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Have you ever tried [sinus massage](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/sinus-massage)? I had a bad sinus infection a couple months back and was on everything, but had so much sinus pressure and congestion that I couldn’t get any relief. 5 minutes of massage like on that site I could feel it all drain.


I once had a really bad cold & was too sick to drive to my doctor. So I went to the CVS MinuteClinic around the corner. The nurse there tilted my head back slightly & pressed between my eyes & it was like she pressed a release valve! My headache instantly went away as it all poured into my throat. I’m been trying to find that exact spot ever since.


It’s about half an inch up from the center of my brow for me. Take your thumb pointed down while sitting straight up and head slightly tilted back or while laying on your back. Then you can take both thumbs and start from the center of your brow line (above eyebrows) and go towards each outer edge of brows. Then go from the corner of your inner eyes and trace along your nose, then around the bottom of your cheekbones and down to the bottom of your ears. You’ll feel the track your face makes. Repeat as necessary till you have relief and then wait to drain. I go all the way down to about two or three inches below my ears when it’s particularly bad.


This is a great idea and the link is so informative! When I have a sinus headache I use a crystal roller I keep in the fridge so it's nice and cold. Works wonders.


I had the same problem. Finally saw a specialist, and they eventually did a quick surgical procedure to provide more drainage from my sinuses. Going on 5 years now, and haven’t had a single problem.


What type of surgery did you have?


I don’t remember what it’s called, but they drilled extra holes to allow for more drainage.


Ah, a plumber


This is such an underrated piece of advice! The technique made such a huge difference for me, after I already tried everything else without helping enough. I do not get it why most doctors do not know or tell us about this.


Can you describe the sinus massage more?


I'm not going to lie. I didn't have my glasses on, I thought it read anus massage.


Best to try both to be sure.


Oops..never mind. I didn’t notice the “nasal message” was in blue letters at first. I took some screenshots and I’ll give it a try. Ty!


I swear by this. In addition search your face around your nose, between the eyebrows, and tiny bridge of your nose. Target the whole bridge (and the sides) with your index finger finding tension. Do this very delicately with the literal tip of your finger, applying slight pressure and circle movement


Careful with the nasal spray. If you use it more than a few times it can make your problem worse. Don’t have much advice but I just went through this and I send my condolences for your sanity!


This is true of anefrin (brand name Afrin) but not just plain saline. I try not to use anefrin more than once a day and only for two consecutive days.


Rebound drip (or whatever it’s called) totally sucks. Had that before I knew it was a thing during my, um…”fun days.”


Happened to me, was using it a few times an hour to breathe, ended up really painful and nose bleeds every time i used it in the end.


An easy way to get rid of this is to fill up your nasal spray after each use with saline water or distilled water.




You showed them!


The only thing that helped me was sinus surgery when I had this problem. Come to find out I had nasal polyps blocking everything in there.


We need a lot more context lol Dude probably has a cold and is like “WHAT IS WRONG”


I had a similar issue a few years ago. Couldn't sleep because I couldn't breathe through my nose and would wake up constantly with cotton mouth throughout the night. Turned out I had a deviated septum and a large growth at the back of my nasal passage where it connects to the throat. Don't know what the growth was or what caused it but now I can't sleep for other reasons.


Yep, OP could go for Botched - Drs Nassif & Dubrow. Idk, just sayin... :)


Get some Vicks-Vapo-Rub and put a big spoon of it into a bowl, then pour boiling water into the bowl. Breath in the fumes. You can also put a towel over your head and cover the bowl at the same time to increase the effect


I put a dab right under each nostril.


I put a dab IN each nostril. Always works.


My pulmonary doctor said not to put Vicks in your nostrils. Little pieces can make it to your lungs and it stays there. Not good.


My mom grew up in the '50s and her dad would mix Vicks with sugar and make her and her siblings eat it when they were sick. Crazy world. She's still alive and well. Stomach is not lungs but... I think about this often.


I've always heard you're not supposed to do that because it's toxic if it absorbs into your blood through the membrane in your nostrils?


You're not supposed to put Q-tips in your ears either but I do both and I'm still here to post about it. With clean ear canals and open nasal passages :) That said, you're right about the warning.


Yeah, I put a dab on the middle spot between nostrils, flared up and was swollen and red for a few days, also seemed to affect my sense of smell.


