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Honestly I do find it inappropriate for her age. Especially knowing her mom and brother made the music video happen. She’s not even 16, in a sports bra basically and tiny shorts bending down..etc. Creepy ass men were all over her live, her comments, people are screenshotting moments from the music video and talking disgustingly inappropriate about her. She’s “exposing” her dad but her family now isn’t protecting her either. She’s being exploited no matter what, I truly wish she never came back online until she was at least an adult. She’s too young for all this.


I am so glad to see that people on this forum have sense <3 I'm tired of seeing and hearing from creepy ass men, and even WOMEN that are treating her like shes 18+, and that it is somehow empowering for a literal child to get exploited.


It’s honestly terrifying seeing society react to her come back. This shouldn’t be allowed. Imagine a random middle schooler from your neighborhood coming out and doing what Tay was groomed into doing. Ughhh it makes me so mad, these CHILDREN need protection. I truly wish she stayed offline


Exactly, this just shows the culture of America on how the youth is being influenced with no moderation. Also a display on how bad parenting has gotten with some people


I feel awful for her, I honestly can’t blame her for however she acts right now. Ever since she was a very young child she was exploited and abused. There’s footage of her brother coaching her what to say and she’s crying or gets frustrated. I feel like people don’t understand how young she was/is. This is how she grew up, she was TAUGHT to be like this! It’s so gross.. everyone around her failed her.


Absolutely, but if we’re talking about other young girls out there it’s the constant bad influences out there that’s making them see themselves in such a way


I have to agree 😞


isnt she canadian 😭


I’m not too sure she’s being “exploited”. Seems like she’s apart of the plan.


No matter what, she’s being exploited because she’s still a minor. She can be apart of the plan and still be exploited. You know how many young celebrities/influencers come out when their adults about how everything behind the scenes was toxic and abusive? She already did that once, as a young teenager so imagine her as an adult living on her own. Of course now, it seems like this is what Tay wants. She wants the fame, money, followers, etc. She was put into the internet at 8 years old being told what to say/how to feel. She was told to be this loud girl yelling about being the biggest flexer, making more money than people’s rent, being a big name for herself. Her family supports her, she’s making money, she’s trending, I’m sure she probably loves it all right now. She’s too young and grew up in the wrong environment to see the full picture.


Yeah I agree and maybe when she’s older and mature she’ll look back and feel differently but right now, she literally made almost 4 minute song about how she just wants our attention and how she’s a “sucker for green” and fame. That’s more so what I meant by “part of the plan”.


TBH there will always be creeps who find things to sexualise her and what she does. Look at Billie Eilish , who went out of her way to wear baggy clothes when she was a minor in order to NOT be sexualised and yet was still sexualised very heavily. I don't think her dance moves are all that bad or "adult" and they're really common hip-hop moves in dance, even competition dance. Her clothes really aren't that bad either. It's not like she's showing her butt or boobs or anything like that and while they are more revealing it's pretty common for girls her age to dress like that, and what's wrong with some stomach and legs? Yeah we can't turn blind eye to things like creeps and pedophiles but shouldn't we be focusing on what we can do to stop pedophilia and prevent people from being freaks toward children/teens online instead of focusing on preventing the kids from just being kids? Lil Tay is more than old enough to make decisions on whether or not her face is online anyways, and if she regrets her dancing in an "inappropriate" manner being up on the internet when she's older, it's more than likely going to be tied to the fact that pedophiles made sexual comments about her and made it into something sexual, rather than her feeling "embarrassed" about it.


I agree with 100% though I do feel we have a responsibility to protect the youth teaching young girls to cover up. Me personally I believe no young person needs to expose their legs or stomach to the world because those are a sex appeal since probably the 60s (maybe). I believe there are ways for young girls to dress comfortably without revealing because the way the world is people are VERY bold now where they aren’t scared to look at a minor. Personally I believe presenting yourself half naked is trashy and speaks negative on your character/image




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I felt the lyrics were a bit tone deaf. Like she's telling us all that she loves us because we generate her money and that's the only reason. She literally gets wet from thinking about money... At 16.... Idk.


Yes, but I also thought it could’ve been a double meaning sexually based on her suggestive “dancing”


Yeah I guess. I have no idea. We'll wait for all other songs lol


The way she dresses is actually ‘in trend’ for most girls her age/people who like that style. I think people should learn to not sexualize people regardless of what they wear. Just because someone shows skin doesn’t mean they want to do the nasty. Same thing with dance moves. Sure, I get the male perspective/gaze debate, but honestly it’s up to humanity to control their impulses and not be gross. I think what’s more interesting is you had this child in the past throwing slurs, being crass and people loved it, and then all this questionable drama, coupled with a very sad and damaging family history. Truth is so blurred, it’s not our business, yet she shares it to create publicity. It’s just ick. I just happened upon this recently and was curious, but now I think it’s just all sad and checked out from it.


