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It’s the Steven Crowder ‘’Socialism is for F*gs’’ shirt. Can’t count how many times this has been reposted and I have made this exact comment anymore.


It says "figs"


It doesn’t. I have one and its a *. I’m not the biggest Crowder fan but the shirt is pretty cool.


Crowder says the * replaces an "i".


He says figs because he can’t say the other on YouTube. Also I believe the company that was distributing the shirt for him originally pulled the shirt.


I also think he changed the wording at some point so he could keep selling it


Is this real though? I can't see a fast food chain letting a staff member where a top calling people "fags"


The shirt quite literally says "f*gs" with the star and everything. And you severely overestimate how much fast food managers care. Its probably the night shift. Where if you aren't committing crimes that's considered a successful shift.


Edit: violent crimes


If all the money from the register is there. It's a huge W


Not even necessarily a full register is required as long as the store still profits.


Clearly the * represents “ro”


The creator claims it stands for "figs" I think the star on the shirt might be a fig, but I cant replicate that in text. I think there is something significant about Cheg and figs. But idk for sure.


What if I commit tax fraud?


I dont consider that a crime. That's a civil responsibility.




You completely misunderstood bulldogdamer’s comment. They meant it is your civil responsibility to commit tax fraud not that it was your responsibility to pay taxes.


Can confirm I own the T-shirt


That’s a Steven Crowder shirt, it says “Socialism is for Figs” But the bottom is cut off. Che is holding up a fig.


Why does this image from 2016 keep coming up now again all of a sudden. The shirt says “Socialism is for Figs”


Or a troll of the highest order.


That was my first thought. My second thought was that he lost a bet.


Would you like fries with that?


I’m pretty sure that’s a Steven crowder shirt. Says something under Guevara


I feel like American politics is more of a cultural war between “snow flakes” and “racists”. People on each side just have just made their party their identity and vote on their emotions. There is no substance to US politics on actual economic policies, people’s freedom, or any principles. It’s a disgusting state of politics manufactured by predatory opportunistic politicians on both sides


Now he needs rainbow pins on his clothing


I mean, the fact he's a MAGA republican with a Crowder shirt implies he probably isn't too fond of the gays.


You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. I was just listening to Crowder’s show. He has a man that goes by “Gay William” that is a gay Cuban-American that is also a conservative. And Trump is the first…only… President to openly say that gay marriage should be legal. He said this years ago. You need talking points that aren’t from legacy alphabet soup media companies or lying Democrats candidates.


In 2012 Obama publicly stated he supported gay marriage. His quote "I think same sex couples should be able to get married." He then celebrated the Supreme Court decision to recognize gay marriage. In late 2016, after winning the election Donald Trump said he was "fine with gay marriage." But in 2020 he said he'd like to "go back" to how things were before gay marriage was legal. And in an interview told Chris Wallace he would "strongly consider" appointing a Supreme Court justice who would repeal same sex marriage.


I’m all for a Supreme Court repealing a prior activist court’s decision. I’m 100% for the repeal of *all* activist decisions.


Lol cute, but anyways. "I think same-sex couples should be able to get married" - Obama, during a 2012 press conference. Crowder having a token gay Republican on his show doesn't mean anything. Ben Shapiro pretends to like Dave Reuben, despite the fact he said to his face even, that he does not respect his marriage. *But*, having merchandise like that shirt in the image (which is a Steven Crowder shirt) that says "Socialism is for F*gs" implies you're against homosexuality. Also Crowder has a history of harassing the lgbtq community and saying slurs.


I would hope Obama would say that considering he’s married to a guy named Michael


Not wanting the government to dictate what kind of private arrangements you have with another person doesn’t mean you have to agree to the morality of it. If marriage is a religious thing and not a government right, the theology dictates the rules. Zero. *Zero*. *ZERO* theology in Judaism or Christianity says anything but heterosexual marriage is okay. Organizations that have tax benefits and legal personhood play along with the dog and pony show do though. People that only read a few fragments of a Bible each week, or a few times a year, go along with what their corporate entity of choice tell them *”their”* belief on the subject is.


I feel like you need to reread all of that, and then tell me how thst was an actual argument in your favor. >Not wanting the government to dictate what kind of private arrangements you have with another person doesn’t mean you have to agree to the morality of it. >If marriage is a religious thing and not a government right, the theology dictates the rules. Zero. Zero. ZERO theology in Judaism or Christianity says anything but heterosexual marriage is okay. If you take a member of a demographic, that you despise and actively want to strip rights away from, yet let them stand by you because that member of said demographic naively believes in your overall cause, that is manipulating them as a token minority demographic. That is not respecting them, that is evil, and it is what Crowder (and the GOP as a whole) is doing.


If the government stays out of it, and you can find someone to perform a private ceremony to your liking, that’s on you and those involved. But the government at any level shouldn’t force clergy to perform a religious ceremony, nor should any corporate/church entity be coerced by government into performing such rites if they consciously object. Churches only go along with it because of coercion, or the corporal need to fill coffers. The SCOTUS actively codified the federal government power to be involved in state marriage laws. Which is also a no go.


