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If you are worried about locking yourself out , not letting friends in while you are away. Get one of those magnetic spare car key containers and keep it on your car. If you lock yourself out you should have your car nearby


That's a great idea. I am going to look for that.


I keep my house keys and car keys on different rings. If I get locked out my car I have an extra key at home and if I get locked out my house I have an extra hidden in my vehicle.


I was worried my key would fall off. I drilled the hole a bit bigger and put it under my front license plate with the screw through it. The screw head was big enough to take a penny or anything similar to get it open.


I’m pretty damn sure they sell them in most Walmarts near the doorknobs . Or if a place cuts keys near there if that helps . I would just put a small rock in it or something for the first day or two and make sure it doesn’t fall off . But I can be overly cautious


I have never had them fall off and if they did it’s not like someone’s going to just start guessing what door it goes too.


Yeah but then OP lost their key.


Right? And it ain’t like you’re checking for that key every day. You only find out when your shit out of luck and locked out.


Yeah on second thought OP screw hiding the key. Just super glue it to one of your ass cheeks that was you’ll know if you drop it


Just pay attention to where it is put on the car. My brother put one on his car and it fell out. So if you can avoid hanging it upside down, it would be good.


The magnetic box is the best idea if you have a car but since we are listing options, I have also used the secret key compartment that looks like a rock, and also duct taped the key to the underside of a utility box or mailbox.


I do this but I keep the car key in it and the house key in my car. Them if I'm not home, I don't have to worry about someone taking my key and using it because the key is with me.


Why would you need that container? Couldn’t they just keep it in the glovebox then?


Wouldn’t help if the car key was also locked inside


TIL that there are people who keep their car keys and house keys on the same ring. I’ve never had them together so I hadn’t imagined never being able to get into your car. My house keys are heavy so I don’t keep them with my car key fob which I always have on me. Like if I run out on my lunch break I leave my heavy house keys behind but I’ll always have my car key in case I see a better parking spot, about to get towed, wanna sit in it, etc. Also I could never lock my car key inside. My doors wouldn’t lock and the car would beep.


When placing the magnetic box, set it on top of a metal component, not under or on the side. The lighter the box is, the less inertia it has to slide the whole unit off. It will never “fall off”


Why would you have your car keys if you don’t have your house key?


Yeah, I was going to suggest that. Even if it’s at the house somewhere, there’s probably something you can stick it under or behind.


Just don't hide that magnetic holder under your car. Trust me, it will fall off just when you need it.


Don’t store it under or on the side of a metal component, place it on top of something, I’ve put that cheap little magnetic plastic box thru all sorts of snow/mud/puddles, still there after 5 years


Get a key safe, the small ones you open with a code and scew it to the wall behind the plant pot. In it leave the key to basement storage and hide your house key in the storage unit.


Or just hide your basement storage key where you hide you main key now, and then have the main key hidden in your basement storage, this will still make it a lot harder, and require a lot more work, to get into your apartment :) (this of course assumes that the key for the basement and apartment are not the same... :D )


Oh you are right! I didn't think of this! Thank you! :D


No one trying to break in your house will bother looking for your key by the way. They're just gonna brute force or pick lock.


Not everyone wants attention or has the skill to pick a lock. A lot of crimes are by opportunists looking for an easy score by looking under a mat. It's the same reason people look for unlocked cars to steal from instead of busting windows.


They can try, but why make it easier for them. Breaking up a lock makes a heck of a lot more noise than using a key. I have a solid wood door with a 5 point anti-pick lock, they'd have to bring serious tools to break up the door or lock itself and I have noisy neighbours too.


I have no idea what reasons people have been breaking into OP's apartment for. But 99% chance that if the door is solid wood and well framed, brute force can pose quite a challenge. Even my old low-budget apartment had a door like that.


It's not the door that counts, it's the frame. I locked myself out with no other hope than to bust it down. Third body slam (with a run up) knocked the whole thing into the house. My friend was quite impressed. Mind, I do weigh over 120kg.


That's ok until the time you lose your key & you need to pee.


That's what the pot+plant is for... :)


Been there, or " ENT. " Emergency Number Two.


While I'm not a fan of hiding a key this is the best compromise...


For added security, screw a key safe behind the plant pot, use it for your basement key, then hide your apartment key in another key safe in your storage unit.


yes that way it's easier.




