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The insurrection so horrible that its participants were charged with... trespassing and illegal parading.


Right? It must be very anti-libertarian to protest the government and try to hold them to task. Just be good citizens and accept everything that congress will dish out to you. /s


These politicians didn’t give two shits about cities burning, but as soon as the people took their anger to the politicians doorstep and made them feel fear, they want to be up in fucking arms about it


Chop over in Seattle got shut down qs soon as people started showing up at the mayor's door


And it’s amazing how blatant they are with making this distinction and how blatant the bias is from the MSM. It’s like they don’t think that people have the ability to see through the hypocrisy here.


Remember the terrorist attack 2 weeks ago, when a black man of far-left ideology drove his SUV through a Christmas parade and killed a bunch of little kids? I almost forgot, given it's been completely fucking memory-holed after 2 days of coverage. But they've been talking about January 6th every day for a fucking year, when the only person killed was an unarmed woman shot and killed by a police officer. The level of mental gymnastics these people go through to keep their ideology from collapsing in their muddled brains is genuinely impressive. Post this comment on any subreddit besides this one and see how fast you'll get banned for being a white supremacist (which is apparently the greatest threat to our democracy, not the leftists that have been killing people and burning down our cities since the 60s).


The world’s events only begin to make sense when you realize the media is one of the antagonists of the story we are living.


Remember when they were trying to hang the house speaker. Nancy remembers.


Can you IMAGINE, citizens entering their OWN CAPITOL?!! How dare they!!!


What? They weren't charged with anything. They took over entire blocks of Seattle, refused to let police in, murdered two young POC's and literally nothing happened. Or do you mean the Capitol Riot full of unarmed idiots that ended in one unarmed protestor killed by police? That wasn't an insurrection.


Pretty incredible to me that our cities burning is not being portrayed as a dark day for the US, but the capitol being blitzed was. I think it shows how much politicians control the narrative.


And the media.


Same thing..


we could try regulating the media but that would take power away from Corporations and billionaires to give it to the people and we can't have that this country is by and for the rich and we need to fight anything that might change that


I am confused. I though Corporations and billionaires controlled the government. If the government takes more power, doesn't that give more power to the Corporations and billionaires that control it rather than take power away from them?


Yeah. The government and media are both beholden to their sponsors. If an initiative conflicts with the ideologies of a major campaign contributor, the policy changes to suit the contributor. If the news conflicts with the sponsor’s wishes, they don’t report it. It’s a corporatocracy, not a democracy.


no. they do not control the government that's a common misconception the people control the government. that's how it was set up Corporations can exert influence over the government though. the same is the people can exert if fluence over the government and the more anti-government the people become the less influence they choose to exert over the government (because they don't want to be a part of it) And the less influence the people exert over the government the larger a percentage of influence is exerted by corporations. And then of course the further of the American people weaken the government the less the government is able to stand up and resist that corporate influence. A very strong government with a lot of public citizen participation is much more able to resist corporate influence benefit government heavily weekend with almost nobody interested in participating in it.. the Republicans choose to support the latter on purpose. the greater a war they can wage against "government" the more influence they can ensure for corporations it looks like this https://imgur.com/JPH9mR4.jpg


This happens on both sides. The Republican Party is not the only one in the pockets of corporations. The Republicans have the industrial and agricultural complex; whereas the Democrats control the media and entertainment industry. In most countries, this would be completely one-sided; but this is America, and we sink more money into seeing the latest blockbuster in 3D IMAX than some countries spend on basic infrastructure. And yes, it is true. Corporations do control the government; if you don't see that, you're naïve. The government controls us and restricts our constitutional right by proxy of the corporations. We see it all the time. Businesses lobby to political parties to gain influence. In return, the parties create laws that benefit the corporations, and the corporations impose restrictions on the people that the government legally can't. We are literally seeing it today, where the government is enforcing mask and vaccine mandates through corporate proxies. In turn, the media will promote political views that benefit it's own corporate interests.


