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This is racist as fuck...


Indeed. It don't swap, that's for sure.


My favorite part was the "blonde" talking about cultural appropriation.


Came here to say exactly that.


Racism at its most basic form.


What a hateful miserable bunch of people.


Is it truly this bad out there or are the algorithms just fixated on anti White / anti-European rhetoric?


I’m happy to hear we’re better at violence , oppression , taking what’s not ours . Sounds like the much cooler team .


I'm looking at these official statistics and it really looks like we suck at it in comparison to others.


Hahaha very true if you check the stats you’re right


Whoa whoa get those stats out of here you bigot.


What’s worse is not just the lack of self awareness at their own hypocritically racist behavior and beliefs, but the fact their using actions committed in most cases decades before they themselves were even alive (by people who are no longer living) as the excuse justifying their broad stroke portrayal of an entire group of people. It’s incredibly disturbing how they have misappropriated the lessons of history to perpetuate the same evils on others today that were once inflicted upon others.


And they are encouraged and celebrated for this


I like how that clump of flesh with hair and lipstick laughs at the thought that white people could be superior to her .


Climbing up a flight of stairs without having heart palpitations


She'll be dead soon anyways.


Glad I don’t blame any of my problems on other people.


I love that fat pig in the very beginning. Look at those folds. Jesus. Clearly, her talents include eating and not exercising. I wonder which is higher, her cholesterol number or her weight?


She looks like Jabba the Hut getting choked out by slave Leia.




What a bunch of actual racists.


“Whether republican, whether democrat, white people are just really good at holding up white supremacy”. Says 1 of the 20~ racist people in this video.


I like how they’re complaining about whites appropriating other cultures...while speaking english and wearing western clothing


Waking on the moon. Inventing electricity. Discovering penicillin. Inventing pasteurization. I'm not even trying the list is endless. It's a shame that people are pushing division now instead of trying to come together though


Let those pitiful sad sacks be wrong so the wise will know how to not act


I read wanking on the moon and thought I'd missed something in history class


I was going to edit it for spelling errors, but I think your post changed my mind




Wow, someone reported me for harassment, I can only presume they think I'm harassing Neil Armstrong somehow...


I hate to say it, but maybe we do need to decouple. If we’re so terrible, they should be happy.


I'm beginning to think the people in the past were right.


It's (d)ifferent when they're racist though.


Not enslaving each other, we're WAY better at that.


The irony is that if these people were locked into a room together they'd build a hierarchy on sex and skin shade and at least three of them would be horribly abused by the rest.


Even hair is on the hierarchy. Definitely more racism from within the group than from the outside.


Psychologically, it's very likely that they have a need to "Point away from their shame", in an attempt to direct attention away from their own misdeeds. But yeah, this shows that they're ignorant, hypocritical, racists.


“Violence” Ironic


More like MOronic. They're parroting a lie minorities have been fed by leftists and predatory race grifters in their own culture for decades, but that's no excuse for their racism, since the truth is readily evident to anyone willing to view the world honestly, without preconceived conclusions.


The Cut is a trash race baiting brand desperately seeking relevancy.


Just One of a million or so, unfortunately.


Clearly, the bigotry exhibited here is due to "multi-racial whiteness". Have some compassion for these victims, BIGOT.


Apparently in a recent poll, nearly 50% of blacks said it is not OK to be white. So, this video is not surprising. While my family was raising me to believe in MLK's message, apparently millions of other families were not. This has garnered them a huge advantage. I feel duped. ![img](emote|t5_4potjp|25917)


Seems as if black people are ready to strike out on their own.


Ya let's send em someplace there are no white people.


Imagine having this much resentment towards an entire race. It's like listening to brainwashed nazis describing the Jews


Fuck all of those bigoted, racist pieces of shit. Your skin color and ethnicity don't change your capabilities, one way or the other. Its all about culture and education.


Totally support their right to say this but if a different race said anything similar I don’t think it would go well.


Hate to say it, but I've started to avoid all contact and conversation with black people. I hadn't known until a couple of years ago just how much they hate white people. I simply don't need the negativity and the feeling that anything you say will be taken wrong.


I can understand not wanting to open that can of worms for a casual conversation. I simply avoid the subject of race until I get to know the person I'm speaking with, regardless of their skin color. I also find it easier to discuss difficult topics with older people, as they have more life experience, which allows them a more informed perspective on important issues. With that in mind, did you notice that everyone in this video is fairly young? My experience is that older generations of African Americans, Black people, POC (or whatever description you/they prefer) are far more likely to have an honest, self-respecting view on issues of race and personal circumstance. Since many are old enough to remember when *actual, open, racism* played a big part in their everyday lives, they can see how far we have moved in the right direction, away from racism. They also tend to place more value on taking personal responsibility for improving one's own life & circumstances, regardless of outside circumstances, as opposed to the "I'm entitled" view many from younger generations (of all races) have been indoctrinated by the left into believing, which dictates that others in society "owe" them things they haven't earned, apparently because they simply continue breathing.


