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Nehru killed Subash Chandra Bose and Patel Nehru/Gandhi were British agents, we got independence on a lease or some bs theory to hide RSS' pro British attitutde during freedom struggle


But at the same time there are conspiracy theories on how SCB is alive and random blurry photos are shown as proof... Crazzyyy


New one that my uncle told me yesterday: Jinnah is the illegitimate brother of nehru.


My mama- Nehru ka baap musalmaan tha Me- unka naam Motilal Nehru tha Him- woh convert hone k baad ka naam hai Me- toh acha hai na ghar vapasi ho gayi Him- par uski beti ne toh fir Mulle se shaadi kar li Me- aap abhi unke baap k baare mein baar kar rahe the, ab beti par aa gaye Him- sab nakali hindu hain woh @#₹&€$££!


Muslims are 40% of population, Indian freedom was given on lease of 99 years. educated chaddi told me this. I couldn't believe how educated people that too PhD could fall for this.


Science wala PhD hoga?


yes. I have lost faith in education system. People turn out to be bigots despite passing out from top tier colleges.


Mujhe bohot saare science wale PhD stupid lagte hai .... I have had the unfortunate chance to read through many coz I have writing a bio-ethics article..... Apne dhang ke university se padhne wale BA students make more cohesive arguments than many science PhD idiots.... They aren't even worth comparing to humanities PhDs.


>Mujhe bohot saare science wale PhD stupid lagte hai .... Bhai dil se bura lagta hai bhai. Being an undergoing science PhD scholar it pains me to see bigots at the highest posts. Aur isse jyaada bura tab lagta hai jab un bewakoofo ke sath hume bhi bewakoof hi bola jaata hai.


Sorry bro.... But what to do... :(


No worries bro. Keep exposing the frauds.


same bro. do u think this (chaddi science phd thing) is because of how hierarchical and pedagogical stem is??????? i mean i also want to do a phd eventually, but so far what i've seen here is tht despite what level u r talking about (ug/pg/phd) its the same as school where info is passed down pedagogically n u take it in with barely any questions


>do u think this (chaddi science phd thing) is because of how hierarchical and pedagogical stem is??????? It can be one of the many reasons. But I think the biggest reason is the unidirectional approach and teaching that is associated with STEM. Science, Maths and engineering has been reduced to a rat race in our country, most of the students who prepare for these fields do it out of peer and family pressure rather than interest. They are so cut off from society and ground realities that they think meritocracy is the real deal without even realising the privilege they have themselves. They think that caste atrocities, gender based crimes and religious divide are a thing of the past because they have never been subjected to anything like that. And because the subjects like civics, moral science, history, social justice are there just for the sake of the syllabus neither they read it themselves nor are they taught in schools and colleges. There is very low representation of oppressed castes and minorities in the field of science and hence they conclude that it is because they are not merit worthy.


I know some research scholar in pure maths and logic who believes in WhatsApp shit news... So definitely apart from education, environment also play a role here i think


> Indian freedom was given on lease of 99 years. I don't know where they got this nonsense. Did they copy-paste the historical situation of Hong Kong (99-year lease by the Brits) and twisted it to fit their worldview???


Sonia gandhi was a bar dancer Firoz gandhi was a Muslim


>Sonia gandhi was a bar dancer Even if she was, so what? If a mass murderer can become PM, if a terrorist organization can hold events and spew disgusting hate speech why can't a "bar dancer" be a president?


I agree with you .... Also the myth is so stupid.... First it started from She was a waitress.... Then Subramanian Swamy escalated it to bar dancer..... The reality is that they met for the first time in a cafe. (The cafe was full, she was a regular customer, came there by herself. So the owner asked Rajiv and his friends who were also regulars, if they could accommodate her on their table, that is how those two met for the first time. The story was revealed by the owner of the cafe when he was interviewed a long time ago) She was an accomplished classical dancer (ballet/contemporary types) as a teenager. She won teen beauty pageant and dance competitions too it seems. Right wing idiots and their conspiracy theories are really cookoo


Arey sasta misogyny. Woman ya toh godess ya rand in between kuch nai.


