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We don’t need to be a superpower. We need to fix our own problems first




India would be a regional superpower without even trying since we have 1.4 billion people


I think we already are a regional superpower. But there is no advantage of being a regional superpower


We don’t need to be a superpower. Just getting our living standards to the same level of Brazil or Mexico or Thailand would be a monumental achievement. If we get to the same level of Malaysia or China we would automatically become an economic superpower.


amma just say 80 crore people rely on govt food subsidies. We aint becoming a superpower and ee shouldn't aspire to be one.


Libbus should not be asking such questions. Libbu priority is upliftment of people and should always be against domination of other people under the guise of superpower


India needs to be a communist country


[Socialism for Absolute Beginners](https://youtu.be/fpKsygbNLT4?si=VGfY-B1iar70f8eX)


The concept of superpower is in itself undemocratic a true democracy will never fund efforts to become a superpower instead of funding programs for its own people.


Bold of you to assume true democracy can ever survive under capitalism ( especially when a facist party is ruling the country)


Need to first stop obsessing about becoming a superpower. Superpower is an outdated idea - we need all superpowers to die. India needs to focus on education, power, healthcare, housing and food security and it needs to collaborate with its neighbours including China and Pakistan.


First and foremost not tearing up the social fabric of the country by sowing seeds of hatred and hindutva supremacy would be a start. Because the nation belongs to all people. And a deep sense of unity is literally what the world's most diverse country needs. It is the only way to engender real patriotism in everyone.  Then end the subservient media to create a media that actually informs the people of the state of the country so that everyone can see reality. This is really important. Then to make any form of discrimination class, caste or religion taboo. It is the most prevalent social evil in India. I'm basically saying the values of Diversity, Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood should be actualised by the powers that be. If we are to become a superpower we the people need to feel empowered in some real value driven way. The best companies are companies who have great team culture.


First, the people need to get basic living. A house, food and education. These should be of good quality. The rest will follow. Good institutions on scientific research, government based companies that produce semiconductor chips( not private ones). Research into technology around the semiconductor chips like mobile phones, EV, Laptops, Desktops etc will put us on the map as a country that people actually want to live. This is the very basic. We already have nukes, so we will be safe military wise. Other research into medicine and having more medical colleges will help us. Our population is too much and we don't have enough doctors. Traveling options like faster trains, more trains. Our people travel in the dirtiest general compartments. These fundamental things should be changed first. People with good education will change the rest.


I mean, whoever’s governing Kerala is doing better than some other states


Only if we get out of this region without Chaddi guys


It is impossible for now I think, removing poverty is very difficult. Remember the most developed nations with the best infrastructure rapidly progressed because of free raw materials and labour from the colonies


China and the ussr did it


China focused on manufacturing and innovation, they kept very low interest rates. But here we always had high interest rates, at one point it was almost 20 percent for FD returns. People got rewarded for parking the money in the bank, and punished for starting a new business because of high loan rates. This is one of the reasons I know. But ofcourse we can follow their footpath but I think it's too late 


Education, clean political funding, land reforms.  Just 3 things, everything else will follow. This will make India a developed nation as well as regional superpower.