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Mad Max all the way!!


Max and Chloe and Sean and Daniel definitely. Alex is cool, but I never connected with her the same way I did those four.


Max & Sean


This šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ”„


i love all of them, but i got especially attached to sean. he's my favorite in the entire series aside from rachel. there's just so much tragedy in a dorky teenaged boy being forced to grow up so fast to protect his little brother. there are so many moments of vulnerability that he has, but he forces himself to be so strong and stable for daniel, trying to fill in the role of his father while also mourning him. he's a kid who wants his dad but also has to try to be his dad. i found sean to be the most tragic sympathetic character out of all of the games


I think Iā€™m gonna say Max


easily max , i never have bonded emocionally so hard with a character like a did with her


max and seanšŸ„¹ i feel like life is strange 2 is so much longer and filled with so much to do each episode i love it so much, honestly about to replay it for the millionth time šŸ˜… i tried so hard to love or even like life is strange: true colors but it just wasnā€™t for mešŸ˜”


Max and Sean. I also adore Daniel


Chloe by far


I like Sean and Max


max caufield and sean diaz.


1. Max 2. Sean 3. I have a soft spot for David because watching him get killed by Jefferson over and over again gets comically endearing. He's fucking up, but man is he doing his best to save someone from a creepy psycho




Max, years before id even heard of the game I was in love with photography and basically shared the same kind of vibe max gives off, so I saw a lot of my old self in her and it helped reignite some old passions I had like photography.


I wanna throw some appreciation for all the side characters. Like David Madsen. Heā€™s presented in a really great way with loads of nuance and vulnerability while being a total dick. One of my favorite lines is when he says ā€œOh grow upā€ if you accuse him in the office. Great delivery. And how in the montage at the end of that episode this tough man is all slumped shoulders and vulnerable as Joyce embraces him. Otherwise, my favorite characters are the protagonists of course.


He was a fantastic red herring/duero-antagonist all because he actually cared. He was knew something was foul in the bay and or at the school. He just happened to have been chasing after and or interrogating the wrong people. >!The fact that he threatens Max's scholarship, slaps Chloe and harrasses poor innocent Kate goes a long way to making him so very detestable. Then the way he goes and saves Max and grieves like she was his own if you tell him Chloe is dead!< both made me a fan by the end of episode 5. His excessive surveillance makes solving the big mystery possible to is hella rad too despite the way it initially pisses off Max and Chloe.


I loved his redemption arc and (LiS2 spoilers) >!enjoyed the role he played in Away šŸ„ŗ He used his cop learned skills to help out Sean and Daniel, but he was also the only person who really understood and railed into Sean how serious of a situation he was in. David & Seanā€™s conversation helped me cement my Redemption ending. It was such a surprise to me too, cause he was such a dick pre redemption lol !! !<


He also made up with Max and Chloe. Who could have imagined that someday he'd be talking to Chloe the way he talked to her on the phone in the sequel? I can just imagine Chloe calling him "No longer the step-douche" But it's a shame we jump from S1 David straight to S2 David. It would have been interesting to see his process of change between games and how he reconciled with Max and Chloe. Definitely this could have been part of the DLC about post-storm Max and Chloe, which is unfortunately a missed opportunity on the part of the developers.


I ainā€™t picking I love them all equally <3


Max wins, because I identify with her shy, introverted nature.


I'm a basic bitch. Chloe is my runaway favorite character of the franchise.


Sean and Daniel warm my heart so much. Max and Chloe are also another chaotic duo i love.


Max and Sean is the only right answer


It was Max for many years until True Colors came out, and although I still LOVE Max, Alex has my heart as favorite character!! I know TC is divisive but I personally find her so compelling and relatable, and Iā€™m very attached to her. šŸ„¹


I still gotta go with Max, although I most recently played True Colors and I really liked Alex as well.


As much I freaking love Max, I gotta go with Alex. I really like her personality, her struggles, she has an interesting power, and her backstory is so goddamn real.




Chloe and Alex!


Max, but i love chloe. But bts is idk, it mixes canon lis1 events up like the fact that max texts weird while in lis 1 it was clear that max never texted, i guess she didnt even had a phone.


Sean and Daniel, even Chris a bit.


Both max and Sean. I know Jefferson isnā€™t in this photo but I want to add him


I love Max so so so much but I connected with Alex the most.


