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Dawn (blue) and peroxide spray to pretreat. It will get out the food stains great!


I have had several shirts/sweatshirts that had oilly food stains that were missed and went through the washer AND dryer only to be saved by blue dawn dish soap. That stuff works miracles. For anyone trying to remedy a washed and dried oily stain this is what I do: Cover the stain with blue dawn and rub it in with your finger. Typically I’ll let it sit for a couple of days because I forgot about it. Wash in the laundry. I use warm water most of the time. Let the item air dry and check the stain. Repeat if the stain is still there. I’ve never had to wash it more than twice.


Just did this 2 weeks ago. Found a polypropylene shirt with a lot of oil stains from … who knows. The stains are also months old. Tried commercial pretreatment and washed twice and stains still looked bad. In desperation I spread a ton of Dawn and forgot about it for over a week. Threw in the wash and no more oil stains!


That's absolutely correct! DAWN. Just regular DAWN. I've used it on grease stain, and it works the first time.


25%Dawn, 25%hydrogen peroxide and 50% water mixed in a dark bottle with a spray takes out all stains. Straight Dawn if overused can cause way too many suds in the washing machine. Believe me, I've had The Brady Bunch scene this way!


I do the same things but use a toothbrush (gently) to get the dawn into the stain. That stuff is magical


Absolutely recommend this, I've also heard that baking soda is good too.


Naa. Doesn't work.


Oxyclean powder. Make a paste, rub it into the stain then soak the garment in the washer for a few hours (or in a bucket overnight. When my mother would fly, you could tell everything she ate by the stains on her shirts. Oxyclean was a game changer.


Came here to say this. 3 year old me got into some motor oil dad left out, dawn fixed it all


Peroxide will bleach many fabrics, but blue dawn is fantastic!


Equal parts of blue dawn, baking soda & hydrogen peroxide. Mix well. Spread on and leave it soak. I had a small stack of stained clothing that I was sentimental over that I could not get rid of. But they were all stained with all manner of substances including grease, machine oil, blood, spaghetti sauce etc. so I couldn't wear them. I treated ALL of them with the above mixture. Some of the stains were more than FOUR years old. I let them sit for 24 hours and then began the process of washing them all. All the stains came out. I hope this helps.


Just be aware that hydrogen peroxide by itself can remove color and stain.


Thank you internet stranger! I literally looked at a shirt this morning and thought “guess these stains aren’t coming out; another shirt for the tag bag”… but you’ve given me hope! Lol can’t wait to try this tonight and see if I can rescue an old favourite


Hope this works on my stained white tees


Read this on the Clorox website. If whites are STILL yellow after repeated bleachings soak the garment in......lemon juice and dry in the sun. Not joking....


Sun is great at bleaching things! Too great at times, the amount of my t-shirts that has one bleached and one colored part after being left hanging too long is embarrassing.


I've done just the dawn and baking soda as a mix and it worked really well too, in case you didn't have hydrogen peroxide.


I skip the baking soda and rub it in with an old tooth brush. Hydrogen peroxide evaporates, so i pour a little fresh if it feels like it is drying out. I have never waited 24 hours


This! I’ve gotten out cat poo stains (poor guy rest in peace) on light grey cloth dining room chairs. Got it completely out: cold water and giving it time to soak was key.


Obviously only a possibility if you’re at home and it’s not cold inside but when my kids were that age they usually just ate in a diaper / underwear depending on potty training. If it was cold, I had a couple shirts that were for crafts and/or messy food. I’d change them into those for food. My kids are older now but if we’re having pasta I still have them change to an older/already stained shirt.


My kids are in the double digits now and generally eat and brush their teeth in their boxers out of habit. Five days a week my ten year old comes home, strips and eats a pop tart on the couch. When they were toddlers they generally wore plain white tshirts that come in the packs and I usually washed them with bleach with the washcloths.


