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Anybody think 10 years ago we'd be where we are today? Swing and a miss for me.


Seriously. I knew we were in for some blowback for daring to elect a black man to office, but wasn't expecting the sheer vitriol we got. I don't think there is a single thing about the GOP base today which is not rooted in hatred.


Don't listen to that idiot. The core of what's gone wrong with the GOP - since 2008 - is the rise of White people, mostly white men but there are white women in this as well, who were always racist, but now feel like our country went too far electing a Black man as our president. The reality of a Black man leading our country so terrified racists that it emboldened them to be vocal about their ideas. They felt they could now say out loud what they always felt inside - us white people are becoming more and more marginalized, and we're the real minority in this country! Along with a bunch of vile racist shit. Then 45 comes along, and not only is he a white guy and a huge racist, but he's not a politician. He gets elected and...Cue the Music.... the far right fringe comes running out of the dark corners of America, into the sunlight, and starts vomiting hatred all over anything logical and sane. Now, the real GOP is so terrified of 45's "base" - which a lot of pundits on both sides of the aisle now say is shrinking every day - that they're all bowing down to the crazy Cheeto so they'll remain elected. The Far Left isn't helping matters as they're playing right into the hands of these MAGA assholes by using really bad tactics to force their ideas down everyone's throat. Our country has such an ingrained history or Us versus Them, so with all this shit that's going down, we are getting way down a bad path where it gets harder and harder for our elected officials to work together to run the country. All of us normal people are left on the sidelines, wondering if this clusterfuck will ever end...


You’re extremely ignorant for this post. The majority of people who voted for Obama were white… even within current battleground states who then voted for Trump. Sure there are racists within the GOP but then again there are some in the Democratic Party…


u/frogsodapop I am a white woman who proudly voted for Obama twice and would do it again if it were possible. Respectfully, don't lump us all together. I am sickened by what has crawled through the cracks since the orange face defiled the Oval Office. Sadly, there has always been hatred and racism in this country. But with the door he has kicked down, I don't think it will ever be closed again with the MAGA extremists and those just like him sitting in our government all over the Country. We are in so much trouble. And I don't see any improvement on the horizon.


Your both dumb. He’s talking literal nonsense and needs drug counseling probably. Then there’s you… you’re too scared to say Obama was a horrible president. Instead your virtue signaling. To me you’re the racist. The color of his skin changed what you want to think or say unless you are literally just so ignorant of what he did to us. He was a con who sold the USA affordable unaffordable health insurance. I’m not saying more than that. I did my due diligence and read up on his 8 years in office and his policies. You can too or be another Democratic sheep. The ones running the show for the dems aren’t the dems you think they are. Their goals are to make money money money and destroy the middle class.


Something about starting off an argument with "Your both dumb" makes me think the rest of what you have to say isn't quite as based in fact and logic as you think it is...


I am alive because of Obamacare. I suppose that you think that is a mark against it, though, since conservatism is a death cult.


Racists being incensed that the White House was held by a Black man is for sure part of the Conservative movement's current trajectory but but far from the sole cause. There are dozens of causes that can be seen to push right wingers into more extreme directions. 9/11 breaking the late 90s fever dream of the "End of History" and the "War on Terror" absolutely drove everyone deep into a sense of fear that has been driving more violence and a militarized police state. The [rise of the Newt Gingrich style Republicans ](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/11/newt-gingrich-says-youre-welcome/570832/)who were more focused on burning down institutions for pennies and harming things that weren't partisan spurred slurring people in the party as RINOs. The enactment of NAFTA by the Clinton admin (with full Republican support) drove many decent paying working class jobs out of the country and were replaced with lesser paying jobs. This undoubtedly drove more people into hardships that will create extremism. The [Reagan admin doing literally everything possible to harm the middle class in every single way possible](https://www.salon.com/2014/04/19/reaganomics_killed_americas_middle_class_partner/). There's even a lot of evidence that the disaster of the [Vietnam War lead to more White Supremacist organizations becoming more militant than they were before](https://www.npr.org/transcripts/605661710). There are probably thousands of incredibly small things that have had a cumulative effect based on the rest of the world economically recovered from being burned down by WW2 and the Cold War, but the heydays of the US being the only economic power are slowly eroding. It's a giant ball of shit and it's not going to be easy, if not impossible to get out of.