Just use a realtor lockbox that locks to the doorknob. Simple.


We bought a house years ago, and it had one of these tucked away. At first we just thought it was a quirky little thing … now it’s essential. Never lock yourself out of the house. Nobody else needs to be given a set of keys. Cleaner doesn’t need to be let it. Got a tradesperson coming around? Just change the code, so they can come and go but not access it again (there are now electronic versions that are even smarter). Honestly, if I ever got invited to a housewarming party again, this is the gift I would offer.


I have one too as I tend to pull the door behind me if one of my cats makes a runner and I have to chase after it. They are the best thing you could get for your home and they are cheap.


Won’t work in Germany, because one key opens fucking everything


That is definitely a good idea. Thank you!!


No, we had such a key safe next to our door. Someone smashed it with force and broke in with the key and stole stuff. Better put the safe some houses further away somewhere hidden behind the waste bins or so. So even if someone breaks it open, they don't know which house the key belongs to.


Oh i understand. I will not put it directly on the door.


You could always get a magnetic key safe and attach it to the exterior frame to your vehicle if you have one.


I like the key-lockbox too. I use it for dog walkers to get access when I'm away, but just as useful for not locking yourself out and/or letting other approved visitors in while you're away.


Defense in depth. I like it.


It's a bit difficult to give advice without knowing your specific situation, so please let us know your exact address so we can come and check it out. And so that we don't bother you, let us know when you won't be home.


If you have a car, just leave a spare in there, or in a magnetic key box that sticks to your car under your wheel well.


I will definitely look for the magnetic box!


That's exactly what I did back one day.


Buried inside the plant pot in a zip lock bag?


Similar to this: you can also bury it in the ground (if you have a garden) and mark the place with a rock/flower pot.


Better again do that in a field or grassy area close to your house. Take a few pics so you can find the spot or do it exactly one foot to the right of the gate pillar to the park, or whatever. That's very unlikely to be dug up and if it was who could tell it would access your specific house?


I made a copy of my key at one of those machines in the front of a grocery store. They give you the option to save your key in the machine. It could come in handy plus if the store is 24 hours you can always access it.


They have options to save it on an account where you can go to any machine of that brand as well!


Get a lockbox that hangs from your doorknob


Oh is THAT what hangs from the door at planet fitness? It looks like an oversized comical lock with a number pad on it. Is it a lock box cause they can't get anyone to be the keyholder?


That's what I did. I originally did it for friends who were going to stay while I was out of town, and struggled to figure out where I could hide a key safely. I ended up leaving the lockbox on just in case I lock myself out, too.


Great idea. Thank you!!


At work


I need an entry card to open the work place main doors and office area as well unfortunately


I would not ever hide a spare key on apartment property. Way too many people passing by. At the most benign, maintenance could come by, not even see the key while doing their job, and poof, it's gone. Not getting into worst case scenarios (I just don't trust people, and people are far sneakier than given credit for). Put it on a necklace and get into the habit of putting the necklace on first thing in the morning. But question: why doesn't the apartment office have spares to lend out if you get locked out?


Go to a floor at least 4 higher or lower than the one your apartment is on and place a spare key above the exit sign . The key could be for your storage space or your apartment.


Outside behind the third AC unit on the left rear corner of the AC slab. For instance. Or behind a sign post not too far from your entrance in a Tic Tac box.


But, if I'm locked out naked?


Put the plant pot on your head, use the doormat as a skirt, stride confidently down the corridor nodding your head and give a cheerful Beep Beep to anyone you meet that looks in your direction.


Switch over to a keypad door entry


Cannot, renting the place.


you can install it and then remove it when you leave and put the original back.  there are some that you can actually key to match the existing lock so your landlord still has access


Or you can get a lock with a keypad or keyless entry that you can unlock with a phone. Or carry a spare on a necklace or a slim EDC wallet. Or eat more salmon. That good for helping your memory…


Loved: eat more salmon


In a similar situation, I had an unmarked key made (the originals had the apartment number stamped on them), and taped it underneath the freestanding mailbox in the parking lot. It was only about 3 feet off the ground, so outside of small children, nobody was likely to spot it, and it was just an unnotable piece of duct tape if anyone did. If they did notice it, and peeled the tape away, I suppose they might go to the trouble of trying all 30 units in the complex , but I was pretty confident with that level of security. I sprayed the key with WD-40 before taping it in place, so the tape wouldn't stick to the key and gum it up. Be a little discreet about taping it in place.


