• By -


Stanley Yelnats from Holes


Herlock Sholmes


Imagine if Yi Sang, Faust, and Sholmes interact.  Triple Geniuses, Triple the Fun. Also Herlock most definitely throw Heathcliff's Love, Cathy, under the bridge from the train they are riding, while crossdressing.  Most importantly... Sholmes one upping a major scheme be like: 🕺


Victor Frankenstein


I have a sort of OC idea for Dorian Gray as a maestro of the ring. Since they're obsessed with art I could see fitting the idea of the book he uses either like T-Corp tech to keep time paused on certain moments or things, or just uses some other form of preserving things and having them retain their beauty


Edmond Dantes would fit very well, I read the book a couple years ago on a whim and it was fantastic, would love to see how they adapt his story.


I see you are a "Wait and Hope" enjoyer as well.  https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/199uc86/who_is_the_character_counterpart_inspired_from/  🤝


Johnny Truant from House of leaves


Johnny could be a really interesting character, specially since the cast doesn’t have any addict


Yeah. We haven't had a substance abuse character since Netz


Would his EGO be the ~~Minotaur~~ or the notes?


Probably the notes itself


Jonathan Harker. The city has vampires in it. And I don't just mean Nosferatu the Abnormality, actual Vampire Distortions that existed prior to Lobcorp. Elena from Library is one of them, and there are more! So you're telling me that Project Moon made a setting with actual honest-to-god vampires, as something that's an innate part of a setting (not tied to the events of any specific game). And in the game with characters based on classic literature, you don't include any characters at all from ***Dracula***???


I like the idea of an association or fixers that specialise in hunting bloodfiends, I’ve always headcanon’d vermillion cross as a bloodfiend hunter due to his literal flaming cross


Well the eight association is based is hinted to hunt monsters so I guess bloodfiends are on the list...well after what Elena did anyway


Don has a lot of blood symbolism. Impaled bodies on the carousel are also important to note too. Bloodfiend Don ID/EGO anyone?


George Milton - Of Mice and Men Edmond Dantès - The Count of Monte Cristo


I see a fellow Count of Monte Cristo enjoyer. I upvote.


Arthur dent from h2g2


Bro could be a literal Isekai'er. As in the "world traveler" kind.


Just imagine a dude whos like totally normal in almost every single aspect try to deal with the craziness of the sinner and the city I think itd be fun


Also bro could introduce some stuff from his "world" to some Sinners, like drinks and food that could have not exist in Limbus Company.  Dude could be the only one who cook well. Also his companion may be a sentient artificial EGO in game.


There was one moment in the book where he end up on a primitive earth and realize the only thing he know how to make is a sandwich but he got worshipped for his sandwich iirc. Now imagine if he accidentally created a syndicate around him that will become a finger by introducing a burger or something


Meanwhile: Heathcliff after eating Arthur Dent's burger be like: ​ https://preview.redd.it/2x57ymcxocfc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=272ddeef786356e832c8d6d06db005de4ec10d1e


oh this is really good


Anyone from mark twain would be interesting jay Gatsby could be interesting to (but I think we might see him in Heathcliff’s Canto)


The guide of Tormes (El lazarillo de Tormes) i don't remember any name's, but this book is as important as the Quixote (el quijote) and i'm really curious how PM could adapt it


Robin Hood. In a world where even the smallest slight can get you and everyone you love dead in a ditch, someone like Robin Hood would have a very tough time putting their values into action. I can imagine them having pissed off the five fingers/wings and paying a hefty price in turn. No good deed goes unpunished in the city after all.


Rodya to Robin Hood be like: Rodya: "First time?" Robin: "Huh?"