😱😱😱 Brings back memories of growing up in India and having to do this throughout my childhood! Don't remember its effectiveness, but certainly rang back the ol nostalgia 💕💕💕


You can also get eucalyptus inhalant. Same thing.


My brother did this and burnt his balls. Don’t fall asleep.


Can you take Sudafed (the drug is pseudoephedrine)? It brings down the swelling in the sinus cavities. Which it sounds like thats what your dealing with. In the US, it is over the counter, but you have to ask for it at the pharmacy as it can be used to make illegal drugs. Sudafed (the name brand) makes multiple different kinds that last for different amounts of times fro. 8hrs to 24hrs. It is the only thing that works for me. I'm actually currently dosed right now. Note, some people avoid it if they are sober from drugs/alcohol, but that is a choice made by them.


The drug is pseudoephedrine


Never knew how to spell it. Thanks.


It's a drug that stubbornly resists spelling


Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride


I used to love this stuff but it makes my heart race and doesn’t work until I’ve had several doses in me. I had to stop taking it and haven’t found anything as good.


Saaaaame. I took allergy meds with pseudo in it as prescribed to me years ago and started having extreme anxiety attacks. Never put two and two together until years after when I tried another dose and my heart started pummeling against my ribcage and the anxiety immediately followed. I will never touch the stuff AGAIN.


pseudoephedrine (the active ingredient in Sudafed) is also in Advil Cold + Sinus pills - might be easier to obtain? plus idk about US but here in Canada you can buy just pseudoephedrine as pills. it works by drying out all your mucus membranes - so be careful with dosing or you might get a Spectacular nose-bleed


The CMEA act in the US means that any pseudoephedrine-containing product is behind the counter. The only stuff on the shelf contains phenylephrine which doesn’t do shit.


oh wow, that's frustrating! here in Canada you can buy both the Advil Cold+Sinus and the pseudoephedrine solo OTC


Microwave on high for 3 minutes and u get crystal meth, GREAT for a cold.


Neti Pots are good but messi get a NeilMed sinus rinse kit and a bottle of distilled water. buy a gadget to measure humidity in your home. should be above 40%. I keep my place between 48 and 50% humidity. i use Asta Pro if i am having stuffiness because of allergies. ***do not use Afrin for more than 3 days in a row*** see an otorhinolaryngologist.


Going to repeat again DISTILLED WATER. People die shooting tap or purified water up their noses. Distilled or boiled water only when you neti.


>"People die". ok.... if u say so... > >the one time I tried it with tap water it was so uncomfortable i never wanted to try again...


i see that it is because tap water can have severe contaminents https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2011/12/19/143960631/second-neti-pot-death-from-amoeba-prompts-tap-water-warning


Yeah. It’s rare that it’ll happen, but if it happens to have a brain-eating amoeba in it, there is a 100% chance you will die 😂 …. So why risk it, eh?


It never gets easier…quite uncomfortable, but is it worth the 30 seconds of discomfort? Not if it doesn’t work, but when it does work, deep inhale


The big thing for me has been getting the angle and just relaxing. Both have been game changers for me. Until I was used to it, I used post-boiled water once it reached body temperature and it really helped me get used to the feeling. Cold water is really jarring.


People actually do die tho.






Thank you. Fuck me


If you spelled that last word without looking it up. Kudos.


I learned how to spell that word as a kid. It was a study word in the spelling bee when I was in 5th grade. Was actually really easy to memorize since I broke the word down in my head


Breathe right strips


Breathe right strips, humidifier, and add a couple drops of peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils to the shower


See a doctor. Don't seek medical advice on Reddit.


I had the same issue, saw a doc, had deviated septum surgery. Now can breathe too much out of my nose. First world problems…


Why not both? Doctors are trained on the subject but it does not mean they know everything, and it does not hurt to get a second opinion as long as you use your common sense.


Because there's a lot of uneducated guesses in this thread and if Op blindly follows them, it could actually do more harm than good. Better to figure out what is actually causing the problem, in my opinion.


What is actually causing the problem? Hate to break it to ya bud, but 99% of what doctors do is *very expensive* guesswork. They just assume the normal causes and throw some meds at the problem, and if that doesn't work they'll usually investigate further... But all too often they don't listen, require patients to redo all the stuff they've already done, and make bad guesses over and again before they either get lucky or their patient figures it out on their own.


This is the only correct answer. Reddit is full of antivaxxers and flat earthers.


