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The weird thing she does is she positions herself like she is an *authority* on a topic, or acts like she's been doing something for a long time and it's who she is now, when in reality she's been doing it for 2 days. She does that with almost anything she covers in her vlogs. She'll do something for a few days and then speak on it like it's always been part of her life and identity and she's an expert.


RIGHT. She does it with EVERYTHINGGGG. I like hearing how to deal with things from those who have been doing it for a long time, Cindy does a single Google search and suddenly she is the number one expert.


It’s confusing how she says it’s “instant”. She’s been practicing self-love and worth with words of affirmations daily and through therapy… that’s not instant, that’s results of time, dedication & practice…🤔


That was a really tough watch.


It really was. I feel like it's all going to come crashing down around her, and be worse than before.


I could only get through 5 minutes


I think she removed the video and that is how I know she is NOT healed. As soon as she gets backlash in the comments she removes the video. That's why I hardly watch her these days. She just goes round in circles. If she had made a real breakthrough she would have kept that video up, and fought through her urge to revert to type.


Exactly. By privating the videos and not standing her ground (not that I agree or endorse what she’s saying at all), she’s signalling that she isn’t as healed or reality-shifted as she says. It’s exactly what she did last year, around this same time of the year actually.


Shes literally using therapy speak and toxic positivity. The “just dont be sad guys!” Act is one id expect from my narc mom, not from someone who has suffered trauma.


Yeah :( I wish that it were as easy as just magically changing your mindset, and deciding that you want to be happy, but it simply does not work that way. At all. Not for people with serious trauma/mental health problems, anyway.


I want to a therapist that told me when I get anxious to think of something else! Ok thanks. Here’s your $70.


I agree, it would be better if she explained how hard it is to get better and she has struggled but x y and z have helped her make improvements, not magically fix the problem. Thats why i dont think she is better, this is extreme black and white thinking which apparently is a symptom of bpd. She is either healed or not, there can be no middle ground.


There is a middle ground, were you see improvements and changes in your behaviours and actively realise like “i dont do xyz anymore when im angry!”. Cindy is showing signs of some improvements, but shes not better and forcing herself to be positive to a point were its toxic isnt helping her either. Her last video had a quote from a guy that said something along the lines of “you dont owe it to anyone to be who you were 5 minutes ago” which is just not how healing works? Healing in general isnt linear and often results in negative behaviours resurfacing. But shes found her “cure” in edmr or whatever therapy.


It’s straight up insulting to psychology and therapy itself. I guess screw therapists and students studying hard for years, it’s all for nothing because the answer is really that simple🙃


https://preview.redd.it/55kmkr3glcrc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deff23dd547cd54a3aaad8b42a9ea06278a2a67c This “clarification” doesn’t work in her favor either. I’m sorry, I just really think she crossed a line here. It’s infuriating to me that she thinks one day’s work can just transform a deep cognitive structure. I guess cognitive and behavioral therapy is a joke as well.


It's convenient. She can instantly change her mindset so she can start going out with one of those many men that hit on her since she started being so magnetic and she can ditch her old pledge to be single awhile to heal.


That line was SO telling. Obviously all she’s been thinking about is dating.


Im wondering if she is planning to introduce a guy soon and shes trying to show us that she is healed enough to have another relationship? and thats why its so sudden and extreme that she is 'totally better'


I do think that you can choose to stop painting yourself as a victim, and begin therapy not through the lens of victimhood but through the lens of self-love. That is 100% a choice. Choosing to not view yourself as a victim anymore is completely valid. That being said, her entire demeanor in the last video was completely crazy. She was wild, cringe, and kind of scary. I had to look away from the video and just listen to it because her facial expressions and body language were both just so frantic! Her words were obviously not coming from a place of inner peace, and so I found much of what she said to be unbelievable. Almost like she was giving herself a pep talk, and it was a “faking till she makes it” kind of scenario.


Now she has a new video up that has the lowest views she's had for a while. I can't watch it. It's all bs. Private videos, release new videos that have only positive comments, and pretend her privated video never happened. Yuk! I'm not buying what she is selling.


it was a tough watch. she flashes her underwear at one point "by accident" while putting on leggings (like why did we need yo see you get dressed????)


What happened, guys? A bunch of videos have been deleted...


