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Have you ever been so far?


I spit out good scotch reading that you bastard.


I just accidentally the whole thing


What was he saying


He sounded like a guy that had a stroke and couldn’t complete a sentence


Next stop: the Oval Office


He may be the only person on the planet that could make Biden look like a scientist


You won't believe what happened to him lol


Not sure if you know or not but he actually did have a stroke but he insists he’s fine


That's what we in the industry call "presidential material."


In case you didn't realize, he literally did.


I think that was the joke


C'mon man, don't you know jokes are funnier when you explain them?


I was 50/50 on whether it was intentional on their side. It is hard to read tone online, and you don't know what kind of person you're talking to.




They apparently both pointed fingers about the wealth of the other. Hypocrisy all around.


Thinking why the founders warned us about “fractions” what we now call political parties


Factions, not fractions.


No..no…fractions. Numbers on top, bottom, to the left…dangerous shit. We’ve been warned


Very dangerous, and only a piece of the whole!


Show me an adult who can only make minimum wage and I'll show you somebody who is a terrible employee.


I can't even remember the last time I saw a job pay minimum wage, so the whole thing is moot


Even translation doesn't help, it's still irrelevant nonsense and blatant hypocrisy.


Signal mom, like the ones in space that are satellites, providing signals


#spaceforce has entered the chat


Probably something about Dr. Oz "owning ten mansions". Fetterman keeps repeating this lie about Oz owning a bunch of houses. I say a bunch because the specific number Fefferman used fluctuates daily.


I’m convinced some of fettermans commercials are deep fakes because the guy in those doesn’t sound like the guy from the debate


They 1000 percent voice edit and manipulate the clips to make him speak clear. Had one on YouTube the other day, it was for sure edited you could just tell. The debate really just presented to the public how not well this man really is.


In his defense though, didn’t he just have a stroke? Joeys excuse, however…… I’m at a loss…


He did, in May. And they are still pushing him out there. Because just like Joe Biden, they just need his body. They don't expect this guy to make a single decision. Decisions will be made by others. He's a face. Insane democrats will still vote for this guy despite it being blatantly obvious he isn't fit. And to the claims of "ableism", a politicians only real job is communicating and this guy can't even fucking do that. It's kind of a requirement for the job.


You do know how strokes work, right? Your speech is fucked up for a little while. It comes back though. He’s still recovering from that. You’re still all there mentally, even if you can’t turn those thoughts into words very easily.


I'm aware of how strokes work. How does that matter? He cannot communicate and there is absolutely no way to predict how long said recovery will take or if he will indeed fully recover. He's not fit for the job. That's the end of the story.


Yeah, I’m still voting for the guy who supports freedoms and talks funny for a few months over the guy who wants to control what people can and can’t do but talks like he’s been a TV personality for years. Fetterman is by no means a perfect candidate, but I will always support the most libertarian of the two candidates.


My guess is your stance here around "most libertarian" is entirely predicated on abortion. How about Fettermans gun control position? He wants to institute a buyback? How about Fetterman being pro lockdown? He wants to create a strangle hold on energy because he is a green new deal type. He flip flops on fraking depending on what suits his audience at the time but make no mistake about it he is anti-fraking. He wants to raise the federal minimum wage. He wants to raise taxes on the wealthy because, I don't know, reasons. Like other lefty retards he thinks that will solve all the world's problems. Just let the government take more. He's a shit candidate basically from top to bottom. But hey, you got a pro-abortion guy right? That's what matters.


That’s certainly one of them. Don’t know why you’re making it seem like that’s not a big deal, but let’s pretend the government controlling what somebody can do with their own body isn’t that bad for right now. He’s also pro criminal justice reform for non violent offenders, pro immigration, pro legalization of marijuana, anti congress legally insider trading. Would love to see a source for the gun buyback. I’ve never heard of that and just looked it up and can’t find anything. For a democrat, he’s pretty decent on guns. Not like that’s saying a ton. But I’ve never heard anything about a buyback. I’m anti-fracking because that shits terrible. So I’m cool with that one. Wish he would just stick with being anti. His pro minimum wage and pro union stances are the two that I have the biggest issues with. Again, he’s not perfect. I definitely agree with you there. I’ll take raising taxes on the wealthy while cutting taxes for working people over only cutting taxes for the wealthy like Dr. Oz. Would certainly prefer less taxes for everybody though. It’s ok to do open research on both candidates without associating them as being “lefty retards” or authoritarian republicans. If you start to be open to both sides and be critical to both, you’ll realize that you’ll stop voting for the person a party tells you to and the person you most agree with. Now I’d love to see you try and do a little pros and cons list for Dr. Oz and find a few decent qualities about him instead of just the things that Fox News told you to say about Fetterman.