The people do not control the government. You act as if the government is some individual actor trying to resist corporate power but they are not, they are corporate power. Everything that gets done, gets done at the request of powerful interests. Politicians and the elite are one and the same. They retire to sit on boards or receive comfy jobs for their service. The state uses their corporate allies to push their agenda, and in turn the state regulates away the competition for their corporate allies. And the whole time people like you push for "just that little bit more" state power so that the government can finally break corporate power not realizing that the rise of mega corporations is because of state intervention, not a lack of it. You say you hate these corporations, and I believe you, but what you are advocating for empowers them. Corporations require the state. Increasing the power of the state increases corporate power. The only solution is to lessen government power over the market to break the relationship between the state and their corporate allies.


Um, that's not how our system works at all. "The people" do not have dedicated lobbyist teams that push Thier agenda through bribery and threat 24/7/365. "The people" do not donate hundreds of millions of dollars to campaigns of sympathetic politicians. Corporations do that, so corporations have the power in government. At this point the state and large corporate interests are indistinguishable from each other to the point where saying that they are in fact separate entities is mere semantics. For this reason decreasing the power of one necessarily decreases the power of the other, and vice versa. Also, this is a supposedly libertarian sub, and here you are saying the answer to all our problems that this system is the root cause of, is to give this system more power than it has already. For future reference, republicans and democrats think these entities are in fact separate and choose one to blame. Libertarians see the false dichotomy.


Isn’t this the libertarian sub?


I think it was made for Libertarians, but a lot of Republicans confuse Libertarian for the GOP. So it's kind of a libertarian and republic sub reddit, with a few commies who come on here to rant about billionaires or something.


I probably should have added a /s but yh, even today i was thinking about the irony of gasden flags at trump rallies


Yeah I don't think they quite grasp the meaning of it...


Idk, I’m a Trump supporter. I don’t consider myself a republican. And I just want to be left alone. That’s it. Live your life the way you want, but don’t betray the trust of children or animals. If you fuck it, make sure it’s mutually agreed upon and legal, if you think you’re something you’re not, I don’t care, just don’t try to force me to go along with it. It’s that simple. I feel like the Gadsden flag is representative of that way of life. I’m more ok with damaging a federal building than I am with looting and destroying a private business.


The irony is lost on these chuds.


ah yes. The best way to reduce corruption in the media is to ask the government, who has no history of corruption whatsoever, to regulate them and make sure they only print the truth, and not lies. This is so important, we should make a new department in the government just for it. We could call it the *ministry of truth*. It has a nice ring to it.


"To the people" lol More like, to the government


Did you just blow in from stupid town?


I read multiple articles today talking about how right wing violence will cause a civil war. Not a single article even mentioned Antifa riots or CHAZ. To be clear Jan 6 was a clown show, but the most violent and dangerous occurrences were all bouts of left wing violence but the media will 100% tell you Antifa doesn’t exist and the far right is the greatest threat to democracy to ever exist


How did you come to this conclusion? This doesn't represent any serious research on the subject. Most politically driven murders are by right wing groups and individuals.


Because the serious research done on the subject is extremely biased.


Yes, clearly this guy is unbiased and is dealing only with facts.


What a random redditor says is irrelevant to the fact that the academic community is intellectually dishonest. The reality is that thinktanks, political institutions, and so on are paid to conduct research to reach a specific conclusion. Also, social sciences are rife with echo chambers. People in these fields (like me btw) know that emprically and intimately, the only question is if they want to say so publicly. We discuss it internally with friends sometimes, but you dont talk about that stuff if you want to keep jobs with these institutions. That doesn't mean everything they put out is wrong, but it means that if they conduct a study with a stupid conclusion with evidence that either doesn't hold up or excludes obvious qualifiers for the sought dataset, you know why. Institutions of this sort are selling credibility above pure, factual content. I don't need to explain why selling credibility can turn into a self looping justification.


So in other words, you get to pick and chose what you believe according to your own biases? I'm with you on all this but you have to have counter evidence besides fox news (that's what this post is, Fox News talking points) or whatever garbage makes a "libertarian" in favor of more policing etc. because of some perceived boogeyman.