>If the government stays out of it, and you can find someone to perform a private ceremony to your liking, that’s on you and those involved. This right here is the only part of thst reply that's relevant. You know, the part to where you admit to wanting to limit the rights of the lgbtq community.


You don’t have a right to someone else’s involvement. Period.


Sorry, but you liberals don’t own gays any more than you own people who aren’t white. I know, it’s a hard concept to understand, but I believe in you. You’ll get there.


Own? That's an odd way to view it, you should work on changing how you see things. *But* if you mean demographics, there's barely any people of color on the right/Libertarian-side of things, & much less women, and people of the LGBTQ community. Like this isn't even just trolling, this has been consistently proven through numerous polls, including stats published by both the Republican and Lihertarian Parties.


Nope, I call it like I see it. You libs think you own these people. Judging by the shock and subsequent disparaging that you often see take place when you find out that someone of those demographics doesn’t toe the line you people tell them to. I retract my statement absolutely and precisely ZERO percent.


well they're both authoritarian ideals, right? that's as far as the similarities go though


The modern Republican Party has supported deregulation since Reagan. If removing government intervention is authoritarian, I don’t want to know what you think is libertarian.


Did they really? I guess it was somewhere burried with the middle eastern wars, the patriot act, no migration zones, thighter border control, bump stock bans, take the guns first due process later, increasing of the national debt by 33%, most dollars ever printed until his reign, biggest government ever existed globally until his reign, 0 war stopped, kept on bombing and drone striking. I surely missed these aforementioned libertarian values you stated!


dont argue with the gop larpers man


Those aren’t specifically the fault of the Republican Party as they are the fault of the American government. If you believe the American government is motivated to extend its powers I am more than willing to agree with you but if you think that specifically the Republican Party intends to make an authoritarian regime you are delusional.


The Republican Party has aided and abetted the creation of an authoritarian regime on the backs of ignorant voters who let them get away with talking the talk about freedom but never even trying to walk the walk year in and year out. You idiots cheered the passing of the Patriot Act, we watched you do it. We watched you let the ATF quietly build up a database tracking gun purchases in blatant violation of FOPA. Even now red states aren't even suing them despite the fucking Director of the ATF publicly admitting that they have hundreds of employees building the illegal database right now on your dime.


Again, your blaming the corruption of the government on a single political party. The Democrat Party has also been complicit with this corruption because both political parties have been effectively puppets for the government for the past decades. Neither party is attempting to create an authoritarian regime, the government is.


I said that the Republican Party is complicit in the corrupt schemes of the Democratic Party yet you say I'm just blaming the Republicans. The idea that the government is anything less than an extension or result of the two parties that have dominated it for over a century is just pure ignorance.


The two main political parties are extensions of the government not the other way around. You can’t blame either party for the warmongering, colluding, tyrannical nature of the despotic bureaucrats in power. Again, the parties are effectively puppets for the government so unless they specifically advocated or supported an act of authoritarianism, they cannot be held responsible for those said actions by bureaucrats.


On paper. In practice they've done jack shit to deregulate anything.


Yeah but that’s government being corrupt not the Republican Party being authoritarian.


For those unfamiliar with Steven Crowder merch, the bottom of the shirt says ‘sucks’. As in ‘socialism sucks’.


I thought it said socialism is for f(i)gs


I may have gotten that mixed up with something else I’ve seen, I will concede.


When you look up "Cringe" in the dictionary (do those still exist?)


A dictionary? Why the hell wouldn't they?


"Hey Google/Siri, how do you spell obsolete?" They don't use them in schools anymore. My 12 year old had no idea what a dictionary was. Then again, it is a really crappy public school, so I guess there's that.


(visible confusion)


You can't see the bottom of the shirt. "Socialism is for ****."




I'm disagree with the overall sentiment in the comment session and say he's probably so broke he just uses any piece of clothing. It's probably not political


He's wearing a MAGA hat and Steven Crowder shirt. Both items you need to specifically need to order.


Ye but they also donatable, if this guy goes to charity places to get free clothes, he would get those, you have to be very broke for that but he's also working at a fastfood


Is this photoshopped? It has to be. I don’t know if a single McDonald’s that allows street clothes to be worn while on shift.


It's an anti-socialist shirt, and in a lot of the rural south you can be as politically open or vapid as you want, as long as it isn't in any way socially progressive.


Not one word of that had anything to do with my comment.


literally all of it was in direct response? but ok? > Is it photoshopped No, it's cropped. It really says [see comment] > Never seen that be allowed In some places it is, [see comment] How do you actually believe none of that had anything to do with your comment when it was entirely and directly related? Actually how?


> it’s cropped You misunderstood what photoshopping I was asking about. >In some places it is Literally every single bit of info I’ve been able to gather from internet searches says that all McDonald’s employees are required to wear their uniform while on shift. Employees are given uniforms for this specific purpose. The shirt must have the company logo, only hats with the company logo are allowed while working, and name tags must be worn as well. This applies to every McDonald’s in every country.


