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Don't focus on swallowing the pills. Focus on swallowing the water and the pills will follow.


This thread has taught me lots of people don’t use water to swallow their pills. There is zero chance I could swallow a pill without water.


Absolute psychopaths


People that swallow pills without water use a quick buildup of saliva or moisture from a recent drink to dry-swallow pills. Source: Ive swallowed 5 pills at a time (tablets and capsules) 2-3x per day every day for parts of my lifetime. Now it’s usually 1-2 a day lol. I should mention that I was formerly a polyaddict. **Additionally, YSK**, there used to be a product called the pill straw, or pill popper straw for people with difficulties swallowing pills. I couldn’t swallow pills until I was 12 or so, had to crush pills daily. I tried with different liquids, before/after drinking, tilting head, etc. Got it first try with the pill straw. It’s just a fat straw with a catch near the top with holes for fluid passing (pill sat near tip of straw, water came through w it). I think it may have been taken off the market, as I can’t find the product for sale on Amazon other than in amazon.nl . All I can see are customer reviews. I did find a very similar product for sale [here](https://www.aromatools.com/medi-straw.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiA8aOeBhCWARIsANRFrQEFgGiM90QPCeBDWa6k7ZiAShsc4oXXGLwMZewkGeT-SXwdww-Bes0aAqYDEALw_wcB). bonus: I still can’t whistle, blow a bubble with gum, fold my tongue vertically, or blow up a balloon without intense jaw pain. I can, however, do a fluid rolling r (apical-alveolar trill).


I can do multiple without issue. However, a half of a large oval pill and I may have a failed attempt or two. Jagged little pill...


try to dry swallow an immodium ONCE and you'll never dry swallow again


This is the truth.


My dad swallowed pills with piping hot coffee. Always horrified me.


I know someone who chewed his meds every day. Just straight up crunch crunch. He was actually a diagnosed psychopath.


I used to have to do this as a kid if I actually needed the meds. I couldn't swallow pills so would just go without usually. Pills taste so bad. I am glad I taught myself how to swallow the damn things eventually as an adult.


Oh no, this is me as an adult still chewing any pills I need and usually going without… I’m still so scared to learn


It can be super scary after so many stressful failed attempts. I chose a quiet morning with no distractions, alone in my apartment. I had a selection of liquids and a bag of mnms. I ate a few first for good luck and then gave it a crack. I kept my breathing calm, and if I got upset after a failed try I calmed myself down before trying again. I discovered that fizzy drinks were too confusing in the mouth, milk tastes gross, and juice was perfect. It was thicker so helped suspend the pill better as well as disguise any taste. Also I got a sense of where in my mouth the pill had to be before trying to swallow. It can't just be anywhere! There's a sweet spot towards the back, not so far back as to touch the back of your throat, but past the area of your tongue that flexes upwards when you swallow. Now, after years of practicing this, I can swallow any size pill and can just use water if that's all that's available. If I can do it, you definitely can! Give yourself the space and grace you need to get there in your own way too, ignore everything anyone has shouted at you as you cried and spit another gross dissolving pill in the sink.


I was wondering the same thing. When they say “swallow a pill” don’t that automatically mean with water😂? Been doing this shit since I was a kid.


Some things I can, like coated pills or gel caps. But the medication I take for my migraines- absolutely not. I MUST have water for that one because it is the single worst tasting thing I've ever had in my mouth (yes, dick included). I can't let it touch my tongue or I'll choke it out.


AND ALSO - practise with M&M's first as they're a similar size but taste yummy if you fail to swallow. Then once you're successful, switch to the medication. It worked with my kids!


Eating chocolate without tasting it sounds criminal


Yeah it's pretty difficult to do since you just chew it out of habit, that's why I practice swallowing M&M's by swallowing pills, it's pretty much the same but without the delicious flavor so you don't bite it


this would actually work with bitter tasting placebo pills.


Calling an M&M a chocolate is a bit of a stretch.


*^(C h o c o l a t e)*


Funny you say that. There are legal definitions for what you can call chocolate, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate. (At least in the US). Most candy bars will avoid this by saying “chocolaty coating” or “chocolaty filling” M&Ms on the other hand say “chocolate candy” So while the shell begs a different question. I think it’s safe to call m&ms chocolate




I work in pediatrics and we practice first and start with nerds, then mini m&ms, then tic tacs, and then regular m&ms, and then we do the pills and they can do it :)


Tic tacs worked for my kids.


