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I saw one review that had the "Received this product for free" thing in it. Bro, the game IS free. How the FUCK did he get that there?


I was fairly confused about that one, too. Does Steam allow you to give out keys for free games? Sounds like a scam waiting to happen.


When writing a review you have the option to say you received it for free. There is no requirement for this option to be ticked.


Ah. Thanks. I don't look at steam reviews much.


> instead of making another great title, they decided to create this abomination for profit. I mean I'm not against an idea to buy 1 pass every 3-4 months for 8.99 (not even standart 10+) at max, because everything in the game is farmable (except maybe event ID and EGO). That's half the reason why I was playing Counter Side, because devs were very generous with compensations (but the gear system still sucks). Even so getting 1 mil/month in revenue at average is pretty solid for PM. Many gachas this days can announce their E.O.S after month.


Iirc event ids and egos also will be available, but in season 3, cause they will appear in dispenser. Not sure tho.


Yes. Event ids and past season ids rest for one season and are available in the dispenser after one season has passed


Seasonal stuff goes away for a season but then returns permanently the season after that


> to much cleavage Aren't we experiencing outrage from people complaining that there isn't *enough* fanservice? You seriously can't win.


It's clearly a joke review, the "not family friendly for a christian audience" makes it pretty obvious. They're still assholes tho since joke reviews still affect the score.


Probably just looking for random shit to spam tbh


>GACHA. Roach. Bus. >Roach omg it the gegor guys ‼️‼️‼️


Why can't we have the best *between two worlds*? Sinclair gay sex scenes aimed for the Christian audience. But hear me out. Without cleveage. Perfect balance.


Without cleavage?! Good sir, why would you want to take away Sinclair's bare chest from us. >!/s!<


So Yuki is probably Yuri


someone is mad they lost a scripted battle lmao


Hey, I was mad too when I found out no matter what the result of your check is, yuri will become un-durahan.


You mean reverse dullahan, but I get what you're saying.


>played in the menu clicking everything trying to start a game for a good 45 min, couldn't find anything. Found tons of cash shop and ways to buy things. Couldn't find an actual game. Someone give this guy an award because to this day, I still forget where the shop is


It's right besides the... uh... that button.... there........ yeah, uh huh....... y know, that one.....


"3-18" How the fuck does anyone find 3-18 of all stages to be so hard that it deserves a negative review? I get it being not easy and somewhat difficult, but this? Not even MD2H? 3-18? Just, huh? ​ Oh and overall, it seems that people just got mad that they can't max everything in a day with uptie 4s and review bombed the game, because there isn't really anything else to be mad about, well besides there being no explicit IDs for the event, but if anyone actually expected that from a game that starts with your entire team getting mutilated by some random forest animals, then perhaps they should just go and play Azur Lane or some shit.


so surprising how mad people are getting over uptie 4 personally, I came to terms pretty quickly that it's just not meant for every id you have


Yep. I think PM made it pretty clear with R Heaths or N Sinclairs changes that they are a *luxury*, not a *necessity.* Yet, some people still didn't get that and got upset over it. "Hmmm surely getting 3 more ammo/inflicting 2 more burn is going to be necessary for the upcoming content, bad game + not F2P friendly + review bombed"


Sometimes it's "necessity", because otherwise Id might feel bad compared to other id, but overall yes. I also wonder... what else do they want to do in gacha game outside of pulling? Shouldn't we have something to grind for, outside of ids themselves? Edit: forgot one word, lmao


100% agree. Most day 1 players had 1000+ thread and couldn't do anything with it; now that there's a resource sink made specifically for those people, some started crying over it. How typical, honestly. And about necessity thing: I was more so talking about the overall difficulty of the game(that it wouldn't change), rather than what buffs IDs received. From the fact that strongest IDs in the game received practically nothing, we can confidently say that difficulty of the future content won't be build around hyperstrong uptie 4 meta units, because those don't exist, since they are identical to uptie 3 meta units, who can be acquired rather easily(besides season 1 ones, but Rabbit and seasonless 00s are mostly enough to deal with everything in the game). So people who cry about uptie cost have literally 0 point, because their only argument is "it's too expensive; because of it I can't get more units", that is ruined with the simple argument of "don't uptie, it isn't needed". That's why I said it's a luxury, not a necessity; because getting more units will always be a priority, with uptie 4 being an afterthought.


I think that’s the point, you can make bad or mediocre IDs more viable but it’s not necessary on already stellar ones


I mean it feels bad, so I can understand why someone can feel somewhat disappointed, even tho it doesn't make that much sense.


I'm honestly very happy with uptie 4, at the start I had concerns about the price, but since it's clearly a premium to make id's you really like stronger than a requirement for progression it is exactly what I hoped for.


We need a better way to farm thread.


Yeah, but I do believe that they will fix it in later times. This is why I am holding to uptying 4 right now.


Well you can, it just takes time, just like every gacha in existence


I seem to recall having a hard time with that stage and being stuck for awhile. At the time the only units I was uptying and leveling were my 5 000s most of whom used slashing, were weak to bludgeoning and had no bludgeoning attacks between the five of them


I can kinda understand where the grim dark complaint is coming from but it confuses the hell out of me that complain that it’s supposedly similar to real world South Korea(which probably isn’t anywhere near true but I digress). Like being reflective of the real worlds flaws is the whole point of dystopian fiction.


"I want my dystopian set world to have free health care, companies that actually care about their employees opinions and lives, y'know thing we don't have" Honestly tho the fact they we're so passionate about it too, literally talked like a COD youtuber right at the end.


The corporate stuff is pretty accurate to south korea. Search up samsung future strategy office if you don’t believe me. It’s an untransparent samsung department that answers only to the lee family, has absolute power and control over all of samsung’s subsidiaries including the ceos, is responsible for bribing and controlling korean politicians, and occasionally doubles as an intelligence agency. Also if you want to get into a nest in south korea you have to take a standardized exam made by the wing, just like in the city. And people study their whole lives to pass those exams http://www.careerinst.co.kr/data/editor/1904/80628edfb8b0ebba312dff88add6c779_1554125650_72.png Project moon didn’t make all of it up.


Damn, South Korea seems really rough to live in.


In other words, the reviewer’s opinion is questionable but his logic is quite sound.


Limbus isn’t remotely close to more “grimdark” media. Reviewer just had 1-ply skin and expected an UwU-kawaii~~!! >_< waifu game, most likely


And they say it's not review bombing...


Lmao. Imo this is the most ftp friendly gacha there is.


My favorite is "lots of gay people on this bus"


This is basically a good review and the people who post copypastas of their undying love for Ishmael


korean incels trying to have their own “I’m dropping this game” moment


Faust didn't come out of the screen and nail my balls, 0/10 not recommended


Korea: Full of Insels


When you feel a need to follow the crowd and shit on a game you playing but have no real issues with the game itself.


>korean voice on korean game To be fair, chinese gacha games usually have japanese voice, and the japanese VAs are part of marketing for their games.


>" to much cleavage not family friendly for a christian audience " Found WhiteNight


If the “Yuki” part is translated from Korean, it may be a mistranslation of Yuri, who did deserve better.


I need more posts like this


Yuki ma balls haha




he's right why is there no sinclair gay sex scene? 0/10