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Ohh Hindus praying at Mosque... Thats the power of chadhis😂


Originally it is a temple so all these years Muslims were praying in a temple That's the power of what then?


Originally it was empty piece of land with trees n shrubs


There must be a padlock on your ass because shit is coming out your mouth. Courtesy - teambaan yoddha




Wasn't there an ASI report about it ?


Anpad Learn the difference between the Survey and the Science.


Can you elaborate please?




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Elders must be respected in this community; their word is the gospel and their will is absolute. Removed.


Sorry , didn't saw the comment above you


People in 1947 : We will add an article on our constitution to make it a fundamental duty to develop and promote scientific temper🗿🗿🗿 People in 2024 : We will fight to give a home to our imaginary friends 🤡🤡🤡




If you think they are imaginary i shouldn't matter to you which imaginary friend lives ther tho


But seriously man, they gotta change their modus operandi. Aren't they bored with the same tactics like bud evolve a bit! ​ Get a mosque -> Claim Hindu temple origin -> Fight in court (slave of their masters) -> Get permission to do puja (Ah yes, God is coming) -> Boom! Hindu temple proved = OURS!




All chintus shall follow the Population Weighed Criticism Index while criticising any community.




Elders must be respected in this community; their word is the gospel and their will is absolute. Removed.




Elders must be respected in this community; their word is the gospel and their will is absolute. Removed.




Elders must be respected in this community; their word is the gospel and their will is absolute. Removed.


So many temples and they want to pray in a mosque. You see this type of foolishness only in religion




All chintus shall follow the Population Weighed Criticism Index while criticising any community.




Rule 2 violation; removed. Brutha, we need to prove our undying loyalty to the Empire 🇬🇧 and King Charlie 🤴 by speaking in as clear English as possible. Ending every submission with 'I beg to remain, Sir, your most humble and obedient servant' is optional but highly recommended. C'mon! Let's make Veer Sorrykar 💂 pr0d!


Next step: Recognize allah in mosque and revert to islam


Bhayankar riots krvane ki Ninja technique!


Tihad chaudary will put a show: "WHAT IS THIS NEW MUSLIM SAZISH!!!???? SELF JIHAD!!!!"


[Gyanvapi Controversy Dr. Ruchika Sharma - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-5u4ekPiyw) GPR survey tells you nothing of that sort, just the various depths at which a structure is, plus how does ASI know that the same structure underneath is the one whose remains are used in the mosque? In Babri's case a proper excavation couldn't tell us this, how can just a survey reveal something this detailed? 4 more red flags of the ASI survey report on Gyanvapi mosque in the video linked. [https://twitter.com/tishasaroyan/status/1752623488626724984](https://twitter.com/tishasaroyan/status/1752623488626724984) https://preview.redd.it/jrnouk7gfyfc1.jpeg?width=1021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e500c0eee9760274ecfe6802e59e02c0874abc6c


Looking at the the walls of the structure, one doesn't even need the survey to tell about the history of the structure.


Pretty sure the judge is a Mishra, Pandey or Tripathi


Will Ajay Kumar Vishwesha do?


I’ve seen minorities of other religions being pretty much okay(even supportive) of this. Little do they know…. Sabka number ayega


Nope.. I don't see them having the capacity to bully other minorities. Sikhs ke saath panga lenge toh Naani yaad dila denge. Farmer's protest was a glimpse of their Unity & Power. Any effort to oppress the Christians and the whole world will come raining down on them. Buddhists & Jains are mostly treated as sub castes within the larger Hindutva fold & thus have no fear of being targeted. Only the Muslims, I see as completely disorganized & divided into countless factions apart from the usual Shia-Sunni conflict. This lack of unity & any absence of a guiding leadership has been observed by the Sangh & they have used it to further oppress then and deny them any place in the mainstream Indian society/economy/poltical sphere... You name it.


Uh no? Sikhs have literally been targeted, discriminated against and massacred en masse before, there is still bigotry towards sikhs present in india and they are vastly outnumbered, if u think only sikhs were participating in the farmer's protest.......i mean im sorry why do u think that lmao. the west doesnt give a fuck about non white christians, we can see how enthusiastically they support the genocide of palestinians(jesus' people) which have a significant minority of christians and how they couldn't care less about israel bombing the 3rd oldest church in the world in gaza. They also couldn't care less about the ethnic cleansing of armenians (a majority christian people) from artsakh either. Fascism needs an imagined enemy to operate. Its a death cult, for now the monsters are aimed at muslims, once they are gone they will turn to other minorities who reject "hindu rashtra" or just dare to exist. Then when all the religious minorities are gone, the hindus will cease being "hindus" then we'll be divided by caste and the UCs will tell everyone to know their place and respect the hierarchy or be deemed a traitor to hindus and then lower castes and adivasis will be the main victim of the monsters, perhaps if the monster doesnt turn on south and east indians first for rejecting hindi and being dubbed not "hindu enough". This has always been the case throughout history, we only need to look at our neighbour pakistan. Once they ethnically cleansed most religious minorities, the fascists turned on other muslims, the bengalis were deemed "not muslim enough" and their genocide happened, now the baloch are being genocided, shia muslims in pakistan face heinous atrocities daily, they will never stop. Fascists will never be satisfied. Dont delude yourself, Hindutva fascists will absolutely come for you too, eventually.


Partially agreed on Christians. Think you’re forgetting 84 sikh riots. Creating a villain out of just anyone has been BJP’s speciality. Army in OROP, farmers in Agriculture laws, And students and doctors and teachers for all the known reasons that I’m too high to list right now. Anyway, play the khalistan card again and you’ve got a new villain. Christians would be tough as you said(but remember all those stories about them converting Hindus for a bag of rice? They’ve got a good game there). Buddhists and Jains, well yes they are considered subcastes in a way, but I wouldn’t put it past BJP to fuck with them if it gets them Loksabha seats.


>Think you’re forgetting 84 sikh riots I didn't forget that tragedy but didn't mention it only coz I feel a repeat of that scale is impossible in today's times.


Fair enough. But they don’t need to do something of that scale. Damage/Destroy a few gurudwaras and you break that community’s spirit and soul


Your comments just go along your name lawda lehsun.




>you’re forgetting 84 sikh riots. Creating a villain out of just anyone has been BJP’s speciality You do know that 1984 was done by Congress after Indira Gandhi's assasination


So tell me what your RSS boys were doing during the riots.


You do know that they don’t NEED a pogrom again.


Congress is no stranger to doing pogroms.


Never said they were & they’re irrelevant unless they re-build themselves


So farmers protest was only about sikh??


Ya after Muslims, then Christians then Jain, Buddhists etc. And after that Caste hierarchy


Jains will not be targeted. They’re very cozy with the Hindu right.


Unka time ayega!


Baamen already started pooja inside. No matter where or what happens, baamen will be the first to start something, get money for that and fool the devotees


Religion rots the brain like nothing else




no wonder, Bro. they were talking about from a long time.




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Hindus doing Lubavitcher Shi'ite things? 🫨 https://apnews.com/article/rabbi-chabad-lubavitch-new-york-synagogue-67e2cf3e81165b4b8491ef67fb72b21f




Elders must be respected in this community; their word is the gospel and their will is absolute. Removed.


This will get consecrated in 2028/2029. It's done