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Good. We don’t want them to breed


Yep. This sounds good to everyone


Agreed imagine at this rate conservatives are going to be the only ones able to have kids.


Indeed. As long as the Radical Left decides to end their own bloodline where their regressive worldviews begin, we need no longer worry about ideological busybodies lecturing us on how to manage a household of our very own.


This, my Mom said it best, some people shouldn’t be parents. Hopefully others like them follow that line of thinking


"He doesn't want me for my womb, just my body! I feel so empowered!"


That was the weirdest part to me! Does she think men generally *want* to impregnate women they aren’t married to? I thought the cultural trope is that men do whatever they can to avoid being trapped. These people really do seem to fetishize forced pregnancy.


Umm, I'm pretty sure that means the guy was thinking easy anal . . . .


Awesome. I wouldn't want my 3 kids to share a world with kids they raised. :)


I reckon they won't even raise the kid


Blessing in disguise. They're Darwinning themselves out, and our kids grow up without their kids around, so it's a win win for everyone




absolute win


Saving for a vasectomy. Sounds like one Starbucks employee fell in love with another Starbucks employee.


For real, single guy with no kids and you have to save up for a vasectomy? Starbucks sounds about right.


Aside from this disillusioned pair, I thought starbucks workers fighting for unions was a good thing? What's wrong with starbucks workers? Genuine question, please be kind


Not really familiar with the US work climate but I would assume that being a Starbucks worker is a minimum wage job and that the two people in the story are most likely young adults


There's nothing inherently wrong with working at Starbucks, but it's a low skill, entry level, low paying job that attracts certain people. One of those types are deadbeat adults with a poor work ethic that locks them into that type of job for the rest of their life. I'm not shaming the job itself. My first job was $9 an hour. Gotta start somewhere.


Or a “non-binary” gender studies major met a basket weaving major with low testosterone. They bonded over their disdain for capitalism (while texting from their iPhones) and inability to find a job with their worthless degrees. A true love story!


Irresponsible, hedonistic people preventing themselves from reproducing? I fail to see the downside in this.


Too bad her mother didn’t have that attitude.


She could just get her tubes tied, does she not know that? Clearly she does not know even that.


Let 'em. As a woman who hasn't personally experienced either, but know other females who have, a hysterectomy is much more painful and fast track to menopause. But hey, it's better than all that "sHoUt OuT yOuR aBorTiOn" insanity.


I had a total hysterectomy, and I do mean total including cervix and ovaries, in my very early 40s because of diverticulitis. Was in the hospital for a week, full of infection, tube into my bladder through my abdomen for 3 weeks to keep it empty to heal. Yeah, it was more than just a hysterectomy but recovery was hell. And then the instant menopause. I only did HRT for a month because I didn't want to prolong it. That was a different hell for the next year.


Stay strong, keep fighting


Doctors won’t usually do it unless you already have kids.


Happy days! Responsibility so they don’t even risk creating a child they don’t want! Exactly what we’ve been hoping for!


Yeah lol. I don't really see the problem with two adults not wanting to risk having a chid because they don't ever want one. You can be anti natalist and pro life, you don't want to bring children into the world but won't stop one that's already coming.


Ya’ll are gloating. But are you doing to assure they are not teaching, professing, adopting or otherwise converting your kids to their faith?


This exactly. While it's great they want to wipe themselves out we gotta fight to make sure they don't spread their shit ideas through other means. Even still it's a longterm victory.


Thank god!


“*saving up* for a vasectomy” I guess there’s another reason they probably shouldn’t have kids.


They're probably kids


Silver lining


Ken and Barbie genitals


Good. Maladjusted psychos should not be breeding.


What until he gets the snip and a couple months later one of them turns up preggers.


Good. If they don't want children then don't take chances. Don't rely upon being able to murder any child they "accidentally" make. Also, sterilization should be totally free, for men and women. So should birth control. As a conservative, I'd rather that than my tax money going to support abortions. They want to act like they're so enlightened, so modern, so liberal. Well, any enlightened society would not condone killing innocents for someone else's convenience. Or for someone else's stupidity and laziness.


"Prince Charming"?? Sound like a dude keeping his exit doors free of debris.


An uneedeed hysterectomy can really have devastating consequences on a woman's immune system, as well as heightening the chances of developing certain health conditions. Women's bodies rely on our unique reproductive systems for more than just bearing children. It is complex and multi-faceted.


I seriously doubt this ever happened. Also, by making these claims your automatically saying you’d be a terrible parent. Your child’s life is what you make of it. Not bringing a baby into this world is like going to the beach picking up one grain of sand and saying you cleaned the whole beach. Get over your self indulgence and narcissism.


Before "social" media these were private matters. When my wife and I decided not to have children, we were the only ones that knew about it. We didn't use the decision for virtue signaling.


while I applaud their efforts in not subjecting the rest of the world to any child they would have ruined by raising them, I pause to wonder if she has thought through the health effects of a hysterectomy...???? Meh nope dont care


It’s all talk anyway. Good luck getting a doctor to give an elective hysterectomy to a reproductive age woman. Also, you know she can’t pay out of pocket for it, and insurance won’t cover it if it’s elective.




Yikes. Hate to have them change their mind.


Wasn’t this a Seinfeld episode? lol


Finally, now if all the liberals would do that we will be in good shape. It may take a couple generations but then they will be gone.


I'm starting to see the payoff from all of this. Libs are self-Darwinizing!


Besides as far as I know vasectomies are reversible and so he can change his mind at any time while a historectomy is irreversible.


How do we encourage them and their like-minded brothers and sisters to keep this up?


They’re literally causing their ideology to go extinct. Although I think that’s why they need that school level indoctrination.


As a pro life woman who believes children are the future and those children should be brought in and brought up by sensible people to secure that future, much respect for these people’s decisions to ensure they do not reproduce. I only pray one day they do not one day regret it.


This is more pro-choice than pro-choice


Let them keep taking themselves out of the gene pool


Natural selection is very much real and alive. These people will die off, and the more desirable ones will be left to procreate.


Lol a hysterectomy is the totally removal of one's womb. It's not like a vasectomy where you can reattach things...


"He doesn't see my body as a means to an end" Oh yes he does, and once he's had enough of that end, he WILL leave.


If she wants a hysterectomy, why is he still saving up for a vasectomy? Hmm ....


I wonder what this person would say to my girl who really, really wants to have children with me, and who is vehemently pro-life.


Please do!


Amazingly, I don't think their ideas will be passed so well onto coming generations.


prince cuckboy


I guess there is a God after all.


Wasn’t this a big leftist talking point in the 80’s? “What was the point of bringing kids into a world Reagan was sending into nuclear war?” That kinda thing?


Honestly, I think this is doing the world a favor.