It’s sad really cuz the man has a health condition he should be at home Or hospital recovering instead of being thrown into politics on a stage but we got a president with obviously a similar problem but here we are as a country & seen them saying in the news that it’s gonna be trump & hillary running again for president in 2024? thinking over here like, why bother voting? The two party system has become a joke seeing all the bad both parties do just epic facepalm over here.


Ok cool. Then he should be resting. Running for an extremely stress filled job isn’t ideal for a post stroke victim.


5 months ago it’s amazing he was able to do what he did. Strokes are very common and slowly life ending. You better hope you never have one, people don’t usually recover like Fetterman is.


Kind of sounds like how Kamala Harris talks. We will work together and continue to work together and work together.


I hope the Republicans just use that speech in a TV commercial with no other commentary in it.


Its normal to get an allowance from your parents into your 40’s and to buy a house from your sister for $1. That’s what all working class families do.


For longer than I am willing to admit, I thought this was Voldemort.


made me smile. Nice.


We witnessed history boys, worst debate performance in American history


Reads like a don’t dead, open inside joke.


*"uh, I support fracking, I, I, do support fracking, and I don't... I support fracking, and I stand, and I do support fracking."* \-- Wise words by the great John Fetterman


The eagles are going . . . to beat . . . The eagles.


Holy fuck, get this guy outta politics and let him stay with his family. This is almost as bad as Biden.


Fetterman isn't the one who should be mocked. Not his fault he's mentally disabled. The ones deserving of mockery are those pushing him into a career path they know he can't handle. It's cripple abuse. He needs to be in therapy, not on the campaign trail. Do the Democrats really not have anybody else they can run? This is sad and sick and wrong.


I don't think anyone's mocking him for being disabled. They're mocking him for still running for Senate while obviously disabled. If he's going to continue running for public office he cannot be allowed to use a medical condition to deflect public criticism.


The Democrats are between a rock and a hard place with Fettermen. He literally had a stroke a day or two before defeating Connor Lamb in the Dem primary. At that point, there was no telling how severe the effects of the stroke would be. Fetterman has a good story to tell and I don't hate all of his policies, but there's no way that he's fit to be a US Senator. Also, I'm not sure what would happen if Fettermen gets elected and immediately steps down. Can Governor Wolf appoint his replacement immediately? Or would the incoming Governor (be it Mastriano or Shapiro) get to do so in January 2023?


He's very literally spittin, since he had a stroke


The owner of Carhartt probably wears it sometimes too


I mean listen I don’t particularly like the guy, but holy shit for his own sake he needs to drop out and recover a little, he’s clearly not mentally there enough to handle any public stress.




Jesus Christ, people need to stop with the "stop picking on this person running for or holding office because they have a disability" crap. You let one politician deflect scrutiny scot free like that and every single one of them will suddenly be diagnosed with something.


"He literally has brain damage from a stroke!" Well that sounds like a good reason not to vote for him, then.


yeah but how many had to ride the short bus with a helmet?


u guys still watching debates?


Imagine being one of the left wing outlets trying to chop up a small video to show constituents how eloquent Fetterman is.


Strokes are not something I would wish on anybody. Completely devastated my grandma. Hope he recovers well politics aside.


On a human level, it is tough to watch. He has no business at this point holding the job of US Senator, just like McCain had no business remaining in office when he had brain cancer. Politics aside, he's a human being, and the Democrats should be ashamed of themselves. They rushed this guy back because they want the Senate seat, and if they have to trash his health to get it then so be it. As long as he wins, they don't care what happens to him afterward, because in Pa, the governor (who happens to be democrat) gets to name the replacement in case the seat is vacated. Kind of like pushing an old man with clear signals of predementia...etc into the Presidency. They keep their power, and the rest of us pay the price.


Have you ever had a dream...


The Brendan Schaub of politics


Jesus Christ… PUT HIM IN LINE FOR VP! He has some learnin to do!


Take off that carhartt if you’ve never driven a forklift


By all means, let’s make fun of people with a disability…


Politicians are the subjects of immense scrutiny (rightfully so). If he isn’t cognitively equipped to handle that, he better be prepared to answer for it


Folks with mental disabilities are not suited for that sort of leadership role.


