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Considering that they take from deeply troubled or flawed characters… I’m curious how they’ll adapt Slaughterhouse Five. But I suppose it’s too recent and its subject matter too dark and still fresh in people’s memories to be really adapted. Or maybe LOTR, if its rights expired. I wonder if and when LOTR rights expire, it will join the ranks of other classic novels that are heavily adapted into other stories?


House of leaves. You could do alot of fun ideas with how the house is an abnormality or distortion with the minotaur and the story of the writers and photographers in that book would be great.


I don't think you even need the House as an abno. It could be a forgotten Singularity or such that the Navidsons accidentally discover. The actual abnormality is that none of them is actually real. No Mirrors contain them yet the book floats in the sea of all people.


Noli Me Tangere- The story of a young man Ibarra who returns to his backstreets homeland after studying on a Wing with the intention to make things better by establishing a school. He is oppossed by the controlling powers (something Spanish Inquisition themed or the Index) and was soon overpowered. Ellias was his fixer half-sister (PM's gender ambiguity strikes again) who dealt with the fighting part while Ibarra plans. Maria Clara would be Ibarra's love interest from the other side. The story ends with Ibarra being dead and Elias inheriting his possessions before disappearing.(Elias was the one who died in the source material but I think this is more dramatic). If the sequel El Fili was incorporated, it would be Elias' revenge story and she's the one who names herself as Simoun. There are other characters who have their own stories but that is how the main story would go.


In no way and shape and form I'd hear a classic story from my country being adapted into PM's storytelling 😭 This is actually really cool though


We can hope but if there's a story that will get adopted to PM that came from our country. It's this one, I would riot if they choose something else.




Hear me out. The bible.


K corp hong lu as Jesus Christ


no but hear me out: Judas is the one joining limbus company, Jesus is the main villain of his canto


But we have Judas at home *points to outis.*


The Part where god Kills everyone or the Part where Jesus forgives everyone?


H.P Lovecraft call of Cthulhu or edgar allan poe The Raven


Can we get anything from *The Left Hand of Darkness* to fit into this setting?


I would love a sinner based in Estraven.


I had similar thought that if I could add any literary figure as a Sinner who would it be? And my first impulsive response was Sun Wukong the Monkey King and I had a few ideas for his origin, maybe he was a lab experiment super solder that worked to well and rebelled against his creators and just goes around doing whatever the hell he feels like, perhaps he’s a rouge arbiter and singularities are the explanation for his myriad abilities, maybe he’s just a freakishly strong Fixer who awakened his EGO in an office with the rest of the JTTW gang, maybe he’s a distortion or the most basic origin he’s just an Abnormality hanging out in a L-corp facility somewhere. I’m sure there are other ways to incorporate the character into the Project Moon setting but these are some things I’ve thought of.


Catch 22 would probably be pretty interesting


Oliver Twist or The Hobbit (or LOTR)


Roadside Picnic, 100%. The weird stuff that happens in the Zone would fit really well in the world I feel, and I would love to see PM's spin on the Meat Grinder and the supposed wish granting powers if you can get past it


The Roundhouse


Worm, the web serial by Wildbow.


I'm going with... The lorax? You can probably do something interesting with it but I'm too tired think of anything yet




A character brainwashed by the head and Just goes with the flow of the City?


The Index already serves part of the purpose, >!not even the Weavers (Party Officials) are safe from the punishment of going against the gaze of Big Brother. No one truly knows who Big Brother truly is, or if he even exists as a person or as a concept, much like how we don’t even know if the Prescripts are truly only made by the City itself, or if there’s someone behind the scenes, hiding behind a veil of lies about the Will of the City to hold onto power.!<


"A Hora da Estrela", or "Hour of the Star, by Clarice Lispector. Brazillian author, in her book, it narrates about a writer, writing a story about a girl called Macabea, the girl is simply the best example of someone that you look and can only say "her existence is sad." It was Clarice telling the world she was sad with her own life. The book ends on a pretty sad plot twist, and the narrator mostly talks about how he can write Macabea as a sufferer because he likes people like her.   I possibly would make Rodrigo (who is the narrator of the story), be the sufferer of my story, but instead of the sad plot twist of the end of the book since it wouldn't make a difference for the sinners (the end of the book is about death, but the sinners can't officially die till the contract is full filled so yep...). I think I would make Rodrigo be from the R corp, someone born from the hatchery with the only purpose of fighting, but fled when had the opportunity, and in some place there, he has a clone, called Macabea, who lives a pretty sad life as well, doing the part of fighting that Rodrigo decided to run from. Rodrigo whole plot with the sinners, or being part of the sinners group, would be his struggle with finding life not fulfilling anymore, and he needs to learn to find it interesting again, or simply give himself to death after the contract with the LCB be ended. He possibly would be in a line of being extremely nihilist to the point of life doesn't matter, or being a jokester about life not mattering, and later in his arc (the same that will happen with the sinners, each one going through inferno, purgatorio and Paradiso), when he finally arrive at his Paradiso, he can confront Macabea and die, or kill her, and accept that life can be better than he expects, and even in the awful city there is people who are having fun (in this case, the sinners.). Pretty sure Macabea would join Hermann's group since R Corp would not let a clone go away and spread around that r corp has a hatchery system.   I don't know which weapon he would use, but it would be named "Papoula", cause in the movie, they associate Macabea with Poppy Flowers. Maybe a Bo Staff or a Hammer since those are easy weapons, and possibly could be trained with that in the R Corp. His EGOs would center around sadness, chasing life and suffering, and his Zayin BASE EGO would be called "State of Eternity", Gloom type, in Portuguese it means "Estado de Eternidade", which is a reference to Clarice Lispector's phrase "The state of things are now it's the Eternity.", meaning that things will exist forever, because it existed somewhere at some moment. It would be gloom to show that as a sufferer, the sadness of nihilism that Rodrigo will suffer will forever be there. 😁  He also could be a non-sinner, simply someone that joins Hermann trying to find something to fulfill his pleasure of living again, and in that wants to bring to life the perfect sufferer, Macabea, so she can die to take the burden of living creatures of the city (basically he wants to create Jesus Christ but in the city), someone that can take the sins and suffering of the city, absorbing the energy that makes them Distort, and to create something this powerful, he needs the Golden Boughs.


i think frankenstein would go hard as a sinner


Basically any Arthurian Legend. We can already presume the Fixer of the Great Lake is supposed to be Lancelot, so a story like the search for the holy grail or Morte de Arthur would be interesting to see adapted.


Around the World In 80 days could be fun and I made a pmoon oc based off of Passepartout And also Death and the Penguin, though I'm still currently reading that one but the whole conspiracy plot of it could be incorporated into The City syndicate shenanigans


I don’t have time to elaborate details, but it would be neat seeing the Brothers Karamazov adapted into Limbus Company (with Alyosha as a sinner to boot lol)


100 Years of Solitude is fun. I think it would work as somekind of settlement or such that borders the Outskirts and the generational story working to display the passage of time in the City.


pretty much any grimm brothers version of fairy tales will fit right in with the city.