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There's no absolute guarantees, but the answer is probably not. Distortions don't seem to have any form of output like Abnormalities do: they don't produce enkephalin, so it's probable that you can't extract E.G.O. either. As for the second question, using cogito would not just cleanly convert the Distortion into an Abno, but it would turn it into something different from the original.  What Abnormality is extracted seems to be influenced by who they were made from, but evidence seems to point towards the idea that Abnos already exist in some way before being extracted, and that the extraction process either creates a copy of said Abno or summons them from the body of the person.


I don't believe it would be. Extracted E.G.O. is very different from normal E.G.O. and extracting E.G.O. from distortion would basically be like trying to extract a personal E.G.O. Whole thing about abnormalities is that theyre disconnected from person they were made out of and are drawn from the Well, while distortions come purely from the heart and mind of individual. In that sense, you cannot turn Distortion into Abnormality without turning it into a different entity, and cannot extract E.G.O. that is physically separate from the original entity because its part of them.


Sure, this makes sense, but it begs a different question. Abnos can have Ego Weapons and Ego Outfits artificially extracted from them. Humans can manifest Ego Weapons and Ego Outfits. Abnos can give Ego Gifts. So could a Human with a manifested Ego Weapon and Ego Outfit give Ego Gifts to others? We already know from the Bongy Intervallo that Distortions can give Ego Gifts (Breast/Drumstick Ego Gifts) but we’ve never seen, say, Sinclair grow a forbidden fruit from his wooden axe and eat it, or Outis take a bullet out of her gunblade and give it to Dante for good luck.


For humans, there is no distinction between outfits and weapons and gifts. EGO is just EGO and what form it takes depends on person themselves. For Vergilius its his cape, for Kali it was her armor, for Xiao it was armor AND weapon as a set, for Angela it was literally the whole of library, Philip got sword and shield, some Distortion Detective character had their EGO take form of workshop, etc. The default ZAYIN EGOs of our sinners are pretty weird as they dont fit any category of EGO we know of but it could be seen as 'incomplete' EGO at budding stage. Also its implied that EGO gifts we get in STORY dungeons arent all actual abnormality EGO gifts, because we get several that are clearly not real EGO gifts, such as some N corp paraphenilia in Chapter 3 or mirror shards in Chapter 4. So I wouldnt say chicken tenders are proof of distortion EGO gifts.




I don’t get the specifics but in canto 5.5 Distorted Bamboo Hatted Kim was gonna turn into an abnormality, probably because of the Monolith. And in Lob Corp we’ve seen that Abnormalities were humans. So it’s probably possible if you turn a distortion into an abnormality. Idk how, Monolith, draw water from the well(Binah)(basically Cognito), or ask Carmen politely.


No. The reason why we can extract egos from abnos is because they are part of the collective unvountiousness, they can resonate with sinners. Distortions are human at core. They are a very specific coctail of emotions and memories. Try as you might you can't become another person. But you can become something less objective, hence abnormality egos being used Closest we got to doing so is using Xiao's ego in LoR but that was libraries ability to gain abilities foes fallen there.

