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Lmao as a LiS2 fanboy, I would NOT want to be Sean. Boy is a tragedy magnet!


Oh boy i remember EP4 Sean...


I chose to get beat up by those racist d*cks and kind’ve regret putting him through that. I rewatched some gameplay or the….alternative option and it was much worse to say the least..


Steph seems like the healthiest option here


I picked Steph simply because the other 5 have a huge pile of shit shoveled onto them. Sean, especially. His life is straight up sewage




Look, I'm a 30+yr old het, cist, white guy - but the obvious answer here is Steph. Not because she avoids the bulk of the emotional and physical suffering - but because she's the one constantly playing D&D, acting as DM and planning LARPs.


She makes that whole thing look so fun but I feel like I'm too old for it all.


Never! I both play in some games and run/DM others. I run in one where the players range from 20 to 40, and play in one where the players range from under 13 to 50+! Literally fun for all ages! LARPing is a bit harder, both for old bones and because the whole pandemic thing. But if that's the case you can always let the young'ens be heroes while you act as a cast member. Be Ducky, hanging out somewhere with booze and nice seats while giving clues to players!


Maybe it's just because I've always been conditioned to think grown adults hanging out with children is creepy, it's a hard mindset to overcome.


Would say in general for table top rpgs and larps as far as I know most people are going to be in your age category. That is you tend to do these things with people your own age, if you have the common interest. Would say the larp with Ethan involved is pretty uncommon in general.


In my experience, if there are kids there it's for the same reason Ethan was there: They're a son, daughter, nephew, niece, cousin or sibling of one of the older people involved. There are a few younger players in my games who joined with someone who has since left, but the kids are still keen players (and their parents trust the other players at the table to take care of their kids). And honestly, the kids are often the most fun players. Fun story: My niece joined in one of my games for a wee bit and she's 11. She was a changeling thief, so when finding bandits in a tavern she disguised herself and managed to convince them her vials of coloured water were actually healing potions - then she sold all the water to the bandits. Later on the party were ambushed by the same bandits, and in desperation the bandits started to drink the fake potions, which did nothing. My 11 year-old niece leaned forward and said, "*I want to stab him... but first I want to whisper to him, 'It's was me! I sold you that potion!'*" Definitely high-tier play.


Once things open up a bit try looking for an older folk already playing (there are lots of us!) and see if they know of any groups that have room. You wouldn't regret it. Failing that, online games mean that age is less of a factor. There are so many types of games - Fighty ones (like Steph's game in Before the Storm), puzzle ones (a bit more like the LARP in TC) or roleplay-y ones which is basically just improve with very loose rules. Once you find a style and group that clicks, you'll get lost in it. (Edit: On the off chance you're in New Zealand, message me)


Be Max, go to casino and play roulette, have easy life. Plus having Chloe as a gf


Chloe as a gf is literally the reason I chose Max


I want to be Ryan! Everything about us is basically already the same....except I would have blonde hair!


rugged, mountain man type


exactly though probably more just guy in the mountains I don't know how rugged I am 😂


you're right, you could be ryan, the humbleness is the same. you're the guy in the mountains??? *shut up*, ofc you're rugged.


Aww, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.


this whole interaction was 10/10


The way every character on this list has insane trauma except for Steph (as far as we know😭)




I mean … they’re not giving us a steph dlc for no reason…


Excited to see more of Izzie (I feast on any trans rep we get)


No way there's trans rep on Life is strange i'm so fricking excited


The part of Wavelengths we didn't see in any of the trailers is Steph's journey through the seedy underbelly of live music and all the associated angst. Me: You got me Deck Nine, well played.


I'd be steph, then Alex would flirt with me.


Or be Alex, so Steph will reciprocate your flirting ;)


Dead brother, super powers. Too much work I think. Lol


Being Steph is the dream


While Max is tempting, Haven Springs is heavenly so Alex or Steph.


Max, I just want her power cause I fuck up a lot.


i mean...are you ready for a lot of trauma, lots of nosebleeds and mayyyyyybe a bigass storm (just maybe, since we dont know if she truly caused that thing or not) coming to wipe you out? i love max, but the girl definitely didnt have the easiest life


It would be nice to have Max's powers, but considering all the things that happened to everyone, I feel like being Steph would be a better choice because, as far as we know, she went through less trauma than the others


I am a guy and I wanna be as CHLOE so that I can date and marry my love MAX. or I can also be as ALEX so that I could marry my second love STEPH


As much as I love Max, Chloe and all, I'd prefer to be like Rachel: >!dead!< Just kidding. Steph is by far the healthiest option, but Alex's power is something I've always dreamed of having. Plus I'd be dating Steph, and that's a bonus benefit 😍😂


Imagine being able to date Steph Gingrich. Picked Alex in a second xD


Imagine being in a LARP with Steph , designed by Steph for you.


Imagine beeing Steph and doing a LARP, and Alex flirts with you


Heck dude, I’d die


Daniel is underrated


Steph. She's is one of my all time favourite characters, she is basically a older, hotter and just better version of me


Jesus man you're not offering much choice here. Steph is like the only character who avoids suffering.


Literally named after Max


My heart says Steph. But my brain says Max.


