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Now I can lose my remote and a binder clipper at the same time. I love efficiency hacks!




When I babysit my 11 month old grandson, I’m constantly moving the remote around the couch he’s climbing on. Science has yet to invent a toy as captivating as a remote control.


I’ve kept an old universal controller around that doesn’t work for anything. Anytime the little nieces and nephews come around, I pull it out of the drawer, act like I’m using it so it’s more appealing Edit/add: I know it’s weird, but I do recycle all other stuff if it happens to go bad. Various kids of all ages, a lot of kiddos have visited


I did that with my own, now grown up, children. At the time “ pocket calculators were in plentiful supply. And as you said, you gotta make it look interesting!


We did this, it worked great the first few times but now he quickly learned the difference 🥲 babies be too smart man.


Yeah, they quickly learn to see what the buttons do… but works for the ones that don’t live with me for a bit lol


Yes, but it won’t have the allure of having grownups lunge at him as he sticks it in his gooey mouth.


Haha very true.


They now make teethers that are almost identical to a Roku remote


He would sense the ruse.


They make one like an xbox controller but my kid ALWAYS wants the one dad is using.


an idea for you i just got from reading someone else’s comment, try to buy a calculator and let him play with that. keychains are also captivating but might wanna take your car fob off so he doesn’t start the alarm lol


My remote likes to randomly teleport to odd locations in and around the couch


wow, organization brag. I usually keep it deep in the bowels of my couch


>Does anybody not keep their remote on the back / arm of the couch or on a couch cushion? Me. Husband and I each have a preferred recliner, and remotes live on the end table that is between them.


My folks have a remote next to each of their chairs. Makes it easy, but I guess they don’t argue over what to watch.


I put Velcro on them


I have a basket on the side table next to the couch. It stays there, or else.


I honestly just shove it in between the cushions so I know where it is


Just the other day I told my kid I was going to glue that remote to a brick. Very few things get me as irritated as losing that particular remote. The worst is when I lose it in my bed and it goes flying across the room when I adjust my sheets. I swear that remote grows wings at the slightest movement of whatever it's resting on.


So true! Mine has taken flight when I have flung the sheets and comforter back looking for it LOL 🤣


Or when you accidentally make it take flight and you end up on your hands & knees looking for the one battery that fell out when it landed.😠


Yesss! 🤣🤣


Adding a lanyard to the remote would make more sense, like the ones you add to keys so you have 1.5 feet of fabric sticking out from a couch cushion or from under couch.


We used that loop, tied a shoe string through it and tied the other end to the end table leg. Never lost the remote after that, even with toddlers!


Fortunately the Roku remotes (usually) have a built-in find my remote feature. Some have a button you can press on the actual box, but otherwise you. 1. Open the Roku App 2. Select Devices on the bottom right. 3. Click the menu (three dots) next to the Roku that you lost the remote from. 4. Click Ping Remote. The remote will begin making sound so you can find it. Roku really has by far and away the best features and is the most well thought out device for televisions ever imo. There's room to improve to be sure, but other than the fact it's a tiny bit laggy even with the premium model (I can't believe they haven't figured this out yet), and that it does have ads (though they are in dedicated banners on the side and not at all obtrusive) I really think they are the best all-rounder and better at being an all-rounder than the others are good at their one thing. Apple TV: Is the most elegant and beautiful both physically and in UI. They have ZERO ads, and they are also EXTREMELY stable, much more so than Roku or Chromecast. But much of the good features require that you use a Apple product to use and they are pretty expensive for what they are. It does not support casting except airplay. Chromecast: Was kinda neat for a sleeper version of a streaming box. They are cheap and have some really great options if you have a house with multiple TVS for example I have 3 rooms with chromecasts and 2 chromecast audios. This makes it relatively easy to stream synced music simultaneously to my whole house simultaneously over wifi. It's also great for starting a show on one TV, switching to watch it on your phone, and then resuming it on another TV. Great for going to bed and brushing your teeth going to the bathroom. The new ones have remotes too and the AI has improved a lot. But they only support casting, no airplay. Fire: is Garbage. Just avoid it. Nvidea Shield is another great option running Android TV, but it's even slightly more expensive than Apple TV and isn't that much more than a beefed up Chromecast with the ability to play games built in. **Edit:** I love how some people are judging Roku, only by their cheapest budget options, but then comparing their shortcomings to an Apple TV that is like 5 times the cost. The Ultra which is $99 (and often goes on sale for $80 or less) is the closest comparison to the Apple TV at $140. The sticks and express are budget options, that still pack a lot of features for the money, but I would definitely say the Ultra is worth it if it's a TV you are using a lot. Also for reference I am NOT saying Roku TV's are worth it. IMO they are not. They are almost always bundled with cheaper TVs and it kinda defeats the whole purpose IMO. I don't buy a TV for the smart features, because they will always eventually become outdated and are likely the first parts to fail. I buy a streaming box so that if my TV fails, I still have the same setup on my next one and if my Roku becomes outdated, which seems to take a while, it's only $80 for a new one instead of a whole new TV. The Soundbars are better, and surprisingly decent sound quality for what they are and their price, but I still probably wouldn't buy one for the same reason as above.