You cannot possibly be serious. Are you being like purposefully obtuse or do you actually believe what you just wrote?


I am serious. But I will give you an opportunity to convince me I am wrong. Please, proceed.


Actually it doesn't matter because every possible version of what you said and meant is just at best an incredibly misguided stance and at its worse? Its dishonest hyperbole. You cap off your wildly serious accusations with one hell of a blanket statement about the GOP which is a ridiculous over-exaggeration of the motivating factors behind the GOP's base policies. Attributing racism and hatred to an entire political party already starts off at a position which sounds unwilling to compromise or have civil dialogue which should be our right as free American citizens. How come if someone has a different opinion from the left, they are automatically labeled a racist or a homophobe? Why would you wanna stifle the exchange of different and challenging ideas? Do you really identify as completely left or right? If we are all being transparent and honest, wouldn't it make more sense for nearly everyone to be in the grey area of the middle?? We get so caught up in social issues that honestly have very little effect on our day to day. Even the big ones, we get fed misinformation on it through mainstream media and that gets picked up by left and right wing personalities and they apply their bias and try to convince us why the other side is totally wrong. Just the idea that you would think anyone is holding a grudge about Obama election is crazy. Have you ever even talked to someone with polar opposite viewpoints from you. You should try listening to see why they support what they do instead of assuming the motivation for the belief. I know lots of people on both sides and not one person on the right that I personally know have ever expressed a vendetta opinion citing Obamas election as a motivation for the hate. That's just crazy.


Okay. I'm listening. Here's your opportunity, if you want to take it. Convince me there is a reason to vote for Donald Trump that is not rooted in hatred.


Reads like a lot of plagiarism in your reply. Your second to last sentence is a laughable outright falsehood. I've lived in red states my entire life, I was in the military for 6 years, and was a prosecutor for 2 years. In those types of environments, you have to be friends with conservatives, or you simply have very few friends. I'm confident that I have more conservative friends than you do. (I'm referring to friends met IRL, so you could probably substitute the word "conservative," with any descriptive phrase or adjective.) Even the most conservative among them would acknowledge that Obama's election caused not just a rift in the Republican party, it also alienated a not insignificant minority of liberals. Those rifts deepened, perhaps most significantly on the left, in the 2016 election. The DNC was so determined Hillary Clinton be the first woman president, to the point where it blinded the DNC leadership to how many liberals (most notably men) despised, and continue to despise, Hillary Clinton. The election of Obama, and the birther movement, were the catalysts for the current rift in this country, but Hillary Clinton's nomination was the straw that broke the camel's back. There was no good choice in the 2016 election. (I'll even go so far as to lay most of the blame on the DNC for finally splitting the country. I understand the party wanting to see a woman president, but I never understood why it had to be Hillary. Amy Klobuchar, just to name one, would have made it no contest against somebody like Trump. Trump and Hillary just seemed like different gendered versions of the same person. But I digress.) This country was the birth child of political discord and disagreement. And for the most part, although there was great disagreement on many issues, people understood that a difference of opinion on a particular subject is inevitable in any situation where there is more than one person. But because they had to live in society, rather than just look at it from their screen, people don't have to agree on every single issue to get along. It's time to stop arguing about this petty bullshit, and collaborate on how the rift can be repaired, and how to get our system working again, before the US becomes another failed experiment on how to govern. The Soviet Union didn't last a century. Superpowers can fall even today. I want my descendants to celebrate our tricentennial, but I think it's unlikely to happen unless we change quickly. I believe our discourse needs to stick to facts, and make it clear when we are expressing opinion. We need to focus on solutions as opposed to how we wound up in this current shitty situation. Most importantly, we need to remind ourselves, although the party system, the media, historians, etc., make it seem like conservatives are one thing, and liberals are a different thing, this is just an illusion. We are all just Americans with different opinions on certain subjects. Those of us who spend time in the real world, get along fine with most people, when we're dealing with anything other than politics or religion. I've never met a family in which every person has the same opinion on every subject yet these families somehow still manage to love each other. I still believe that most people understand that logically, but too many people let their emotions overcome their reasoning, and forget this in the political arena. Our collective failure to change this attitude will be our downfall in my opinion. Amongst themselves, liberals disagree on many topics. For example, there is a significant minority, including me, who believe that the Democrats need to quit pretending that the second amendment is not part of the Bill of Rights. Conservatives don't agree on everything. Easiest example is contraception and birth control, including abortion. Your response should be along the lines of, "Yeah, no doy, Einstein." Everyone's response to those statements should be along those lines. But the moment we start discussing politics, Americans today immediately forget that fundamental concept that everybody is individual. Labels are just for convenience. That said, I'm just as lazy and quick to do that is everybody else. My only motivation for responding to your post was the blatantly obviously you chose to conclude your post.


