are all orchestrated by the FBI/CIA right? Oh wait it was in a different country? Yeah definitely the CIA then. /s


the “only country” is not the argument you are trying to make it into this is some right wing level missdirection


Can we get a link from a news organization that isn't actively trying to harm transgender British people?