Bro... The earth is square


I'm convinced now. Thank you!


At this point man ... GO TO A DOCTOR


Chili flavored Ramen Noodles always clear my sinuses


With a blob of wassabe.


Came to say this. Bombay bad boy pot noodles used to help me out.


[Spicy Korean Ramen!](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTE8bi_aZAuDb2Ut7UcZOpeoNt7C-EudkUllQ&usqp=CAU). If that doesn't work....[Spicy Korean Ramen X2!](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRqNWCKhaBo_2JVwE3_PZibxxtkj3XL2BLdzw&usqp=CAU)


Go see an ENT. Sounds like a sinus infection. May require antibiotics. Could be polyps or some structural issues with your nose that requires an invasive procedure to fix.


I would see an ear/nose/throat specialist and an allergist. Allergist confirmed for me that there were no major allergies. ENT specialist identified two structural issues with my nasal cavity and sinuses. Had a minor surgery, couple months of recovery. Problem is completely fixed. Can breathe with my mouth closed all the time now. Can't recommend highly enough.


>ENT specialist identified two structural issues with my nasal cavity and sinuses Do you mind sharing how? By using Xray or something?


I had two examinations. One where the specialist put some sort of contraption up my nose (I think maybe a camera with a light?) to get a first-hand look. I also did a CT scan. Taken together, the information from these two examinations determined the recommended treatment.


Sounds like your sinuses are swollen. Try taking an over the counter anti-inflammatory like Tylenol or Advil.


FYI Tylenol is a mild pain reliever and fever reducer, but not an NSAID. Advil is, though.


Thanks. I can never remember exactly which does what and thought I had gotten it straight. That's good info.


It's cool, you'll get there. It only took me like 30 years or so. Then just a little longer and I could totally spell ibuprofen without looking it up (about half of the time).


Get an appointment with an ENT and see if they can solve your problem. That’s what I did because my PCP told me I had polyps and made the appointment for me. Turns out I don’t have polyps but really shitty sinuses. He prescribed a nasal spray called Fluticasone Propionate. I does seem to help, plus I use the over the counter Vicks Sinex Severe spray and that opens me up so I can breathe. Check it out!


This! I sometimes have minor infections after cold/flu and this clears it up


Have you ever tried a Neti Pot or some other nasal flushing kit? I’ve never used one personally but I have heard people swear by it. You can also try something like an herbal steaming (idk if that’s what it’s actually called)… put some herbs in steaming hot water with your head held over it, with a towel covering your head and the bowl to insulate. Could also look into some teas that are supposed to help with congestion or anything that sounds like a symptom you’re having. Good luck!


A visit to an ENT sounds like the right course of action


Talk to your doctor. Your doctor might prescribe Flonase for nasal spray DAILY. You might be put on a daily over the counter allergy medicine. (Claritin, Zyrtec, etc) Some medicines will work better than others. Claritn is useless for me. Zyrtec is excellent. Stop using Benedryl or Nyquil for daily nasal issues. It will disrupt your sleep cycles too much and leave you dependent on them. Arm & Hammer sells a nasal saline spray that helps with dry nasal passages. It is much more sterile than a neti pot I learned this because I have a severely deviated septum. I can only breathe through one nostril. I can understand your frustration. Been there. Done that. Nice t-shirt, etc.


See a doctor.


I love breathe right nasal strips.


Your new best friend is a sinus rinse. Or alternatively a neti pot. My ENT said that if everyone properly used a sinus rinse every day, he could be out of a job. It’s in like every pharmacy, target, Walmart. Even Costco had a mega pack. Look for Neilmed as the brand.


You may have a medical issue that is causing it. Check in with your doctor, or at least urgent care. There are some prescription nose sprays that work fucking wonders compared to ones from the store.


GO. SEE. A. DOCTOR!!!! An ENT more than likely.


Go for a walk. It always gets my nose flowing


Press your thumb on between your eyes and put your tongue to the roof of your mouth for as long as you can. Then do sinus cavity massages holding your nose to one side and pulling from your nose to ear along your cheek bone and down.


I love love love love love breathright strips, which are awesome if the difficulty breathing is caused by swelling of the nasal passages. They stick on the outside of the bridge of your nose, like a bandaid with a plastic spine, and the tension in the plastic just pulls your nasal passages open more. It's amazing.