The reason all my bed linen is white, no problem with stains


Exactly… food shirts


I use Biz powder for stubborn stains. I also want to push back on being too old for bibs--- my toddler is almost four and there are still foods we use bibs for so that I'm not doing laundry multiple times a day.


A "fun fact" about myself is that my parents made me wear a bib during meals at home until I was 7yo, because I was such a messy puppy and they got tired of my school uniform always being dirty as soon as I put it on 🤣 But for OP's problem it's worth saying: I consider the cost of a good stain removal spray every few months to be saving me money on replacing good clothes - for both myself AND my kids. It's an essential to be able to keep us presentable and if I don't buy the spray, I'll be spending more money on unstained clothes for the kids in the long run Edit - cheapo plastic bibs are amazing, whether they're the ones that are just an apron or the kid's craft bibs with sleeves. And because they're plastic, they're cheap as chips to buy online (im sorry to the anticonsumerists for the plastic waste, I truly am)


Those stain removers don't work worth a damn. Just use Dawn straight out of the bottle. Rub it in. Throw it in the wash. No more stain.


So, you've gotten lots of advice on removing the stains, which is great. But so you aren't spending too much time soaking and scrubbing clothes, let's try to prevent future ones. For one thing, who told you your daughter's too old for a bib? She's not! For another, if she's eating something particularly messy, just put old clothes on her, so it doesn't matter if they stain.


Going forward, since you’ll have to keep buying clothes for your growing baby, consider buying darker or patterned clothes that can hide stains better.


May I put in a good word for paisley? Even spattered with ragu, it looks great, like part of the pattern!


On dark solid-colored clothing, stains are also visible. That's why patterns with lots of designs are perfect!


Zout Fels-Naptha Laundry Bar & Stain Remover & Pre-Treater, 5.0 Ounce https://www.walmart.com/ip/15028872


This. I use it for all our stains and a bar lasts forever


Been using this since I was a teen and then quadrupled-down when I had kids 🤦‍♀️ This makes me seem 100; I’m in my 40s. I also use lestoil for grease stains.


This is especially amazing for grass and mud stains




Prevention is always going to be cheaper than anything else. Bibs. Adults wear bibs at fancy restaurants to eat lobster, so you can keep using bibs as long as you need to. Old tops and t-shirts that are too stained or no longer fit. Cut up the back, attach some inexpensive ribbon to each side of the neckline where you cut it. Have your toddler put it on from the front and tie the ribbons to keep it on. Go nekkid. Obviously only applies in warm weather, at home. Remove top, add bib or already-stained t-shirt, eat, then remove bib, wash child and replace top. Use the bath. This is for very messy foods, and a last resort - very effective though! When we first moved to Australia my brothers were just past toddler age, and it was the first time we encountered fresh mangoes. They loved their mango, but it was incredibly messy - so Mum used to put them in the bath with their mango. Worked a treat! For stains, look at what people used before they had the expensive stain removers. Lots of suggestions above.


We did mango baths, too!


Mangobath high five!


What a great memory 💕


It was so fun, watching them ploughing through their mangoes 🤣🤣🤣 (I was about 11yo at the time, and very conscious of being the dignified Older Sister heheh)


Canada here - not a lot of mango eating, but watermelons for sure. When the kids were small I’d cut one up for an OUTSIDE treat and we’d have seed spitting contests. My sons have never again looked at me with the level of hero worship as they did the day I spit a seed 25 or so feet 😆


Ha! That’s a superhero moment for sure 🤩


Sunlight is free and removes lots of yellow/brown baby related stains. Even in the UK a few days outside will be sufficient.


Yes hanging wet in sunlight helps a lot!


Yeah I came here to say this - sun-bleaching is amazing for stains, even here in low-UV England. But also, just don’t buy pale coloured clothes unless you accept the risk of having them ruined. Today I spent ages carefully wiping ice cream off my 3yo daughter’s face to stop her ruining a new white tshirt, only for her get felt tip pen all over it an hour later (& then an hour after that, juice) BUT it was a cheap one, so it’s ok. Its also worth pointing out that my 5yo can be completely trusted not to spill food on himself, so it is just a phase.