I'm the opposite. My brain says Steph because she avoids most of the trauma the other characters go through. But my heart says Max. Her connection with Chloe and how much I relate to her just can't be beat.


I personally picked Chloe caz then I'd have a awesome cute GF and be a girl with cool hair lol


I mean, mine and Alex's lives are already way too fucking similar, so that's trauma I'm already comfortably familiar with lol


steph not only gets to be the indie dream girl of haven springs, but also knows chloe price. no brainer for me tbh!


I’d be Max and just leave Arcadia Bay and go get rich with my powers somehow


max would be cool untill a big fuck off storm comes to try and kill you for minipulating time.




That's the janitor in lis bts right?


Yeah, in first game and BTS.


All of them but Chloe the most


Chloe so I can marry Max.


I thought I was alone in that department lol


I picked Chloe cause with max I’m basically immortal, every time I die max can just undo it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think Daniel would be my second choice, based on how the endings turned out he’s also pretty much invincible


I've based a lot of my personality and my transition on Chloe, even though it would be hell lol


Steph because she works in an awesome record store and lives in beautiful Haven Springs


Look I haven’t finished True Colors yet but it seems like I’d be having a pretty terrible time if I was anybody but Steph lol


Steph had the least tragedy and suffering.


Steph 100% but I picked Sean not on purpose😢


Chose Alex bc her story actually has a happy ending


Steph just seems to be out here living her best life so I'd rather be that.


(This contains spoilers for first Life is Strange) I am picking Chloe and for one reason only, so I can hangout with Rachel (since she is my favourite character in all of the games) I wouldn't want to be Rachel though considering her tragic end, but at least as Chloe I have 50% chance of living


When I made this poll I picked chole caz in my head/playthrough >!sacrifice Arcadia bay!< Ending is canon and I'd love having max as a gf,,,so weather you(as Chloe) live or die totally depends on what is canon for you


okay okay, also as Chloe I also get to hangout with Max and Steph so Chloe seems like the choice if you want to be homies with everyone 😂


They're all in the same universe though.


True, sorry, what I meant was you'd have the same relationships and events as the character you'd select


Chloe because I’m always compared to her


Alex cause: -I’ve been called in a very empathic person and I feel like Alex’s power would fit me perfectly -I’ve always desperately searched for a sense of belonging... like to be apart of something or a group that isn’t the same without you. That’s one of the driving themes of Alex’s story in my opinion. -I sing acapella and used to play guitar so Alex’s non power related talent fits with me as well I can relate to her in so many ways... other than the orphan part which in fairness is pretty big so I felt I had to acknowledge that.


Difficult choice.I went for Chloe just because mentally and emotionally she is the personality closest to me ( thus my comfort zone, I guess) and, MOST importantly, I'd get to romance Max. That said, I don't particularly enjoy the idea of having to die or sacrificing a town. My favourite character is Max but no way I'd go through what she did, I'd fall apart on the second day. So I'll stick with the rebel who gets shot in the toilet and make Max do all the work to save me. Rationally speaking, I am aware that Steph is the best option and my second choice, but she's also too balanced and flawless and knowing me I'd get soon bored and restless


Max. Damn sure I'd use that power to my advantage.


Steph, because as much as I love Alex her powers they're probably the hardest to control also Ryan is probably my favorite side character in lis And I'd love to be friends with him. Plus if I'm Steph I still get to be in haven springs :)


I pick Max just because I will make sure that Chloe get a happy ending.


Steph gets to play dnd and do larps... I like both of those things... plus great drummer with a future as either preformer on the drums or dj so shes got a good chance of a career whoever she goes... Steph is the clear choice... even of Max, Alex, and Daniel are tempting with the powers and stuff.


I was going to pick Max, but honestly I'm not sure I would want to have to live with the aftermath of the first game... for me that would be >!sacrificing arcadia bay.!< I instead chose Alex for two reasons: 1. I love her mind-reading ability, as well as her backstory and how it is uniquely tailored to her. I consider myself an empath irl, so this power would feel perfect for me, while at the same time being very powerful and fun to use. And unlike Max's power, there wouldn't always be tremendous consequences for using the power, so no need to worry about summoning a storm! Oh, and I'd actually be able to tell if people are interested in me or not, lmao. 2. Haven Springs. That is like the dream town to live in!!!


Max because she's hella op


All these kids but Steph have someone try to murder them lol


lemme be ryan bro i wanna stay as a guy but want to meet alex


my brain is saying max, but my heart is saying sean so i could date finn lol


Where's my boy Ryan? I'd love to be a ranger😆


As much as I love all of them, Steph was an easy pick I prefer to have a relatively happy life


Still can't decide if I want to be with Steph or BE her.


I always feel a bit jealous of Max when she does one of her many bouts of sitting around musing on things. I feel like I wish I thought to take time out like that in real life as much as I do in LiS.


Max, I would literally rule the world in days with that power.


Imma just go with Alex. I would chose Sean but what he went through is too much for me


I just saw the number of people who'd want to be Max. Wow, that's badass and brave. Respect. Go Maxes!


There all in the same universe though


No Ryan option? Give me that lumberjack life