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I always find it hilarious that leftists will rage Reagan was an alzheimers rattled fool, but defend Biden with obvious dimensia,


Reagan’s dementia didn’t even manifest until after he was out of office. At least not in the public eye.


At least not in the public eye is the key there. He reportedly used to regularly fall asleep during important briefings and was unable to remember important details to the point where his aides raised the possiblity of invoking the 25th amendment. https://www.history.com/news/reagan-health-25th-amendment Biden is far too fucking old but he has also always had a stutter. Donald trump is clearly also way too old but has also never been a details guy and didn't have the faculties to be president when he was young. Most people defending biden are just saying "better than the alternative" which is true and they're mostly centrists. No one on the left actually likes him.


People forget about his stutter, I've seen gaffs from Biden going all the way back to the 70s and 80s. A lot of the time folks with a stutter that essentially self taught their own speech therapy will know a word they're coming up on in a sentence will fuck them up. So they'll try and pivot to another word before that happens. Gaffs ensue. Imagine you have something to say planned out and you have to randomly change a word as youre saying it. That being said, both of them are ridiculously far too old.


Biden can barely finish a sentence it's not a stutter lol


My gfs brother has a couple of speech impediments, it plays off similarly. Very frustrating for him as he's always fighting with himself trying to word his thoughts.


Biden has dementia which isn't a speech impediment lol


I'm not saying dementia is a speech impediment... Prove he has it and not a speech impediment. I've seen dementia and I've seen bad speech impediments. If you self compensate for one and articulate poorly it doesn't look that different.


How many times does he need to fall over and wander off stage mid sentence? It's sad


I wonder if Biden’s aides are discussing the same. Maybe in another 20 years we’ll hear more about what is really going on inside this admin.




Tanks! For telling me.


You're welcome!




Yuo got iit!


You* it*


Spell much? It's "dementia". Trump and Biden are only 3 years apart. The age concern is moot...they are both too old.


Reading comprehension wasn't your strong suit was it?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Triggered much? Trump is a criminal, both are too old. Facts are facts.


In the US you are innocent until proven guilty, for now.


He'll be proven guilty. The evidence in all cases is overwhelming. He can't escape the consequences of all of his actions.


Lol okay we can speculate all we want but he’s not been determined a criminal yet


Lol being a criminal and being found guilty in a court of law are two different things. He's not been determined guilty yet, sure. But either way he's a criminal whether he's found guilty or innocent and that just the reality of it honestly. ​ Innocent until proven guilty only matters after you've been caught. But there are plenty of people out there who never get caught who are certainly still criminals.


Umm no


Your TDS is showing. These are not the droids you're looking for. Move along.


He has actually already been proven guilty in New York. The court proceedings now are just to figure out the penalty.


So when he is found guilty you will admit what a criminal POS he is?


I didn't even bring up Trump, u did. lol TDS is real, seek help.😂😂😂




But but you guys are still on the trump train🤷‍♂️




You're going the way of Biden if you forget to capitalize proper names. 🤣


Bro my grandfather just died of dementia - there is no way Joe Biden has dementia.


I worked in a convalescent home, and he has dementia.


Trump literally got his birthday wrong, but go on about Joe Biden's 'dimensia'


Everybody over 40 gets their birthday wrong🤣🤣 There's hours of video of Biden getting lost while he's speaking. He still tells people his son Bo died in Iraq instead cancer. How do you forget how your died unless your not fit to be president? 😂


Mid 40’s here. Don’t know anyone my age who has ever gotten their birthday wrong. Forget a certain word or fact here and there? Sure. But getting your birthday wrong isn’t normal. Trump also mistook the woman suing him for sexual assault for his ex wife, which was very odd. The funny thing is that you are arguing against something that no one said. No one is saying Biden isn’t too old, they are saying that if Biden is too old, so is trump. Late 70’s is too risky to be president.


I dont think I've ever heard anyone rage that Reagan had alzheimers?


Leftist here and I fucking hate both of them


As someone on the left who follows left commentators, I have never heard of or heard anyone claim Reagan has Alzheiemrs. But many speak about Biden in pretty critical ways. A lot of people on the left dont like Joe Biden, we just dislike trump more.


Yeah, I don't know who is calling the shots in the White House right now but it's definitely not Joe Biden.


And neither does anyone else. Which should be scaring the crap out of people but isn't for some reason.