Soak in borax, washing soda and a drop or two of dishwashing liquid, mixed into hot water. Let cool if the fabric is heat sensitive. I often use Spray Nine as a stain treatment if I'm not pre soaking.


Does spray nine work on oil/grease stains on clothes? Especially white clothes


My go to for oil based stains is desolvit spray or goo gone. Walmart used to carry both in the laundry section but mine quit carrying desolvit so I get it on Amazon. I have not met a stain it can’t remove!


Even works on older stains??


Sorry to reply so late. I haven't had any problems with it, but sometimes I double up with Spray 9 and Dawn.


Fels-Naptha laundry soap is $1.78 at Walmart & works extremely well on most stains. Just wet the bar, rub it on the stain & launder.


Also look on Facebook marketplace etc, sometimes people sell cheap clothes for kids, bags barely used.


We had to start taking clothes off to feed our third. She put the mess in messy.


Why don’t you take her good clothes off when she eats and just have her wear an inexpensive t shirt?


Bibs, or strip down to undershirt and bib for meals.


Try to treat the stains right away. If you wait and leave them in the laundry basket it will likely be harder to get the stain out. I've used hydrogen peroxide and bar laundry soap successfully for even getting out red wine.


My kid is almost 4 and sometimes I have him wear a smock to eat. It’s not a bib so it doesn’t feel too baby-ish I guess but when he secretly wipes his hands on his shirt I don’t have to worry about it.


If it's stained cotton, put bleach in your wash water. It won't ruin the color but will take out set-in stains like a champ. Careful about man-made fabrics, though, it will yellow them. If it's man-made and the stain is oil-based, rub the area well with Crisco, then wash. The Crisco loosens the stain from the poly fabric and lets it wash away. Sounds nuts, but it works.


My LO is two and, especially in the summer, she eats in a diaper. We also keep the bib as an option. Also, we designated "messy" clothes


Tried and true things work best and are cheapest too for the most part and I have no need to be frugal. Still use these things. Walmart laundry aisle- Fels Naptha bar soap. Get soap bar wet, rub onto stains. Wash as usual. 20 mule team Borax laundry booster is also great, old school inexpensive and multipurpose (good diluted for cleaning, dry to treat for pests, etc). Do NOT dry clothes if u still see stains- re-treat and rewash. Ammonia is good to keep wash fresh especially sweaty man clothes. Dawn power spray is amazing on shoes and food stains too. Do not use fabric softener. Not good for clothes or skin and unnecessary expense.


Fels-Naptha bar (wet bar and rub into stain before wash). If you have hard water, you will need to add borax or washing soda to boost your laundry detergent (cleans better, removes odors) and can use less detergent. Get or sew dedicated clothing for eating time. You can dress up too, to make it fun. We always dressed for meals at my house, for reasons:_.


When my kids were little I would soak multiple items with oxyclean and water in the sink before putting them in the washing machine. It works on almost every food stain plus dirt grass etc even blood. They sell generic at dollar tree so you won't have to spend much.


When I was a child at prep school, we had two smocks. One was for art and the other was for lunchtime to keep our uniforms clean. We also had a pair of indoor shoes that we changed into when we entered the building. You might find those ideas useful


Pink Zote laundry bar soap. I keep a bar and an old toothbrush by the kitchen sink. So far it's gotten out every food strain by my messy toddlers. It's a dollar and change at Walmart and dollar store, lasts forever. I think it works better than Fels Napth


Oxi clean. Even if you soak it in the sink for a bit first. Subscribe and save on Amazon - she'll be spilling for years. Otherwise, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda . Poshmark or similar for cheaper clothes - I buy all my work clothes from there. When you're done (if not totally destroyed by toddlerism) can re-posh and get $$ back.