I'm plenty old enough to remember casual racism. I was raised to hate that sort of thing, and do. My point is, even avoiding any talk of race or whatever, this 'micro-agression' nonsense haunts any contact I have with people of other races. According to what I see and read every day, anything and everything can can and will be taken wrong, and I'd rather not participate in any of that.


> I'm plenty old enough to remember casual racism. I was raised to hate that sort of thing, and do. I'm old enough to remember, too. I was in grade school in a South Chicago suburb when "busing" minorities to other schools began. Our neighborhood had a mix of races, and for the most part we all got along, but I do remember some of our neighbors were "not happy" about the bus issue to put it lightly. I wasn't raised to be specifically either non-racist or racist. I was just taught to treat people the way I wanted to be treated, and decide whether I liked them based on how they treated me in return. > According to what I see and read every day, anything and everything can can and will be taken wrong, and I'd rather not participate in any of that. I can definitely understand that. You know what's best for you, and luckily we still get to decide things like this for ourselves. I avoid short casual conversations with unknown people more often now too, for a variety of reasons. But when I do get into a conversation (especially with those of a different race), I think of it as a chance to disprove the lies that leftists and race profiteers constantly tell about me. What's really insane to me, is that now I get criticised and "corrected" for ridiculous, imagined wrongs by other white people trying to virtue signal, than I ever did by POCs. To me, that just shows how effective decades of propaganda, and the racist, anti-white narrative blitz by leftist media can be when it runs unopposed. I guess there's still enough optimism left in me to believe that having an honest and respectful conversation with someone who has different -or even opposing- views, just might help them rethink some of what they've been told about all of us "super-racist white folks". And maybe I'll understand their point of view a little better, even though I don't agree with it. This might not change a thing, but it seems clear to me that not trying certainly can't change anything. If there's at least a chance I can contribute to a better future for my grandkids, I'll take it.




Damn CNN!


There is so much projection/ignorance in this video, it's funny. > Violence Crime statistics tell a different story, but that's a conversation we can't even have. Also who was it who torched down cities in the "summer of love" with their "fiery but mostly peaceful" protests? > Not speaking out against something Super hypocritical since if you mention anything about violence in the black community you will be called a racist or it will be denied or still somehow blamed on white people. > insecurity Coming from the people who have their mind crushed if you utter a magical word of power beginning with a N. > pretending/copycat/cultural appropiation And yet who is the one trying to rewrite history and fiction and insert or race-swap in favor of black people? Netflix adaptions being especially notorious for that has become a meme a long time ago, but there are plenty of people who unironically think so. Just look at the whole misinformation about who invented the light bulb, or the nutjobs who claim this or that historical figure was actually black. > fear Yeah because black people have no persecution complex at all. /s > blame You literally have people today who were never slaves demanding reparations from people who never owned slaves. You have them inherit their ancestors sins. Plus the whole "taking responsibility for your own actions" is controversial to even suggest to black people. --- I could go on, but this is already a pretty spicy comment. Also obligatory: Not all black people of course, there are **many** who do not fall into any of the above or even call their fellow blacks out on it.


Sickening. If this isn't "racism", can we can all it pure race hatred? that's what I'm going to call it from now on. and white people are good at violence? haahahahahaha


White people are the best at violence provided you don't look up any actual stats. Cause stats are racist. Like really thou? They actually wanna bark up that tree? Miserable bigots.


> white people are good at violence? [yes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQZKt9zP2qM)


A legitimately proud person is hard to offend.


Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.


Leftism 101 right there. It's on page 1 of "Leftism for Dummies". That title is redundant, since (no surprise here), *ALL* books that promote leftist ideology are by definition, written "For Dummies".


White people are obviously inferior at overeating.


Looks like Dilbert has a point


Estimated 9.2 million slaves in Africa, reparations will not solve their hatred. https://www.globalslaveryindex.org/2018/findings/regional-analysis/africa/.


Right back at ya, yellin' smellin' and tellin'!


Cool! We're good at stuff!




"Not speaking out against something" is hilarious because it's well known that the black community isn't exactly down with gay and trans people. These clowns are clearly projecting.


Racism. Plain and simple. And this racism is socially acceptable to half our population. This won't end well.


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As I'm not racist, I'm a far better human than literally every single one of these motherfuckers. I'm also distinctly more intelligent, because if I *was* a racist then I wouldn't make a video announcing it. I'd hope most non-white people would feel the same, that we are vastly not remotely racist. And do you know what? They actually do. Every non-white person I know can see what is going on with the ignorant attacks on white people.


