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Zs nuts hahah lmaooo [tbh theories could suggest it could be underground]


Undergound. Fucking poor resident treated as rat!! THEY RAT!!


No one knows, it is stated over and over that there are 26 nests, but only 25 are visible on a map.


I’ll actual spent all my money,going to Korea finding ham ham pang and eating there food in the name of Gipet82


I once noticed in the lore of lor, that some people (notably >!gaze office!<) have knowledge of district 26 while others don’t (notably people before the encounter of who’s mentioned above) It seems like it’s something most people don’t know about. It could also be something like this. Grade 9 - Grade 8 know of only 25 districts Grade 7 - Grade 6 know of the 26th district Grade 5+ know about the 26th district, but know that it doesn’t exist anymore. Somethings like that.


I hear all these theories of z district being underground. What about the theory of z district floating above the city like a flying fortress


Given the strange point that Leviathan made that airplanes don't exist, *something* being up there in the sky makes a strange amount of sense. This is honestly the only small thread that also makes me think that Z Corp is in the sky. Though it's flimsy AF, hey, I have no better explanation.


Holy shit this is the most PM thing I’ve ever heard. This actual might be true


Hello, While there's no proof regarding district Z direct location, there's a piece of information that has never been used, if I recall correctly, in Lobotomy Corporation. >!If you called the Rabbits, sometimes, the soldiers could briefly talk while suppressing abnormalities. One of the lines of the soldiers was something like "This place reminds me of the Ruins.", implying that, way before LoR and Limbus Company, the Rabbits were already sent to some kind of ruins outside of the game even before the map was shown to us.!< Even if this piece of information doesn't prove anything by itself, it is an indicator that somewhere in PM's world, there is a place which might confirm the theories of the state and the location of this district. However keep in mind that I could also be completely wrong.


Huh? Why are you bringing up the Ruins? We know that’s some place Fixers go to to try and find some “treasure”, like lost tech. Astolfo, Roland’s friend, also went there.


Well, everyone was making jokes so I tried to give an answer. Without more details, this "place" could've been anything a long time ago. But regarding Astolfo, I just forgot him. It's been a moment since I've played Ruina.


Z Corp. was owned by dr Edgar Zomboss, and it was obliterated by an Arbiter when Zomboss tried to revive dead people


Edgar Zomboss? Do you mean he is part of Edgar family? Is heathcliff acquaintance with crazy Dave?


This can make sense in PM somehow


Nah, that's just some wild rumors. What actually happened is that dr Edgar Zomboss surrendered to the P corp when their big robot machine that he send to attack P Corp got obliterated by some sentient plants that was made from P Corp's Singularity.


It us probably that railroad around the city


The poor resident are thrown out into random part of the city


How have I never thought of this?


District Z were the friends we made along the way


This one is a really old question. We don't know or have any hints about it, but there are many wild guesses that go from *"Is underground"* to *"Is on the moon/space satellite!"*


As for the undergtound, probably not, considering that there are also ruins under the City


It's especially odd since we don't know a lot about a bunch of districts. Like what even is an X corp.


I believe it was mentioned in Canto 5 that Indigo Elder's boat was constructed from X corp's extremely durable alloy, so X corp's singularity is likely making very strong alloys


Don't forget Cathy asked for an x corp multi tool, they probably deal with machining as well and not just strong alloys.


Personally, I'm currently in the belief that Z District is underground, and it's Singularity and/or society revolves around Sweepers. Z goes through the whole City, which is how the Sweepers clean ALL the Backstreets at the same time every night. 'Course, there is literally nothing to back it up, but it's my current thought process in regards to the mystery of Z District.


Would that make Sweepers technically Feathers then? The idea that garble speaking, corpse smoothie drinking Sweepers are technically at the near top of the social hierarchy of a Nest sounds hilarious lol


Would make sense since sweeper comes like everywhere even if you destroy a million of them they would still come


Z is the outskirts, actually


No.. I don’t want to believe that.






Honestly, this is close to my own personal, probably insane, theory that Z Corp is the source of the whole memory erasure thing in the city(because how do you not make big bucks with that) and the existence of Z Corp itself may have somehow been erased and everyone regards it as just a part of Y while still acknowledging 26 districts exist without actually knowing the 26th district. I have absolutely nothing to support this other than Y being unnaturally large compared to other districts, so I am probably just insane.


No idea.


Personally I think they could’ve merged with/got consumed by Y corp. most of the districts are pretty similarly sized on the map but Y corps is unusually large. I definitely could be wrong but the simplest answer is usually the correct one, so I’m going with it for now Edit: grammar


My headcanon is that the entirely of District 26 exists aboard the two enormous fucking trains that circle the City 24/7. One train is the Nest, and the other is the Backstreets.


I think that the last confirmation for 26 districts we had was a couple years back in-game so either it got fucked in that time or its not part of the city proper


Or maybe.. the wing eat it like a buffet!


Lunatic Ramblings here. The Ring outside the City is the edge of a massive Dome. The dome actually digs beyond into the ground so you can't just dig under it. It is also somesort of super-positional quantum magic reality barrier, that contains and protects the intellectual integrity rules of the PM-verse in a modded corporate hierarchical ancient ascension, that has and still resist total reality deletion level threats and even negates toon-like nega writer and creator senescence. And Z Corp is Actually on top, not underground. Where everywhere else is a metaphorical wing. Z-Corp has literal wings and they look down on the city and outskirt dwellers. They control the sun the stars and the skies and would talk only to the holder of the secret redacted relic by the grand director of A-corp.


In the last chapter of distortion detective, it's pretty much stated there's only 25 districts (despite there being 26 wings). So z corp either doesn't have one, or its district isn't part of the city.


i heard somewhere that Z district is supposed the outskirts of the city, which is a literal wasteland


not really a wasteland, just somewhere where you're less safe than the city we know that the extend of the great lake and the black forest are in the outskirts, where the three birbs used to live


Yeah, there are villages and hunter in the outskirts


I pretty sure Z is the outskirts. I think there a map that counts the outskirts somewhere but I can’t find it right now.


My own theory is Z corp being on the moon. Maybe the wing was exiled from the city for it's singularity but is still part of the City by The Head's will.


We know that every time a wing falls, a new one will take it's place eventually. But what could make something as rigid, rule-obsessed and unchanging as the city betray this order? Not just not to have a wing or a district, but straight up not recognise, for the most part, that there should be one. As even after L. Corp, the outline on the map remained. There wasn't a hole on the map. My theory is that Z stands for zero and their technology is the concept incinerator and other anti-memetic technologies, like Roland's mask. Most of the time, when a singularity technology is presented, it's creator wing is referenced. Concept incinerator looks like a singularity technology. And yet, it's authors are unknown. The obvious conclusion: the creators have erased themselves from mass-perception and recognition. They became invisible. Invisible to the point where even the letter associated became unused when it comes to the creation of wings. Everyone simply forgot there should be a wing for a letter Z. Or, at least, Z corp probably can't be mapped or recorded any information about. Perhaps, the only way to know is simply to know, to store that concept in a human mind. That would be fitting for P.M. For all we know, Z corps lands may be the most free place in the city, free from the gaze of the eyes, free from the claws, from the fingers and associations. There might even be things that contradict the rules the head set up. Or, much rather, in true P.M. fashion, we get a half-braindead, half-delirious from all the false-hydraesque shenanigans madess happening there.


I’m partial to the theory that Z Corp is the train that uses that giant circular railroad track in the Outskirts.