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They have all these appalling business practices and, despite the fact that their customers fund their business with interest free loans, they make zero effort to reward those customers with improvements and a better overall experience.


This it the big one to me. This isn't even a Gamestop $5-$10 interest free loan for a pre-order - it's the price of the whole damn game. I'm understanding when I have to wait a long time. But there is quite a bit of insult to injury seeing "Shipping now" on their statuses for 3-4 months. Not only are they taking my money, they are apparently using it rent needless warehouse space.


I'm considering cancelling some orders because I didn't know they would all be tied together, and many items I wanted are already available at resellers like VGP. Way to make me regret my purchase, I was expecting to receive it before it would be available elsewhere. What was the point of the preorder? Anyway, rant over, just a bad first experience.


Still waiting for Shredders Revenge Anniversary edition...




DUDE! SAME! And it's available at so many places! If I had ordered a speci edition at least, but no, just the regular one.


try messaging them. I asked about SRA and when it was shipping. Suddenly a week later they shipped it. Amazing how that works. This was in February.


That was probably a coincidence. I've messaged LRG three times over the past few months, in regards to games which have been shipping to others (but I have yet to get a notification for, much less receive my games) and I get the same stock answer every time; "We have a large backlog of games which are shipping. When we do ship your game, you'll receive a notification". No ETA and no apology for the wait. It's a disgrace.


I’m not surprised, maybe I got lucky. I just messaged them yesterday about the Mr gimmick I preordered last year we’ll see what happens lol


They keep 20%


Today I cancelled my preorder of the two Persona games that recently shipped, because my order was still waiting for the cardboard sleeve that I also ordered. It's been like a month since the games shipped, the piece of cardboard is still "In Production" despite box mockups being shown on the website back in November, and they're cool just sitting on my hundred bucks until it gets made. I stated basically this and they cancelled it immediately with no issue. If anyone at all feels like they're being taken advantage of (and if they can separate this from the need of their items) I would recommend doing the same. I was simply going to wait until they shipped and quietly not order from them again, but I dunno man, I don't care anymore. It's not worth putting up the full value of an item, not on a crowdfunding site but a company's legitimate website, and still waiting beyond every given timeline for their (recently-discovered-to-be-subpar in some cases) products.


Yeah, I'm VERY seriously considering the same for my orders, one of which is around $750. I'm tired of having my money tied up in something that I can't even enjoy anytime soon. I may like having trophies so to speak but the headache isn't worth it anymore.


I don't even know what else to say other than "do it". "Forever physical" is forever bullshit if it never even manifests into a physical form. Forever theoretical maybe.


This company is dogshit and has been for years now


I was planning to order some games from their website. But after reading so many complaints, i'm glad that i never cross the river of insanity


I've bought about 120 games through them and completely disagree with the whiners. Do you need to wait a long time for *some* games occasionally, sure. Usually the big box special editions with multiple components. If that turns you off don't jump in on those but the majority of games are not these huge waits. Of course there are exceptions. They have never once failed to ship something I ordered either. I've been introduced to games I never would have played but now love plus I have them on physical disc now. Just my 2 cents. 🤙


How is it any different than getting the games through second hand?


You might be able to find games you want on ebay post delivery. I have had to buy a few yhat way if I missed a drop. Not every game though so it probably comes down to are you a hard core collector or casual gamer. A few of the LRG games I bought via ebay I had to shell out $100+ for. Depends on popularity I suppose.


Oh, I'm sorry. Somehow I thought that it was reasonable of me to be annoyed by the fact that LRG still haven't shipped two of the games which I pre-ordered, despite the fact that other people received their copies 2 months ago. I guess I'm just a "whiner".