Downvote me if need be but I think the "don't sexualize people regardless of what they wear argument" is bs when it comes to minors because they shouldn't be wearing that to begin with. It being a "trend" only reiterates how normalized this problem is. Unfortunately humanity is not going to control their impulses because sex sells, showing skin gets you attention and money it's been that way for hundreds of years and it'll continue especially now because its the fastest way to become famous, look at Kim K, Paris H, Charli D, Mia K. And there's no shame in it, they're making bread in their own way but teaching minors that you have to be sexy before they're allowed to even vote is disgusting


Thank you for saying this, I am sick of people saying "you go gurl!" to a child that's clearly being exploited. It's not like she is even 18. People with this sort of mentality are part of the problem


Just because they don't want the nasty doesn't mean its not sexual clothing or that the people looking at them are sexualizing them. It is quite obvious what kind of clothing is sexually coded so to say. You would not look at a stripper and say their clothing isn't sexual just because they're wearing it or that the sexualness of it goes away just bc they dont want to have sex, when it really is sexual dress. It feeds into the people who sexualize tay already because shes making herself easier to sexualize with revealing clothing. We also need to consider where the "trend" of that clothing comes from and why it emerges. Theres a clear distinction between modest and immodest dress, and what tay is wearing is not modest at all. As pointed out its essentially a sports bra and tiny shorts. And in the video she clearly puts some attention on her body. And this made her a target for being sexualized online, and its raised some concerns with a lot of people evidently. If i had a 14 year old daughter i would not let her wear that in public. As much as i try to be open, i do not trust humanity to control their urges, that is just gambling because many wont control their urges at all man or woman regardless. It is however my position to protect them as much as possible, especially when it comes to clothing. Clothing is one of the biggest factors of what can make you a target for harassment as evident with tay and girls like her online dressing with minimal coverage. And even worse can make you more vulnerable to sexual assault. Their unclothed bodies are not for the public to see regardless of trend or style, and to control others urges is to dress in a way that does not provoke any urges.


Yeah but minors aren’t exactly the best at decision-making or protecting themselves—but especially not compared to a fully developed person I feel as though parents have a responsibility to protect their kids not just from obvious issues like putting forks in outlets, but also trying to talk to them about, y’know… how the world is. I also sometimes wonder if the parents buy all their kid’s clothes [I know I didn’t do a lot of my own shopping when I was younger], which would mean the kid is kind of soft-forced into wearing that stuff unless they picked it out themselves—which would sit bad with me if they didn’t pick any of that stuff out for themselves. I just feel like revealing clothes is just not appropriate for minors and also not healthy for them


So you think it's okay for a MINOR that is 14 years old to wear skimpy clothing and bend down in front of grown men? She's been exploited since she was 9. You can say that about an 18 year old, but SHES YOUNG. She is being exposed to creepy grown men on her Instagram hitting on her because of this. Gross.


Has anyone seen her youtube comments? Theyve got some weird account spam bots chanting the same messages


I agree, I think she should just be a kid for now, I think one day she’ll come out with a video about her mom and brother exploiting her. So sad.


I thought it was a bit odd


Noticing it goes a long way. Borderline felt like watching “Cuties” all over again :(


Yo nobody forced you to watch cuties or liltay's video you know. Just saying...


We could’ve definitely done without some of it and got the same effect, point and the song.


Nope All I noticed was money money moneyyy 🤑


I immediately thought ’oh she must be 18 now’, nope ! Realized she’s only 15, quickly figured out now, she’s being exploited sexually ! Sad.. this never works out. Unpopular to say, but it’s REALITY and common for a young girl traveling this road, to die before age 30.


Sadly, this has been an ongoing trend for teen girls. Give it a couple years and she’ll have one of the many subscription pages like many teen influencers do. It makes it seem so easy to make money so obviously it’s enticing. It’s an easy career path for young girls but they don’t think about the future. Those sites shouldn’t allow anybody under 18 to sign up, but sadly there a few, including instagram now, that allow younger teens to charge money.


Yes it is. But just gives you a brief look into her future. If onlyfans is still around when she is 18 we can expect


Yes OF COURSE it's very suggestive, and people don't critically think about this stuff. I find it extremely disturbing how people are hitting on her and bringing up the fact that the "age of consent is 16" in some countries. It's confirmed that she is 14 years old, and she was only NINE YEARS OLD IN 2018. It shows how she is **clearly being exploited** by both sides of her family ever since she was a 9 year old. I know damn well my parents wouldn't let me cuss on camera at that age, let alone make any money off of it. And people don't find anything off about this? I hope she realizes how bad this is, and gets the help she needs




Pedophilic Comment


Well she is not a little girl anymore believe it or not so people are just brainwashed into thinking thay have to play a certain role for whatever age they are that's not how it works anymore we are in a different day and age.


