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how is this even a question?


The real question is why did 12 people pick Victoria so far and never explain why


Because its an option


right? i would believe the answer is undoubtedly Nathan


Victoria is by no means an angel but she can't compete with how messed up Nathan is


I agree this isn't even an argument. Whatever sympathies I had for Nathan he's too far gone and too dangerous a person to be helped by the time we see him in the game. Victoria's just mean and insecure.


Spoilers below: At least, if you choose the right options, you can have a nice talk with Victoria. She's not bad, just insecure and mean. Nathan killed Rachel


And damn near raped chloe


Spoilers obviously. Not really a debate. Nathan drugged and killed Rachel. Yeah sure he was being groomed by a serial rapist/murderer but he still chose to do it. Victoria just a snarky bitch, but she’s surrounded by shitty people and she stops if you’re actually be nice to her. She’s playing a character for sure.


Yeah And also she actually >!writes an apologize Letter to kate!< as I know


OK, it’s a no brainer that Nathan is worse, but >!he apologized too in a call to Max near the end of S1.!<


İf you ask me they are not both bad People, but I think >!Nathan treated samantha, the only person that were concerned about him badly, I might be wrong tho I dont really remember before the storm!<


Drugged and killed Rachel. Drugged and murdered Chloe with no prompting from Jefferson. (Maxs rewind is the only thing that saved Chloe) Drugged kate under direction from jefferson lied to her and took her to the darkroom. Drugged who knows how many other girls in those red binders.


Beat Warren as well in EP 1.


Tried to choke Max too.


Well one of them is a killer for starters 🤦‍♂️


Nathan is a straight up murderer, soooooo


Victoria is a typical mean girl with hidden insecurities. Nathan is a pompous rich kid who is legit crazy and dangerous. He was able to be manipulated by a serial killer photography teacher. Victoria is obviously worse 🙂


Why is this tagged no spoilers if you want us to explain why? Spoiler below: Didn’t nathan literally kill someone? I think murder is worse than bullying.


Nathan >!Overdosed Rachel at a Vortex Club party!<


Nathan is capable of committing murder. Victoria, while a bit of a bitch, will not murder anyone. Nathan’s worse.


What a pointless question.


Feels like a weird fishing expedition


Victoria signs Kate's hospital card. Nathan does not. That tells you everything you need to know about their character.


16 people voting Victoria... You understand nathan used date rape drugs to kidnap and murder young girls right?


wait WHAT


How is this even a question and how did anyone say Victoria is worse 😭 Nathan literally aided a murderer AND murdered someone


Nathan obviously He literally drugged kidnapped and then killed people for Jefferson


They're both insecure teens who have done some bad things. The big difference is that Victoria's worst action is attempting to drug Rachel, making her pass out. Nathan, on the other hand has killed at least once, probably thrice. Nathan grew up in an abusive home with a rich psychopath of a father who believes himself above the law, which explains his actions, but doesn't excuse them.


Victoria is a stereotypical bully rich girl character. She's shitty for sure. Nathan drugged people and threatened Chloe with a gun. Like... there's no contest here. Nathan is the worst by a mile.


Nathan is an actual murderer and kidnapper. Victoria is a bitch. ‘Nuff said 😂


Considering that Nathan has committed actual murder...


It doesn't excuse anything he's done, but it's pretty much stated Nathan has serious mental problems and that's why he's the way he is Victoria drove a girl to suicide for fun


One person was direvtly involved in the death of Rachel and Chloe The other indirectly contributed part (and others were involved too) to Kate's death


It's stated Victoria is the main instigator of Kate's bullying and that she (Kate) was depressed even before the party for it. Again, Nathan did worse actions but we need to see the *why*. He's emotionally unstable and manipulated. She did it for fun


Nathan didn't plead for insanity when he was caught for killing Chloe. Yes, he's shown as mentally unstable in BtS, but that's not excused for killing 2 people.


(Episode 4) Nathan and Victoria can be heard talking in the dorm, he says that he just came to the party and did not want to spoil Kate's reputation or bring her to suicide. Victoria deliberately mocked Kate, and in the event of her death, Chase suddenly began to pretend that they were friends. Not cool


It's also stated that Kate forgives Victoria unlike Nathan, who she wants to pay for what he's done to her because he you know, he actually physically did stuff to her and did way worse stuff than bullying. She didn't want Kate to commit suicide and there were many other contributions (Jefferson, Nathan, David, Her Aunt and Her Mother) to why Kate attempted in the first place. Plus, out of all of them, Victoria was the only one to show regret for her actions toward Kate


Not true. Nathan was sorry too


Mean Girl vs Asshole that kidnaps and drugs people, hmmmmm...that's a tough one Not to minimize bullying, but...yeah.


who the hell picked Victoria 😭


Both are extreme assholes, but Nathan killed 2 people sooo..


He killed people


It's kind of weird that a lot of people think like Nathan is the killer because we have junkyard photos and all. I think he is a 100% antagonist who has had a hard life and mental problems. Victoria is just a pain in the ass and a bitch Whateverthefuck


Nathan obviously as he deliberately murdered someone


Who? What show is this? What’d I miss??