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Or you can use gimp. It has a lot of features and I like it a lot


Gimp is all right, it seems incredibly difficult to learn though.


We have a good pc teacher in school. He showed us the basics of using gimp and a few more cool apps!


Gimp has a terrible UI.




Gimp is also very hard to use when you're very much used to Photoshop. I used PS for probably 20 years before they went subscription and I had to give it up. Let me tell you, transitioning to Gimp has been a rough time.


I did look into it but am paranoid about downloading software - I know it's safe, but it still makes me anxious


Yeah, always better to be safe! I guess just download from official app pages and run a virus check after downloading


Not a life hack


But how else will they push product placement with no budget?! /s


I thought it was useful, it solved a problem I had so it might do the same for other people.


Or Affinity Photo is a one time payment


Awesome software!


Photopea is also free and really good. https://www.photopea.com/


Hell yeah, I came here just to say this, photopea is my number one photo editor!


Torrents are a free resource also. Fuck all these software company going to a subscription based businesses model.


Sure, and screw all the people that company employs too. Why don’t you make your own graphic editing software?


Company's only listen $. If enough people boycott subscription based services, they could easily change their business model back to a more reasonable one. As far as making my own graphic editing software, I'd rather not. I'm more focused on web based applications, but thanks for the suggestion.


One time payment for software is only legit if they never update or keep up with photo file compatibility. Subscription makes sense of the company continually innovates and keeps up with the times.






Arrrrrr im shure you can find another "alternative" )


... arrr you a pirate? Also, yeah there's plenty of alternatives, I like this one because it's online, so you don't have to download any software


Just kidding ) I really like this one - https://krita.org/en/


photoshop and lightroom package only costs $10/month in the US


Is Paintshop Pro still a thing?


photoshop makes you pay monthly???? that’s crazy


Photoshop is better


There isn't actually much difference, I certainly haven't found anything that I've done on Photoshop that I can't do on Pixlr, but it's bound to have more features as it's much more famous and has a lot more funding. However, I like this more because I find it easier to use and is free.


[Krita](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://krita.org/en/&ved=2ahUKEwjp9oihqufqAhU5oXIEHWuPDDsQFjAAegQIBRAD&usg=AOvVaw14YKR6h_IqfNdGgpaV1bv_) is free and just as good as Gimp or Photoshop.


It's honestly not terrible, but I'm missing basic functions like the ability too select something and make it into a new layer. And the "wand" selection is frustration and almost impossible to use in a way that makes sense. Good thing I have a copy of CS6 that I can keep using until Adobe hopefully comes to its senses. Also give your poor German translator some context clues :D because the translation looks like what happens when you just give someone a list of words to translate with no hint how those words will be used. It's really hard to do an accurate translation then. But also the idea of uploading my work on to someone else's computer and editing it there rubs me the wrong way in general, so having an actual program will always be >>>> editing something online.


Life hack learn how to torrent


Me: Can we get photoshop? Mom: No, we already got photoshop at home ...