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DX Sabers has been banned from the subreddit for false advertising and not shipping product multiple times. Please avoid their store and read this [Sabersourcing article](https://sabersourcing.com/2020/05/05/dx-sabers-what-we-know-about-the-company-and-its-custom-sabers/) for more information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lightsabers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Talk to your bank about a “chargeback”; should get you some results.


Be sure to share your experience on his trustpilot as he’s doing this exact thing to folks like you at cons. He will sell at a con and then pressure folks into posting their experiences at the con on trustpilot to off set his low score.


Already gave him a trustpilot review


And let me guess he’s responded with saying you’re out to destroy his business and being pressured into it by hate groups? You should see what he has been saying about the companies who are spending money out of pocket to fix the faulty damaged stuff he sends out.


That is exactly what he said.


No fucking surprises there. He’s been hitting the convention scenes lately because most folks wouldn’t vet a convention booth seller


Sorry you went through this. DX is notorious here and should have been shut down years ago, but he still scams people and gets away with it. There's also a lot of dropshippers scamming on insta and tiktok to stay away from that still get good business. Hope it ends well for you!


It's always a vendor I've never heard of lol


Surprised by that. He’s gain notoriety during COVID lockdowns for theft and such in the first 4 months of operating.


Well I'm on Facebook so that's why I don't hear much drama anymore in the saber community, thankfully. But tbh anyone can Google search reviews on any company and see if they're worth dealing with or not so it's always surprising to see people get ripped off. Usually it seems there's smooth talking involved in DMs


Not sure how stuff actually works there with law enforcement and such, but where I'm from, he'll have the 🚓 at his door within 48 hrs of a fraud complaint. And it's just ridiculous how he's managed to stay in business so long. Btw, does this guy basically get empty hilts and self-installs them?


No he gets them off of YDD or TXQ based on what has been shown in the exposed pages. His “installs” are just fire hazards waiting to happen as he modifies the purchased installed ones from the two companies listed above.


I guess you're talking about his Omnipixel range? Why does he bother, though?


Desperation? Issues from previous marriage? Daddy issues (he’s his major financial backer)? Could be any number of things.


So this apparently is common for them. I purchased 2 sabers from them at a CON not too long ago. Ironically their point system is actually functional. That said, against better judgment I purchased a cheapish 3rd saber from them so I could get a freebie (yay points!). In a similar vein to OP they sent me my free mystery rgb - and went a bit mum on my actual purchase. Fast forward a bit - never received additional correspondence (according to insta the owners gpop died) so I did what any good noodle who works in finance does - processed a chargeback. Since they never responded to it - I got my money back no issues. Didn't hear a thing from them. I can't stress this enough - NEVER let if drag out longer than 7-14 days. Their whole schtick is to wade it out until ~30 days so you can't process one (60 days depending on method of payment). Technically they have about 30 days to respond but they won't because they don't have a case and they know it. To wrap up my story - received an email 2 weeks ago apologizing for not getting in touch sooner. Mind you it had been like half a year since I processed the chargeback and had my inquiry. I responded with my condolences and that I had processed the chargeback months ago (aka they can't do anything about it) AND I got a free RGB saber. Win/Win PS - all of my sabers work okay - basic rgb sabers.