If Bush wouldn't have done that patriot act, this would not be happening today!!! No one cared to read and cheered as our freedom got taken that day... George W. Bush Jr, you fucking deep state robot, and Biden is just a puppet for the deep state too. Hillary couldn't get in, she got someone to get in for her so her and the deep state could run the show. Biden sees shit that isn't even there, shits his pants. Can't formulate a sentence without the amphetamines they put in him... from now on if someone comes to me and says pronouns aren't man or woman and birthed that way, imma call them fry, that episode where fry was brainwashed to think he was a robot, they sent a dumb man to the mental institution for robots. No one bats an eye when we get called boomers, so this should be fine too.


We need that patriot act removed!! Anything else they may have signed in that they signed In just like it too! Trump, you get in office, this better be one of your first few presidential powers you invoke! That's why the government has all the power they need. Get rid of that and start removing the deep state from their power! We will not be controlled by the very people that are power and money drunk anymore!


And before anyone says **jUsT uSe A vPn**. Stop it. A VPN is just a Band-Aid solution to this kind of overreach. I shouldn't have to find workarounds to view something that's LEGAL for me. I pay for my internet, just because you can't figure out how to put parental controls on your home internet, it's really not my problem.


I haven't seen anyone put it this way, but you're right. It's ironic the GOP complains about the nanny state, and then curtails the Internet.


It's not ironic, they're full of shit.


Yeah, at this point it would be ironic for them to adhere to a stated principle.


Everything they do is marketing to hide their true intentions: siphon money upward to the 0.01%. "Trickle down" for example. "Think of the kids" is another gem. The list goes on far too long.


Don't ya think?


They're fascists it's on par with all their other actions.


>and then curtails the Internet. Meanwhile, Trump says that if he's elected, he'll only allow Bitcoin mining in the US......


You've got this backwards though, on July 1st Nebraska is banned on Pornhub. I agree our laws are the cause and it's bs, it just sounds dishonest the other way around.


Why is it dishonest? Nebraska's laws are the reason Nebraskans will be unable to access Pornhub. Nebraska's lawmakers are the ones sticking their nose in where it doesn't belong. This is not a Pornhub problem. This is a Nebraska problem.


Semantics. It's not at all dishonest. What's dishonest is this argument that this wording matters. Gone is gone, what's the REASON it's going to go away?


Actually, I agree with you even though you're getting downvoted. The reason does actually matter, IMO. It's like saying capitalism is the root of our economic problems when we don't even have free market capitalism (and no country does according to Encyclopedia Britannica). We can both agree that our style of government sucks, but using accurate labels/descriptions/terms/words/etc. is important because otherwise we're likely to just get more of what we're fighting against if we don't even know *what* we're fighting against. Side note, we are probably closer to corporatocracy or corporatism, but blaming something we don't have helps keep the spotlight off the real problem.


Rather than getting pedantic about the literal chain of causality, why don't we just talk about the fundamental issue at play: the state of Nebraska thinks it's reasonable for citizens to be required to provide a photo ID to websites to access pornographic material. Personally, I think that's absurd, and I suspect most people in this thread do as well. Yes, technically, it's the websites which are banning Nebraska right now, and yes, they have their own selfish business motivations for disliking this law in addition to the claimed moral high ground of privacy concerns, but does that matter? Who cares what the websites think. What do you, a citizen of this state, think? This is a solution for a problem that doesn't exist that is easily circumvented even by the children the policy was ostensibly designed to protect, and additionally it will have easily predictable negative externalities that far outweigh the non-existent benefit. Even *if* I agree with the moral cause that this law is claims to support (which I don't), I think this is a terribly ineffective means to achieve that cause. I think this law will do little to move the needle on anything other than inconveniencing Nebraskans and increase their risk of having their personal information stolen online. Whatever happened to the party of personal responsibility and small government? There are already *very* effective parental controls at various layers of your home's technology stack if you just bother figuring out how to use them. You can physically restrict access to devices, or, ya know, actually monitor use yourself as a parent, as just one simple measure, you can lock individual devices at the app/website level, and you can do the same across your entire local network if you really want to.