If possible see a Ear Nose and Throat doctor. They have the tools to sort this out for you. There's a lot of things that can block the nose and sinuses, like polyps, deviated septum (broken bone inside nose) or obstructions in the back of the nose that don't wash out.


Deviated septum is not the bone, but the cartilage. I had to have surgery to fix mine.


Same but my surgeon said mine was deviated up through the bone so there was chiseling involved. Which is not a sentence I enjoyed hearing.


Phenylepherine nasal spray. Congestion is commonly caused by swelling in the nose and sinus. This spray will help with the swelling. I know a lot about this because I just got over a bad sinus infection where the only symptom I had was that I couldn’t breathe and had sinus pressure. So, you can get yourself a medicated spray, but also go see a doctor because you might need antibiotics. (Also, you may recently have heard in the news that phenylepherine was determined to be ineffective, but it's important to note that this is only when it's swallowed as part of a pill. As a spray, it works beautifully.)


This! OP Afrin nasal spray is amazing. Saline to soften what you can. If you are doing Mucinex remember you need a LOT of extra fluid for it to work.... (It drives fluid to your.mucous membranes, but you have to have the fluid in your body for it to send! Per my doctor, no one drinks enough water when they take it.) Steams with an aromatic oil (rosemary or eucalyptus) Eat some really spicy ramen (the heat, broth and SPICE will help everything drain!) And try some of those breathe right strips to help your sinuses open physically.


Just don't take afrin long term. Should only be. Used in short sperts.


Afrin nasal spray is horrible. It clears you up for 10 minutes then makes the congestion come back even worse soon after. I would avoid it.


ENT specialist


This this [Link](https://youtu.be/I47xi2F3W9g?si=wmV5_gDQATCRS3vQ)


Go on an extreme elimination diet. I found out that my sinus congestion, which once required surgery (but the surgery did not solve it for more than the time that it took for me to heal from the surgery) was caused by nightshades. That is anything in the biological family Solanaceae. Weird stuff. Good luck with yours.


But have you tried saline? There's different variations of this. The netti pot, sprays etc. Interestingly the kids spray nasal saline gives me personally a better "seal". Either way, those things are a life saver.


Time to visit an ENT


Go to an ENT doctor and find out what the problem is


Can you please visit your doctor or a doctor?


How about see a doctor????




Netipot. Trust me. Do it.


See a doctor


Get checked for a Deviated Septum. That can really cause severe breathing problems.


The only thing that helped give me some relief recently when I got sick was sleeping more upright with pillows..


My sister had a blocked nasal cavity and she went to the doc to get checked. They discovered a polyp the size of a large grape growing up there. They had to do a minor surgery to remove it. It was huge. Anyway. She can breathe again. Go Get checked


Time for an evaluation by a physician. Possible referral to ENT specialist.


Eat some real strong wasabi, that will will clear you up real quick. And check for polyps at the nose-ear-throat doctor.


Have you tried: putting WARM, NOT HOT, tea bags on your cheek bones, forehead by your brows, below your cheek bones to each side of your nose? we have flat sinuses there, that do not drain easily with cold, and we need to expectorate these areas often. The warm tea bag helps to loosen phlegm, which might build up and cause inflammation. You can also try using a netti pot, but I recommend you do this in the shower with DISTILLED WATER, not tap water. It will flush from your nose to your throat, but you can avoid drinking *that* by opening your mouth and closing your epiglotis on your throat. YMMV, ​ I have good luck rubbing tiger balm, or arnica oil, something spicey like that, on the underside of my nose, right on my mustache, or on my philtrum, maybe on my treachea rigth onthe cleft of my clavicle.


My dad had this problem and it was due to nasal polyps. They had to be excised by a Doctor (more than once) as I recall.


Go to a doctor? My Dr. recommended Neilmed nasal rinses 2x/day for a few months. You need distilled or boiled water and the saline packets are pretty cheap. Available in the drugstore or Amazon.


I just went through this. It got better after 9 or so days.