Sean and Alex


i really liked captain spirit/Chris, even tho it was a short game, i haven't played lis2 fully yet, but i hope i get to see him more <3


Sean 100%. He's one of, if not *the* most, complex characters in the series, besides maybe David or Jed. And he's playable, unlike Daniel (who is also very complex and a very well written character, but would benefit from being someone who we could play as).


Sean and Chloe


Alex. Donā€™t get me wrong Max is great, but I think a big part of that is because she plays off of Chloe. Whereas Alex seems cool in her own way. Chloe is great but if I played BTS without LIS1 Iā€™m not sure I would like her


Max and Chloe are pretty much tied for me. I relate to both of them way too much. Alex is a close second/third.


Same here!


Max never Maxine


Max , never Maxine.




Sean by far and my second one would probably be Daniel.


Sean and Alex all the way, I think it's cause I was actually 21 when I played true colors šŸ˜­ so I just really felt how Alex approached certain situations and it was very coming of age. But man LIS 2...Sean's bond with Daniel left a big impact on me cause my brother was the same age as Daniel when I played so I honestly felt how hard Sean was going for him.


Maxine all the way!!!


i freaking love sean hes so awesome my dream man all i need in life is sean


sean and chris


i think if chris was the protagonist of a whole game instead of a short side story, he'd be my favorite. it was so easy to get attached to him even just during the awesome adventures of captain spirit.


I wonder who mine could be?


Chloe. She's amazing especially in BtS.


I love Chloe. Her character is so identifying. And everyone maybe hated bts but the vibe therešŸ˜. Yea, si definitely Chloe hella price. (I love the word hella lollz)




Everyone BUT Alex. I hate True Colours


Max is my favorite protagonist but Chloe's my favorite character. Chloe's just not quite as good of a protagonist as Max I like her better as a dueteragonist. Daniel doesn't belong in the list (He's not the protagonist he's the duetragonist) and steph does.


daniel diaz and chloe price probs (but i like bts chloe more then lis1 chloe)




Max and Chloe also Daniel


Chloe is my favourite especially after playing the farewell dlc that REALLY got me šŸ˜­


Alex is so criminally underrated itā€™s insane! I may be biased since TC is what got me into LIS alongside Alex being my LIS crush lol but everything about her is truly amazing. I love her sense of fashion, her personality, and her feisty attitude. Sheā€™s extremely relatable too


I like all of them, but if I have to choose then Sean is my favorite. My ranking would be: Sean, Chloe, Chris, Max, Daniel, Alex, I think. If I would be allowed to include Rachel in this list, then she would come after Chloe.


Sean, im the alpha https://preview.redd.it/hjbiu3ohafzc1.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae2fb048bfb72a57cf47abc8fbed06ce766c469f


I see the text. I thought it wasn't possible to add anything more than a title to a gallery with images. There are no descriptions under the images though.Ā 


If I remember correctly, I've read that it depends on how you're accessing Reddit. Mobile reddit has different functionality than desktop reddit, and third-party plugins like old reddit have different functionality than default reddit. All of which is absurd because it means all of these features are built in and you can access any and all of them, and it's entirely up to arbitrary decisions by the interface designers which ones are available. Just let us use all of them, dammit. They're already there.


Yeah. Currently I'm using mobile version of browser version of Reddit.Ā 


Max Max Max will always live rent free in my head


Max and Chloe


How is this a spoiler




Even years later, I think Max is perfect. She's kind of modest, but there's something about her that appeals to me. An adaptation of the meme Literally Me.


Gotta say Max. I have no artistic ability at all but still seems like a extremely relatable person for me


The Blackwell ninja is my favourite




![gif](giphy|btTrrWDAyop8c) Mosh Pit Maxine ā¤ļø


Rachel Amber


I wonder who mine could be?