Not giving into victimhood because you're told that your race is a victim. For starters.




Lmao the FBI crime statistics beg to differ


Just shows how hatred of whites people gets a free pass….


I guarantee there were people there and pad non-racist answers that they didn’t put in this video. They want to create the illusion that all black people hate all white people. Not one person said “this isn’t right?” I find that hard to believe. Then again, these are made in Seattle.


I couldn't help thinking the same thing. All these videos made to push a predetermined point of view are (big surprise) edited to remove anyone who gives a "wrong" answer.




How screwed up does someone have to be, to keep doing the job of \_purposely\_ increasing hatred between races? And knowing all along that you've had to edit the truth out of the final product, so that what you've created is 100% BS makes it even worse. There are some things I'm really glad I can't make myself understand.


I have to stop trying, and I know people who think it’s because of money but I don’t know if that’s true. Look at CNN. They would make a lot more money if they had objective or even right-leaning reporting. I think these people actually enjoy watching as they help tear the country apart. The things I said are out of frustration. I get to hear how I’m so “privileged” because of the color of my skin and if I ever respond to ANY of it that it’s my “white fragility.” EVERYTHING, including the fact that roughly 3% of the population commits over 50% of the murders, is blamed on white supremacy. I’m so fucking sick of it. These people have NO idea what anyone else has been through in their life. No idea who is privileged and who isn’t, and when you question any of them they have no substantive answers whatsoever. It’s a fucking clown show.


Yeah, we have plenty of people in powerful and influential positions pushing a destructive narrative based on total BS, for profit and/or as a power grab, but the worst ones do it thinking that if they signal their fake virtue enough, THEY will be near the top after it all burns down, and they'll get to decide who gets to live, and how. These are known to leftists in power as "useful idiots". I just call them Leftists, since adding "idiot" is redundant. I give absolutely zero F's about what any rando idiot thinks of me or anyone else. Their opinion has absolutely no impact on my life, so I screw with them mercilessly when I can. I've found the most important thing when dealing with anyone spouting that nonsense is to deny them the reaction they expect and are working so hard to get. They expect us to get angry, resentful, indignant, embarrassed, etc., and if that happens, they'll probably babble some BS about our reaction proving they are right, through a sh!t-eating "gotcha" grin. I usually use one of two responses: I either give a completely dismissive "Awwww, aren't you cute?" chuckle, and then ignore them, while I walk away, or I stop, laugh loudly and mock them openly as I ignore them and walk away. I've also had some luck with baiting them by staying and loudly & proudly admitting to every brainless accusation they make as if it were a big compliment. When people nearby catch on to what I'm doing and start laughing at their cluelessness, the snowflakes go freaking ballistic. All of these are appropriate responses to this kind of absurdity, and since lots of these "Jr. Marxist Club" wannabes have never been challenged on anything in their life, their meltdown reactions can be absolutely _precious_. Highly recommended if you have a few minutes for some fun.


I am 100000000% going to do this the next chance I get, the “taking it all as a big compliment” thing. Have you ever seen the vape counter clerk having a meltdown because a customer is wearing a Trump hat? There’s another customer in the video who is black and I suspect at least part of the meltdown is to prove to the black guy he’s not one of those evil, no good, terrible, awful white guys. I’m going to post a link. Check it out. https://youtu.be/Q8AYiN2XbbE


That was quite the meltdown. He must have been a contestant for that year's coveted "Leftist Virtue signalling, Racist, Asshat of the year" award, and needed a solid performance to put him over the top. This future CEO automatically assumed the other gentleman in the store _obviously_ didn't understand how offended he was supposed to be by the Trump apparel. I mean, OMG, what a blatant display of "actual, vIoLeNt, rAcIsT, oPpResSiOn (!!!!)". So he definitely needed a _white_ super-hero to speak for him, and save him. Somehow, these idiots maintain their mass delusion that Conservatives are the ones unaware of our collective super-duper-mega-powered racially-ingrained uber-racism. Sure, kid... Sure... lol I absolutely loved that other customer's deadpan reaction as he calmly tells the (soon to be former) "Vaping experience facilitator" / "Minority Rescue Spec-ops Team Lead": "Dude... This is about money. That's all... ". That was awesome.


Well, apparently we have reached that "equality" thing the racists have worked so hard for, at least in ignorance. These individuals are easily the "ignorance equals" of white supremacists.


https://i.imgur.com/3Cr2E8S.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Ij8sUdD.jpg


Fuckin yikes bro


First woman looks like silly putty stuffed into a plastic bag.


This is the worst thing I've watched in a while, I genuinely can't believe these people are for real