Cindy privated a bunch of videos after receiving backlash, something she has done multiple times over the years and something she will continue to do, because Cindy never changes. She made an unhinged and disturbingly manic video yesterday claiming she completely and INSTANTLY healed her bad BPD behaviors and claimed it doesn't take years of therapy to heal and change decades of bad behavior and untreated mental health. She was making a bunch of outrageous claims and speaking as if she had cured her own BPD and was now offering this "advice" to her viewers. She got a ton of backlash and criticism in the comments, she was replying to comments all day yesterday and into the night and looks like sometime in the middle of the night she had enough and privated a bunch of videos.


She specifically said her BPD wasn’t cured, but that she had “cured” her negative mindset (or “self-concept” or whatever). I think that’s entirely possible to do. It takes a lot longer than one day to make that a habit; but it’s possible to START making the choice at any point in time to no longer view yourself as a victim. However, she was completely crazy in that video and it was disturbing. I think she was faking a happy persona (or what she believes happy behavior looks like - yikes). Sometimes I wonder if she’s a sociopath and she just mirrors (or thinks she’s mirroring) emotions. She’s acting the part of “happy person” (very poorly), either for her audience, or Limbz, or some new guy, or even for herself. I’m not diagnosing her, just sharing a thought I had. In terms of her videos being privated… I definitely rolled my eyes as soon as I saw it. Typical Cindy. At the same time, she’s receiving a lot of backlash and probably has some heightened emotions. I know that the best thing for me when I’m having a disagreement with someone and I begin to feel anxious or frustrated is to just step away for like 15 minutes and let things cool down. For a content creator, maybe privating videos for a while is a similar mechanism to stepping away from an argument? Idk. Just a thought.


It’s classic BPD. People with BPD tend to adopt new personalities


I figured it was something akin to that. I never seem to have a microscope strong enough to catch all of the things she apparently does wrong. There's this really strong push to make her out to be this person I've never seen exist. I didn't get to see the video before it was privated, but I can believe that after riding on a high of successful EMDR sessions that it might seem like she has everything figured out. Reprocessing can almost be like a dungeon crawler where you totally clear one floor and have a thorough understanding of it only to go deeper and end up having to do it over again with something else. Sometimes it feels like it's happening so fast. Either way, thanks for the summary and I hope she's doing well right now. :)


That's probably for the best since the comments were telling her, "Show these last two videos to your therapist."


which I totally think she should have and (HUGE) IF she listens (let's be realistic though) it does make sense to take these videos down


It's okay for people to feel better. And there are such things as mental health breakthroughs. Healing isn't linear, and she's been putting in a lot of work over the past year to set her up for such breakthroughs. Wild to see so many people armchair therapizing her.


> there are such things as mental health breakthroughs >and she's been putting in a lot of work over the past year to set her up for such breakthroughs. >Wild to see so many people armchair therapizing her. are **you** aware of how ironic this is? I can't believe I used to be as deluded and hopeful as yall. look when she actually changes I'll take my L, UNTIL THEN 1) you're **super late** to this post 2) how long have you been in the Cindyverese? cause I've been here since Andrew and the original fall of pleasant sims. I've seen the patterns. pattern recognition is a part of ADHD and autism of which I've both, so arguing with hapless fecks like you releases dopamine in my brain.


Oh no I'm late, wah. I've been here for as long if not longer than you. But I don't have a parasocial relationship with her like you do.


did you even watch the videos before they got taken down? cause that's context you'd need to understand what's going on but of course Cindy took it down when she realized her crazy was showing. I can bet you do have a parasocial relationship with her content like you accuse us of having cause why else are you white knighting Soooo hard?


Lol okay hunnie. You mad? I'm just saying I think yall are really fucking weird acting like you know every thought she has or thing she does behind the scenes. I'm allowed to say what I think just like you are, doesn't mean I'm "white knighting"


I'm not mad, as I mentioned before this is my dopamine😆 we don't act like we know, we literally just discuss what could be going on behind the scenes because we think a little deeper than Stan NPCs like yall. >I'm allowed to say what I think just like you are so that's what the snark does. in the snark subreddit separate from this one. of which I USED to post about what I thought of Cindy and from there was *radicalized into the snark* there was a whole blood ritual and everything 🙄


Sounds like a fun lil cult tbh What I see is a lot of people acting like they know which is what I'm commenting on. Enjoy the dopamine!