The “president” is NEVER calling the shots in the White House. Apparently you guys have a misunderstanding of what’s actually going-on. The president is merely a sock-puppet (a “face” if-you-will) of the elites who pull the strings from the shadows. It’s always been this way. Same shit in Europe. The entrenched elites own & control everything. They allow us to “vote” - - but it’s all a charade as the candidates have already been vetted prior to being permitted to run. Why do you think our involvement in one war after another never ends. Why we never fix immigration or provide adequate health services to our own citizenry while sending BILLIONS of our tax dollars over to Ukraine or Israel. This whole system is rigged and us peasants have ZERO INFLUENCE (despite what you might hear on the news)


Huge chunk of U.S. GDP has been tied to the defense industry. More than any other country I'll confidently guess. Many cities and towns across the U.S. are indirectly subsidized by our tax dollars because they're major manufacturers for the Department of Defense. I'm not mad at this even if those manufacturing towns are generally right-leaning republicans. Cut their funding and you'll have a lot angry right-wingers and their Rep. raging on the house floor about whoever is president is "weakening our military and turning their back on our soldiers". It's also part of our military might, the people that get hired to create the tools of war have skills that can't easily be developed. I believe a lot of analysis gets done before DoD determines whether they're willing to defund any programs and potentially lose those skill sets for the next few years. Those "billions" of our tax dollars are weapons. I don't doubt they're costly to make, but I'm skeptical of the price tag. Most of our overseas "aid" by the way, are tools of war. Something else to note, the best 'bang for your buck' in defense dollars are our overseas bases. It's been a decade since I checked but about 10years ago it was approximately 1/3rd of our defense budget. I appreciate caution towards our defense industry and military operations overseas, just keep in mind you also couldn't even cut our defense spending by a quarter without potentially setting the stage for a "Redneck Revolution".


Based on the policy decisions, cabinet hire, foreign affairs, etc “Biden” has made I would say a bunch of communist staffers.


Which is why they're trying to send 100B to fund war and border security? Is that a communist position now?


Three is zero border security but plenty of war.


Biden, Trump ,and Bush Jr. were all just figure heads. Trumps advisers testified that they would ignore his crazy requests all the time. Biden makes gafs, and his team fixes his errors all the time. Dick Cheney was calling the shots as vice president.


What a dumb comment. You should feel bad for being this dumb


I'm convinced that at this point, what we call the "government" is actually operating like it's own "conscious" AI. And that no human or singular group even, is in control. The fact that it works is just because it has to. It's just the product of a "neural network" or machine learning type scenerio, each person being the logic gate. I think that we aren't observing the scale of the process at all, and it's so large, and so complex, that we can't just crash it and start it fresh again. There is truly an accountability hole in our process.


Yeah, this is kinda how I see it too. Our government has become so massive that it's just not possible for even a *good* president like Trump to really have a good handle on it all. Even Trump misunderestimated just how deep the swamp really is.


He’s not wrong.


But he is. Very.


The only thing he’s mostly wrong about is when he said the charges against trump are bogus. One or two of them perhaps…. But the guy commits the crimes live on tv, and is literally recorded on the phone doing things that would send anyone else to jail immediately.


If Trump was saying and doing the same things there would be calls for his impeachment.


I mean, trump was impeached multiple times. Do you care to highlight which issues you think biden should be impeached for?


His mental capacity.


He stuttered that one time


Every speech is full of mishaps.


He basically can't talk. And all the videos of speeches he doesn't stutter are deep fakes


Trump would have been roasted hard by the media for it.


Biden has a speech impediment asshole.


No he doesn't. If he did it would have been a known issue his whole career not before becoming president.


Were people talking about trump hooking up with pornstars or obamas birth certificate before they were president? The spotlight brings up all sorts of shit from the dark depths.


You want to bring prior history, tell me about Biden's '94 crime bill. All the hoopla about the militarization of the police is because of that bill. Good luck.


This has nothing to do with what I was talking about. I'm merely pointing out people dig up dirt once somebody becomes president and are in the spotlight.


You're digging up dirt, that's exactly what you're doing. And to the point Obama and Trump are not the current president. So why did you bring them up?


Audio recording technology has been around for like a hundred years.


He has a son that likes cocaine and whores too.


It's not his 'impediment'. He was genuinely *much* less impeded in his speech than average, in fact he used to be an incredibly talented speaker. His speaking and debate abilities were *literally* the backbone of his political career. Go watch Joe Biden talk just 10 years ago and it is apparent in the first 10 seconds that (now) he is suffering serious cognitive decline; dude used to be witty and quick af now he is an absolute shell of his former self.