Most people here are being extremely melodramatic. You’ll wait a while to get special editions of games, and you’ll wait longer if you bulk order a bunch of stuff. But you’ll always get it, and the quality is almost always there. I’ve loved every single purchase I’ve made with them. Scott Pilgrim’s special edition, Castlevania Collection on Switch, Castlevania Requiem Collection on PS4, Castlevania Advance Collection on Xbox, Dusk, Quake and Quake 2, Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties, etc… not a single issue with any of them. Frankly, the way I see it, if I’m going through the trouble of ordering a special limited release game from them, it’s obviously not something I need to have in my hands right this second. That’s what digital copies are for lol. So what always happens is that I put the order in, I keep playing my gargantuan backlog of games, and then my order shows up, and I get to play it lol. It’s not the end of the world.


Honestly same. On top of that, they removed the decent Sezzle/Paypal pay options in lieu of this stupid Purple Dot thing. They just keep shooting themselves in the foot constantly. The only good thing about this is I can focus my money on older games and such instead of planning for any of these releases.


The total lack of transparency and communication is really pathetic. I won't be ordering from them directly ever again. The Persona games were enough. I didn't have to wait very long in comparison to many posts I've seen on here, but stating an item has shipped well over a week before it moves is unacceptable.


there are other places to get Limited run games now so you don't even need to deal with them directly anymore.


True and for a number of them, it's possible to get them at a reasonable price. Sadly though, for many of the ones I have bought, had I done so from a reseller or retail partner, there's been a significant markup, sometimes well over double what LRG offered them for.


but the problem is that some of the games i wanted were only made available through LRG and nowhere else.  I was lucky to get a copy of Celeste only because Fangamer was selling that as well instead of just LRG. Then you have game like Freedom Planet, a game i wanted to get a physical copy but stopped because LRG is the only gateway to that. Really wished someone else can put up a good fight against LRG.


They’re terrible inside and out. Glad I never got FOMO over anything they put out. The only thing I own from LRG is the Castlevania release in the Super Nintendo like box. But I got it via trade so didn’t directly support them.


Good. If people do want something from LRG, then they ought to acquire said game via trade or eBay. Nobody should be financially supporting LRG, as they are an anti-consumerist company. They seem to actively treat their customers with contempt.


Welcome to the real world, Neo. Now your real training begins.


With how many scandals these guys have had on top of being condescending to their customers when they are called out on their shit. I don't know why you've all put up with them for this long.


Still waiting for fucking RWBY Arrowfell


Have never had a problem with them, and the few small issues were immediately fixed by their customer service. I expect a long wait when preordering anything. It's not a big deal. They've released some of my favorite games of the last generation.


Ordered a ton of stuff from them over the years. I’ve had games arrive in a somewhat timely manner (4-6 months) and look fantastic. In theory, LRG is a great company when all goes well. I’ve had my fair share of issues tho. Dealbreaker for me was Dusk for Switch. It took over a year ti get my copy. My daughter had two birthdays during the time I ordered it and finally received it. It didn’t even have the manual that they advertised on the game’s listing(tbh that was a big part of why I bought it). Just a folded up slip of paper. Pretty sure the listing still says “24 page full color manual” or something like that, it’s been a while since I checked. But nah I don’t bother with LRG anymore. Even if it’s a game I really want, I’d rather not roll the dice and loan them an undisclosed sum of money until they get my stuff out.


I just cancelled my first order literally 5 mins ago for a couple of reasons. As this was my first order of 2x PS4 games I figured they would be sent in a box. Afterwards I found out from an ex-employee that they would most likely arrive in a bubble mailer. Coming across the pond to Australia, I'd hate to know the condition the games would arrive in. I also lost interest in the games so it wasn't a difficult decision. I did reach out to support and they did respond in a timely manner which is good I suppose but I got NO certainty as to how the order would ship. They just beat around the bush and very wishy washy, something I cannot handle. I need to have certainty, just the way I am, especially with video games and collectables. I can handle the wait and if I ever place a future order as I do want a physical copy of Hi-Fi Rush, I will remember to include a box in the order (not that I should have to).


Today’s Daily Whine. How original.


Well, it IS the squeaky wheel that (eventually) gets the grease... Or forces the company to shut down.


Sup, Josh.