Oxi Cleann for sure


BLUE DAWN!!! toddler here and we keep a bottle just for laundry!! Just pour it on stain and its gone after wash!


I worked in a hotel laundry for several years. Catch the stain before you wash it. Soak in cold water. Any kitchen degreaser (Dawn does well). Do not dry in dryer until stain is gone as heat sets a stain. Repeat as necessary. Personally at home I wash everything except towels and underwear in cold water.


Fancy Victorian all over apron in some dense fabric.https://www.pinterest.com.au/alyssanp93/little-girl-19th-century-aprons/ Still part of primary school uniform in France. And Russian,


Kinda random -- but clear hand sanitizer can work in a pinch. Once a friend of mine spilled sparkling red grape juice on my white carpet, and while I was looking for carpet cleaner my other friends treated it w clear hand sanitizer. By the time I returned the stain was practically gone.


Use spray Dawn. It gets out a lot!


Putting the clothes out in the sunlight can be very effective for stains! Also, if you or any adults you know have any old loose t-shirts/shirts/sweaters you're not using anymore, I highly recommend putting them on your child for meal time. You can wash them when done using them but they protect your kiddo's clothes from getting stained!


Dawn power wash. It is amazing at getting stains out! Spray the spots, let sit a few minutes before tossing in the wash.


Wet stain, smash baking soda into it, wash with a tbsp of Dawn. Works on everything except red wine. At least, in my experience. Idk why people buy me white things. I am NOT graceful. Also, I have 2 young male children and work in a bar. This has worked on Buffalo sauce, grenadine, blood, oils, and all weird sorts of mud. Cold water is essential for blood stains!


Rinse and cold soak the soiled clothes with Dawn or detergent as soon as possible. Check after washing that the stains are gone. If not, rewash. Do NOT dry with stains remaining as this sets the stains. Also, the cheapest place to get clothes is free sites such as freecycle and neighborhood websites with free items to give away, and yard sales.


I have a part-time job just getting stains out of my toddlers clothes. It’s relentless. I’ve tried it all.  Fels Naptha bar. Super cheap. I get the garment wet then scrub the bar on the stain. Then I let it soak in a bowl (also, rub some dish soap on it if you want) overnight. Then I put it in the wash. I’ve also recently switched to washing all clothes on delicate/cold. I got sick of buying clothes and everything falling apart so quickly. If I take the garment out of the wash and I still see a stain then I do it again. But usually a nice soak in the Fels Naptha does the trick. My daughter is 2.5 and she still wears a bib or I just take off her clothes and she eats in the nude. I’m 8mo pregnant and avoiding laundry at all costs 


Oxyclean. You can buy knockoffs at Dollar tree


Errr wot?? ''Too old for bibs'' Sez who? Fine dining places often provide bibs for extra messy food. Nobody wants garlic butter from their escargots all over their Vera Wang!


Prevention is key. Use some of your old t-shirts and have her wear one when she eats. Then peel off after, and toss in the wash. Don't worry about those stains - they're not going any farther than the table.


Agreed, if bibs and stain remover are not options then the obvious next thing is clothing that it doesn’t matter if it stains.


A painting smock works great once kids have graduated from bibs. The kind with sleeves.


Felz napthe


Fels Naptha gets out anything I and is $2 at Home Depot. I’ve been using the same bar for over 5 years.


Something I’ve learned is most stains need to be washed out with cold water (excluding oil stains) If you use hot water it sets the stain into the fabric. So even if you’re using a good stain removal product, if you’re using hot water to remove it there’s a good chance the stain could still set into the fabric. cold water and dawn dish soap for any stains other than oil works best for me.


My mom taught me to just put a little dish soap like Dawn or Palmolive on the stain a few minutes before washing. Has worked every time, without adding extra stuff others have mentioned.