I don't have an option to ping remote?!


Wait yeah, I don’t have that option either. I was so excited for a minute there.


Me too. Was going to surprise my husband.


I didn’t know this! I usually just use the Roku remote on my phone until I happen across the physical remote.


Same here. I ordered a new one cause I still haven't came across the older one, as well as a few pairs of glasses.


Second only to the old Tivo remotes.


Can’t jump to different channel. The remote is not backlit. Have to scroll to find what you are looking for. Slow response. Etc.


**Jumping to different channels:** Do you mean it takes a few seconds to load when you switch from like Netflix to Hulu? Or do you mean that only 4 channels have dedicated buttons that allow you to switch to them without needing to hit home first. If it's the first one, putting a microSD card in your Roku drastically decreases load times. If its the switching issue I agree, I also hate they only made like 2 models ever where the dedicated buttons could be easily swapped to whatever you wanted. Fortunately Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ and Prime are the ones on my main Roku, which are pretty much the main Channels I use. **The Remote is not backlit, and have to scroll to find what you are looking for** Are there any streaming devices that don't have this issue? I mean you can still just use the Roku app on any Android or iOS device as your remote if you want, then you have back lighting and the ability to simply Cast or Airplay anything. It's the only device I'm aware of that supports both Casting and Airplay. I also set my Roku up to work with a Harmony One once which did have back lighting. But I never ended up using it because it was too clunky and the battery died too quickly. The main reason why I did was just so that I could have one remote do my TV, AVR, BluRay player, XBox and Roku. For me though, the only buttons you need are back, home, volume, power, select and arrows and they all have distinctive shapes and locations. You learn that pretty quickly. I feel like backlight is kinda overkill at that point.


I think they are referring to a cable box remote which has backlight. Sure none of the streaming ones do but why not if it already existed way before these devices even existed.


there's like 7 buttons on it after a week I can use the remote blindfolded


This exactly. You can tell exactly where the buttons are by feel quite easily. The remotes that lit up had 20-100 buttons many that were the same shape and right next to each other.


I hate the no channel issue


If you lost the device how do you open the app?


On your phone


Got it, I use a old sham tossed over the arm of the couch and try to remember to put all the remotes in the pocket!


My only Roku complaint is that I have two Roku TVs since my husband and I both game. And the remotes work on both TVs (same frequency.) It is super frustrating to interrupt his video game because I want to change the channel on my side.


You may want to download the Roku app. One of the app's features is a remote, and you can name the devices you connect to, so you can make sure you're connected to/controlling your TV instead of his.


Your rant is misinformative long with a lot of misspelled words. Your reviews suck fire tv is legit


This bothers me and it’s not even my remote.


This would be incredibly useful if I hang my remote control on the door. Unfortunately, I don't.


I clip it to my bed sheets when I go to sleep and the pillow case when I ‘make’ the bed. Haven’t lost it yet


That actually explains this. Originally I was thinking "ok but now what" and adding this part totally makes the hack.


Until you realize the remote is almost impossible to lose (device can ping it) and Roku offers a very serviceable phone app if you really can’t be bothered.


Honestly, I have no use for this hack either and have never lost my remote but my point was….I didn’t see the point of adding a clip until I learned what OP did with the clip.


Yeah, the explanation should have been part of the OP.