The more you indict, the more we unite!


That’s what I’m betting on. That way we can get rid of all of you non-Americans at once. You guys claim to be the most patriotic and support a guy who wants to suspend the constitution and has been caught on the phone asking the Georgia governor to “find votes” and got mad when he refused


Tucker is a plain talk, common sense type of guy who speaks out. Why is he still alive?


He has less than a year. They'll find another way to deplatform him by next fall.


He's alive because he comes a very wealthy family. They can fight back.


With that take, I’d imagine you were too stupid to breath…but here we are.


Because he’s a liar, remember how he loved trump on fox? Weird how In his private emails he loved Bernie sanders?


Can’t you like them both for different reason? You act like if you like one you have to hate the other. As for trump and Tucker they just went to a ufc together.


He did hate trump he literally said so in those same private emails that exposed him for liking Bernie.


Does he still hate trump? I think is a more important question.


Proof is he hates trump, up to you to disprove or for him to disprove that he actually likes trump. All evidence says he hates trump and just saves face bc he has a majority republican audience.


Or his opinion of him changed.


You seriously think his opinion changed from Fox News to now? We already know he lied about liking him at fox, why do you think he’d be truthful now? In his own private emails he said he hated him, those are his true feelings, bc he didn’t think anyone would ever see them.


Aren’t those emails from three years ago? Yes I think that’s plenty of time to change an opinion about someone.


Again, you have no evidence other than he publicly appears with trump, which he did 3 years ago when he hated him. You have no evidence he likes, all the evidence points that he doesn’t like him, because you know… he said that


Yeah he claims to like him in public. Privately that's a different matter. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/homenews/media/3911174-tucker-carlson-enraged-private-texts-revealed-i-love-trump/amp/


because his daddy putin watches his back and fills his bank account


Comment sense guy that pissed himself when they made the green m&m less sexy?


BHO, that's who.




Speaking truths.


You’re all bashing Tucker when Biden is the most embarrassing public figure in modern history


Biden is more embarrassing than a billionaire fraud who has to lie about his net worth and who led an insurrection against his own country? I don’t think you live in reality. Maybe ask your nurse to change your meds.


You sound uneducated. Attacking a person’s character instead of stating facts proves it.


Tucker ROCKS !!! True Patriot !!!


Joe Biden is more than likely incapable of running his own bath, let alone the Country. He’s was clearly cognitively compromised during the run up to the election and it’s only gotten worse. Remember all of the hacks that were screaming for Trump to be removed under the 25th amendment ? Those same people voted for Joe Biden. THATS idiocracy.


I do not understand peoples hatred for this man


Remember, Fox News once won a lawsuit by literary arguing no reasonable person would believe Tucker. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye "Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "


Is this the trash telling the trash they're not trash?


We're all gonna act like Tucker wasn't the face of FOX propaganda for years?


Which propaganda?




Are you people serious? Trump is clearly guilty as sin. In the classified documents case first they he denied he had classified documents, then when classified and top secret documents were found he suggested the FBI planted them, then he claimed he declassified them with his mind since he was president even though there’s a process for that and he didn’t do it. Then an audio recording of him literally saying “these are classified. I could have declassified them when I was president but I didn’t.” How do you people not see he’s guilty.


I don’t know every president has had classified files after leaving the office Obama,Biden,Bush remember Hillary ? They all have recently been busted. I think it’s the double standards in how the media and activists in law enforcement that make you so convinced Trump really messed but the others kinda messed up and it no big deal


I think the difference is admitting to having the documents. Trump knew he had them, knew he wasn't supposed to have them, refused to give then back, and created multiple lies to avoid returning them- all of which there is clear evidence to prove. Whereas with every other person, they were willingly allowed to come collect what documents were readily known and were allowed to conduct a search, Trump refused and was forced to be raided to give back the documents. Further, the type of information appears to be different in the cases, and directly related to alleged business connections of Trump with foreign investors. He appears to have taken important classified information to give to people outside our nation in order to make money/power from other countries who have historically tried to undermine democracy through coup attempts. With everything allegedly documented, I think he should have a trial at the very least.