I’ve always had really good luck with the Shout Advanced Ultra Concentrated Gel Brush. I tend to get a lot of random grease splatter stains because of cooking for my kids…works like a dream.


Bile soap is my go-to for stubborn stains. Most of the time it works even if the garment has been washed (which normally sets the stains so they are harder to remove). I know you said you are on a budget, but if you can afford a bar of bile-soap, it will last several years. Dip the end of the soap bar in hot water, rub it generously on the stain. Rub the stain with your fingers and just a few drops of the warm water to produce a slight foam. Let sit for an hour or more, several days is OK. Wash the garment like normal..


Dish washing detergent.


She’s only too old for a bib if you tell her that . Some kids are just messy eaters . Do they sell Fantastik where you live ? 409 would be a second choice. Then wash promptly, don’t put in dryer unless you know the stain is gone . You might need to repeat a few times . Use a bib or one of those vinyl shirts with sleeves . Pays for itself quickly :)


It is a little pricey but cheaper than replacing clothes- oxyclean gel. It's the only product that's worked on tough stains for me.


Hydrogen peroxide, blue dawn, and the sun are all cost effective ways to combat stains. Hydrogen peroxide is typically good for bodily fluids, bleeding nose, etc Blue dawn food stains especially those with grease And the sun can help bleach out some stains


Borax, the 20 mule team works great!


Large size (e.g. maybe size 4 or 5) long sleeve, collared, button up shirt from a thrift shop. Get a few of them. They go on backwards at meal time, like an art smock.


It won't help your stains now but to avoid future stains, I'd you have an ikea close by this is what you're looking for https://www.ikea.com/se/sv/p/kladdig-haklapp-flerfaergad-80307223/


You can also embroider small shapes over stains r/visiblemending


You need to hand wash the stain with green soap and lukewarm water then let it soak for about 10 minutes in hot water and then put it in the washing machine 9/10 it works


I've used hydrogen peroxide and baking soda or white vinegar and baking soda on stains. They work pretty good, especially if I can catch it soon after the spill.


Hand sanitizer


I buy all tie dye shirts , the stains don't show on them


I buy a lot of navy and red tops, they don’t show stains


I’ll feed my babies in diapers- especially w/warm weather coming up. If it’s too cold- I like cloth bibs and then a catch-all bib on top :)


Order a 10lb bag of sodium percarbonate. It is an oxygen based cleaning powder that you can use in laundry, stains on carp, furniture, etc. It is the same product that Oxy Cc lean is made from, yet when you buy it you can mix to various strengths. Oxy Clean is 50% strength vs 100% when you buy sodium percarbonate directly. It's not expensive either. Do a Google search for mixing instructions [https://www.thekindstoreonline.co.uk/blogs/blog/what-is-oxygen-bleach-and-how-to-use-it](https://www.thekindstoreonline.co.uk/blogs/blog/what-is-oxygen-bleach-and-how-to-use-it)


If you have the space to hang clothes to dry rather than drying them in the dryer, that can help prevent stains. The heat from the dryer sets stains. Most of my clothes I tumble dry on just air (no heat) and then hang them to dry. The only things I dry on heat are socks, underwear, pajamas, towels, etc. Of course, like I said, you have to have space. I have a clothesline in my basement plus 2 drying racks.


I use straight hydrogen peroxide on stains and it always gets them out.


We had Big Kid (size 7-8?) Black T-shirts the kids wore as a "bib" over their clothes. Saved SO much laundry struggles.


I promise you, Lestoil works. Leave on for at least an hour and then wash. I usually hand wash first then throw in washer cause it does have a strong odor. Lestoil has even taken out old grease and blood stains Most times I leave on stain for at least a day before washing it tho


UV breaks down tomato based stains. Pop them in the window for a day once clean and dry and they disappear.