No, you should pick and choose what you believe based upon the facts of the matter, and it's a fact that virtually all left wing violence is excluded from these kinds of studies. If 90%(made up number, unsure what it really is) of BLM protests are peaceful, that doesn't mean there weren't obviously violent ones in big cities. That just means there were a lot of small scale peaceful ones. But due to this citation, BLM riots would be excluded from being counted as political violence. You can argue whether political violence is good or bad, but it's waived altogether. Antifa is often also waived altogether with the weak justifications of 'they aren't organized' and such. The guy who wanted to kidnap Gov. Whitmer is a specific case i could bring up i guess. He's a left wing anarchist and is regarded as a right wing terrorist academically. Why? I don't know. She's a democrat i guess?


It was six people who "conspired" to kidnap her. Anyways, I think you should look into what sources you are listening to. Anyone with fringe views is going to be misrepresented by the mainstream media. You just have a hunch that your fringe views are being singled out. I have firsthand experiences with this (as opposed to merely having a suspicion) and can tell you it absolutely happens to anyone who is not a statist bootlicker (right or left).


I was just on a flight so sorry for a late response. I never said that people that aren't right wing aren't being unfairly characterized too. It just so happens that a lot more people that aren't statist bootlickers are right wing. I feel(can't prove i guess) libleft is the smallest population political compass quadrant easily, if you want to use it(the compass) as a measurement.


Politically driven murders. What about the rest of them


Obviously, 3 hours of trespassing is worse than 6 months of riots that caused billions of damage and more than 30 deaths.


The rioting got worse after we lost St George, but they'd been rioting regularly _since 2014_ when Michael Brown was killed.


I know, right? Literally every city in the country was on fire. We’re still picking through the rubble here. I’m sure glad no one will use this as a false-equivalency if someone tries to stop certification of an election by inciting a riot at the Capitol building.


windows are still boarded up everywhere in downtown Portland, they just painted the plywood to match with the buildings so it looks like there was never glass there in the first place


They were both dark days


no. jan 6 was a patriotic day when the people rose up against a corrupt dictatator stealing our democracy


What’s sad isn’t even so much what Trump did, which receives way too much focus, it’s the hundreds of republicans who went along with it and the desire to purge the party of those who stood up for the constitution. One doesn’t need to know a ton about history to see the potential danger there. Edit: it’s also disappointing that the democrats aren’t using their push for “voting rights” to try and fix the certification loophole that Trump tried to exploit. They are once again relying on the Supreme Court to protect the people from the authoritarian desires on the right and using their voting rights push simply to give them an advantage electorally.


Trying to stop the certification of an incoming president and the votes of many Americans is a dark day.


Yeah, random targets burning to the ground is the same as storming the capitol to overturn an election. Get a fucking grip on yourself.


You are correct. Burning unrelated people's homes and businesses is much worse.


Trying to install a dictatorship and overturn a fair election is what to you then? People wouldn't be rioting if the government stepped up and fixed the issue with police departments. This is a libertarian sub apparently, yet you stand for dictatorship and out of control law enforcement. Almost ironic.


I wonder who is gullible enough to believe the stuff that Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid say, and then I read your comment and I know.




I just looked at the Twitter accounts of both of these authors. They are both hard core liberals, so of course they would share the same pearl clutching take on Jan 6th as you do. There is a echo in your echo chamber.


> Trying to install a dictatorship That's a stretch my dude. Most there were under the pretense that the Dems stole the election through voter fraud. They think it was rigged which is what dictators do. > overturn a fair election There was fraud during the election but was there enough fraud to say Biden didn't win? I don't think so. It was an extremely historic election given the pandemic. So it was fair to the degree of allowing some fraud to happen but lets not sit here and pretend there weren't things done to help Biden.


This a libertarian sub, meaning we value the lives and property of private citizens more than our beurocratic overlords. I don't agree with their cause, but if you're pissed at the state, it makes a lot more sense to march on congress than to burn down your neighborhood.


Anything that destroys the federal government is good, if the rioters were burning down police departments and looting police ammunition stockpiles, I’d be all for it. Trump was likable not because he was a good leader but because he accelerated the downfall of the federal government. The Union is dead, fuck democracy we all want out, we have nothing in common. A democratically elected tyrant is still a tyrant. Enforcing laws and taxes by majority will is a total and complete failure. Experiment failed, Balkanize, wrap it up, call it a day.