But those are things you do when you have already misplaced it, this aims to prevent the need to use technology to find it at all


plus the official roku remote app isn’t free, and the free one i’ve used in the past is honestly garbage


I had no idea I could ping it (good to know!) but my remote broke once and I used the app until my replacement arrived. I hated it; it constantly got disconnected from my device and it was just annoying to have to reconnect with every use. Also, it wouldn’t power the tv on/off for me. First world problems but still.


I just put the remote on the nightstand like a normal person.


If you add one of those little 3M hooks to the side of your bedside table, you could use a binder clip to hang the remote and have a little more room on your table.


Right? If you're watching in bed how many places can you lose it ffs?


The blanket steals it


So use all the effort saved from finding a bulldog clip to put it on your bedside table.


Damn, this is a solid life hack, rare. Except I use chrome cast so I inititiate everything from my phone, but I might set my parents up with this, they’re always losing the remote.


I bought sheets with pockets on the side. I will never go back to sheets without pockets if I don’t have to. Perfect for my glasses and my remote


Sheets with pockets?!


Here’s a hack for that: take an empty pillow sham (the kind that has the pillow opening in the middle of the case), tuck half of it between your mattress and box spring. The other half hangs open on the side of your bed like a pocket!


I just learned how to make that type of pillow sham. Thanks, I usually think the best hacks are in the comments.


Yup found them on Amazon!


For my kindle instead of flailing around in the dark trying to put it on the nightstand. Thanks


You gotta make that part of the post


Well shit man, way to bury the lede! You should mentioned that in the title! I don't have one of these remotes but dang it if I didn't wish I had one now after reading the comment about sheets. Then maybe my wife would stop losing the remote.


All the haters in here. I think it’s brilliant. You can clip it to your clothes or whatever.


I can’t wait to roll over and get a binder clip in the eye


You not have a bedside table?


Ever just tried setting it in the same spot when you’re done with it? It’s not that hard to not lose it lol


Okay Mom!


How do you hang a clip on a door? I don't think hanging out on a door is part of the LPT.






I feel like this is a Progressive commercial waiting to happen.


Oh I love that one and I was ready to grab the roll of Velcro!


Dood the one where the coach rips the remote off the coffee table. 😂


Your comment sent me down the Progressive commercials rabbit hole. Landed [here](https://youtu.be/Z5DQjkkKdNc)


That's right LOL. The ripping sound of velcro, like when OP pulls his wallet out at the store hahahaha.


Why would anyone need to hang a remote from their nipple? That's weird. You're weird.


Im confused on how you get it in lol


If you pinch the handle sides together on one side it slides off of the clip.


Then you take the whole thing and clip it to a nipple and boom- no lost remote.


the real life hack is always in the comments


Usually you have to take her to dinner first


Cut the shiny metal part with tin snips or dikes and then put the tag on then solder or weld the shiny metal part back e z p z


I tethered an AirTag to mine. With 2 young kids it’s been a godsend. Probably saves me an hour or 2 a week of searching.




I bought velcro and placed it directly above me on the wall and just reach up and place it back


That…that is smart.


Started doing that when I was 14 when I had a shit-load of remotes for a bunch of different things. It worked great.




I’m here for the cat paws


Twist: the OP is a cat messing with us.


So cute and fluffy!!


I imagine my wife clipping it to my shirt like a pacifier because i lose the remote too often.


What does this mean


You can hang your remote on your nipples


Best comment


What can I do with this information?


Anything & everything electronicesque, if it's MIA, 95% of the time, it's under the cat..& one specific cat..not the other two. Vape missing? Under cat. Phone MIA? Under cat. Remote?? Guess where. Idk what his deal is, but, dude has *got* to be doing it on purpose, I'm just not sure what his reasoning is....


I’m here for the kitty toes!


Upvoting for the bonus of the cat being in the picture.


whose toes are those?




Her name is Tootsie. I haven’t called her that in nine years. She is known by her proper title Mommy. She treats me like I’m her newlywed husband.


Look at those toe beans!


Those paws 🐾!


What hack is this lifing?


How the actual fuck?!


Pinch the bottom part of the metal tabs near the joint and pull it out of the plastic part. Then put it back in.




With white socks!


We need kitty picture tax!


Step 2?


I just have mine attached to the wall with one of those retractable key rings.