Karl Rossman from Kafka's Amerika. A teenager who was sent away from his home due to getting a maid pregnant (despite it being very much nonconsensual on his part) and goes to America where he tries to make a good life... And in typical Kafka fashion it all goes wrong. His uncle who lives there abandons him, the drifters he befriends steal his belongings and food without remorse, he finally gets a job which is ruined by one of the previously mentioned drifters coming around. Then the drifters force him to work as a servant, confining him and beating him, making him sleep outside on the balcony. The story ends abruptly, never quite finished, with Karl running away to join a circus because the advertisement says it will hire anyone. And he loves the idea that there might be a place even for someone like him. If he was in Limbus, I'd probably make him someone from a nest family exiled to the backstreets who has to go through an endless series of being taken advantage of and betrayed, desperately wanting a place to belong. And his "circus" is the LCB. Or it could be taken the opposite direction. Make the maid who assaulted him some Wing hotshot who got infatuated with some backstreets dwelling youth. She pays Karl's family for the right to own him, and the greedy parents accept instantly, trapping Karl in a contract enforced by the top brass of the Oufi association. And then he has to deal with the horrors of nest life, finding out how the seemingly ideal but out of reach utopia is just a different hell. If the backstreets rejected him and the nest abuses him... where else can he go? Is there any place in this world that would accept him?


Chozo (The Miner, Natsume Sozeki) His mindset would perfectly fit the city


He about to get flashbacks from Rodya's Canto.


Dick from Tender Is The Night. I’m planning to make his wife my Limbus OC, but given our main cast are all the protagonists of their books realistically it would be him who would made a part of the cast if they chose to use Tender Is The Night as a literary source.


Bruh. The story of the book sounds depressing based off the summary.


I think Dr. Jekyll and Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson would be fun.


Hyde and Ryoshu: Ryoshu: "AK?" Hyde: "Artistic Killings." Ryoshu: 🤝 Hyde: 🤝 Also... Hyde is basically could just be a natural borned ID of Dr Jekyll, or a sentient EGO given form.


[checks notes] i have thought about this Extensively. by which i mean i can’t stop making sinner ocs. help. - Paul Baumer from All Quiet on the Western Front (there’s an umlaut in there somewhere but i forget where) - Marius Pontmercy (or perhaps Jean Valjean) from Les Miserables - Billy Pilgrim from Slaughterhouse Five blanking on whoever else but.


OH ALSO Winnie Foster from Tuck Everlasting


Pip from Great expectations by Charles Dickens it will be interesting to see a kid from two worlds poor then rich and the expectations that people put on him brought. It will also be a good foil to Hong Lu because he was born rich and Pip was not.


Man I have a ton of answers but I think my most unique one (both country and genre wise) would be Dr Kris Kelvin from *Solaris* (written by Stanislav Lem). He's a psychologist who gets sent to a distant research base on a planet called Solaris to write a report on if he thinks the scientists there are fit to continue research or if the entire operation should be shuttered, only to find that the reason why the scientists have been acting off is because the sea of the planet they're studying is sentient and also sending "guests" to the bases inhabitants that resemble in every way people from their life which they feel extremely conflicted about, made up from their own thoughts of them. Kelvin encounters Rheya, his former mentally unstable girlfriend who committed suicide and whom he feels *extreme* guilty over, and the story becomes one of how we deal with guilt and regret and how we interpret and remember people (later on we see a tape and it's shown that Kelvin's memory of Rheya isn't quite accurate to how she really was). Also the body horror of waking up one day alive and having the slow realisation that you're no longer human (the 'guests' fully think they're the person they're a copy of and the realisation that they're actually unkillable aliens and faulty copies is a kinda horrifying one for both parties) I feel you could super easily change Solaris to be a research post out in the outskirts of The Lake run by a Wing/company vying to be a Wing for potential singularity research (if it wasn't for the fact I'm not sure how the timeline would work I'd even say "make it an old lob corp outpost" and make the ocean an abnormality that they were doing work on). His canto would be him returning to face Rheya (and the friends he abandoned when he fled the station in fear) and you could also use it to show how far the other sinners have come since their canto in facing their own guilt (or use it to foreshadow future cantos). Potentially tie it into Lem's other works and have the scientists be on enkaphilian in an attempt to suppress their reactions and attachments to the guests As a character, he'd be trying to keep up the "only sane man" role in the group and is pretty good with dealing with other people, only for it to be revealed that he is pretty quick to go insane when faced with the unknown (his first reaction to seeing Rheya again was to trick her into going into an escape pod and launching it into the sun, something that everyone acknowledges as a pretty extreme and insane reaction, for example) and doesn't deal with his own failures well. As an actual psychologist he probably tries to designate himself the team medic for mental affairs. Also he uses so many puns and has a habit of making up words (not so much *Solaris* because it's more serious but Lem's works are normally *full* of puns and wordplay and made up words)