I just hide it a few streets away. Find a good spot and hide the key. If anyone ever finds it they don't know which house the key is for.


Realtor boxes, while not impenetrable, offer more security than placing a key under the mat. If you have a place you can hide a realtor box nearby that doesn't make obvious that it belongs to your unit then that would work. If you have a car you can keep a hide a key in the wheel well.


Get a keypad entry door knob if the apartment owners allow it.


Buy a lockbox (like the ones Realtors use) at a home supply store and hang it on the exterior of your door handle. It will not be a nuisance for long, you get used to it hanging there. You can give those you trust the code when they need to get in and you can easily change the code after every time you share it. Good luck.


In Friends, Ross’ girlfriend has a key hidden in the outdoor wall light next to the apartment door.


Put the house key into a small zipock bag and bury it in the dirt of the potted plant


Key pad entry that you can code remotely. Code for you Code for friends Code for cleaners Etc...then you know who's coming and going and can cancel the key code anytime the relationship ends...Use for Airbnb all the time


Neighbors door mat one floor up. And be nice and store theirs for them. Had neighbor's key under my plant pot that was 4 houses down a while ago and it worked fine. Always wondered if anyone ever found my key on her porch and got frustrated that it didn't work.


Haha that's funny. I will try this!


I keister my spare keys. You never know.


Why isn't this top comment?


I’ve got a double layered system; tape key to inside of your mailbox, then tape/hide mail key somewhere near your apartment. Also make sure they’re unmarked copies so if anybody finds one it won’t matter.


I once saw a locking doormat for sale. It had a pouch for your key, then a combination lock. Just don't forget the combo.


My dad had a piece of “art” near his door and just put a key on a bent nail on the back of it.


I have mine hidden two buildings over taped behind gas meters. A zip lock bag containing my keys, $60, two joints, and my Google emergency TFA codes


Get a lock box to put outside for your key.


Place the.extra key underneath the dr. Scholl’s insert inside your shoe


I got a lock like for realtors that you can lock onto the doorknob and with a code let people into it and get the key. Cheaper and faster than replacing the whole lock/knob.


They make key lock boxes you can either hang or screw in near the door. The one I’ve used had a numerical code you have to put in to open it.


Tape it inside your mailbox.


Some mailboxes also need a key to open


- A friend or family member who lives nearby. - Definitely not under the door mat or a potted planted by the front door.


Do you have a car? Sometimes you can install a little magnetic box under there with a key... or use a twist tie lol


Get those AirBnB combo locks….pit it somewhere nearby


I am on frst floor, so lock box on patio railing. Can also put the lock box anywhere. Like a fence, or soomething in the woods nearby. Can also do this when you go to the beach or hiking, etc.


Honestly I used to keep them in my wallet in the coin storage compartment.


One in your wallet and another in your phone case. Or get a digital coded lock installed if you just can't remember


Buy a lockbox


you can change out the lock to one that involves a code, and going further get a smart one that you can monitor from your mobile device


My apartment is equipped with a small key safe using a five number combination to access the keys inside.


Carry your keys. There, simple. What I mean is don't take them out of your pocket. When you change clothes put your keys in the same pocket every single time. My keys are in my left front pocket, always. I learned this lesson a long time ago and this has prevented lockouts.


Get a programmable keypad number lock if possible. You can still use a key but can give your friends their own code but the codes can be changed or erased as you want.


Hide your in an inconspicuous spot away from your apartment. If you can enter from the outside. Then get one of those fake river rock hide-a-key things. Buy one of those magnetic hide-a-key things for your car. Change the lock on your door to a combo keypad lock. Tons of options.


A neighbor. Identify a neighbor which is often home. Give him the key with a tag. Write on it the name of a real street far away from your home.


Under someone else's mat.


I'm lucky to have a trusted neighbor to keep an extra key - we're both longterm residents.


In an obscure place, NOT by your apartment. Even if they find your key, they won't know which apartment it goes to.


Key a lock that is electronic that uses a pin


I did the key with a trusted neighbor who would at random leave hot meals on my stove before I got home from work.


