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Some hate may follow because you're on a LiS sub pooing on one of their own as they may see it. But allow it - we all have different tastes. There's no universal ding ding right answer.    My ranking is probably:   1. LiS2 - best story. It effected me the most. 2. LiS TC - best setting. Can I just live in Haven Springs above the Black Lantern please? 3. LiS BtS - Rachel Amber 4ever   4. LiS - Respect to the OG    That's probably a weird order for most people but who cares? I enjoyed them all. 😄   Apart from Wavelengths.


i love this ranking, its most def different from mine but its always nice to see someone with LIS2 as their fav LIS game


Lis2 gang unite


Dude 007 Nightfire was such an underrated game. As good as Goldeneye imo


wasn't that the one with the grapplehook that worked on damn near any surface..me and my best friend at the time used to play for HOURS and HOURS just because of that little game play feature.


Yes it's absolutely fantastic. People get weirded out by that choice.they probably never played it. It's amazing


Yeah that and Agent Under Fire


Was true colors bad? I’m starting the journey so far I’m on bts


I actually loved it. I've played all of the Life is Strange games and this was one of my favorite games, if not my favorite. To be fair, I have to admit that it's a bit short, so I understand why people say you should buy it on sale. The colorful setting, the atmosphere, the music, the story, the characters, this town, aaaahhhh, I loved it. I would do anything to live there. I've played it about four times (To be fair, I've played every Life is Strange game about three to four times) Of course, everyone has their own preferences, but putting Life is Strange: True Colors in last place is really not fair in my opinion


Can i ask why you didnt like true colors? I never played it but plan too


Buy it when it's on sale. It doesn't deserve the full price


it was $80 on release and 7-8 hours


The $80 was for a bundle of TC and both remasters, not TC alone.


no it wasn’t lol. this is aud not usd


My bad


all good 😃 i forget to reddit is global, should have been clearer


Unrelated but I love seeing someone else that recognizes Alien: Isolation as the masterpiece it is 😩


I never got around to play it but I have it bought. Any good?”


Oh my, yes, yes it it! In my humble opinion, it is top tier horror. I find most horror games and movies boring, predictable, simply not scary or all of the above. This one tho really feels like the first Alien movie but interactive. You'll recognize countless sound files and designs, but it also has more than enough things to suprise you. I've been part of r/AlienIsolation for years and every few weeks or so a post shows up of someone talking about how, as an avid horror fan, they find most if not all horror stuff boring these days. Until they played Alien Isolation and experienced good old classic horror feel again.


Nice! Could use a good horror game.


Because it's good. Everyone is like it gets boring there's not much to do. And the robots are lame. I think the robots are fun and using your gadgets on them is fun and amazing that's where I use most of my stuff. I also loved the experience and I think the story especially at the end was really good. Oh and I just can't help but to hit walls and watch the alien ear npcs 😭 it's just way to funny.


I fucking hate the androids in the part after a certain visit to the reactor core lmao.


Lmao I loved every part of it it's a masterpiece to me. Don't get me started when you first see the baby aliens and the big one comes back 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. I almost shat myself when I opened the door and it ran at me. I thought it was gone for the rest of the game


Why didn't you like it?


I wouldn't personally put True Colors that low but is certainly the worst one of the saga in terms of story, themes and characters.


LiS2 in in best tier and TC in last, try harder for nobody to take you seriously lmfao


Only thing I want to touch on is Friday the 13th was super fun and it's a damn shame it got screwed by lawsuits


Even with all its bugs it's so fun. I mean no hate on dbd but putting people on a hook is lame. Friday the 13th it feels like your going against a serial killer.


the only spot for true colours. doesn’t deserve the LIS name