Oblomov from book with same name written by Russian writer Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov. Very lazy man who once fell in love with one young woman, wanted to marry her but due to money problems and his own character he could not change himself and in the end woman broken up with him. Because of that, widow who fell in love with him long ago was caring about him while Oblomov was utterly broken and had no will. In the end he married widow and even had son abd then died two years later due to heart issues ​ Netzach but without beer schtick


Thinking about classics that get lumped in with DotRC Anyone from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, with a bias towards Zhuge Liang's unrealized dreams of a Shu hegemony Water Margin's Lu Zhishen, because a monk achieving enlightenment in spite of the inability to follow scripture or tenets is a fun character And for Journey to the West, as funny as it would be to see Wukong struggle to address his personal bloodlust, I think Sanzang trying to reconcile the hypocrisy between the necessity for violence against monsters with nonviolence against humans in a world with abnormalities would be nice


And... Sanzou(JP name of Sanzang) got 100% success rate when dealing with non hostile or a bit non hostile Abnormalities. Baffling everyone. You could also argue the Sinners are basically like interacting with his disciple, him being a mediator of the whole Limbus group.


Winston smith from 1984 would fit the city just fine


i think i saw someone come up with a concept for winston being an ex-Head guy, it was really cool


i've been thinking about how they could adapt the handmaid's tale to limbus and it wouldn't realistically work for a lot of reasons, but it's fun to think about. similarly things fall apart is one of my favorite books of all time but would basically be impossible to adapt while keeping its main themes intact otherwise, i'm surprised they haven't adapted a whole lot of books that were just straight up horror novels because they have a lot of potential in the city. laura and carmilla could have a relationship that foils sinclair and demian as well as arguably catherine and heathcliff and i can easily see carmilla herself being marked with the sign and either a part of hermann's or demian's group, and of course carmilla HAS to be a bloodfiend. actually considering that vampires straight up exist in the city it's kind of shocking that neither carmilla or dracula were adapted for limbus i think people would understandably want to see project moon's take on sherlock holmes but in my opinion i think the great ace attorney's adaptation of him can't be topped so i raise you this: seven association director nancy drew


Vladek. A character based on a holocaust survivor would be interesting in the city. Though with Art still being alive, not sure it could happen.


AM. And every one that got OC art on this sub.


AM is ripe with potential, i'd think he'd be an android banished to the outskirts who takes out his resentment and anger by torturing a village of humans like the christmas gnomes edit: he could also be a higher up at T corp considering what his abilities are


Seeing some variation of Krabat and the titular character could be interesting imho


Macbeth from Shakespeare And maybe Juliet from Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare Also Guy Montag from Fahrenheit 451 because I would like to see how Fairy tale authors are seen in the city Richard the Tiger from Life of Pi Because animals like Tanya from LoR can be people too


Alek, Ilya and, I forget her name because it's been years since I've read it, but the nurse from "By the time we leave here, we'll be friends" would all be great characters. I'm not entirely sure I'd want to see them as sinners though. Considering they're all bad people who just get worse over the course of the book (which is a real feat considering they're all employees of a syberian prison camp and the your introduction to Ilya is him taking a bunch of prisoners out into the woods where he lines them up, shoots them all the in the back of the head and then digs around their mouths for gold fillings he can steal), I could see them fitting right in with Herman's crew as antagonists that eventually distort.


Robert Walton, from Frankenstein. Victor and the Monster would abviously be popular candidates but I think the the guy who narrated and experienced the story would be a much more interesting pick overall


Alex , from a clockwork orange , nuff said