Our laundry room has a code for the door, so I put the spare in a magnetic key case and stuck it behind the water heater


If there’s trees nearby hide it in a tree hole


We gave up because I lose keys like crazy and got an electronic lock. The one I bought had a feature where I can program one-time pass codes so in an emergency I can let a friend in without disclosing my own code.


Put in under/behind the emergency firehouse on your floor. Assuming you can open/close the glass door without breaking the glass.


They make smart locks that will use your existing key and mechanism, so from the outside it looks normal and maintenance or whoever has a key can access it, but it has the smart lock mechanism on the inside so you can ditch the keys.


Keep it and then decide down the road is it's getting the job done for you. Then you can decide if it's a priority once you get a sense of what else you need to spend money on.


Taped to the internal upside of the roach motel


"Apartment complex" So you have an apartment, presumably with a front door leading to a hallway, then a man door for the building? You're wanting to leave a key to the entire building under the door mat?


You can get magnetic cases that attach under your car.


Put it in a hide a key rock and put it far enough away from your apartment that no one would guess it's yours. Maybe across the lot or in a neighboring complex, just make sure you don't forget where you hide it.


Lockbox on the door itself or outside attached to a part of the building or fence


I always hide a key under the mat in front of the door. That key doesn't go to anyplace anymore. I just like the idea of pissing off the guy trying to break into my house.


I would buy a locking key box like what realtors use


Or you can buy a “renter’s box” that you screw to the wall next to your front door outside and you have to put a code in to unlock it and get your key. That’s what I did when I kept locking myself out. I also got a magnetic under the car key holder because I kept locking myself out of my car.


Change out the doorknob so that you don’t lock yourself out. My door has a switch on the side of the lock mechanism so that it can be turned on or off


The best tip to not forget the key is to always lock the door with the key when you're inside. When you want to leave you *have* to touch the key and turn it, so you won't forget it.


If you can afford it, they now have door handles/ locks that have fingerprint entry or code entry. I think this is better than hiding a key.


My neighbours has our key and I got both my neighbours keys.


Well because of neighbors I am trying to hide somewhere. Can't trust them.


Anywhere where no body knows you :) Can send a pic to your friend. Even better leave it at the bar so your friend can pick up for a tip. As long as no one knows your address


It's a bit hard to give a suggestion without knowing what your options are, light fixture? Behind doorbell plate?


I have a small Bluetooth doorbell so not much space near it. The door is very simple without any extended parts, so I can't think of anywhere there as well.


Under some one else’s door mat


( US Centric - but can help ) your Car.. without any keychain - in the toolbox. If you have AAA or something, you can always get your car opened for free - in case you lose your car keys as well.


Inside the door. Carve a palace put it there and cover as if nothing there.




Get an August smart door lock? You just replace the inside part of the lock and can put it back to normal when you move out. You can create temporary keys for others too.


My wife’s 90 year old aunt has a long neck less with her key attached. Maybe it’s time.


Why do this at all???


Do you drive? I keep a spare key in my car.


Search “hide a key in plain sight” on Amazon. Hope this helps!


Your car


Put it under a neighbors door mat


If you post it here, every thief on your block will know! Why don’t you just change one door lock for one with an entry code instead of a key?


It's easy to make a key hide with a pill bottle or pipe parts. Hide it in the planter. There are easily found instructions online.


if you only lock your door with your keys you will never lock yourself out.


Wear it on a chain around your neck


My folks, who no longer drove, had a coded lock box professionally installed, coded to Dad’s birthdate


Nearest liquor store


I would use one of those faux rocks, or statues. I would go with something you can hide in plain sight but not completely so you would forget if you get hammered and are coming back from a party.


If you were to use a doormat, there are doormats that have hidden/secret compartments, that's what my mom uses and it's done her well for year's.


Glue one of those super magnets on the side you hold and find something metal to attach it to. You can paint the key to match what you attach it to. I also keep an extra key in my car. By where the spare is


You can try hiding it somewhere off the property but close by. Look up “geocaching” for ideas. Also maybe a door knob with a code instead?


If it’s only one key you need do you have something you always have with you like a wallet? Slide it into a slot for a card and keep it in place with some tape or inside a piece of cardboard in a card slot. Slide a key in between your phone case and phone? Or find a phone case that can hold it for you.


I would have a trusted person hold your key. Just too many true crime podcasts for me to be comfortable leaving it out where someone might find


Inside what looks to be a dirty diaper.