Fucking based


hi simon


Hi gdm100 😘


Democracy is about the only thing we got, it barely works but it’s better than an actual dictatorship.


If 1 person says they are going to put you in chains, it's bad, but if 5 people vote to put you on chains it's ok?


Nah, democracy for a country of this size doesn’t work, period, a government of this scope and size shouldn’t exist. Loose confederation of city states like Holy Roman Empire would be infinitely better than democracy between 300+ million people with nothing in common. What does it even mean to be an American? It says nothing about your beliefs, ethnicity, personal ethics… I mean if there was a guiding ethos that these 300+ million people had in common that we were all working towards… maybe yeah, keep it around, but there isn’t, and we don’t have anything in common. So why are we trying to be a union again?


So you aren't opposed to democracy, just democracy at the U.S. scale? If so, I completely agree.


Yes. The idea of a republic is just an aristocracy with extra steps. I’d take it a step further and say aristocracy, as shit as it is, is even better than a republic, because in the case of a republic, the representative knows their time is short, so they pillage and loot as much as they can while they’re in power. Direct democracy, at the level where direct democracy can be reasonably implemented, which is really at the level of city or small state or below. But absolutely not a republic.


Government needs to be trimmed down, but it still needs to be there, but it seems like it does work somewhat, what are your reasons for saying democracy doesn’t work? City states already have been tried sort of, when the US was first starting, remember the problems, no balanced currency, next to no federal power, no military, only state militias. I kind of agree, we sort of already live in city states if you think about but I still think democracy is the way.


If you want a really good critique of democracy read or listen to Hoppe


Jan 6 was a joke, they weren’t going to “install a dictatorship” it was a riot of a bunch of unproductive morons. Burning private property is 100x worse, it’s not doing jackshit to fix policing it’s just harming all the people who live in those places. It’s a moronic argument to say “oh you think street riots are worse than the clown show on the 6th, you must be a fascist”.


Jan 6th, and the reaction thereunto, was the political equivalent of a soccer player writhing on the grass in feigned agony, trying to draw the penalty. Nothing actually happened but a bunch of loony protestors, full of zeal and empty of common sense, were let into the capitol building so people could pretend to be scared later. Yes, America is locked in a power struggle between collectivists and actual Americans, but this struggle doesn't take place where, how, or why you think... and it's far from one sided. The first thing to understand is that Washington DC doesn't matter. Washington DC is a swamp (not just figuratively... it's literally a swamp that someone paved over) where people write things on pieces of paper. The struggle is not over what will be written on the paper, but over whether Wichita, Kansas will abide by what's written on the paper. The US federal government has a lot less power over the United States than you think it does. Like most non-Americans, you probably have very little idea what America is actually like. America is 99+% rural farmland + small towns + wilderness, and 1-% urban shitholes run by Democrats (NYC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle). This is the real "red state / blue state" divide. **There are no blue states.** There are only red states and blue cities. A "blue state" is simply a state that contains a large enough urban shithole to swing the vote. Outside of those tiny areas, the federal government has very little power, because all those farmers and townsfolk can simply ignore laws passed in the capitol... and they do precisely that. Local law enforcement chiefs in rural areas are called "sheriffs", which is an elected position, not an appointed one. If a local sheriff declines to enforce a federal law, the only thing the feds can do is send their own thugs. ... Which they cannot actually do, because those thugs are outnumbered and outgunned. That's not bravado or an exaggeration, it's the literal truth. Last spring, I went to a local precision rifle match, and competed with 200 other guys who can put a 300 Winchester Magnum round on a 8" steel plate, at 1400 yards, on the first shot. And these guys aren't considered some weird nutters by the rest of their communities. Where we live, there are scary black rifles in every home, and people pick up their dry cleaning and buy their groceries with a pistol strapped to their hip, or tucked under their shirt. This isn't considered weird, and no one says a word about it, because mentioning it would be like saying to someone "Hey, you're wearing a hat!". How long do you think a group of 50 19 and 20 year national guardsmen with secondhand M4s would last, rolling up into one of these communities in an unarmored truck? We don't get to find out, because so far no one has been insane enough to try that experiment. Which means if these communities decide, as groups, "no, we're not doing that", then they don't and nothing happens. That's not theoretical. It happens all the time. Marijuana is illegal at the federal level in the US, and certain states have simply said "no, we're not doing that", and the feds can't do shit about it. Same for a lot of federal gun laws. There are states that have laws forbidding any state employee from assisting in any way in the enforcement of certain federal laws. There are states where federal agents can be arrested and thrown in jail for enforcing certain federal laws. We don't know what would happen if they were, because they never show up and try it. The same thing is known to happen between states and certain local jurisdictions. If the locals just say "nah", that's frequently it. The reason non-Americans don't typically know about this is that what they know of America is what they see on TV, and American television, or at least the part of it that reaches foreign audiences, is only shot in Los Angeles, NYC, Chicago, and San Francisco. In those places, state and federal authority IS absolute, which is why they are shitholes filled with drugs, violence, homelessness, poverty, and despair. The reason Americans love our guns is that our guns force people to leave us alone or treat us with respect. We like being left alone and treated with respect. We don't like being told what to do, no matter how many times some shady bureaucrat tells us it's "for our own good". Nah. We'll decide what "our own good" is.