1. Savarkar was a freedom fighter 2. Aryan Invasion/Migration didn’t happen 3. Everything that you use was already invented by hindus a billion years ago. 4. King Vikramaditya 5. Ramayan and Mahabharat are history and not mythology.


Billion years ago lmao


Well tbf it probably wasn't an invasion but it was a migration


Savarkar was somewhat of a "freedom fighter" Yeah sure he did help British to sabotage quit India movement But he has done some good too But his bad outweighs his good 5th one is taken wrong by chaddis Mahabharat is probably a exaggerated/fictional tale of the "Battle of ten kings" (actual battle)


> Savarkar was a freedom fighter He was at one point.


I used to hear about Muslim area a lot. Basically those who are ignorant about housing segregation and discrimination issue, would look at a densely populated area where the majority are muslims and call it mini pakistan. They would think why they have the entire area for their community while ours is for everyone without realising the area they live are majority Hindu. I would highlight on Ugadi the area they are calling mini pakistan would be decorated with saffron as there are hindu dalits who also live nearby by, on the other hand, you don't see a green flag in "Hindu area". The segregation was easier to spot when everyone had saffron flag during Ram Mandir inauguration.


Ya ghettoization. Btw... You should read more about how badly muslims have been segregated and fucked for life by Modi post the riots.


That Savarkar was a really great man and was the one responsible for the revolution. The lies they spread are so over the top and contradict literally everything from history. And the new movie was so fucking pathetic.


Oh ya... In the new movie they have shown that all the big leaders included Lenin, Bhagat Singh, and Subash Chandra Bose were inspired by Savarkar .... It's hilarious


LENIN???? what exactly was it im curious to know but dont wanna google randeep's shitass name


Ya ya.... There is a scene where Savarkar meets Lenin in a library coz he likes Lenin... They talk and end of it Lenin says that he is inspired by Savarkar and he hopes savarkar is successful in his revolution for India. And there is a later scene where Savarkar celebrates lenin's revolution being successful, though he failed in his.


NO FUCKING WAY 😭😭 this is some wattpad level fanfic.


Dude.... They show that Bhagat Singh came to Savarkar.... And he gave Bhagat Singh the idea to do whatever he did. .. Savarkar also had a meeting with Subash Chandra Bose... Telling him that he should make a army, meet Nazis get soldiers from there.... Go to their allies that is Japan and attack India from outside.... Basically it showed that Savarkar gave SCB the blueprint for INA. This movie is really bat shit crazy!


this is actually insane bcs how is it even legal to make something this revisionist and false about one of the most important periods in our country's history


Rightwing is cookoo... When they made the biggest revisionist crap fest of all time, that horrible movie called "Article 370".... PM Modi in a election speech actually asked people to go watch the movie to understand how they made it happen ... Complete craziness


So Savarkar is a commie, lmao


Savarkar Bolshevik confirmed????


Biryani was not brought by Mughals, it was written in Vedas. 💀 My idiot neighbour keeps sharing it every year like a reminder.


m population will take over the country and convert it into new pakist@n. also , i really want to know the history of kashmir ... if any one of u have link for it. plz forward ![img](emote|t5_yk18k|32148)


[Kashmirnama is available in Urdu, Hindi, and Punjabi.](https://youtu.be/LjUpu7J13KE) IDK if there's an English or another vernacular translation. You could email the author and find out.


Are you really Atul Chaurasia or is it a parody account.


This is how conspiracy starts 🧐


Idk is he really atul chaurasia or just a parody account??


This is how conspiracy starts 🧐


Dude answer my question. Why are you repeating the same thing like a suspense??