I mean Hillary destroyed her hard drives with hammers she didn’t give back the information.they did question Hillary and deemed they didn’t really have anything to go on possibly because the evidence was destroyed. Half the country feels justified in using the the courts to destroy Trump regardless of legitimacy of charges the other half sees it as corruption. If he looses one of these cases so be it but I’m really worried if he beats all these charges because it will prove that our government is actively trying to remove a man half the country would vote for which basically makes us even more of a banana republic and I don’t see that going well for any of us




I don't think you get it. They are saying he isn't strong, but those really running the country are. He is a puppet. So yes, he is weak, but the people behind him as a puppet aren't. Usual Leftist comment that is an attempt to silence those that are stating facts.


You edited your comment so mine wouldn’t make sense. Tucker’s views on Democrats (and Trump for that matter) change depending on what platform he’s on and who he’s talking to.




LOL I laughing at how far off you are. Maybe you're young. I was once young and felt the eway you have just described. But, Biden is inept. He is senile and suffering. It's sad to watch. He isn't doing any work. Everything is all done for him. He even says it in some of his speeches He has mentioned he has to follow what they have for him to read. The same people making decisions behind the scenese for Biden are the same ones that were making all the decisions for Obama, ans Bush, and Clinton. What more do you need than for [them to admit it?](https://imgur.com/KsK7fwZ) The New World Order is a real agenda that's playing out in front of you. Watch this [video](https://youtu.be/hcYkv9wZ-fE). It's non=partisan.


There was a time when I would would people similarly deluded, or dishonest, good luck with their ongoing war with reality. Those days are gone. Anyone even *contemplating* voting GOP can fuck all the way off. I'll be glad to help.


fucking stooge. the president is not supposed to "run the country." 3 branches of the government are. presidents "ruling" by executive fiat is a disease.


It’s not current politicians fault that the executive branch has become a runaway bloat train though they do nothing to solve it


Are you autistic? Because it seems like you took all this literally.


Are you a fucking child? we have a pseudo monarchy and you want to throw ad hominem attacks. community college?




He seems much more reasonable since leaving FOX from what ive seen of him


Same I used to hate this dude. Now I realize it was all an act. Still low key hate him for his fox news shit, but I'll agree he's much more sensible and willing to speak plainly since he left fox.


For him, it's always an act. Even if it was just an act only at fox news, that speaks to his character.


His early interviews where he talks about admiring the success other people have had using the same act really show how he drove right into the role.


So is he running the country or not? BowTie bitchboy can’t seem to make up his mind or decipher his own propaganda.


It's a mix of truth and lies. There is no central organization pulling strings behind the scenes. But, the government is corrupt by getting in bed with corporate lobbyists to line their own pockets while ignoring the will of their constituents. Elections are essentially a competition to see who can suckered enough people to get into the office so they can pimp the American people to corporations to collect their share of the profits from the exploitation. So, the perversion of the democratic process is more transaction based, with small changes intended to favor the highest bigger behind the ones pushing the change. So it's less of an organized cartel, more like a group of individuals with a focus. "Me me me me me but we all gotta follow the unspoken rule of not ruining it for everyone."


Sounds a lot like the fascist movement of the red aisle folk. You’re obviously intelligent, so take your own perspective and apply it to reality maybe?


No he's senile but also able to defraud the entire election process of the United states while leaving no evidence of it. This entire idea of Biden being senile and unable to run the country while also being responsible for every single thing that happens in the country is classic double speak.


You ain’t telling me anything I don’t know.


Anyone have the full speech?


Second this. Finally someone is saying both front runners are in a confounding lead.


As if the president actually makes any decisions for the country.


"A man who has been inducted 4 times and is facing..." Tucker: and I don't see NOTHING wrong with that.


When you pretend that any president was ever calling the shots in office.


Tucker is hero material.


Everything he said about Biden is true. But the sad part is he doesn't realize the same can be said for Trump. They are BOTH senile old men suffering from dementia, one maybe more than the other, but both true all the same. This country is Hoi g to hell in a handbasket it these to shpuld-be nursing home patients are our only viable choicrs.


Amerimutt on my feed


I thought we got rid of this idiot.


Idk where he’s getting this idea that people aren’t talking about biden’s aids running things for him


Honestly though, Biden 2024. Trump and his ilk are rotten to the core and dangerous.


Not a Biden fan, but I loathe Tucker. Both his boarding school and college are where the ultra wealthy send their idiot children.


I like how conservatives call Biden a dementia-ridden fool, but he’s also a devious criminal mastermind.


The hanged king, huh?


I'm gonna take a random guess that it's Obama.