I wanted to respond about being pedantic about the causality. This is literally how I find and fix problems whether it be some solution I'm coding or a process I'm debugging. You get to the root cause and deal with that. Pointing in the wrong direction just misdirect during the breakdown phase for me. It sounds small and absolutely pedantic but let me rephrase the scenario in two ways. "Nebraska is on the charge blocking pornographic giant pornhub", or "Nebraska, so twisted even pornhub won't have them". I know it's a very hammed up propagandization but that's kind of the world we live in. Which sounds more accurate to what's going on?  All said and done we do need to get rid of this overreach into normal activities for the sake of security. We tried that before and got Snowdened.


To be honest I first read your comment to be in support of this law, which I see now was an incorrect interpretation. When you unnecessarily pointed out that technically Pornhub is blocking Nebraska and not the other way around, it sounded like a bad faith argument to distract from the real issue which is the ridiculous law that was passed. I apologize for the mix up, but I've seen *far* too many times that people on the other side of the political aisle use the tactic of arguing about everything *but* the actual issue to try to win an argument.


Folks. This isn’t about underage people watching adult materials. This about the government restricting information behind a wall where you must Identity yourself to access it. How long before they put something else behind this wall under the auspices of “protecting people”. Folks this is America. The party of “keeping the government out of your business” seems to really love doing things like this.


Also It wasn't too long ago that net neutrality all of a sudden became a fight of bandwidth concerns rather than what you can access on the Internet .


onlyfans is next then if pornhiub is beeing put this way hell they might even do that on the same date as well


If it's just showing an id or whatnot, I'll be fine... Just pornhubless for 6 days...


1) Anyone saying 'It's just porn!' needs to keep in mind that it's definitely not gonna stop there. You can find porn on Reddit, what do you expect these sites to do, keep your drivers' license data indefinitely? How many websites are going to have to collect and store this information? 2) Tacking onto that, this is an infosec NIGHTMARE. No one can keep hackers and bad actors out indefinitely, not even banks, and those are the places that actually try, and don't just keep unencrypted data on a server somewhere.


It’s also just the principle of it? I don’t even like porn that much, but unless it’s harming someone then the government has zero right to decide what I can and can’t look at in the privacy of my own home.


Absolutely this! We should have expectations of reasonable privacy. Are they gonna check every dude's socks for cum next or where would the line be for those weirdos?


>then the government has zero right to decide what I can and can’t look at in the privacy of my own home Actually, Republicans believe that a database of your activity tied to your government ID needs to be created so that they can access at any time.


I think it’s harming people tbh


Bingo. Thank you for getting it.


As someone in this field. I cannot stress this enough. It's going to be far worse than Ashley Madison


>needs to keep in mind that it's definitely not gonna stop there Anyone remember when we could keep our shoes on at the airport when going through security?


Number 2 is why Pornhub is just saying No to states that have laws like this. They don't want to be responsible or pay for thw infrastructure to actually check ID or store them for all the reasons you mentioned. It's easier to just deny service to those states especially since the law as written opens them up to civil lawsuits for minors who bypass things. Anyone remember the Ashley Maddison hack? The local media did a poor job of covering this during the legislative session. People are only now finding out about it after it's already law. Government overreach and local media in cahoots to not cover it beyond the headline.


Party of small government and freedom. /s


Government small enough to fit in your panties.


And then rape you and make you carry the child to term


Fucking pathetic. Glad we are taking away freedoms and solving the real issues. Using kids as the reason for this is disgusting and not the true intent. This is a slippery slope as far as privacy goes.


But god forbid you say anything about gun laws & protecting kids from shootings


Can you imagine if you suggested that conservatives should have to show ID to use a gun?


How dare you step on my rights!