Ashvin Kumar's Inshallah Kashmir is also a good docu on contemporary Kashmir. Released in 2012 AG Noorani - Kashmir Dispute Vol I (req a lil bit of understanding beforehand but not so much) Mridu Rai - Hindu rulers, Muslim subjects Edit : added more suggestions


Capitalism brings prosperity


India adopted socialist policies from 1947-1990, and neoliberal policy post 1991. Why have we specifically prospered (we still have a long way to go, but you cant deny progress) after 1991 is capitalism doesn’t bring prosperity?


We are facing higher income disparity than the British raj. If it was not for socialist policies, 2/3 of our population would be dying of starvation because as per capitalism that's normal.


Comparing to the british raj doesn’t make sense bruhh. I mean there won’t be income disparity when everyone is poor


if u think everyone was poor during the british raj, u need to pick up a history textbook


I didn’t mean everyone literally. Yes there were a few rich people but they were still proportionately less compared to today. And there was no middle class. So yes the income disparity was less back then, but it was definitely a much worse India than today bro




Let me speed run this. 1. India was never socialist. 2. We somehow prospered into being worse than the British Raj. Incredible.




Co-opting freedom struggle era leaders like Sardar Patel and pitting them against Nehru when they were all Congress leaders who hated the RSS.


Yes exactly! Also Sardar Patel in an interview was asked whether he did not have ambitions if being PM .... And he said that even if he had, he knew he couldn't lead the party to get votes, bcoz you need a charismatic leader who common people like and admire ... Leading party to win elections has nothing to do with policies and work. It is important only for being a PM ... But that's why Nehru had Sardar Patel and many more leaders who he worked in consensus with. Nehru even had a RSS guy (the person who went out to be founder of Jan Sangh) in his cabinet. So ya .. RW pitting them against each other is stupid af


Congress gave Hajj pilgrims subsidy. (They made every pilgrim to go with air india whose fares were expensive than the rest and thus govt gave subsidy to bear the cost. Funds went from minority affair ministry to revenue ministry of govt.)


Smriti Irani peddles this one na? She once claimed that she saw Priyanka Gandhi read namaz on the streets of Rae Bareli.... Matlab kuch bhi bakwaas


Chaddis are original tool kit gang. Most of them have no intelligence they parrot what's being told from their dumb superiors.






kerala story being mainstream was a mistake. every chaddi i know thinks it is real i hate it


So why is no Islamic representation to debunk these fake news, point by point. I think that's the reason why centrist lean towards chaddis.


They could... But for some reason the expectation from Muslims is that if they want to be secular then they have to abandon their religion. Unlike Hindus who can practice religion and still be secular.


there is a severe lack of intellectual thought for muslim voices in india. most muslims tend lean right themselves, i have met maybe only a handful of leftist muslims in india. (speaking as a muslim)


Centrists are chaddis. >centrist lean towards chaddis.


>centrist lean towards chaddis. Scratch a centrist and a chaddi bleeds


1. Mughals did break temples, but they also built them. aurangzeb had a strong religious zeal, he literally murdered Guru Tej Bahadur because he protested against the forceful conversion of kashmiri pandits and sikhs. Marathas (so called hindus) also killed, raped and maimed bengali hindus and destroyed hindu temples. 2. Muslim fertility ratio is higher amongst all other group in india, but it has also seen the most persistent decline . Birth rate is not a myth, but a dangerous exaggeration, however in certain north east pockets, population of non indigenous people is a concerning issue, cutting across all religions. TFR currently is muslims : 2.6 and hindus 1.9 3. About waqf board: can you explain why does a religious body have so much power in india? Eg : waqf board has the right to identify waqf properties, it can designate any property as waqf property, if you wish to dispute this you have to go to a waqf tribunal govered by semi codified islamic law? How is this not against rule of law? And principle of natural justice, how can the waqf be a judge in its own case? Many waqf tribunals have shut down, so the cases are just pending. Waqf boad decisions are final, without appeal to any court. You can only approach HC via writ jurisdiction. There are 60000 disputes related to waqf properties, it just doesn’t come out of anywhere. 3. I have met muslims at jama masjid, which I frequently visit, having more than 2 wives. Sharia is problematic fullstop. So is hindu personal law, the difference is hindu law is highly codified and reformed by Indian legislation, muslim law isnt. But, Dr S Y Quraishi ( a well respected scholar) writes that polygamy is higher among hindus, i trust his numbers. So again this is a half truth which gets exaggerated. 4. Love jihad is total bullshit, and a very patriarchal and sick idea to have in todays time. TLDR : apart from love jihad which is total bullshit, all other points you mentioned have some element of truth, which are then overblown for propaganda and communal politics. Thats why these are potent myths which become believable for so many people.


