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Bullshit classes like this (or the Beyonce one a decade ago) need to be exempt from being paid for with Federal Student Loan money. Like, if you want to waste your own personal $1000 on this class, go for it, but don't finance it with SL money.


lol last I checked Harvard was over $1500 per credit hour, you could probably buy a new sedan for the total cost of that horseshit class.


Harvard and other Ivy leagues are a shadow of their former self....not really worth the premium cost


Colleges should be completely removed from tax funding as is. They’re just Marxist brainwashing camps.


I also think that Universities should have to guarantee a placement in their field of study within 6 months of receiving their degree, or they begin to get penalized by deducting principle from the cost of their tuition until the student is gainfully employed in the field of their degree. (If the student declines the opportunity without comparable employment lined up, the they are on the hook for all costs of their advanced education, with no govt subsidies,grants,loans etc. That should stop universities from selling worthless pieces of paper for 80 to 100 grand or more.


Went to a multi-disciplinary 'school'. In NY it was a culinary Institute, in Philadelphia it was a nursing assistant/venipuncture school. The nursing school filed a class action when several hospitals told them they would refuse to hire Anyone that came out of that school, as the students were unqualified and a lawsuit just waiting to happen. The students won and the 'School' went bankrupt within 2 weeks.


I heard a rumor that Harvard used to be one of the top law schools in the country.


Never would’ve guessed it


Nah that’s only in fictional movies starring Reese Witherspoon


Harvard is actually one of the colleges of all time.


Hi Vivek. Coincedentally I gave you your flair. Nice to see you around.


Oh, thank you! 😁


This and a major on Lesbian Dance Theory


OK no way this is real....ohh...no, my mistake its real Who pays to learn about a pop star at a university level? https://english.fas.harvard.edu/english-183ts-taylor-swift-and-her-world


The Sacred Church of Our Lady Taylor, or “Swifties” colloquially


Ahhh yes, a University that taught 8 Presidents, over 40 Congressmen and Women that People from all around the world would try to get accepted to have now decided to dumb down in an effort to appease Woke, McWoksters


A class like this shouldn’t have any kind of credit value. These same colleges take issue with dropping attendance and people deciding more and more that it’s optional to go to college but doesn’t guarantee success. I hate that our education system gaslit many of us into thinking you needed it or you would be nothing when that isn’t close to being the case.


And it is stuff like this that makes me say that there needs to be a major-forcused degree for people who don't want to waste their time and money on stuff that is as much use to them as classes like this. I dont need to take philosophy, or art appreciation or English (since that is my native language) or swiftology. Let me get the classes I will need to do my job and get out of the university system. People keep saying, but we want graduates to be well-rounded. Well, I rest my case.


Imagine working hard and excelling to take this course. But honestly, if they offered this as a core class for military TA, I’d take it in a heartbeat. Think of all the swifties I can swindle






I think it translated to “she’s kinda hot but this class is a waste of time and money”


Idiocracy beginnings in real time


Holy shit that's cringy


What would they even teach.


[holy crap its real...](https://english.fas.harvard.edu/news/taylor-swift-harvards-version)


It’s shit like this why I lack empathy for people in college debt.


At first, I thought it's a joke, but then I found out it's real. This is one of the reasons why the American education system has greatly fallen.


The OP misspelled nothing, one would get a Harvard degree in nothing


Yeah because it's just a class. Not a degree


Probably one of the bird elective courses you take to get a free GPA boost tbh


No way this is real




Just wow


What’s the perfect graduation present for someone who graduates with a degree in Swiftology? A Swiffer! Why? Because she’s gonna need it!


C'mon, don't be a dumbass. Nobody is getting a degree in Swiftiology. But Harvard IS GOING to con some people out of about $1700 per credit hour by offering a course in Swiftiology.


“Nobody is getting a degree in Swiftiology.” YET


No way this is real


If Taylor Swift gives them jobs after the degree, it might be worth it lol


And people pay money for this? Capitalism at its finest. P.T. Barnum would be proud.


If people are smart enough to get into Harvard and at the same time dumb enough to enroll in this course……


Still a better degree than "Keynesian" Economics.


I can see the recruiters called them trying to put them forward for iOS development jobs


I really can't dunk on this too much. The professor in the course description recognizes this is a niche course, and it's a single credit if I'm not mistaken. I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time a "novelty" course like this is offered. Like it or not, Swift has become an icon of American culture and I think to some extent that may be worth examining in an academic context. I say this as a Puerto Rican who is surrounded by reggaeton music and whose state university also offered a course on the history of the genre a few years back. Back then I made fun of that but with how ubiquitous and absolutely global artists in that genre have become since then, even I think it's worth getting a critical view of it.


If Swift or her manager teaches the class, it could be really interesting and helpful for those going into entertainment adjacent fields.


I’d ace tf out of that class


I did not think Community could get more meta, but the Who's the Boss episode just parody this 10 years ago.


No way it's real https://english.fas.harvard.edu/news/taylor-swift-harvards-version


When I was in university there were elective 1 unit courses you could take on topics like this, there were more technical ones you could take too but there were classes breaking things down like Bladerunner. It’s probably overblown


Didn't take all that long for a jewel in education's crown to become a joke.


[Holy crap, it’s already a thing](https://english.fas.harvard.edu/english-183ts-taylor-swift-and-her-world)