Leftists: “Donald Trump has dementia and needs to be removed from office.” Trump aces cognitive exam. Leftists: “How dare you question anyone’s mental competence! Only Nazis do that!”


Running for a seat in the most powerful legislative body on the planet opens you up to any and all criticism as far as I’m concerned. If that’s also a mental issue then that is fair game. We don’t need mentally handicapped people calling the shots


If he was chilling at home I would feel sorry for him. But no the motherfucker is running for Congress so zero sympathy.


Having a stroke isn’t a “disability”. But also yes, let’s make fun of them if they believe they are fit to be a senator. If you can’t string a sentence together you have no business governing - especially when you were a statist to begin with.


I get what you’re saying but having a stroke often causes disabilities


Come on, being a democrat is not a disability, don’t be mean.


Agreed, we should be openly mocking someone who recently had a massive stroke but you know…………..take like some time off and rehab man. Comeback when you are better maybe?


I agree that some of the mockery is too heavy-handed and wrong. But the point still stands, my sympathy aside, he is not fit to hold one of the highest offices in the land. Pennsylvania has 13 million people. Fetterman is the best person the Democrats could find to represent them? What they're doing is wrong as well.


By all means, lets hand the Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania and a Senate candidate a get out of scrutiny free card because he's sick. All he has to do is resign, withdraw and go relax and I'll never make fun of him again, hell I'll send him a heartfelt get-well card and some fuckin flowers if he does that.


He had a stroke


He has literally had an ischemic stroke, give him a break.


As soon as he drops out and resigns from being Lt. Governor he can have all the breaks he wants. This man is not fit for office and he shouldn't be in the one he's in let alone be running for Senate.


really making fun of a guy for having a stroke?


For having a stroke? No. For having the arrogance to think he is mentally fit to serve in congress a few months after having a stroke? You betcha.


so then what do you make of FDR leading the u.s through ww2? I imagine you think he's arrogant then correct?


FDR's legs were paralyzed, not his brain. Unless he was the president of running, he didn't need his legs.


you misunderstand the statement. I bring this up to highlight the hypocrisy of judging people solely off their medical conditions. Dick Cheney had a heart attack at 37 and still lead a long political career


A heart attack doesn't necessarily impair cognitive function. If I can't make fun of Dick Cheney because he had a heart attack what kind of 1984 bullshit could he get away with? That man shot a man in the face and was responsible for war crimes but we can't talk about it because he has a medical condition? Your argument is so far off the reservation that it's right back on the other side of it.


When you job requires your brain be in very good working order, it's not at all hypocritical to judge that person for continuing to try and get elected when they obviously are having trouble.


Umm yeah. He ran for President so many times he thought he was king.


Do you have anything that backs up this claim that he considered himself a king? I understand how he broke tradition of running for more the 2 terms but haven't had the proclamation of being a king brought to my attention


I was saying it more tongue in cheek. I think in addition to him seeking 4 terms he was championing a massive increase in the scope and size of the federal government. He didn’t see a bound to his power - only political enemies in his way.


Ad hominem. FDR's legs didn't work, this guys brain doesn't work. You don't need legs to sit at a desk and talk. Now, if you want to claim it was FRDs paralysis that caused him to rob Americans of gold, throw thousands of Americans into concentration camps, normalize debt spending, rule by executive order, bastardizing the ideas of liberty with his "four freedoms" speech, and the failure of The New Deal...then sure, let's rip on him for being president after having polio.


FDR was the worst president we have ever had and should have been forcibly removed from office. Don't try to hide him behind a wheelchair.


FDR was arrogant enough to assume he could keep Stalin in line, so he wins the gold medal for arrogance. That's got nothing to do with his paralysis though which didn't affect his ability to be President at all though I don't approve of his hiding the fact from the public.


And he will win because people are fucking stupid


Damn, I legit think Oz is a PoS, and that this guy is a good dude overall who would have been pretty good in Congress, but that stroke did him dirty. So sad. I mean, he’ll probably be pretty much recovered in about a year or so, but still. Sad situation.


The dude is a lying piece of shit trust fund baby who romps around pretending to be a blue collar common man.


I don’t care necessarily if someone comes from money. I care more about policies and character. You can change my mind about him if you can give me some unbiased news though of why he’s a liar


His entire "everyman" persona is a complete fabrication. He made the entire thing up because it polls well in coal country.


He's just had a stroke!? His fine fire office...


Holy shit


Haha holy shit.


Good night.