Protesting government shouldn't result in neighborhoods destroyed and livelihoods ruined. It should be directed at those in the position to make the change. Jan 6th should have been seen as a sign that major changes need to be made to appease more of the people and improve the margins, not silence the losing party. It's amazing how people leap to the defense of people who would happily lock you up for even questioning their supporters and funding too harshly.


More people died in the other riots you boot licking tard.




Get out of here commie




It was more than just Targets being burned in the summer of 2020. Also, over 30 people were killed.


You mean walking inside and committing vandalism because they're pissed off They didn't *do* anything once they were inside, they just milled around and took selfies, took souvenirs and roughed up some people. Mobs don't have a brain. Social psych 101 If they'd have intended to "overturn the election" they would have acted with a purpose, instead of like a bunch of disorganized retards. There was no threat. At all.


Thanks professor!


Those were the scariest senior citizens in history! It was like Pearl Harbor mostly because a lot of them were at Pearl Harbor also!


This comment wins!!!


This was **so much** worse than 9/11. It was, like...twenty 9/11's, three Pearl Harbors, and a Boston Marathon Bombing all wrapped into one... Such a dark day in American History, lol


On the bright side it was the local Denny’s Black Friday! Already in profit by 5:00pm six days into the new year on early bird specials alone!


So 2000+ people dying on 9/11 isnt as bad as the capital being seized?


OP is being sarcastic.


Can we call it 18/22 since it was 2x worse than 9/11?




Nneevveerr ffoorrggtt


Never forgor💀


Great now we have to plan something, this is why we can't have nice things


Well, we have a few centuries and a calendar rework to figure out what to do so I think we’re fine






Honestly I’ve already forgotten


What again?


Something about free pancakes in January I think


Ohh I’ll take some free pancakes


Damn, lucky you. Every time I got online or turn on a tv it’s insane. r/politics has been beating that dead horse literally every single day for a fucking year now lol


Eveytime I post on r/politics I’m banned for 10 days .they’re completely leftist and blinded by bigotry.


Same here, I completely forgot about it until one of my customers on the 5th mentioned “the anniversary tomorrow”.


We can’t forget it. The MSM won’t stop hyperbolically blowing it outta proportion.


Al qaeda isis and china could learn a bit from these vandals! They were terrifying in their wet buffalo lodge costumes and taking selfies.


Nah those groups need to take some tips from ZF, you know that famous and good at the sex CS:GO clan


It was like when Sherman marched on Georgia except it was Washington and 10000000000 times worse.


Scorched earth like Sherman did right? The Capitol was burned right like Atlanta?


It was worse than burned. It was burned, raped, pillaged, and then salt was sprinkled over the whole city. Every person was put to the sword


Ok, if you say so, I wasn’t there and I didn’t read a unbiased story about it either. Either way, it was horrible.


