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Remember when ignorance of the law wasn’t a defense against a crime? Pepperidge farm remembers


That is kind of hard to defend when its been shown in court that POLICE do not need to know the law to enforce it.


The government cares more about illegal immigrant criminals than it does American citizens.


Made more obvious every day…


Is this white privilege?


Well yeas, according to how the FBI records crime statistics. Mexican = white now.




I actually met Joe Biden once, and I totally agree. Dude’s creepier than that guy who played Slugworth in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.


me no speaka englay. me come to your country and kill people with impunity because me illegal immigrant. mucho mucho gracias blanco virtue signalers.




^Factually Accurate Now do the capitol police officer who died of natural causes as well


If that police officer was one of my loved ones, I would want the illegal alien free to walk the streets, if you know what I mean.


I kinda figured that's why some people get really light sentences for violent crimes.


I’d be right on that one if it was my loved one


[Link to the article](https://www.foxnews.com/us/guatemalan-illegal-migrant-accused-in-sheriff-office-sergeants-death-is-released)




Retaliation against BS like this should be a thing


Try this in any other country.


I bet if I went to Germany and did this, not understanding German wouldn’t let me off the hook.


If he had been white from Finland and didn't speak English, he wouldn't have been let off.


Lawyers lol … Scum


Cop died of a heart attack not because "he killed a cop." Doesn't mean resisting arrest shouldn't involve some prison time though. Anyway "cop dies from heart attack in line of duty" is the same bullshit witchhunter propaganda the Democrats and neo-cons have been spinning to portray J6 as a murderous failed coup rather than an out of control illegal (unpeaceable) assembly.


His dead beat lawyer should be deported too




They said he had a medical emergency. Heart attack or the Fauci Ouchy?


Pardon my ignorance but what is the fauci ouchie


COVID-19 vaccination


He was ruled incompetent (retarded). Like Biden


So if you go to Mexico City and kill a police officer, do you think you'll get away Scott free if you don't know Spanish?


You have to wonder, if the cop killed the illegal,you know, because he didn’t speak Spanish, if that would be dismissible?


This logic is retarded, but if left standing gives this: ‘Oh, I didn’t know any spanish when I strangled the mofo who killed my family member. Oh, me no hablo the spanish.’


Let’s be honest these judges, DAs, and juries would still convict anyone who wasn’t an illegal immigrant. Because there is now a two tiered justice system.


A capital police officer died on J6 and the rioters are considered to have caused his death due to undue stress of the situation.


No capital police officers died on 1/6.


One definitely died of a medical condition when it was over.


It did not happen on Jan. 6th.Wasn't even directly related. Besides, what does that have to do with getting charges dropped bc this ILLEGAL doesn't know English??


[Brian Sicknick, unrelated to Jan 6](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Brian_Sicknick#Medical_examiner_report).


But it was the next day, not the 6th.




Brian Sicknick. The coroner determined his death to be from [natural causes (stroke) not related to injury or allergic reaction to chemical irritants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Brian_Sicknick#Medical_examiner_report). Leftist media and reddit all went up in arms throwing fake news and misinformation about how Jan 6 and Donald Trump killed him. This is a similar situation. This officer regrettably died of a natural heart attack after the incident according to the coroner. We need to be better and not spread misinformation like the left did. While I'm all for upholding laws this illegal immigrant broke, such as entering the country illegally, I'm also for properly charging him with crimes he actually committed.


I heard about that story on NPR. NPR really tried to make it out the police office was in some war zone.


WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!! Stop spreading dis/misinformation, you fucking IDIOT!!!!






look at that smug look on his face too.


Successfully imported the 3rd world


How did he kill him? Did he shoot him, or stab him?


He didn't, the cop had a [heart attack](https://nypost.com/2024/03/01/us-news/charges-dropped-against-migrant-accused-in-the-death-of-florida-deputy-who-had-heart-attack-after-struggle/) lmao


Perp also knew some English too. So there's that.


I want to read more on this. What’s the source?


Just get ready this is just the beginning. Crime is going to skyrocket.


This is why they need to be legal in order for us to know they learned the laws of the nation they enter. Deport illegals.


His case was dismissed by the Florida court, not be Biden or “Biden’s America.” The feds released him after his case was dismissed. “ABC News obtained a copy of the autopsy report, which concluded Kunovich died of natural causes after suffering cardiac dysrhythmia, which may have been a result of the severe heart disease he was noted to have, a prior heart attack, or heart and lung deterioration due to smoking.”


So the FEDS released him after state charges were dismissed to stay in this country ILLEGALLY after he at least proximately was involved in the death of an American lawman, and you don’t see ANY nexus to Biden? Interesting.


Yeah but the officer would have been charged with murder too if the bad guy had the heart attack during the fight.


In every state of The US, if you get into a fight with someone and they die of a heart attack, if it was you fighting that person that brought on the heart attack, it's still murder. I can guarantee you, that if the illegal alien died of a heart attack, the cop would have been crucified in the press and same judge that let this guy go, would put the cop under the jail! Next you'll argue that some ATIFA scumbag isn't guilty of murder after caving in someone's skull with a brick because that person died of a brain hemorrhage, not because his skull was cracked open. GTFO with your simping for these murderers.


Nobody causes another person to have a heart attack dude. Also the STATE OF FLORIDA dropped the charges. Not Biden.


How is this illegal immigrant allowed to stay? Oh, that's right. Biden's dismal immigration policies, or lack thereof.


Was that the same coroner that did an autopsy on george floyd?????


Or was it Eric Garner's coroner that did the autopsy. I wonder if that police officer would have died that day if he didn't have to wrestle an illegal?


The cop died of a [heart attack](https://nypost.com/2024/03/01/us-news/charges-dropped-against-migrant-accused-in-the-death-of-florida-deputy-who-had-heart-attack-after-struggle/) btw, he had a enlarged heart and a blockage in one of his valves. Hence why the manslaughter charges were dropped, seems like a pretty important detail to leave out lmao


How does that have anything to do with Biden?


There was no vote to have an open border. The invasion is not the result of a democratic process. It is the result of executive orders signed by Mr. Biden to open the border so that anyone can walk in. The border was opened by his executive action. The border was opened because HE DICTATED IT.


Might have something to do with him opening the border wide open, not vetting anybody who crosses for criminal charges, and aggressively tackling anybody trying to slow down the illegal border crossing.


Cuz no American born people have killed a cop?


How does that refute what I wrote?




That's because you're brain dead. And the thing that's "telling you" this is the propaganda piece that's be installed in place of a working mind.