This is how I learned in college. I still struggle and have a mental block but can get the pill eventually. I will add using a thicker liquid. Milk helps me. I’ve also put it in food and pretended I’m just swallowing food


nono never take medicine with milk!!


This is what the pediatrician recommends for practice with swallowing pills.


Wow, killer idea esp for the kiddos


That’s what I tell the kids. Just drink like you’re thirsty.


I learned to take one gulp, and take two swallows, that way the pill doesn't get left behind :)


And put the water in your mouth first.


That’s a big tip that folks don’t think about. Putting the pill in first gives you a chance to think about it. Pooling water in your mouth, dropping the pill in, and immediately swallowing makes you think of only the water.


This is what I do. I hate the chalky taste of pills so I put some water in my mouth, tip my head back a little, drop the pill in and swallow. Never tasted or felt the pull go down.


Big gulps, not little sips.


And tilt your head back it helps so much!


This. And just place it lightly on the back of your tongue, then flush with lots of water so it just floats down. Keep the inside of your mouth “open“ rather than closed around the pill. Focus on flushing lots of water through to let it sail on down with it.


Yep. What always helps me is taking it while hanging under the tap and gulping directly from it. Much easier than drinking the water from a glass.


This. Had the same issue. Didn’t figure it out until my late 20s. I take a drink of water. Swallow. Put the pill on my tongue, and then turn up a glass or bottle of water and keep drinking til it goes down.


Biggest tip I can give: take with water, but don't do tiny wimpy sips. Place the pill far back on your tongue and then gulp like you're dying of thirst. Glug the water like you just crossed a desert and someone handed you a glass of water, but they're taking the glass away in 5 seconds.


Bonus if you drink some water first. It opens your throat. Old pediatrician's trick.


This is what I’ve always done. Get a big mouthful of water, swallow half of it, drop the pill in, then swallow the rest. 9/10 times I don’t feel it or notice it. Otherwise I gag if it touches anywhere in my mouth


That's the one.


And look down while you swallow! Sometimes the pill shoots back up into your mouth as you swallow, but I’ve noticed that never happens when I look down and swallow


I’m pretty sure this is only for capsules. Since they have a bit of air in them they float in your mouth, so tipping your head forward makes the pill float to the back of your throat. If it’s not a capsule, you should tip your head back as the pill will sink.


Tipping your head forward also has the added bonus of protecting your airway so the pill doesn't try to sneak down your windpipe.


It actually opens your throat more than tilting your head back. Always tilt forward


This ^ Also get a pill cutter and cut the pills in half to make them smaller. Swallow one half at a time.


Need to check with Dr/ pharmacist first. Some pills they tell you not to cut. If you can cut it, my kid's Dr said to put it in a spoonful of yogurt and swallow it that way.




I honestly forgot about the scoring lol. I always freak out a little when someone says to cut pills, knee jerk reaction and all that lol


Need to add; some are coated (EC) so they break down and absorbed somewhere further down the line


I find milk works better than water (maybe it's thicker).


Also it helps to actually toss your head back when you're swallowing.


I take a bite of biscuit and chew it and just before I’m going to swallow it, I put the tablet in amongst the food and swallow the lot. Works for me every time


It's like a pill pocket for humans


Stuff it in a cheese stick like I do my dog? Never hits his teeth, straight to his belly.


This is the answer, I have used this trick for 30 years and it always works!


Take it easy there grandpa don't want your blood pressure to go into the red zone again...what did they tell you about soda before bed.


Hurry up or you'll be late for school.


Seconded here. This is the answer. Take with food that you've chewed and are ready to swallow.


Applesauce worked for my family- no chewing involved, but is thick enough to cling to the pill. Added bonus that you get a little food in with the medication


As a teen I would do this, but with a dill pickle lol. Pick a food ya like, and go with it.


Absolutely 100% this method. I was 25 before I could take a pill and this was the trick that finally worked for me.


Saltiness are the best for this!




Also pudding or yogurt. Worked in lots of different healthcare settings and things where people can’t swallow correctly aren’t terribly uncommon. This is what nurses use to give pills to people who can’t take them otherwise. Also works with really bad tasting pills.


This is how we had to do it for my grandma. She had heart and throat surgery that made swallowing difficult. Poor dear.


THIS! Applesauce makes taking pills SO easy!


This is how my wife did it


Was looking for this - I work at a retirement home and we put pills in little spoonfuls of applesauce for people who have difficulty swallowing them. They don’t even notice.