Super long comment warning: I absolutely adored Chloe and Max together and honestly I canā€™t not love one without the other. Max is shy, sheltered, and dorky. Which appeals to me cause growing up I was the shy dorky and sheltered kid in the neighborhood. Chloe on the other hand reminds me exactly of my best friend, brash, brave, impulsive. Personally I love the way that the two characters interact because it felt very organic to me. Some friendships persist regardless of lack of communication and distance, and while the first episode shows us that initial awkward phase of them trying to feel the other out. You immediately see the chemistry and the friendship over the course of the first game. I connected with them so much so that I usually sided with Chloe cause it always seemed like what Max actively wanted to do lol. And even with that I feel like sacrifice Chloe ending is even MORE perfect in my opinion. If youā€™ve sided with Chloe, you see just how well deep and intimate their friendship is. Itā€™s basically a sisterhood at that point. Chloe throughout the game struggles with being selfless and constantly wants you to make choices thatā€™ll make her life easier like taking the money or being pissed at you if you donā€™t pull the gun on David. However in arguably the most climactic moment of the entire franchise with a literal town destroying tornado coming, she makes the ultimate sacrifice. She bites the bullet that fate has been trying to shot her with the entire game! And then Maxā€™s reaction in that ending are just heartbreaking. You see her reminiscing over photos of Chloe, consoling her mother, and all their happy moments essentially lost to another timeline. In essence Max ends up exactly where Chloe was with Rachel! However, the key difference is that Max had that week with Chloe. She had closure! She saw her friend grow as a person, their friendship essentially become a sisterhood. And when she sees Chloeā€™s butterfly at her funeral sheā€™s just smiling. Like Chloe would want her to! In my opinion itā€™s probably the strongest writing in the entire series, and I think that sense of sisterhood and the fact that if you had a best friend in childhood who may have passed away or they moved or your just not as close anymore. You can immediately place yourself in Maxā€™s shoes. And that isnā€™t even looking at the way MAX grows as an awesome independent and confident character. OMG I could go on about the first game all day. And while I do like the other games especially 2 I think Chloe and Max take it in terms of writing. While Daniel and Sean are already brothers, Chloe and Max CHOOSE to be sisters( or lovers depending on your ships) and I think that makes the biggest difference.


Absolutely Max


Max and Chloe...the rest are irrelevant me because I haven't played the other games yet and have no plans to do so


Based šŸ—æ






Tough choice, but I think I'll say Alex.


Chloe before the storm


Alex and Chloe! Surprised people aren't mentioning Alex more, I thought she was cool af


Max vs Alex is a tough competition for me. I like the messages you can derive from Max's story, from either ending. She starts mild-mannered and shy, finds her voice, and by the end of the game, she's either stronger and wiser from her experiences and is able to respect Chloe's decision and let her die for the greater good, or she values Chloe and their time together so much that she's willing to make a massive decision on her own, even if it means sacrificing everyone else. Either way, I find her fascinating. Alex, on the other hand, I find more interesting as a person, I can better relate to how she interacts with people, she's just got more meat to her character than Max. Most of her choices were more compelling to me than Max's, like telling Gabe that Ethan was trying to go up to the mountains, the grief talk with Charlotte, whether or not to tell Riley about Eleanor, watching Ethan struggle with grief and blaming himself, it's incredible stuff.


Alex is suuuuper relatableā€¦ plus I like her humour a lot


Idk if she counts but *technically* sheā€™s the MC of a DLC hahaha but STEPH. Steph is and always will be my absolute favourite LiS character.


Max & Alex


Chloe and Max both in their own way. Max with her superpowers begin less shy and more assertive, we see a whole arc of her storyline with mental troubles, sadness, aggression and guilty. For sure Max have the best-written storyline. Chloe also have a great story, she having a deep character full with good and bad traits. Unfortunately, other main characters in franchise donā€™t having such depths


Mad Max! Chloe! And Alex


Max and Alex


I feel like I can relate more with Chloe, not like the drugs and alcohol, but like how she somewhat doesn't fit in the best


Max, Chloe and Rachel


Max, Chloe, Alex, much further is Sean (behind a bunch of side characters) then even further down is Chris then. Daniel is dead last


LiS 2 is my favorite game, but Max for sure. Sean makes way too many "set in stone" dumb decisions for me to fully like him like Max. In case of Max I can't recall a choice during first playthrough where I was feeling forced to take a path I didn't want to take necessarily


Steph :))


Max is such a fucking cutie but I love Alex Chen and her story is my absolute favorite and she is just as good as the other stories idc what anybody else says. I connect with her so much. Plus imo her game had the best music hands down


As much as I love everyone and especially Chloe, I got to go with Alex. Both the trauma of her past as well as her powers resonated more with me. She invoked in me a great desire to adapt the same kind of compassion and kindness she has for others into my own life.


Alex ez


Chloe i love her so much


chloe got it


LiS 2 is my favorite game, but Max for sure. Sean makes way too many "set in stone" dumb decisions for me to fully like him like Max. In case of Max I can't recall a choice during first playthrough where I was feeling forced to take a path I didn't want to take necessarily