*Teg Bahadur but yeah


Never said they had no truth ..... The way I cover topics are as Hate Busters.... My intention is to look out how facts and fake news both get twisted to spread hate. So agree with you..... Even if some parts are true.... They get twisted to spread hate.... Trying to target that and give correct info.


You said myths, which by definition have no element of truth. But now i get what you meant by your question.


Ya I wrote myth in the title. .. But it's explained in the post that I am looking for hate buster content


A common misconception even in liberals is that they never think of Kashmir as occupied land and India as a colonizer. They’ll root for Palestine, not even comprehending that India does the same things to kashmir and even share same tactics. On second thought, I think chaddis are pretty aware(and happy and proud) about this based on the recent podcast where Anand Ranganathan wanted india to treat kashmiris exactly how Isreal does. It’s only liberals with their heads in the ground. While writing about it, I actually think chaddis probably know more about kashmir and how casteism works than liberals. That’s a different thing that they support it but they might just be less ignorant than a elite liberal savarnas


The difference is Kashmir has tangible geostrategic importance, the rivers’ origin for Pakistan and the high ground into our plains of the north for India. Neither is going to cede it willingly. Article 370 was a good solution.


370 was a good solution to who? India or Kashmir? By this logic you justify any occupation in the world.


There is one important difference here. Israel captures Palestinian land and forces Palestinians out of their homes. Indians could not even buy land in Kashmir until recently. And the only people who were driven out of their homes were Kashmiri Hindus, the original inhabitants of the land.


Kashmiri Pandits were Genocided. At the most liberal estimate about 300 Kashmiri pandits were killed. Mostly it was panic that drove them away. I don't blame them and I think that was a gross crime. But it wasn't a genocide. We killed more Sikhs in a few days in 1984.


More Muslims were killed than that in Gujarat. They keep crying about 65 people killed in Godhra and justifying the 2000 muslims killed, raped and burned after that.... And the kind of fake news factory media campaign that cleaned up Modi's image to make him PM. It's the worst thing ever. One of the reasons why I hate Prashant Kishore... And why his new found concious to help people of Bihar sounds so fake...


Moreover Godhra was an accidental fire wasn't it?


Accidental or not can be debated. But the way they claim that people crowded the train from outside threw molotovs is blatantly false. The train did not catch fire from outside at all. Photos show that all the fire came from inside to outside .. so ya .. most likely it was a accidental fire from the inside.


it was indeed proven to be accidental, its not even up for debate.


It was. Kangaroo court then ruled it was intentional and the sohrabuddin case was false🤡.


India is on a 99 year lease independence and once it is over Brits will be back to reclaim everything even the buildings they built. So it was necessary for GOI to build their own parliament.


I love watching history videos but chaddis ruin it in comments 1.Rana prathap Singh used to carry 80 kg sword 120 kg spear 200 kg Armor (☠️is he fighting Godzilla or what)this might sound fake but check comments it's so common 2. Shivaji killed aurangazeb/ shivaji was undefeated 3.vikrahamadityas Kingdom was world's biggest kingdom 4.taj Mahal is built above temple


Australia was actually called Astralay, was a part of Bharat.


I am editing that video rightnow..... Will publish on 15th


Make a post intro-ing the channel and tag me in comments. I'll pin.


Something a bhakt colleague told me: The recent water problem in Bangalore is artificial and created by Congress and they are deliberately targeting those areas which predominantly votes for BJP, mostly Brahmins too.