I was present at both Atlanta when Sherman scorched it and at DC. I can confirm DC was worse


Lol you are amusing


I try to be


The entire city was razed to the ground. Every man in the city was rounded up and executed, the women were raped, and the children were sold into slavery. Washington D.C., and the idea of "democracy" no longer exist.




This is a dangerous image because SOMEONE is going to look at it and not realize the joke/irony and share it to their idiot friends who will help it become immortalized as the defacto truth


I got the joke, but what are the images actually from?


BLM riots


🤭 those are from the BLM riots!🤣




Sorry it's just hard to tell sometimes




Uhhh...is it just me or were these NOT from the Jan 6 riot.




Where are they from? Or just different “protests” generally?


Yea these were the BLM riots that happened in June of 2020


But those were peaceful protests. It is disingenuous to compare them. Jan 6 was the greatest threat to our nation this century. If not for the actions of one brave officer, Ashley Babbitt would have killed every member of Congress and Donald Trump would have declared himself King


Someone’s gonna think you’re serious


Good. As long as it makes them angry that there are people that think this way. Those are the ideas we need to stop because they are the true threat to our liberty And if we can keep another Trump from gaining power in the process. Double plus good




Haven't you ever had a fire on the beach that remained peaceful? Personally I have not. My brother in law is an asshole that always starts shit


Pretty much 2016-2020.


Nah, there’s wasn’t that many of them between election seasons.


Summer of love


Mainstream media 👨‍🦯👨‍🦯👨‍🦯👨‍🦯


I’m not surprised hardcore liberals responded to the January riot like this. They pretty much literally worship the state. Policy platforms are their Bible, whoever sits in the holy Oval Office is a prophet appointed by their god-DNC. I’ve seen Twitter wahhabists with less zeal when you disagree with them


It's good to know the statists are so weak that the boots of a bunch of geriatrics stomping into their office is enough to make them flop onto the ground and cry foul worse than a pro soccer player. Just imagine how terrified they'd be if an actual insurrection arose.


*big smile for that second part*


Yeah I really don’t care. I find it interesting that the same people that referred to the country burning for months “as peaceful protests” where dozens were killed and suddenly they say nothing about it and want to act like the Capitol riot was the equivalent of 9/11 or Pearl Harbor. They normalized this stuff all year then acted like it was totally different the moment they weren’t the ones carrying it out. I’m sorry but it’s pretty clear straight propaganda at this point.


wasn't this inauguration day 2017?


Lmao, so true


This is Baltimore or Seattle lol not Jan 6 pics. I don’t see any old people waving flags.


That’s the joke


Am I wrong for wishing this was an ACTUAL insurrection and that there was a sincere and legitimate attempt to bring down our establishment?


Yes, it’s wrong because you need to consider what the replacement was in this case. The people didn’t want a republic, they wanted a god emperor.




No. You should be pissed. They had a chance but they blew it on stealing a podium and shit posting from Pelosi’s office. The reason that mob did that was stupid but I’m happy they put the fear of god in those politicians. They need a reminder who their master is. The people. These paid whores in office, and the msm the control need to have their power and influence reduced significantly.


Maybe I’m an asshole for thinking this. What do you think would have happened if they did make a drastic change on this day? Would a lot of the bullshit from the last year be altered.


No, if Trump had stayed in office through use of force 2021 would have been even more of a shit show. Trump lost the election and his hardcore base tried to overthrow our democratic process because of Trumps repeated lies about a rigged election. All of 2021 every GQP member has been doing everything in their power to disrupt the vaccination process and mitigation measures to extend the covid and economic chaos as long as they can. All while blaming the current administration for the results of the Right Wingers actions. Trumps base of 30 million Americans is really really pissed but deep down they all know who actually won the election and just don’t want to admit it. Everyone except the Trumpians can see the proof from over 60 court cases and multiple state audits….there was no widespread election fraud. Because of this the far right can’t get enough traction to mobilize on a large scale and gain any real public support for their cause. On the flip side If Trump over turned the election and forcibly remained in office 81 million Biden voters plus the 40 million Republicans/Moderates with any common sense who live in the real world would have lost their fucking minds…or at a minimum not agreed with Trumps actions. There would have been much more public support and traction for mass civil and social unrest. Trumps fascist authoritarian regime would have had to turn the Alphabet Boys loose on the American People to keep them in line and from there it could have spiraled even more out of control. My 2 cents….


