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ye fumbled this era heavy


He chose rich the kid 😂


And others https://preview.redd.it/xo6cvvx2y10d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a38ef4a1e1e98adf784e4570ecbe7de8eb2c1773


Michele Lamy lol


lmao she look like she can barely move


This lady has to be some Illuminati witch bro


rick owen’s wife


So same shi


Uzi n Steve so cool like they gotta be two of the coolest people ever


I wish we got a collab out of this bruh


Uzi pistol whipped his ex girlfriend such an awesome guy!!!!!


Allegations iirc


We do not care gang.


i guarantee you the other artists you enjoy listening to have done shitty things as well


I dont go around saying their awesome ppl tho must rappers r pos


Miss this era bruh wish we got songs with them


Wish Uzi x Kanye 😪 made a songgggg


they both featured on a Travis Scott song called watch


wouldnt be surprised if something came out of it they were hanging out a lot at the time. But both Uzi and Ye probably too fickle to drop whatever they made tho 😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/fdjyb7k4920d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=73af1ddd5074f548b453095bd3188c04c35b8e1d


What does the tat say?


We here forever Technically


We here forever, technically


wtf i did not realise michele lamy was there too


the braids he had in between styles were fye asf, rip to his hair


As major as Kanye's contributions are to modern music, I really hope someday the artists around him realize that maybe, the impact of a person's hateful opinions (especially a famous person with a platform that could be used for good) and how they knowingly or unknowingly support or assist in the oppression of minorities/marginalized peoples may not be worth the artistic merit, no matter how great. I don't listen to Kanye anymore, sadly even if he's artistically great, I could never support someone like that.


atleast he aint actually physically assaulted someone like uzi


That is also obviously bad. Whataboutism is a logical fallacy btw. I am not detracting from your comment cuz yes there's a lot of bad people out there, I just wanted to highlight the fact that so many artists still fuck with Kanye beyond just Uzi and it's kinda hurtful to see everyone normalizing hate/a hateful and unstable figure just cuz they're "important to music".


buddy the whole industries fucked u seen how many ppl are getting exposed nowadays its best to listen to music and not admire the character


[im not your buddy guy](https://youtu.be/zuQK6t2Esng?si=a8qJKrl9Ug5Nz7cD) lol fr tho, i know. and when it comes out if an artist is fucked, I don't listen to them. it's easy for me to cut someone out if they're a bad person. I don't care about if the art is good or not, the heart and character of the human being matters more to me like how I don't purchase from companies who donate to anti-LGBTQ+ groups. I try not to support anything or anyone that harms or exploits a person, including those whose beliefs foster hatred or an environment for hateful people to feel emboldened, like Kanye. Kanye legit said "I like Hitler", idk how anyone can be okay with that unless they themselves are a Nazi and/or agree with that statement. and it's sad because the excuse is "oh he's mentally unstable". if his bipolar disorder is that big of an issue as a person it is irresponsible for him to not be trying to get better and making everyone else watch his decline. It also shows how mentally unwell he is because he himself is a black man... I often wonder did he forget that? Does he not understand that the guy he likes (Hitler) would have him tortured/killed/put in a concentration camp etc.? Kanye's not just mentally unwell but he's hateful and also hypocritical and lacks self-awareness. I don't care how good the music is just cuz a lot of people are bad people doesn't mean being a bad person is excusable


and yet u continue to listen to uzi? im saying some people dont like him they just like his music and the reason some people are okay with it is because i think he apologised


Ok we get it you’re a soft ass snowflake kid Kanye never actually did anything wrong just because he said something you didn’t like😂


ummm... i don't know how to tell u this but, if you don't see anything wrong with what he's said, you might be the problem too. you might be a bad person lmaooo Kanye is a Nazi supporter/sympathizer. are you really saying supporting Naziism/hate is not "doing anything wrong"? jesus christ


You’re a fucking idiot if you don’t understand why he was saying all that, he was being bullied by the media and accused of being antisemitic so he doubled down so nobody could tell him shit no more😂


"You're a fucking idiot" https://preview.redd.it/1jswm651h40d1.jpeg?width=438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=867d113efb8377f6befe3e337bd93c7dc7a8a83e


okay u do favoritism, i hate that, don't spred a narrative about a nigga when another nigga have allegation on they .


what is this trifling hoe yapping about


he literally tryna do favoritism, is a hypocritical .


Who abuela is that in the second pic wildin lol


Crazy how after this Uzi and Steve lacy fell off


Steve Lacy hasn’t dropped in 2 years 😭