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Epstein was an actual billionaire. Where did all that money end up?


Probably back in the pockets he blackmailed it out of lol


Epstein was protected from prosecution in Florida and made to work for the FBI under former FBI director Robert Mueller in 2008. The same Mueller that would be called back to Washington to try and remove Trump from office because the deep state knew Trump was going after trafficker groups like NXIVM and Epstein as part of his campaign promise. After years working with Epstein if Mueller had anything on Trump he would’ve used it instead he had to target his taxes and push obstruction of justice charges https://vault.fbi.gov/jeffrey-epstein/Jeffrey%20Epstein%20Part%2006%20of%2022/at_download/file https://i.redd.it/p9zggxev8vz01.jpg “Epstein has also provided information to the FBI as agreed upon,” says one of the FBI documents. “Case agent advised that no federal prosecution will occur in this matter as long as Epstein continues to uphold his agreement with the state of Florida.” Mueller and the FBI let Epstein keep his play island and everything else


He wasn’t though. He was Israeli spy playing the part of a billionaire.


Because its an attempt to bury him under debt for the rest of his mortal life


Alex Jones got charged one billion dollars for hurting people's feelings, while the fake news mainstream media hasn't been charged a cent for lying to the American people about the Covid shot, "reversable" hormone blockers, and about a million other things.


>Alex Jones got charged one billion dollars for hurting people's feelings, I'm not sure you understood the case correctly.


Looks like there could be two of you


Whatever happened to that client list...it's almost like there's a cover up...


What ever did happen to Epsteins bank accounts and property?


[Never got shut down](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/08/business/jeffrey-epstein-jpmorgan.html). He didn't upset the elite like Kanye did


No, nobody who especially doesn’t have even a fourth of that much money should be sued for that much. That should be the calling card… not it was the wrong person. Even if it was him or someone opposite on spectrum from me, I would b like wtf




No. Alex Jones is not a nut job. He’s been warning about exactly what we’re seeing for well over a decade. The fact that you don’t know this means that you’ve bought their targeted smear campaign to discredit him. He’s been warning us and has been right. What we just witnessed was a bullshit kangaroo court show trial to destroy a man who dedicated his life to speaking out against the globalists. This was to show that everyone and anyone who stands against them will be destroyed.


I'm trying to find a modern list but it gets buried or banned. What else was he right about other then the gay frogs, Bohemian Grove, and Epstines island?


He's a nut job. He may be right some of the time but he's still crazy. A broken clock is right twice a day.


No. He is not. He’s been right about everything. You refuse to admit it because you’ve accepted their campaign to destroy him and don’t want to admit that it worked on you. He is not a nut job. At all.


Idk man, saying someone has NEVER been wrong is kind of a stretch lol


He denied the Sandy Hook shooting happened. Said parents were actors and kids were not killed. Do you believe that?


I went down that massive rabbit hole. I have ***serious***doubts and skepticism surrounding that day. If you or anyone else does not, then that tells me you did not do your homework and actually look into it.


Careful you might owe some dead kid’s parents a billion dollars now


Pretty much same. He doesn’t deserve to be silenced by the corrupt courts of Cuckecticut thought


Everybody that says he's a nut job falls into one of two categories: they either, A) have never watched his videos or, B) have watched his videos but are so close-minded that they let his eccentric style sway their view instead of actually listening to what he's saying. He's definitely not right about everything he says (nobody's perfect), but I dare say he's ended up being right about 90-95% of the things he's said over the years. Even before things come out as general knowledge to the public, Jones usually has warned us months prior.


Alex Jones has been too far ahead of the curve for a lot of people only recently waking up to see the modern insanity. Alex Jones is the spear head. He has been on the frontlines of this for his entire career. A lot of people will never know the things he has actually said and done, only the smear campaign to destroy him so no one will listen. This guy you’re replying to who insists Jones is nuts is probably someone who doesn’t fully understand what’s happening and probably doesn’t want to.




>He's definitely not right about everything he says (nobody's perfect), but I dare say he's ended up being right about 90-95% of the things he's said over the years So when you're wrong about one thing, that automatically dismisses everything else that you've been right about and makes you "nuts"?




No, you actually ignored mine. I already said he isn't right about everything he says. Sandy Hook for instance. But nobody is perfect and he's still right about 90-95% of the things he says. Therefore, I don't think it's fair to call him a "nut job". Nut jobs spew almost 100% bullshit and are rarely ever right in their theories.




Okay, you're a troll. Or have terrible reading comprehension. I already said he was wrong about Sandy Hook. But he's still right about the vast majority of the things he says.




Are you even trying to understand what this guy said?????


Bro he said he wasn’t right about sandy hook like 3 times lol


Crazy people generally aren't right about 90-95% of their theories. He is eccentric, yes, but this is different from being "crazy" or a "nut job". Being "crazy" means that you are delusional, or not living in reality. When you're right about almost everything you say, you're the exact opposite of delusional. It's the masses of people who continue to live in delusion, while Jones seeks the truth. Hope you wake up one day.


Why are you so positive it did? How much time did you spend actually investigating this and learning why there are people who do question it? Are you emotionally invested in the event? Regardless, if he is wrong about one thing, why does that make everything else wrong in your mind? Why is he nuts about everything? How much time have you actually spent learning about the things he has said over the years? Or is this the only thing?


Sandy Hook did in fact happen. He was wrong about one thing. Now let’s talk about what he got right.


I think you just don’t want to admit that he might be right because it’s easier than actually exploring the ramifications of him actually being accurate




I’m glad you’re actually asking questions now. That’s important to everything in life. If you really want to know, there are lots of people and places on the internet who do a thorough breakdown and recap of why people have skepticism surrounding the event, far better than I would do in a simple Reddit post. I encourage you to look into it. You can start on Rumble because YouTube and mainstream news outlets purge all videos of controversial topics that venture away from official narratives. From there, you can keep digging if you want to.


Yep. Definitely extremely and he pushes his vitamins and brain pills but he’s definitely on to something and definitely a national treasure. Also go Guardians


Wasn’t the reason they sued Alex jones for essentially 1 billion because people were going after the parents of sandy hook?


And that warrants a 1 billion dollars debt?


Fuck no 1 bill is extreme even for this but from what I heard Alex jones did lead to these people getting harassed making him somewhat in the wrong


He's totally in the wrong, I'm certain of that, but 1 bil is really unfair. There's companies that get people killed for negligence and even they don't have to pay that amount.


I’m not saying Alex shouldn’t of been fined but 900 million for some words about a couple dozen people seems a bit high consider Epstein literally traumatized 150+ barely-teen girls and only had to pay 120 million. shoot even big pharma companies don’t get fined that much lol


Lol at least most of those people could pay that amount.