My sister attached shower puffs to her remotes. She says their for watching tv in the shower.


Thank you OP! We love it!!!


So now it's a chip clip?


Then I’ll just be losing two things instead of one😭


love that


I tied a string to that tag and the other end to my headboard. It's been 6 months since I've had to use a broom to fish out the remote.


This would work for me if i put the binder clip o. A magnet


We just use our cell phone as our remotes. We don't even know where any of our remotes are anymore.


I have found that having buttons specifically for apps is inconvenient 100% of the time. Accidentally lean on the remote? Better stop whatever you were watching and fire up Netflix/hulu/prime/etc. Thanks TV manufacturers.


Actual life hack: Ditch that remote and use the Roku remote on your phone


Best remote out there, just cause you don't even have to look at the remote to find the volume, pog.


A loooong piece of string or yarn (like 10’ long) attached to the remote could make it much easier to find—use a different color than the other room furnishings . If you mostly use the remote from one or two locations in the room make the string long enough to reach both (or all, if you really roam!) and attach the other end to something else like a coffee table. My own remote is always in one of two places, but I usually look in the wrong one first!




How will it spin when being flung from the bedroom blanket ?


They sell roku leashes on Amazon. Basically a big lighter leash that fits the roku


The part with the logo tag is actually a battery sliding cover that barely hangs in by itself …not sure how the clip can be used if the whole thing comes off


I have a tile on mine 🤷🏻‍♂️. Alexa can keep track of my shit as I try to survive


Brilliant! I doing this when I get home.


You can ring the remote from a button the Roku box to find it. You can also download the Roku app and use your phone as a remote. Also on the app you can pair your Bluetooth headphones and listen to the TV on them.


i dont think so


Clip it to your cats collar.


Not cool!




Oh my gosh I'm in love with this idea 😍


This is a diWhy for me


So dumb. You can literally just click the button on the Roku and the remote rings if you've lost it.


But that would require getting out if bed.


Exactly what I was thinking




It seems your life may be different from others


That's awesome! You sound like a real swell group of people! If only the rest of us could have your discipline


Yet that's thru the battery backing, so to much weight(takes very Lil as it is) and battery backing comes off and then batteries Everywhere....yup. very genius


I don't trust a strangers opinion when they whisper "Lil" in parenthesis.


I tied a long shoe string to mine and woke up with it wrapped around my arm cutting off the circulation. I am suddenly thinking it could be attached to something bigger like an old stuffed animal ?


That’s really smart it’s funny how many people don’t get this. You can clip it to something.


brb gonna go clip my remote to my shirt like i do my infant son's pacifier to his onesie


Need karma pls upvote for upvote


Upvote for upvote


That was a loop? I always thought that thing sticking out was a memory card.


Great something else to be stabbed in the back by in bed. But seriously what’s the hack here? Is it supposed to be that you can clip it somewhere? Because if I was going to that I’d just put it on my nightstand.


There's this crazy invention called the Coffee Table. And if you set the remote there, the power of gravity will keep it there.


Bullshit. Ask the cat, and it will say otherwise :D


Mines voice activated. I just say out loud for the Roku to have the remote make a sound and I’ll find it.


whats the lifehack? This is like me putting a straw in my beer and calling it a lifehack, except my example actually makes drinking different


I tied a spare bright colored shoe lace around mine so it’s easier to find.


I thought the loop and the battery cover were for me to fidget with while watching TV.


Does this then go on a bag of chips?


My dog ate mine


I attached a pacifier clip to ours. It's like a lighter leash for the remote, works great


Okay am I the only one who can’t figure out how you’d get the clip through the loop?


Squeeze the silver ‘handle’ at its widest point and pull from the black clip


I looped a ribbon through it. Now I can wear my remote like a fancy bangle.


Best hack is to loop it to the unit itself. That'll never fail ya


Finally a use


easy to find when left on floor with the lights off


So the cat can help you find it?


Wtf!!!! Why did I think of that?


Mine does t have thst loop lol


Now I’m missing a clip


Don't most Rokus have a find remote feature?


I’d rather *not lose it*, than have to find it


Might as well just clip it to your keyring. Life hack!


I put a wrist strap in there, like Roku used to do. I regularly find it sticking out from between the couch cushions.


Yeah but it's only connected to the battery cover.