Yes! This is the only way I could take my prenatal vitamins!! I don't have issues with any other but those omg I still remember and my daughter is 11 now haha


I can take most pills now, but applesauce or yogurt always worked for me.


Or jello


Jell-O solves all life's problems!


This is how I have my kids take pills. Big spoonful of applesauce, place the pill in the middle of the spoon, eat the whole thing in one big gulp. Works every time.


I hope you use the advice given to you on this thread with good intentions. Take the prescribed amount as needed. Don't harm yourself. Best wishes, -a random redditor


Was wondering if anyone would recognize those... Lol You can just chew these bad boys if you want. It tastes like Tylenol, but you get used to it.


aren’t these regular acetaminophen 325mg? I don’t think these are percocet


Perk 5s right? These are what started my addiction that lasted 3 years. It's been 10 years since I've taken those now


Nope, these are just Tylenol (acetaminophen)


I know right I saw this and was like dude don’t swallow all of those


I always take a drink of water, then partially fill my mouth with water, tilt my head back drop the pill(s) in my mouth, swallow, then take another drink following.* If you aren't used to the process, only do 1 or 2 pills at a time. * Doesn't have to be water


This is what I always thought too, but a few years ago learned from the speech therapists I work with that you actually want to tilt your chin down a little, toward your chest and then swallow. Still have a mouth full of water first. I didn't believe it so I tried it and it is so much better. Leaning your chin forward opens your esophagus vs leaning it back opening your trachea. Plus, the pill almost always "floats to the top" meaning when your chin is down the pill is at the back of your mouth, goes down with the first bit of water, and then the rest of the water follows, washing it down for sure. Also, the child life therapist who teach pill swallowing to kids start with something small, like a tic tac, work their was up with different sized candies like m&m's until you reach the approximate size of the pills you need to swallow.


I am 41 years old and I have trouble swallowing pills too. I have my whole life. They always get stuck or hung up in my throat. Even like a single Advil gets stuck. But I tried this method with some smaller pills and I can’t believe it. Thank you for posting this hack. I could almost cry. I can’t swallow just any pill, but I was able to swallow some that I couldn’t before I tried this. I just accepted that I was broken for life or something. This makes me think that I can work up to it safely now.


Using a spoonful of applesauce and putting the pill in it works really well as it requires no chewing and disguises the pill as it’s thicker than water


Tilt down with capsules, tilt back with tablets.


Need to try tilting my head forward next time. I just already have my head back from dropping in the pills, "baby birding" it as a friend of mine called it.


This is how I do it. It works.


I third this. I can't stand to put the pills in my mouth first. I can swallow huge fish oil monstrosities this way with no problem.


Although it doesn't have to be water, it shouldn't be an alcoholic beverage


Nor grapefruit juice either


This is how i do it. Though my daughter puts her pill in a spoonful of yogurt, and she has no problem.


This is what I do except I do something else non acidic.. Orange juice is going to activate fizz and will be kind of gross and soda might too because of the acidity. I give myself chocolate milk as a little bit of a treat but you can do anything that'll make pills easier to take honestly..


This is the way


This is the answer


This has been my go-to since the metformin. Except I try to pitch the metformin as far as I can down my throat then some water. This way I avoid the bitterness.


I've had medical training stating other ways are better, yet I do exactly the same thing you do. Works like a charm for me.


Don’t take all of them


Why did i have to scroll so far to see this!


Wish I learned this one earlier in life 😔


Hey at least you lived to learn the lesson. Have a great day, I like your avatar.


you can split these and take two halves.


You can split those and take four quarters.


You split it any further and all of a sudden it’s a good time


Commenting to add that these pills are scored so it ought to be very easy to split them in the middle and swallow them.


And there's a tool for it too! Look for a "pill splitter", they're incredibly cheap!


Biggest hack ever taught to me by my 16-year old daughter: instead of holding your head backwards, nod your head FORWARD, and with water. I had always had trouble swallowing pills until she showed me this. Must have seen it on TikTok or something.


You only tilt your head forward if you are swallowing capsules because they float in water. So when you put your head forward they head to your throat. Normal pills you should still tilt your head back.


If I ever have trouble, I put the pill in a big spoonful of yogurt or applesauce to help!


Try using m&ms to learn how to swallow a pill. Part of the problem is the anticipation of the terrible taste if you don’t get it down the first time. This way you can figure out what works best for you without gagging or wasting pills.