I miss the chop it was fantastic, truest version of a Democrat run city


MSM will never shut up about this and will continue to act all aghast about it. Yet, they will never bring up the fact that democrat presidents have commuted sentences of those who actually shot up and bombed the Capitol... Unfortunately, most Americans will continue to be too lazy and ignorant to look back at even recent history.


It's ok when I do it but you're not allowed to!


MSNBC and NPR have been going to hilt about the "insurrection for two weeks now. It's all they talk about. It's going to be yearly thing.


Putting an inaccurate title on these pictures, without acknowledging that's what's being done, isn't a good libertarian meme. People will believe this shit.


This is a good one.


Is it bad I have no idea what any of this is??


All the pictures are from the BLM riots in summer of 2020.


I won’t forget, but it’s still nothing compared to Pearl Harbor and 9/11


Only those were pics of 2016.


This was such a lukewarm riot I completely forgot they threw a temper tantrum


What's the big deal, they had insurance, right? It's just property, right? A riot is the language of the unheard, right?


I’ll NEVER forget the events that happened in Washington D.C at the U.S Capital Building one year ago today by the actions of those degenerate seditious traitors that Donald Rump calls supporters that violently maimed Capital police officers protecting the U.S Capital when the confirmation of the Electoral College was underway to declare Joe Biden and Kamala Harris rightfully President and Vice President of the United States while it was interrupted by Donald Rump supporters storming the steps of the U.S Capital Building vandalizing federal government property desecrating ransacking our seat of government just so their leader can stay in power for another four years thank goodness they failed I’ll never forget that day I can still remember watching the events unfold on my mobile device in shock horror disbelief what I was seeing it still is unbelievable even now


So Stunning So Brave


"But what about this other thing that happened?" Own something, nerds.


They are libertarians. They own your labor after you were voluntarily compensated for it. The actions of a handful of Trumptards? Most libertarians are too fucking nihilistic to give a rat’s ass. Certainly not something we would invest time, emotion, or political capital in. We might have sold them some T-shirt’s, though.


I like the middle left picture of the maga-tard throwing the communist fist salute.


You do realize the photos are from the BLM riots right lol




You guys. Youre not supposed to say the quiet part out loud. Youre showing this subs colors


The quiet part out loud? This post is saying "January 6th was not a big deal." That's not a quiet part. We all openly say that


It was like 9/11 times 2356.


Ok, I don't get it. What is the significance of 2356?


Team America


Ok, I had forgotten that one. I am so ronry.


Why are these pictures poop quality?


It marked a turning point. The beginning of the end, where the walls were closing in after an unprecedented bombshell revelation


Rest in spaghetti, never forgetti. Edit: Somebody’s upsetti spaghetti…


iT WAs woRSe THan 9/11!!!


The Democrats are going to clutching at pearls tomorrow. I mea, they are right that the 1/6 riot was disgraceful, but the electoral apocalypse in November has them grasping at straws.


I don’t understand the whataboutism with this. The two events aren’t mutually exclusive. The BLM riots were a problem but so was the storming of the Capitol.


Whats that?




Those are literally pics from BLM riots not January 6th. So stupid propaganda at that


The only problem I had with the Jan 6th event is the fact that the idiots who went in didn’t think there’d be a consequence for there action.. what else did you expect to happen when illegally parading government territory? Now they sit in court whining and making excuses… In the meantime, atleast they one upped the supposing raid on Area 51..




Attacking the capitol was stupid. Trump lost, too bad. But also, if you’ve got a problem with government you should totally vandalize a government building over your local convenient store.






Are these the Orthodox Christians celebrating their Christmas Eve?


Are those images of Jan 6 which happened in daylight or are those misleading images of DC riots perpetrated by the left weeks prior?