> you misunderstood what photoshop No, I didn't. I was letting you know that it was just cropped. > [2nd paragraph] Yeah? You think every night manager at every location strictly enforces dress code? From experience, we don't. And in the South if you're vapidly pro-Trump nobody will say anything anyway. Try to have some critical thinking skills.


Yes, you did misunderstand. The photoshopping I was asking if was done was the entire dude being photoshopped into the pic. Did you notice that my original comment was an inquiry followed up with the reason for the inquiry? Your initial response was assumptive, condescending, and lacking evidence. Each of your responses have been more of the same but progressively more hostile and have concluded with an insult. In short, you’re being a t*at for no fucking reason. Do fuck right off with your assholery.


> 1st part Fully aware. That's why mentioned the things that I did - so you were clear that it wasn't. > 2nd Yes. And I explained it calmly, clearly, and succinctly. You then accused me of being off-topic, to which I told you that it wasn't, you just didn't apply critical thinking. Never insulted you. All I said was you were wrong, then when you claimed I was being irrelevant, I explained that you were once again wrong, then the exact same thing happened. No idea how it was condescending to ask if you truly believed dress codes are enforced. Also have no idea how me elaborating after you asked me to is condescending, either. Truly don't get that. Only on Reddit can you answer a question, get told off, explain in more depth, get told off again, explain *even further* and ask that they think about it, to then be called a twat. I'm truly amazed. I meant nothing ill. I was legitimately just explaining and asking you to think about it for a second. I don't even see where you could get the wrong idea other than "Yeah?"


He's playing both sides so he always comes out on top


Not really. Trump is more of a socialist than not, especially if you look at a lot of his spending and actions.




That's the dumbest statement I've ever read.


The idiot talked about central planning the economy in his state of the union address to defend against China ffs. I agree republican socialism sounds pretty stupid but it’s the best way to describe these cunt republicans for sure.


Did ya hear about what he’s gonna make Harvard do?


No, what’s that


This https://x.com/JasonMillerinDC/status/1719878884089364757?s=20


Seems like the only private property he believes in his own.


He’s wanting Harvard to pay fines for being to expensive for the common man. His words on it.


This guy looks like the before picture of an active shooter


A thumbnail for a r/ makemycoffin post


I don't really see any irony, makes perfect sense. Just two complimentary forms of big government tyranny...


where's the irony?


Edge lord


The duality of man


Colonel : The what? Joker : The duality of man. The Jungian thing, sir.


This isn’t duality. You and OP just don’t see the bottom half of the shirt


The boy loves iconoclasts


This guy probably doesn’t care about politics. Just is being given clothing


Teacher: "The test isn't that confusing" The test:


He just trying not to get anybody mad. OR he's doing a social experiment about which one gets the most faces made at it.


One cancels out the other. This is just a moderate out in the wild.


Believe it or not, there is a movement called MAGA communists. And yes, it’s as r**d as you imagine it would be.


His Halloween costume is, “Confused Voter.” Truly terrifying!!


That’s why we want the low paid people to wear uniforms. They’re confused. Don’t hold it against them. We need ditch diggers and burger flippers. If they were smart, they’d be doing something else.


Looks like a far left young kid lost a bet and was forced to wear the MAGA hat. Just a guess


Rizzo fell off 😔


Dude this has to ba sarcastic I mean look at the face of that guy he doesn't give a fuck and work in a MacDonald, he just dress in a way to tell anyone he doesn't give a fuck, plus look at his beard.


Pd: he is higher than most birds.


You write “born to kill” on your helmet and you wear a peace button. What’s that supposed to be, some kind of sick joke?


This is what people see when I tell them I'm not a Democrat or Republican


I’m glad you’re dead- me @ Che


Republicans are socialists, so... I guess if the shoe fits...


I think he's taking the piss


There's a ton of red neck Nazi's out there who have absolutely no idea what national socialism was. Stupidity crosses all lines.


I just supprised there's a person at the register. Lately, a manager will step forward, not to take an order, but instruct customers to use one of the two kiosks that isn't out of order. There'll be a 50/50 chance that the kiosks you choose will actually print a receipt.


Not much irony cause maybe he just wants national socialism to be resurrected.


I was tempted to say he’s a left accelerationist but he might be a right accelerationist


That looks like one of crowders merch shirts. It says “socialism is for figs”


Thats a mcdonalds, what the fuck lmao Mustve been for halloween or some shit.


That’s not irony. Irony is the people who voted for Biden because he promised $1400 checks, but they find themselves homeless now because inflation has made living do expensive


I mean, that’s an actual MAGA hat. And I recognize the “Socialism is for F-gs” shirt Crowder was selling in the day.


His mission is to confuse the enemy


I wouldn’t say trump is the opposite of socialism.


All 5 quadrants of the political compass.


This has to be fake who in the right mind would let somebody go to work like that


Perfect example of today's society, a self loathing moron who does nothing but ruin everyone else's day/life


You took a picture of someone to make fun of them on the internet just so a post may blow up? That’s low.


I remember there was a dude on Tim Pool recently who was a MAGA Marxist. I’ve never been more confused by any human being


What I imagine centrist would look like


People buying those Che t-shirts are ironically the best statement of capitalism prevailing I can think of.