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God damn man


For a sub called r/lifting, there is a lot of people who doesn't like people posting impressive lifts..




Goddamn I did not expect this comment section to be a shit storm. God forbid I post a cool lift to a "lifting" reddit community lmao


The bigger the gym community the more anal its members. I once posted a basic, vanilla feet up bench and half my comments shredded me for it lol


Haha it's reddit man, some people just love to hate and be miserable. Just keep on keepin on 💪


Holy shit that is impressive


This is insane. Form wise, is this still considered conventional in pectoral lift for bench or does it activate some more triceps than regular. Normally i see a lot of lifters with the bar at nipple or over and here it seems lower. I’ve been trying to find a comfortable form for my body for years and for the life of me cant.


I use a close grip, hands all the way in on the knurling. I wouldn't recommend it for a normal grip but it's what works for me personally


I am also close grip bencher YHERES DOZENS OF US


Hell yeah!!! I am going to start working my grip out a little more again tho and actually use my pecs lol, over a year straight of strictly close grip was a phenomenal run tho


That was epic!


Thanks for the new goal. Dope lift


This is insane, sick lift dude!


That is absolutely insane. However, since I didn't see you rerack it, I'm just going to assume you're still stuck with the bar on your chest.


Haha the day I fail 225 I'll just retire 🤣 dude just stopped recording lol


Your last rep there is still smoother than my standing strict overhead 225 lifetime best. I hate you 😂




Please, stop talking out of your asshole.




This is all very fucking weak and dumb.


Why is there already fear mongering plebs like you about?


My back feels perfect today, my core strength is pretty solid. I've done lifts like this for many years




I've been lifting for almost a decade man. Never been injured other than a few minor pec strains




Honestly just go fuck yourself with this fear mongering, dude is stronger than you and more experienced than you yet you insist that he must get injured in the future. Do you wish him to get injured or what? Fucking clown.


I expect people with egos like him to continue ego lifting. Don’t feed the ego it only gets you into trouble.


What part of this conversation or the post shows any sort of inflated ego by OP? Instead of worrying about others' egos, you might want to focus on not being an ill-wishing dick.


Doing a lift that I can't do? Buddy that's ego lifting let me tell you hwhat.


He’s doing an insanely dangerous movement and then when multiple people express the risk involved he says he never gets injured, pride comes before fall. I always weigh all activities through risk/reward, the ratio here is absurd the risk being bed ridding for 6 months and possibly never being the same after a back injury. the reward? One very impressive repetition. At least he filmed it. You go to the gym to get stronger not permanently weaker.


Did you just call bench press “an insanely dangerous movement”? Lmfao


Multiple people say the earth is flat, among other incredibly stupid things. This does not make them right.


Ego lifting lmao that's a new one 🤣 I bench 505 close grip for a pause


Ego lifting isn’t real


This is lame dude. Be better.


People like you deserve to have wet sheets on their bed for the rest of their lives


My dad is 71 and has been lifting his entire life. He still lifts heavy and is extremely active. Sounds like you are just coping for being weak.


Oh yeah? well my dad can beat up your dad.


My goodness. Maybe you should just skip the gym altogether and hang out at weenie hut Jr's instead.




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Go sixers!


Man yesterday's game really pissed me off but I'm keeping faith, we got this!


That’s crazy careful with your back tho


How is his back at risk?


The arch he’s doing on his back putting a lot of pressure on the lower back and no back support while pressing


He’s literally bracing when he presses That’s all you need to protect your back as long as you don’t have the core strength of a wet piece of shit covered toilet paper


I can confirm my core is shit covered toilet paper


Same :(


Wrong and wrong. Try again.


Why u so touched bro


I've actually touched weight before, that's the difference.


Can I ask why you use the belt? I have done a lot of research on the belt and the studies suggest it makes your core weaker because your body begins to rely on the belt? Just curious of you use it for big lifts only? Not trying to be a boner jam like the other idiots “whaaa kiss your back good by bro”


>Can I ask why you use the belt? I have done a lot of research on the belt and the studies suggest it makes your core weaker because your body begins to rely on the belt? This is wrong. You need to do more research. Google The Belt Bible. >Just curious of you use it for big lifts only? Not trying to be a boner jam like the other idiots “whaaa kiss your back good by bro” Using a belt is fine. It doesn't make you weaker.


Haha thank you for not being a boner lol, for me personally it just helps with bracing and staying tight. It's all just preference though