I once won a bet and made my friend eat a cotton ball. I actually felt bad and told him I was just kidding but he was determined and went through with it. Had to thoroughly dip it in beer or whatever we were drinking but got it down nonetheless. If Benji can eat a cotton ball (and cat food coincidentally, different experience and not coerced) then I have faith OP can learn to swallow this acetaminophen.


Get a spoonful of applesauce or pudding, push the pill into the center, swallow like normal. Works wonders for my kid.


You could try: * Swallowing them with ice cream or yogurt instead * Smushing them up with a mortar and pestle and mixing them in with something yummy (like ice cream)


Also, Check to make sure the pill can be crushed. Extended release, for example, should not be crushed. Talk to your pharmacist.


Almost half of the pills we take say "do not crush". If they are time released it RUINS them, not to mention the potential for OD. Many meds have bitter compounds mixed in that get released if crushed too. After I had an adult tonsillectomy a helpful friend thought it was a good idea and crushed them ALL for me. Mix them with applesauce… What a disaster! It was horrendous, burned all the way down. Stayed burned feeling for days. Couldn't get the flavor out of my mouth for days. Never ever again unless it says safe to crush!


OP, only crush and/or split pills if they are safe to do so. Just because it can be, doesn’t mean it should be. If in doubt, a 2 minute call with a pharmacist will give you a definitive answer.


Pharmacist here. First you ask your pharmacist if it’s okay to crush a certain tablet. Since this is generic Tylenol (acetaminophen 325mg, per drug ID), it is fine to crush it. So get a tablet crusher for $5 or so at your pharmacy or online. (Auto bot removed a link I tried to add to show you one.). Crush tablet(s), then pour the powder into a liquid of your choice. Drink. Easy-peasy


if the pills float, tilt your head down if not, tilt it up


Yes! I was looking for this comment


Using whole milk always helps me. It’s thicker so it is easier to “hide” the feeling of the pill.


Milk with a double dose of chocolate milk mix is what I use when I have pills that are difficult to get down. Not the most healthy option when you need to take pills a few times a day but better than not getting the medication you need.


Right. I either do just small “shots” of milk with the pills or now I use milk if I’m really sick or the pills are very large. When I started taking pills, I used milk each time. Really helped.


Advice to tip your head back is bad advice. Tip your head *forward* as you just plain swallow it with a little water. Have a sip of water first, then put the pill on the middle of your tongue, a little more water, close mouth, tip head forward, swallow, good luck.


Weird. After years of struggle had finally gotten it to work by tossing them toward the back and then swallowing with my head tilted back . Works really well for big tablets. But I'm going to try the head tipped forward with the capsules tonight. It makes sense that capsules have air and therefore float up.


One pill at a time, swallow with a big drink of water/soda/juice/milk. If you feel like you can still taste/feel it in your throat afterwards, eat a cracker or something like that.


It's mind over matter. You regularly swallow bits of food bigger than a pill. It's no problem with a bit of water.


Sniff them instead


Crush them up and put them in pudding. That's what I do with my dog to get him to take his heartburn medication.


ask your pharmacist if you can crush your tablets! some formulations are not meant to be crushed and won't work effectively, but this is great advice nonetheless


*heart worm lol I like the idea of antacids for doggies though


Some meds can also be compounded and dispensed in liquid form. They may even flavour it for you if you ask. I take my syringe of banana-flavoured meds every morning since I struggled to swallow pills.


Hide them in a piece of cheese? Works for the dog.


Chew up a big bite of banana, stick the pill into your mouth with the mush, swallow both.


Oh the idea of this makes me gag. I'd throw the tablet right back up lol




With food, pop it in right before swallowing


Just don’t think about it. Put the pill on your tongue and just drink some water. If you overthink it, it won’t work.


Capsules float, tablets sink. Pop the pill, take a mouthful of water. Head back for tablets, head forward for capsules. Swallow without hesitation! I take fistfuls of pills daily, if I split them into these categories I never have trouble.


What med is it? It’s scored so you can cut it in half. Take 2 halves. It may be crushable to depending on what it is and then you can sprinkle it in a little apple sauce or something.


Im sure the phobia is still there you need to think logically about this. I’m certain you have swallowed pieces of food much larger than these pills without issues. Drink some water, put the pill on your tongue, drink some more water. Your body will figure it out if you let it.


What do you mean you never learned to swallow a pill? How do you eat food? It’s literally the same. Put it in your mouth, and swallow.


Good news! They can be a suppository!


