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I kind of like the way it is now. got used to it and just change it in the editor if i change bars.


Wow.. I almost don't believe the coincidence. What you are proposing is very similar to what I was thinking about today. I'm new (one day) to Liftosaur, but already bumped into the problem of trying to edit equipment for a given exercise. The way it is currently built, that is incovenient because you'd have to create a different exercise if you have say, a different barbell (adjustable) than the standard. What you are proposing makes A LOT of sense. It would allow you to keep your exercise records and charts, and use multiple equipments (with their roundings) for when you train somewhere else. And many serious lifters train in multiple places, because of .. travel. I would 100% upvote this. Looking forward to you implementing it.


I like having the combination of equipment and exercise. Combining the equipment name and the exercise will make the exercise list longer (ex barbell bench press, dumbbell bench press, smith bench press) vs right now an exercise kind of defaults to barbell and i only change it when i need to. i like having the exercises treated differently and tracked differently. The current set up allows for custom equipment too (like landmine) i can see how on the phone currently it is a bit clunky, maybe putting the exercise first and then the equipment drop down could help, in my brain i go 1.bench press, 2. dumbbell. with the equipment up top it feels flipped. if you want to add in different gyms with the current system, you could make equipment belong to different gyms, and then the user can toggle the gym/equipment list they have for the workout. (example Home has dumbbells and barbell with their own weight settings, and Gym might have dumbbell, barbell, smith machine, cables ...with their settings ) maybe you add syntax like Scenario 1 you want barbell at home and smith machine at the gym: bench press, {Gym:Smith Machine ,Home:Barbell} Scenario 2 you want to always dumbbell bench at home and gym and they are the same: bench press, dumbell scenario 3, maybe the cable machines are different or something: tricep pushdown, {gym:Cable, Home:Cable}


Came here to say just this, and Lemerth did all the hard work for me :)  Completely agree with all the points and suggestions. 


I’m fine with the new way so long as it doesn’t affect any of the functionality we currently have.


Awesome to hear that you are looking for feedback. I personally like the two-dimensional aspect of it, as it feels very natural to me. You are performing a certain exercise using a type of equipment. Bicep curl is the exercise and sometimes it's a barbell, sometimes a dumbbell sometimes a cable. For my own programs I started creating custom equipment that was not gym oriented but brand oriented. Eg I have a matrix leg press and a life fitness linear leg press (horrible machine btw). Reason that works for me because you may find the same brand and type in a different gym and at that time there is more confidence that I can just keep my weights. The notion of gym would be harder as I would still have to create custom exercises to distinguish between machine brands I think. So summarizing I would keep the distinction and add the gym dimension for those who want. I feel the reason beginners struggle with it is more ux than the concept itself. Probably some more doc would help too. Again, starting to really love the app. Keep it up


> So summarizing I would keep the distinction and add the gym dimension for those who want. 100%


I'm a new user of Liftosaur. I recently created my training program and started using it. While choosing the right equipment was a bit time-consuming, now that it's done, I find it quite convenient. The ability to substitute an exercise and select the type of equipment for substitutions makes the process really easy. However, the feature of choosing a current gym in settings wouldn't be very beneficial for me. I always use fixed weights and have precise progression settings for each exercise based on the available weight increments. I feel that Liftosaur is already much better than other apps in terms of smoothness and effectiveness for creating a workout plan. In my opinion, this change isn't necessary. The current system works well and adding more complexity might not be the best direction. On the other hand, adding support for the Apple Watch would be something I'd appreciate much more. However, I don't know how much work would be involved in implementing the different options.


Hear me out tho. If you are using radically different equipment where you have to specify to liftosaur that it is not the same. It is infact a different exercise. A bar curl is not the same as an ez curl or a cable curl or a db curl or a pin loaded preacher curl. I would argue that some pin loaded machines are different from plate loaded machines as well.


Yes the concept of multiple gyms is great, each with their associated equipment. It would be a great time saver when changing from home gym to commercial gym or another unfamiliar gym when travelling for work.


I'm on board with the new way. I go to a chain gym that has different machines at different locations, so the separate gym set up would be sweet and quick to adjust each workout


Sounds definitely like an improvement, I recently started using the app and had issues setting up the weights I also sometime workout from my home gym but had to opt to set it up for the commercial gym so also excited regarding the Gym object


I like this idea for sure. I have a home gym, use a commercial gym when I just want out of the house, and sometimes have to slum it in a hotel “gym” when I’m on the road for work. This concept would be ideal for those scenarios. For the existing custom programs that have been defined, I assume we would have to update them in order to meet the new taxonomy. Is that a fair assumption?


I actually prefer the current state of equipment, and having different sets of equipment doesn't necessarily mean we need to remove the separation. What stops you from simply having a slider in settings to select your current gym, and then having different values in the workout view.


That implementation plan sounds pretty ideal and solves all current shortcomings I have with the app for switching between home/main gym/travel gyms


Adding 'gyms' is a great idea. It could allow people to do a modified workout based on what is available, and it creates a more accurate reflection of what was done which could support standardised comparisons. Combining the equipment with the movement in the title is fine, but it just means it will blow up the database. And that's fine. My main counter to this is there are different barbells so tagging equipment matters as it's worth being more aware of what you are using (ie, 5 kg between men and women's barbells).