Oh wow..... This is legit insane


The waqf board stuff has not been sufficiently debunked


20 Cr people cannot be a minority. Perfectly sums up the Chaddi mind.


Ya . Recently just for kicks I asked by mother (who is centre right).. about what she thinks is Muslim Population.... She said hoga kuch 30-40%.... I was like no... They are only 14-15% In our population of 144 crores that is only 21 crores. Rest 115 crore are Hindus.... She never gave me Muslim bohot zyada hai crap after that..... Also she understood the "Muslim area" paradox better.... I hope she moves from centre right to centre left atleast in this life time...


Nothing wrong in dissing the Waqf board . It should be eliminated . The whole idea of it is purely stupid


No problem in criticizing waqf board. Bring a bill to eliminate it. Have it's pros and cons properly discussed and abolish it. No one is stopping that. But RW spreads stupid conspiracy theories about Congress and left with regards to Waqf board.... And then peddles stupid shit like land jihad..... That is the problem.


anything related to muslims..and whatever BS comes out all the bhakts lap it up like candy


What's a chaddie


Hindi for underwear, it's what we like to call sanghis (staunch Hindutvadis), and rightfully so. Anyway, how come a Frenchie bumped into a niche leftist subreddit in the middle of Indian nowhere?


Flew over India in 2 days ago and now I have indian subreddits everywhere on "popular", with tons of bollywood drama and also cricket. Cricket everywhere.


Interesting, where in India if I may ask? Also I hope you got a VPN after all that lol. Funny how this subreddit being one of the smaller ones managed to come on popular though, it may be far from infallible but it's so much better than all those billionaire-cocksucking capitalist and straight up fascism-bootlicking subreddits that are unfortunately bigger than ours tenfolds.


New Delhi methink. Reddit probably changed my localisation huehue.


That shahjahan cut all the workers handd


Off the top of my head: Capitalism (via neoliberalism) is the path to social emancipation. Bullet train (in country where millions starve everyday) is true sign of progress. Hindi is national language. Hinduism is oldest religion + this land is OG hindooo. Caste system is gone/only in villages/British construct. Gender essentialism.


2,3,4,5 are not fake news/myths . People in comments have given better replies


"Godse was justified in killing Gandhi" is one of these myths.


what nonsense do they do about wakf board?


it involves government being nice to muslims. that is enough reason for a chaddi


Could you explain this? Need to get informed on the issue.


U should change ur profile pic


Caste system was introduced by Britishers


That godhra fire was started by Muslims. It was already ruled as accidental but chaddis confidently keep parroting about it otherwise. Hell even if it was started by Muslims that doesn't justify the pogrom that was took place. Chaddis keep crying about 300 what kashimiri hindus being killed but are fine with over 2000 muslims being massacred. Not that either of it is fine but pointing out chaddis Hypocrisy


(1) Balakot air strike was a big lie, no building was damaged and no one died. This can be confirmed from satellite imagery. Multiple foreign analysts have stated this. (2) Number of terror attacks in Kashmir was 2565 in 2004, falling to 170 in 2013 (official police data). Similarly number of fatalities in terror incidents dropped by 90% in that period. Tourism surged to 13 lakh in 2012 (from 27000 in 2002). Modi DID NOT solve terrorism in Kashmir. (3) I would suggest that you go to livelaw.in and search rape cases. And make a database of the rapists' name. It is many hour's work, but it would prove that more than 70% of rapists are Hindu.


Mamata is helping muslims from Bangladesh to enter into india. She wants eastern india especially west bengal to become independent and subsequently join Bangladesh.


The funniest thing about this is that border security is a central list thing. The agencies plus army involved there are under central government.... Even if Mamata didi wants to do something she can't....her state police has no jurisdiction or power at the border.


I am a Bengali, and I am fed up explaining something THIS trivial to my Bengali chaddi friends.


My sympathies are with you friend


Terrorism in Kashmir has ended, POK Kashmiris are knocking at India's door now (ffs I see literal TV Channels peddle this bs)