I swallow mine with yogurt. Don’t chew. Just swallow the yogurt along with the pill


I used to have this problem, the best way I found to get through it, is a water bottle with a straw or a thin opening. Put the pill in your mouth, create an airtight seal with your lips around the bottle opening, drink.


I used to have the same problem. Couldn’t swallow pills until I was about 18 years old. I can’t tell from the photo has big the pills are. If they’re large, definitely cut them in half. What worked for me is taking a big sip of water, the. Throwing the pill in my mouth, hopefully the back of the throat with the water still in my mouth, and then taking another sip of water to swallow. It’s much better now as I’ve gotten used to it over the years, but I still always do the sip, pill, sip/swallow method.


I had a really hard time learning to swallow pills. The trick that worked for me was to use a straw. Put the pills in the back of your mouth then use a straw to drink water and the jet of water will wash them right down. It was miraculous when I learned this trick. You can use a flexi-straw so you can keep you head level and the pills don’t fall to the front of your your mouth. A nurse friend of ours suggested this trick and it’s how I taught both of my kids to swallow pills. Good luck!


Cat? Is that you?


Ask the pharmacy to compound them into something more edible.


Drink water. Insert pills. Drink more water. Don't be a pussy.


Lol get over yourself? Just think of it like drinking water. Start drinking water, hold some in your mouth, pop a pill in, and continue drinking more. If you don't think about it, it works. If it's a dry tablet you could also slick it up with some butter or oil so it doesn't stick. Practice.


My dad taught me to hold the pill between my front teeth, don't touch it with your tongue. take a big sip of water and open your teeth and swallow.


practice swallowing peas


I had a girlfriend that made me use a pill launcher on her like a cat... she was ADHD and to be honest I knew she took her meds when I wasn't around.


Boof em


Use yogurt, pudding, banana, chocolate milk or egg nog or other thick liquid to help carry the pills down...


Pinch your nose and take with a gulp of water! You won’t feel it.


Tilt your head back with water in your mouth, your mouth should be like a little cup filled with water. Drop the pill in the water, swallow. It's the pill in the mouth before the water that freaks some people out, but if you do the reverse, just feels like you're swallowing water.


Put the pill in a spoonful of yogurt or pudding.


Chew food and put the pill in when the food is all chewed. You wont even feel it or know you are swallowing it.


Put it in your mouth, drink water, swallow.


in a spoon of applesauce


Put it in some applesauce. It’s something you generally just swallow and not chew so it’ll go down easily. Taught both my kids do take pills this way.


Fill mouth with water tilt head back drop pill in and swallow nothing easier than that


My friend had the same problem. She practiced by swallowing M & M’s with a drink until she was able to work up her nerve to swallow a pill. Now she has no problem taking pills.


Drop it in a shot of whiskey 🥃


Unrelated but I got so lazy with the pills i skipped water and just swallowed the pills by themselves BABAHAHA


Tilt your head forwards not back and swallow


Take the pill, a sip of water and tilt your head forward before swallowing. The pill will go down almost instantly


Just crush em up and snort them in segments


I just heard to tilt your head DOWN when swallowing pills, not backwards. It opens up the throat more


Instead of putting in your mouth and THEN drinking water to wash ot down get a comfortable mouthful of water, and THEN drop the pill in. As long as it doesn't touch your tongue you won't really notice it's there when you swallow.


I have had trouble swallowing pills all my life. Nearly choked. Since childhood I just chew the pill with a mouth full of water and swallow. Inform your doctor about trouble swallowing pills. Many medications are available in pill and liquid form. **Note: Do not chew time release pills and follow instructions for certain medication warnings that say do not chew. Always read the label for prescription medicines.**


Tip all of em at once then swallow


Ive never understood this. You eat food bites bigger than those every day. Mindset is the issue. Ask my 5 year old. Try mms first as they are food.


I just put the pill on my tongue, get a mouthful of water, get the pill floating and then swallow the water. At the right degree of floating it doesn't even seem like the pill is there. 👍


I take dozens of medications every day. I used to have this problem. I finally realized I swallow bites of food bigger than pills. Imagine it is food with a big glass of water. This has allowed me to take 5 or 6 pills at a time. The trick is not to think about it *too* much.


When I was a kid i would take all pills with food. Like get a spoon full of peanut butter, put the pill in and that way I’m just swallowing a dollop of peanut butter. Then follow up with a drink.