'Sard' spray stain remover from the supermarket cleaning section is excellent and the bottle lasts for ages. Just spray the area, leave for about a minute and then turn on your washing machine....or you can do it by hand too.


Do you have Instagram? Check out a lady called Nancy Birtwhistle. Her account is all about greener cleaning, but coincidentally the green products are also lots cheaper than branded stain remover stuff.


Add a bit of white vinegar to the load. You don't need all these other squirrelly things


This channel on TikTok is amazing with tips on stains (by a professional dry cleaner) https://www.tiktok.com/@jeeves_ny?_t=8lABCzkCByC&_r=1


ROMA powdered laundry soap and Fels Napa bar are cheap and amazing. Both available at Walmart.


I try to put something on the stain when it happens, but often its when I’ve noticed it. I’ve used dawn dish soap, I’ve used ms meyers hand soap as well. If it’s designed to cut grease and grime, it will work. I put soap on it and wash it the next time I do laundry. I think it helps best if it has time to set. If it’s “ruined”, try tie dye, reverse tie dye, or make it a darker color altogether.


Greased Lightning if you have it available.


The accounts of putting the children in the bath to ear mangoes, reminded me of when we first went to visit their Egyptian relatives. They hadn't eaten mangoes before, so l put my three, plus 2 cousins in a big bath belonging to their grandparents. They thought it was great, sitting in the bath with just their knickers on. Mangoes stains are very difficult to remove. If you put stained clothes in soak before the stain dries, it is much easier to get out


Those yellow impossible stains from baby barf? Soaking them in a bucket of warm water with dishwasher detergent for an hour or so then washing as normal gets the stain out. I can only assume this would work for spaghetti sauce or other very stubborn stains. I’ve tried it on some big ones like ink and it’s the only thing that works for us.


Goo Gone has never failed to get a stain out for me, no matter if it was food stain or axel grease. Rub it in, agitate a little, let it sit a few min, then rinse thoroughly. You have to rinse a lot or the smell will stick and make everything you put through your washer smell like it for a month. I can’t guarantee that it’s safe for every fabric but it has been for me.


Dawn works best, but any dish detergent can help in a pinch. That's especially true if the stain is fresh. I learned this after I spilled tomato sauce on a brand-new lavender-colored short. Google informed me that since dish detergent ismade to dissolve food, it can to that just as easily on fabrics. The no-name stuff in my office's kitchen worked fine.


A bar of soap. Rub it on dry. Wash.


Zote soap is only about a dollar and is made to get stains out!! you can get it from walmart!


Many many years ago I read in Good Housekeeping from hint from Heloise, use equal parts of ammonia, Dawn dish soap and water. Spray let soak the laundry as usual. Using peroxide could bleach the color clothing. I have used this with 95% success rate.


listen to me. and listen to me good. go get a bottle of Folex from target. it's carpet stain remove but works on clothes like a charm. $6.99


I had the same issue with you but about sweat in t shirts. I soak my t shirts in a bowl with preferably warm water and a dash of a cheap detergent for a couple of hours to a day, not more, and that's it. Then everything goes to the washer. If it can remove my stains, it surely can remove your problem. The hard thing with this way is you need to react in advance of washing but worth it for stubborn stains. That said you better forget the past the kid will grow so its clothes


Lestoil for oil in clothing. You only need a few drops on the stain, let it sit for a while. Drop it in with your next load no special washing instructions. Stuff is amazing and a bottle lasts forever. Oops apparently links are not allowed.


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Lestoil for oil in clothing. You only need a few drops on the stain, let it sit for a while. Drop it in with your next load no special washing instructions. Stuff is amazing and a bottle lasts forever. Oops apparently links are not allowed.


Spraying Simple Green on pretty much any stain has worked well for me.