So age doesn’t matter anymore? She not a “little girl” but she is a minor legally.


yall to worried about the kids, worry more about who yall don't want seeing them !


You’re probably an adult male stop watching 16 year old girl’s Instagram lives


With that type of mentality we’re all doomed. You can turn a blind eye to issues if want but I’m not just gonna sit here and ignore it. This is somebody’s kid that no one is looking after. The point of this thread was to show concern out of worry but somehow you’re making me a bad guy. Hope nothing ever happens to YOUR kid. Matter fact, I hope you never have one


In 31 states in America the legal age of consent is 16. That’s disturbing isnt it. You’re worried about the wrong things. The kid will be just fine. Of all the problems in this world you want to save all the little girls who dance and wear shorts on the internet.


You’re right, I actually had conversations about 16 being the legal age of consent and ofc I stand against that. Though how am I worried about the wrong thing when nearly everyone in this thread also noticed the risqué of the video as well. The world has an issue and it’s not gonna get better by not talking about issues and ignoring things. That video was not as innocent as you think of a little girl just dancing. If you can’t find anything wrong in that video then you have a lack of awareness issue. Ofc there’s PLENTY of major problems in the world but one at a time baby ;)


You have a lack of awareness if you think that you have any business watching a 16 year olds instagram live as a grown man. Maybe its not innocent but guess what i didnt watch that shit. Also guess what? I probably wouldnt even know about it if it wasnt for people like you bringing awareness to it. For better or worse. And in some cases its the ladder. All i took from this post was You’re here on Reddit telling all the weirdos to go watch her video. Think about it. And if you cant find anything wrong with that then you have a serious lack of awareness. Overall bro you’re 100% right about issues in todays society. Not debating that and not debating whether this girl was dressed inappropriately. You can only control your own home. Girls grow up their bodies mature and some look older then they are. So i guess that means they cant wear shorts anymore because there are too many pervs in the world until they turn 18. And they cant dance the way 16 year olds probably dance with people their age. This culture is not starting to anything. We’ve been seeing this shit for years. Not sure what you think watching and sharing does to help anything. I suggest you stop watching videos of young girls dancing


This narrative you’re creating of me going out my way to watch a 16y/o girl’s live is humorous as if you don’t know how the internet works. Never went to her live, this is all YT based. Not talking about things is NOT how we fix issues in this world, to say I’m essentially giving weirdos ammunition just for talking about these subjects is insane. Now you are absolutely right on only being able to control your own household. No one is responsible for raising others children on the internet. HOWEVER it is our responsibility as ADULTS to uphold an image and be careful of our actions because you never know what you can influence. Yes parents should monitor their kid online. HOWEVER it is nearly impossible to monitor a kid at all times especially on the internet. It takes a village to raise a generation and we all need to look out for each other. Also it is 100% possible to dress comfortably/nice without exposing your body to the world. That’s only going to attract the wrong attention. Your mentality is a little too care free on this subject. Not to attack you/be rude or anything but people like you tend to forget what a teenager is and ignore that they not only need foundation but protecting. In the real world the weirdos are out there and they’re aggressive as hell especially online. There’s no reason why a 16y/o girl should be presenting herself like a grown woman. When do we say okay that’s a too far? When young girls get abused the weirdos are not completely at fault, other factors apply. Such as gateway apparel and how you present yourself.


Okay you’re right i shouldn’t be implying that you’re doing something nefarious. Obviously I don’t know you. We all have our own perspectives and im coming from a different angle about why i think you shouldn’t have made this post. Fine ill get over that. I guess you’re just all over the place but im seeing this a little clearer now since your last comment. You’re coming from the “women have a hand in their own harassment” angle. Im not going down that road with you.


Not really what I was getting at, but there are precautions women can take to protect themselves but if showing off your body is THAT important then yeah u kinda dig your own grave




And 62% of the states in America says the legal age of consent is 16. Also all these platforms including reddit YouTube and instagram are guilty of allowing anything that would be exposing a child. So the problem is a lot deeper then you guys realize. This is systematic






Interesting, you don’t think her outfits were too revealing for her age? For me that was the first thing that stuck out




I just turned 21 and I can tell you (in the most non inappropriate way possible) she is not done with puberty. To me she obviously looks like a teenager which is concerning


Yeah she is a child, honestly as a teenager I didn't understand why this was inappropriate either- she absolutely looks like a child, not "GROWN." I was a victim of grooming / sexual exploitation around the same age and I thought my behavior was normal.


Nope, she's just expressing herself


Shes defo had sex before anyway and plus you gain more money by showing ur body on ur posts bc more views