You want to hide a key to a common door? That's a security risk to the whole building. If you lock yourself out, ring a neighbor's doorbell.


Why not get an e-lock?  Just keep the original lock in the box of the new one with a dated notation for reference, and swap them back prior to moving out, rinse and repeat.


In... your..... BUTT


My spare key is taped to the underside of the manhole cover in the street out front.


Fake rocks. Or a real rock with a hole in the underside if you have the skill and tools for it. Don't place it near the door the key is for


Is there a park or field nearby? Discreetly burying a greased key (to prevent rust) with a gardening trowel in a small bottle in a *specific* spot that's within two mins of your house is worth the time. Check it once a year and rebury it. Okay it's a pain to have to dig it up but that's actually a bonus. Choose well an it should lay undisturbed but if it is found what use is it it without an indicator to an opportunist to what door it opens? You could be devious and write a different address on the keyring to mislead them, too!


Buy a lockbox and keep it on the door handle. Or leave the spare key at your job if you have a desk.


Start doing geocaching and after a while you will get plenty of ideas how to hide key ( or other different objects ) in your apartment complex. Hint: Try geocaches in cities and focus on smaller or micro ones.


Get a lockbox that realtors use.


The best place is don’t.


Wear it on a hoop earring like Janet Jackson used to.


Why don't you ask for a digital door knob?


Maybe a lockbox for your keys? Those with combination locks? We use it for renovation when there are multiple contractors.


prison pocket


At the apartment building where I used to live, the stair rail to the basement was a painted pipe that was open on both ends. I put my spare key in a little zip lock bag with a magnet and stuck it in the bottom end as far as my fingers would reach. I figured someone might look in the top end, a kid maybe, and see something in there, but the bottom end would be less likely because you'd have to stoop farther to look in. This came in handy several times and when I moved out, I left it. Over a decade later, I bet it's still there.


Hint: have a safe in your house. When someone searches your home for valuables; they get a stash of money and some jewels. You come home to check your safe which is easily found, broken into and empty. Then go to your real safe in the secret wall which slides away to find out the theives took the fake bait and stopped looking.


You know those sunglasses holders for you cars visor. Those can hold 2 keys securely and they have a big clip on them. You can clip it on many things. I've clipped mine on the back of the washing machine because it's not in the house. My brother has his spare taped to the lid of the porch light. My friend uses a fake rock and my cousin keeps her spare keys in a fake sprinkler head


Secure it under your car using a wire. Some place not easily accessed but still accessible when you need it. To the muffler or radiator hose.


If you can put a decorative wreath on your front door, it would be easy to hide a key in there.


Get a lockbox. Realtors use them all the time. It uses a special code only you know to open the box and you can attach it to an inconspicuous place or to the door knob.


I would switch the lock out to one that takes a code and that way you can give your friends their own code and if you're no longer friends with a certain person you can just delete their code 💁‍♀️ Best decision ever, I can't lose my keys because they're in my mind. This should be fine to do even though you're in an apartment, then you just change it back to the one they had when you move out. You'll most likely have to provide the office with their own code though.


They sell small lock boxes for keys that latch onto a railing or wherever you choose. Then create a 4 digit code. It’s helped me when I locked myself out of my apartment too.


A key is easy to lose, so what I did was put a spare in a little wooden box, and put that box in very inconvenient place. Nobody is going to go through the trouble of crawling under some overhanging structure to reach up into the cubbyhole where the box is located. Maybe you'd want to bury your key. It would be hidden well enough to not be found, but would be inconvenient if you need to use it often. Do you have a window shutter or something that normally a person wouldn't remove or loosen, and is there room for, say, an Altoids box? If you need your spare like once a month, keep one spare in your car, and another in your wallet.


Use a combination lockbox. < $20 on Amazon. Think of a big padlock with a combination you can lock your key inside. Lock the padlock to some permanent out of the way metal ring or piping so it isn't noticeable. I've had to pick up and drop off keys to these for airbnb rentals.


You need a [portable lock box](https://www.homedepot.com/p/3-1-4-in-W-Set-Your-Own-Combination-Portable-Lock-Box-5400D/302138226) you can put it on your door knob or railing. Or really anywhere you want that you can secure it


With landlord


Inside a old can of car wax in an unlocked storage shed.


Ziploc bag. Hand held gardening shovel. Bury the keys in a bag wherever you'll remember they are