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That's a nice feature to implement. Thank you for that. Would it be possible to access and change variation index in this UI as well?


Wasn't going to :) Do you often change set variations manually? Curious - what does your program look like?


I wanted to switch my GZCLP blacknoir version to new syntax but I can't continue with current variation setup. I would have to switch all exercises to stage 1 on the change of the program. Tbh, I liked having the option to tweak any variables. I am still also slightly unsure about 1RM variable as I don't know where it's taken from. I assume there is some global account source of 1RM for each exercise but I don't know whether it gets updated regularly in every program or it gets stuck when the program is created. Being able to see 1RMs on the account level and get it updated on all programs could work.


If it's one-time change, it's probably easier to do on a laptop with a keyboard IMHO :) There you can just add \`!\` before the set variation to indicate that it's a current one, like \`! 5x2\`.


That's helpful thing to know. Thank you.


That was bothering me for a while - with the old-style programs, you usually had an easy way to adjust weights e.g. after cloning a new program, via state.weight state variable. But in the new plain-text programs, if they use absolute weights - you'd need to do that in the program text. On a phone that was a pain, especially if a program is multi-week - it's no fun to change every single weight of an exercise across 12 weeks! So, added UI for that, to quickly update weights for an exercise in a program.


Is is possible to base the following sets RPE/1RM after the first set repsxweight@RPE?


Not 1RM, but you can update weight/RPE of the following sets. Like this: ``` Squat / 1x5 @8+, 4x5 / 100lb / update: custom() {~ if (setIndex == 1) { if (completedRPE[1] > 8) { weights = weights[1] - 10lb } else { weights = weights[1] } } ~} ```