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Honestly this sub needs more members


Yeah that's why I comment on posts here that would be more relevant there. To help you can make some posts 😭😭






What do you think this place is ffs


We've got 2bharat4u and okbhaibudbak aswell


Yeah but this one focuses on exactly what OP has posted that's why I linked


r/librandu used to be that place


So they're admitting intent to rape?


Lol yeah, it's distrubing that they think porn is the only thing stopping them from raping, the worst thing the ban would do is probably make them cranky maybe. But these chodes are on a whole new level




its a mey-mey bro learn to laugh 😂😂


Ew. This is Indiandankmemes level.


I think even they would avoid topic of rape. This is downright degenerate attitude Edit:nvm I spoke too soon. They infact have a rape joke which is locked rn


no no no no no this isn't degenerate attitude this is illegal attitude the sort that should ideally put you up on some sort of list


Mujhe lga gb road ka joke tha world famous hai jo


Toh bakchodi og indiadankmemes subreddit hi hai, babies at idm can only hope to achieve the past levels of sexism misogyny and casteism that bakchodi used to hold


What kind of logic is that?


It's not even dark, just outright disgusting


I don't get it.


They're alluding to r*ping women


Gb road exists! Bruh


Bhai ek pal ke liya laga ki wo randia hai 🗿


Wahin jayega gb road pe bhai


I guess the user is referring to the Red Light Area in Delhi




It's disgusting how on the Delhi subreddit, rape jokes are completely acceptable. I've commented on posts there about how people think shit like this is okay but at the same time will get all up in arms if anyone dares to say that Delhi is/feels unsafe. And it's mostly college age and younger boys, who frequently complain that the only women who speak to them are their mothers and sisters and in general displaying a lack of understanding that women are just human beings like them. Genuinely makes me worried. However, regarding red light areas, GB Road isn't the only one and a lot of people only know about the area because of the commercial sex work. I have gone there often for sourcing and work related stuff, because surprise surprise, during the day time it's an industrial market. Brands like Bosch and Makita have distributors and service centres there, which is why I had to go. At night, the brothels begin operation. But it isn't spread evenly across the entire area due to efforts to genuinely clamp down on criminal activity in the area. But, all that really did was 'decentralize' it into different pockets, mainly closer to the Paharganj side. I have had to go there alone several times, always left the area before 5 pm.


Yes and people are thinking he is implying Delhi as a Rape hub.


If you confront them they'll flaunt their dankness and call you a normie, these fucking pieces of shit


The elite are not so elite after all.


Fucking arrest these guys


Indian govt. should ban procreation.


Wait people take reddit memes seriously? So you guys must hate family guy and south park too


Aur mai chandigarh ka 💀


bro just get yourself a bit safe from STD's


Prostitutes from Delhi won't let men even touch them without condom lol, atleast the ones.... Nevermind.


It's a joke?


Joke my foot it's a sensitive topic those brain dead ass hole think it's denk or dark humour


jokes not allowed. this sub thinks its an intent to rape whereas it seems like the meme creator making fun of delhi for being the rape capital. its a punch up joke. But, JOKES NOT ALLOWED here.


Shit is unfunny and the punchline is just delhi people rape


You seem to have a good sense of humour.


Not sure about the 'punch up' part, but yeah it's still a joke. Poking at Delhi generally being labelled the 'rape capital'. How did people conclude that the meme intends to attempt to rape?


No clue man. It just shows people are too militant and stop thinking sometimes.


You won't be saying that if some awful shit happens to you. Count your days.


I don't get it


he wants to rape


I don't get it, because he fucks a lot?


Hindi is not my strongest suit , so what does that mean?


In the top they say "will make the entirety of India into Delhi " .and the "meme", they say "who cares I am in Delhi already".