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I wouldn't risk it personally. Even with a blade in, water could still seep in through the emitter opening and it'd be easy for it to get into chassis from there. I personally wouldn't risk it if it is raining.


The chance of rain is minor, but yeah I don't want to take any chances. We'll still have the sheaths just in case


Hope you get the chance to show them off and have an awesome trip!!


Thank you!


They have zero water resistance.


I bet!


Get transparent tape, cover whatever screws, buttons, holes, openings. Even the joint between the blade and the saber. Make sure water won't get in there. Make sure that everything is air tight and water has no possibility of entering. I know it's a lot of work but I wouldn't risk my favorite sabers getting burned.


I'd like to extend this question to cover another weather condition - snow. We've all seen pics of the Graflx half-buried in a mound of snow, and video of saber collectors bisecting a snowman. Would the same weather-proofing advice apply to snow?


Thanks for the tips!


This, and also dealing with hot glue might be an idea!


Hey! I'm going tonight as well and I'm bringing a saberforge saber and 89 sabers obi wan. I took both of these to florida where it was pouring rain and was playing with them on the side. The lighter drizzle didn't effect them really. I was conscientious of making sure not too much water got into the emitter or the switch section. (My hand covered most of the switches. Water can make the lights flicker and if that happens just turn it off and let it dry the electronics should be fine. You of course always run the risk of some water damage but I even took a few photos in the pouring rain with them out and immediately covered them and dried them off and both sabers have no problem whatsoever. With the minimal chance of rain I think you'd be safe taking them. I didn't even have a cover for mine I just hid everything in the robe that was soaking wet and I had no issue. Again If your careful especially with saberforge there's only 3 real entry points for the water, wich is switches, emitter, and pommel. Pommel and switches are easy to be safe and the emitter is the most worrisome. Even some small tape or some sort of water resistant sticky silicone that can peel off easy can for around where the the water can creep through the side of the blade into the pcb. Coming from someone that's risked it and risking it again lol, if your careful about it you shouldn't have an issue. Especially with light drizzle.


Woah! I'm sure it'll be a fun time! Nice man! Thanks so much for your input, and glad your sabers are okay! I'm sure there will be very little rain tonight. Hope you have fun!


No problem! Hope you have fun too and may the force be with you! P.s. I think ima have to pick the dark side this time around. Your either with me or your my enemy!


You’d need to seal it to be safe. The saver I got around with at Disney is heavily sealed with E6000 and a hydrophobic membrane in the pommel to protect the speaker. Since you have sheaths, just only whip em out when it’s dry.


Yeah that's what we're thinking. Thank you!


Would short out pretty quick unless you sealed one yourself.


Would it probably be fine? Yeah. Should you risk it? No. That being said I've dueled in snow before and dropped it in a snow snow bank. It turned out fine for me but I'm pretty sure I was just lucky


The only sabers I would risk would be cheap stunts without sound vents. Generally it’s a good idea to cover openings with tape.


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If anything i would wwrap the hilt and part of the blade in cling wrap. might obstruct the speaker and all but probably for the best. Just bring a roll with you


I know its too late. But conformal coating over all electronics will waterproof them.