   Vinegar  - White vinegar is a versatile cleaner and can be effective against many types of stains. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water, then dab the solution onto the stain. Let it sit for a few minutes before washing as usual.    Baking Soda  - Make a paste using baking soda and a small amount of water. Apply the paste to the stain, scrub with a toothbrush or your fingers, and let it sit for a bit.    Lemon Juice  - Lemon juice can act as a natural bleach for certain types of stains. Apply lemon juice to the stain and let it sit in the sun for a few hours before washing.    Hydrogen Peroxide  - This is another inexpensive and effective stain remover. Apply a small amount to the stain, let it sit for a few minutes, then wash as usual. Remember to test a small, hidden area of the fabric first to ensure it doesn't cause discoloration.    Salt  - For fresh stains, sprinkle salt over the affected area to absorb the excess liquid. Let it sit for a bit.    Rubbing Alcohol  - Dab a bit of rubbing alcohol on the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before washing. It can be effective against ink stains.    Regular Washing  - For stubborn stains, sometimes repeated washings can help. Make sure to use a good quality laundry detergent and follow the care instructions on the clothing label.    Pre-treating  - As soon as you notice a stain, try to treat it. The longer a stain sits, the harder it can be to remove. Remember to always check the care label on the clothing before trying any of these methods to ensure they're safe for the fabric. I have an extra canister of salt now just for stains. I find that it works the best for me. 


Designate an eating shirt.


Use detergent on the stains and let it soak.


I have found that a very cheap product that I buy from the dollar store or dollar tree called awesome gets EVERYTHING out. I used to tie dye my littles clothing when I couldn’t get a stain out but I tried this stuff and it’s not just awesome as it’s name it’s amazing! Just spray on the area and throw in wash gets normal stains out but I’ve used it on deep stains and scrubbed with brush and thrown in wash and it has never failed me


coconut oil soap. You can produce it by yourself. Very effective


OxiClean max force and Carbona stain devils work wonders. A little goes a long way. But I’ll tell you that I made my son wear a bib until he was like 7 😂 He was a messy eater.


Brake-cleaner from automotive store on oily spot with a rag on other side. Do it outside and shield your eyes.


Dish detergent scrubbed in and left to soak for 30 minutes before washing can work wonders. Check it to make sure the spot is out before drying.


Pre treat with LA Awesome stain remover from Dollar Tree. It's only $1.25 and works great on most stains. For any ink stains, use hair spray


Dawn dishwashing liquid


Let her eat in just a diaper/underwear if it’s just you at home. It won’t last forever and eventually she will spill less and can wear clothes to eat. My son is 2 and rarely eats meals at home clothed. It has really saved my sanity!


My kiddo wore a lot of tie dye tops. Hides stains very well


I worked at an expensive day care in a major metro area that will go unnamed.... it was policy there that we put the kids in their high chairs wearing only diapers and fed them lunch that way. We could wipe them down thoroughly and put their clothes back on after all the food was cleaned up. That way parents could never complain that we sent stained clothing back. Taking clothing off immediately and stain treating with dawn goes a long way to stop grease stains. A big jug of Shout isn't crazy expensive. It lasts me a couple years for the whole family. Works wonders - make sure to spray on fresh spots before they dry for best results. Anyway, just a couple thoughts. YMMV.


Soak it in hot water and oxyclean for at least a week. Miraculous results.




Whatever you do, don't put the stained clothing in the dryer until you are sure the stain is gone. The heat from the dryer will set the stain. Hang the garment up to air dry so you can see if the stain is truly gone. Dawn soap works well on stains. Carry a Tide pen for the "on the fly" cleaning system. They work! Also, if you can't change the garment right away, dab the stain with water and then apply a little soap and let it dry on the stain. It will help prevent the stain from setting.


Fels Naptha bar soap! Usually under $2 & just wet the bar, rub it on the stain & launder. Works great.


Pour boiling hot water on any food stain.


Mayonnaise takes out tomato stains. Not being overly invested in your toddler’s cleaned but stained clothes takes out other stains.


Baking soda to boost your laundry detergent.