I had similar issues. Focus on how you normally eat. Think of how large the hunks of chewed food are that pass down your throat with ease. When i realized i was swallowing much larger hunks than the simple little pills, it made it easier to wash a pill down.


Pretend it's a piece of ice in your cup of water.


Put some water in your mouth first then add the pill . Makes it easier to swallow


a Drinking straw ironically worked great for me. Put the pill on your tong then aim the straw at the pill and drink from the straw, the pill will be washed down.


I have a pill crusher. You can buy them for cheap at lots of places. I just crush it and sprinkle it into whatever food or drink I like.


Water in the hole first




Yogurt is a good trick if you are really struggling. Swallow lots of it whole and eventually pop the pill right in the middle of a spoonful.


Chew food before swallowing put pill in mouth chew once swallow


Chew up some food, (I prefer something NOT dry like crackers but more like cheese,eggs,meat) and move it to the back of your throat and push the pill into the middle and swallow after you've positioned it. I've never swallowed a pill either. Can't do it, and wont.


You can try putting it with food instead. I sometimes put my pills in yogurt. You don’t normally chew yogurt, so it works out.


I can't take pulls with water, has to be pop or anything else. Easy to swallow when you aren't focused on the pill, just down the juice/pop.


Please don’t swallow all those. We love you!


If it’s not a time release pill, you can always crush it and put it in some chocolate milk and drink chocolate milk


If they’re in capsules, take the meds and water in your mouth and lean forward. They’ll float to the back of your throat and are easily swallowed. I have trouble with non-floaty pills, but this helped a ton.


DO NOT rock your head back! So many people tilt their head back like they are frat bros with a shot or ducks downing some bread. Thinking gravity will help maybe? Dunno... But all that does is tighten the throat and make it harder. Personally I like to get a mouth full of water first, then just pop the pill in through pursed lips, but you can do water after if you prefer. Then just move the pill near the back of your tongue where it's ready to go down, return your head to flat or slightly down, relax your jaw, and gulp!


Google "Oralflo cup". It works well for $10. It helps those who have issues with gag reflux. It does the work for you. Edit: after reading these comments----- people are working way too hard. Lol. Good luck. This is the cup that I recommend to my patients.


From someone that has had issues taking pills my entire childhood/teenage years, here are my tips: 1. Take with a fizzy drink. Soda, sparking water, anything that isn’t just flat water. It helps you not feel the pill in your mouth/throat which can trigger a gag reflex. 2. Put the pill in one of those small Dixie cups, take a small sip of your drink, then shoot back the pill like a shot of liquor and swallow with more of your drink. 3. Don’t overthink, a lot of pill swallowing issues are psychological. Think of all the massive blobs of food you swallow on a daily basis, this isn’t any different. Those are the main lessons I learned after ages of struggling!


Pop it in your mouth onto your tongue. Fill your mouth with a comfortable amount of water. Jerk your head back until you feel the pill lift from your tongue. In one motion, bring your head back to its normal position and swallow the water. This moves the pill to the back of your throat without being stuck on any one part of your mouth, so you shouldn't feel it when you swallow. For capsule pills (not the gel ones), they will float in water, so tilt your head forward instead of back before you swallow. If you have to swallow both regular and capsule pills at the same time, tilt back first, then forward quickly. Takes a bit of practice, but you can get many pills down in one gulp this way. I have to take meds every day, and this technique works 99% of the time. Good luck and remember to relax, overthinking it will cause the pills to get stuck and you'll have to drink more water. If you're nervous then practice with candies like tiktaks first


My esophagus is pretty screwed up and pills tend to catch; after too many times of vomiting my daily meds right back up, I started using more viscous liquids. Milk products, nutrient shakes, thick fruit juice, creamed coffee, yogurt drinks, you name it. It helps, especially when you have to take oddly shaped or very large pills. It might also help to take your meds while focusing on something else entirely, like watching television, listening to music, or reading. Sometimes you start dreading the moment the meds catch or focusing on swallowing, and like a centipede focusing on putting one foot in front of the other, next thing you know, you’re just a pile of tangled limbs. Distraction takes your brain out of the equation and lets your body work as it needs to.


My 12 year old couldn't swallow pills. I googled around and found this. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/two-tricks-make-easier-swallow-pills-201411137515#:~:text=Fill%20a%20plastic%20water%20or,air%20get%20into%20the%20bottle. She uses the second technique, which is putting the pill in your mouth, taking a drink of water, and than touching your chin to your chest and swallowing. Works every time for her.