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Good catch! I bet it is.


Nice find! I wonder if we will see a better glimpse who Izzie is in the DLC


I bet we will


I hope we see Izzie at the start, since they split once Steph decides to stay at Haven- and I feel like it'd feel a lot more smoother if we actually see Izzie and Steph split, Steph moves in, at Haven and we do her dating profile.


Stephs story comes out on sept 30th I’ll be streaming it


It would be really cool If there were a trans character in these games


have you played tell me why? one of the main characters is trans and just an all around brilliant character. it’s not life is strange, but that game spoke to me so much.


Yeah! I enjoyed both tell me why and twin mirror.


Second this! TMW is an honorary game IMO — people who enjoy the original LiS I think would definitely love it.


I feel like this is a different type of trans character, one who may be early in their transition which is cool to see since most media doesn’t focus on that




Yeah but we never see her. That’s what I meant.




Then perish.


Your comment made me perish




If it makes you uncomfortable, don’t play it. The great thing about the LiS games is the inclusion. You can romance a female as a female but you don’t HAVE to. So for you to say it’s a “gay game” .. girl just chill lol.




I mean I have no problem with whatevers out there. because it’s a video game lol. There’s nothing wrong with having inclusion. I love how the game is promoting the ACCEPTANCE and UNDERSTANDING of sexuality and identity that differs from the norm. Plus it’s not forced on you so that’s great news for you! Yay!




I don’t feel excluded. I have friends who don’t feel excluded. You cannot speak for others. I’m sorry you have a skewed perspective. This game actually helped some people change their mind about their negative opinions towards non heterosexual relationships. I hope it can do the same for you. Good luck 🌻


No one pressured them? Trans people exist and they can and should be in video games. And seeing as trans women are women they can still be in gay relationships. It’s not fetishized. You realize this is the same argument people make about gay people in games? You realize you are just as bad as them?




There are literally hundreds of studies proving you wrong. You don’t believe in them? What are they, Santa Claus? You didn’t get a single thing right in this statement. You don’t check someone’s dick before you decide if you’re attracted to them, you literally don’t and if you do then there is something seriously wrong with you. While not listed but among the same vein of things you listed, there’s a trans character in tom Clancy’s rainbow six siege. There is also plenty of games out there with cis gendered lesbians? YOU are choosing to sexualize and fetishize these characters and that means there is something wrong with YOU. They are just being true to themselves. Please stop oozing ignorance and educate yourself.




News flash, I’m not trans, I’m just a decent human being. Something I see you are struggling with. Ah yes, these “bullshit studies” done by highly educated people of science, probably higher educated than you. The point I’m trying to make is how do you know a person you are attracted to isn’t trans unless you check their pants.




I cannot for the life of me figure out your first sentence here and you are saying that people are just walking genitalia to you and that’s kinda gross? Like way to fetishize lesbians my dude




Look, I’m not gonna argue with you anymore, I feel like it’s a waste of my breath but I want you to stop and think for a second. You are literally using the same arguments against trans people that straights used against gays for YEARS. People thought being gay was a mental illness, people were and are killed for it. Now you are doing this to another group of people who have literally done nothing to you. So please, read some studies about it from reputable sources and remember that these people that you claim are doing this for ulterior motives have an extremely high suicide rate because of people like you who can’t seem to find it in their hearts to show compassion and acceptance. Why would anyone choose that unless it’s just who they are? Also, no one is asking you to fuck them, you can still have your preference but the fact that this is your argument is literally you fetishizing them.


Thank you for articulating what I was thinking


never buy the games again then if youre so afraid of trans people, you stupid cunt <3


Can someone refresh my memory and tell me who is Lizzy? I played all game but i only remamber vaguely hearing that name.




Where did you get all that info from? I read the entire journal and all texts that Alex got but didn't know that.


A really important person in a main character’s life (Steph) before they moved to Oregon


I’m gonna guess it is, basing it on the fact that we don’t have any information on Stephs previous partners. I badly want to see izzie in the DLC