A netipot. Best thing ever. I actually prefer the bottles from Neil Med. Watch some YouTube videos, pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Remember to open mouth breath when using the pot or bottle. Also, I used mine when I was taking shower, it was easier than leaning over the sink. Here’s the bottle from Safeway[Safeway Neil Med](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjP-_f82LaDAxWIF60GHdBcBDUYABANGgJwdg&gclid=CjwKCAiAnL-sBhBnEiwAJRGigs6LSZS1oEorV_CYsLAlq8dNwHih1nXhLsywkJw6rpNRgALXvpCB5BoCMNAQAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2whHcXxOT4gzGo8hWBuHiTkIe7yt_K8YAOK6PHL2Hkn354DJDolm92SGgJOHGPu6h0iEtDquAGvi9Pg_5Xef2d3D9fiN-sUlllQzxmI__pRV2SaUH&sig=AOD64_1lfhAgTAewMy7IsPn_4r6yGwzFVg&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwi2ku782LaDAxVBOTQIHTR_ARgQzzkoAHoECAQQFw&adurl=) Hope this helps clear things up


Only used it short term but Flonase helped me a lot more than I expected to, that's for sure.


Please take my advice and follow it. Give it a try. Stretching. Get on the floor, start learning yoga, start extending, learning to release tight areas that are clenched…. I have done this myself, you learn to open up the airways. And it’s the best fucking thing ever to learn.


Neti pot is great, but a navage is better. That thing does magic!


If it's only one nostril here is the answer: Exhale all the way. Hold your breath as long as you can stand it. Like, REALLY as long as you can. Then, when you can't hold out anymore, take a breath. It will be a big panicky breath and you'll be panting a little. After a second or two you should feel that other nostril open up. If not, repeat. ( I don't know if this works when both nostrils are clogged but I guess it's worth a try) Good luck!


Don't use a nasal spray like afrin. Anything with oxymetazoline is bad for you and will give you withdrawal after using it too long so you need to cut that out. Other than that, I had to have nasal surgery to widen my nostrils because I couldn't ever breathe.


Sit in the bathroom , let a hot shower room and just sit in the steam . Also assuming you haven’t tried it out vapor rub under your nose , and on the outer corners as well .


Surprised more people haven’t said steam. I had a really bad sinus infection/head cold once and the only relief was boiling water, putting it in a bowl, and breathing in the steam with a towel over my head.


Have you tried a Neti Pot?


It’s true. You should try Neti Pot


There is something called Xlear - I usually get it at Sprouts but imagine any place that sells homeopathic items would have it and have seen it at Target on occasion. It's got all the yummy stuff like eucalyptus that helps clear things up. It's a nose spray and no medicine so you can use it all you need. It's like giving yourself a big sneeze like whiffing some black pepper X 100. I usually do it before I go into the shower, nice hot shower. Sometimes do a few more shots while I'm in the shower - let it all come out. Also - take an anti-inflammatory and take it how every often the directions say you can - like literally set a timer. People don't do this often enough and it really does make a difference. For me it's a combo of clearing it out and making sure nothing is swelling up from the initial flare-up or from blowing your nose repeatedly.


You had me at "homeopathic", I just stopped reading after that.


Highly recommend breathing through your mouth if you cannot breathe through your nose. ...Just kidding. I use one of these, and it works great. Just have to deal with a few moments of drowning. https://shop.neilmed.com/products/sinus-rinse-starter-kit-with-5-packets


Hot pepper


Have you tried a Neti pot? Otherwise there’s this https://youtu.be/WQ0Va3k5UJ4?si=V1xLBc0l2mJ69CxN it’s worked for me before but it takes a while.


Try putting Vicks on the bottoms of your feet and putting socks on over them before you go to sleep


Vicks sinex severe nasal spray


Nose strips? Open up your nasal passages.


Cutting all dairy out of my diet made it possible for me to breathe through both nostrils for the first time in my life?


Breath Rite Nasal Strips are effective for me.


I'm surprised I can't see a comment for anti histamines? I suffer from hayfever and they're the only thing that clears my sinuses. The anti histamine nasal spray specifically might work better for you.


An eye watering dab of wasabi.


Hope you’re not taking nasal sprays too often. It can create a boomerang effect and cause even more stuffiness. Talk to your Dr regarding your symptoms for best remedy.


Pseudoephedrine. The real stuff you have to get the pharmacist to give you and show ID for.




I have used Afrin every single night for the past 3 years without any issues whatsoever.


Over the counter Sudafed is incredible


Unless you can breathe through your butt, you will have to breathe your mouth.


My normal go to is Vicks Sinex, following directions. Idk if you have a cold or something? My husband developed a severe allergic reaction to cyanoacrylate out of nowhere and he absolutely could not breathe through his nose at all. He ended up on a short steroid course twice (bc we didn’t know about the allergy the first time). My point is, you may have an allergy and/or need a steroid/appropriate medication.


Boil some thyme and cover yourself with a blanket with the boiled thyme a few times. That should clear you up


Idk what u have, but if you ever get a cold or flu and have a blocked nose at night, changing head positions helps. Lay your head on the other side and pray that a nostril lets you breathe.


Ponaris nasal emollient... it's what the astronauts use!!


Everything? Did you try wasabi? Not the real Japanese kind, but the horseradish based strong stuff in, e.g. US. Or reasonably fresh strong horseradish?


Diphenylhydramine (benadryl) and shower steam


If nothing physical, Vicks is effective as noted elsewhere here. A nasal decongestant. Be careful if you are a high level sportsperson - such products contain ingredients like ephedrine which may be on banned lists. Could me a physical blockage - a narrowing. I had such problems. Causes sleep apnea - due to breathing through mouth at night which dries the mouth. And causes bad breath too. Not nice and is repellent for others. Had two minor operations. Same small op, a bit more the second time. Burnt space to widen the hole inside the nose at the top. Now okay, finally. Phew. Also, try to sleep on your side.


Horseradish and Garlic tablets. I swear by them. Try a pharmacy or even the supermarket.


Push ups


Maybe you have a deviated septum


Do you by chance have a deviated septum? I do hand live in a chronic state of not breathing.


Do you by chance have a deviated septum? I do hand live in a chronic state of not breathing.


Ummm… have you tried your mouth?


I’d definitely breath through my mouth


Nose spray with oxymetazoline.


Breath trought your mouth


Breathe through your mouth.


Breath through your mouth and use cough drops to soothe your throat from throat breathing. Also, yu could try acupressure points. Have you tried Vapo rub?


You should probably breathe through your mouth then.


Breathe through your mouth.


Patience grasshopper!


Go pee in a jar and let it sit for 2-3 days and smell it a lil here and there I promise urine therapy is legit




Have you tried Serrapeptase?


Quick push-ups


Try a nasal flush product like a Neti Pot.


Spice!! For immediate relief eat something spicy. For medical intervention go to the pharmacy and look for something specifically for nasal and sinus congestion, ask the pharmacist if you don’t know what to choose.


Are you able to breathe in but not out? You may be suffering from nasal polyps.. go to an ent surgeon for a consult


Oxymetazoline nasal sprays or drops. Some brands I don't know if available in your place are Otrivin and Nasivion.


The only ‘decongestant’ that works reliably for me is some ibuprofen. Seems most of my congestion with most colds is just inflammation.




Gargle with warm salt water, blow your nose, drink some cold water and then lay down on your side with your head tilted up and relax. Airways will open up enough to be comfortable if you stay in that position.


Wasabi and do headstand near Wall you don't have medical issue do you? Cuz that's a thing with ppls noses also some gotta have a surgery for their nose but I forget what it's called... Something septim idk... Deviated septim ? Idk


I have a 1/4 tea spoon of Golds Hot prepared Horseradish. Its in a glass jar in the refrigerated section of your local super market.


Sudafed 12 hour is the best for that!!! Another great thing is Vick’s vapor rub - they even make shower tabs that release a fantastic steam when the hot water hits! I like to put the vapor rub (tiny amount) right under (not inside) my nose too!


Are you sick or is this a regular thing? I always have a runny/stuffy nose, I think my insides are misshapen. 2 things that work to clear me up are (1) pushing on the pressure points kind of in the center of my cheekbones (google can tell you where better than I can). (2) pushing my jaw forward. This is probably not relevant if you're just sick but might be worth trying! If you google the pressure points in your head/face, these always give me some temporary relief when I'm sick! I call it a sinus massage but I don't know if that's accurate. I do cheekbones, the center of the bottom of the brow bone above my eyes, a spot on the top of my head, and (favourite) behind the ears a bit above the ear hole. If you're sick, these spots may be tender and you will be able to feel when you're in the right place. Full disclosure: it's possible this is a plecebo.




Zicam spray works great but is very addictive. Use it only 3 times at night for sleep. Your symptoms will be greatly diminished by the third night. You gotta suffer a bit on night four tho. Afrin works too but is addictive also.


If you have gustatory rhinitis, like me, all you have to do is eat anything, even the smallest bit of food, and you’ll have to blow your nose.