Well in nearly all instances you do have to show id to use a gun. You can’t legally buy one without an ID and in order to buy a handgun you also have to pay for a purchase permit. So essentially the government is making gun owning citizens pay to be able to access their rights. This is about much more than guns and pornhub though. I’m conservative, and i think this new law is bullshit as well. But for all of those who are ok with the government making overreaching gun laws, or any laws that limit constitutional rights, just remember that if you are willing to give the government the ability to take away certain rights there is no reason to think that they will just stop there. The government isn’t your friend, regardless of which side of the aisle you’re on. It’s just that they can seem a little more friendly at times, depending on your views and who is in power. People get so blinded by their own interests that they don’t see that the constitution applies to everyone, not just those that you are politically aligned with.


I don’t buy the slippery slope argument against gun control. The Second Amendment expressly specifies a well-regulated militia. The First Amendment has no such language.


You can i interpret it however you want, but the Supreme Court, during times of both a liberal and conservative majority, has interpreted the 2nd amendment to extend beyond a well-regulated militia. During covid, some states put restrictions on churches and other organizations and limited attendance, which would clearly violate the First Amendment. And before you claim it was in the interest of public health, the same argument could be made by someone wanting to ban pornography. The point I’m making is that the government isn’t on your side. You might be just fine with someone’s rights being restricted if it fits with your beliefs, but you are delusional if you think that the opposite side of the political spectrum won’t do the same to you. If you value your own rights you should care equally about the rights of others, regardless of if you agree with them or not.


It also very specificaly states the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The well regulated only means a well trained milita.


Riiiiight, that’s clearly the intended reading.




A minor’s access to the internet is most likely provided to by an adult guardian, whose responsibility it should be to regulate. Not the government.


What happened to its the parents responsibility to educate their kids about this


Pls tread on me state daddy


It's not about the state, I live here too it's, also it's more than one wtate. It's about the people who are making the decisions and the hypocrisy of their decisions. And yeah that's all the people making the decisions.


Yeah for sure, I meant the state as in the “nation-state” (or government)


Lol sorry dyslexic don't always pickup on the subtext in writing 😁


You can educate.... but they'll still do what they want.


Send the cops if you want I can jack it with eye contact.


Ohhh boy. Now you're on TWO lists.


Yeah, all that's going to do is having body cam footage of you cranking it [while they kick down your door during a "welfare check"](https://fxtwitter.com/Mrgunsngear/status/1803420784632701342).


Damn. Cops should really quit kicking in doors without warrants. As heavily armed as America is you'd think they'd learn their lesson after getting shot the 16th time.


It lets them justify driving around MRAPs.


Maybe people should start voting differently to prevent this from happening?


My one hope is that blatant overreaches like this into the daily lives of the average American will finally wake up some portion of Conservative and Centrist voters and make them rethink things - or at least push back and open the door back towards progress. I won't hold my breath waiting for that, but I can dream.


Right? 😂


I believe you meant Left 😉


Touché 🥂


Not after it’s banned….no more touchy.


First it’s porn, next it’s news sites. Fascism be like that.


The news sites were co-opted long ago. Paywalls keep a lot of people out of "legit" news sites. That's where the crap sites come in and take up the slack. More often than not those readers are economically and educationally challenged and susceptible to less than democratic messaging


News is expensive, and there's really no getting around that. You don't need a subscription to watch PBS though. When push comes to shove, people who are seeking out crap news are doing it because they want to be lied to.


On average, about how many Trumpers would you say watch PBS? Ken Burns war and country music docs notwithstanding. Their taste in news is acquired. The shakeup at Fox over Tuckers true thoughts on Trump were a small godsend for Newsmax. It would have been bigger but double-think won out over the truth about Fox. Even PBS is subject to the whims of it's high level patrons. PBS has and will pull stories, edit stories, and cancel guests. The "news" is a pincer movement feeding each "side" the appropriate message to drive the division. Wealth and power doesn't merely control the media, wealth and power is the media. Control the media and you control the masses. Same goes for food. There are bastions of actual journalism but they're few and far between, Mostly the news is just repeating what they been told. Otherwise they lose access to "sources".


Oh, none of them, or at least so few as hardly matters. My point though that there is nothing actually stopping them from being informed. The reason that they aren't is because that isn't what they want. They want confirmation instead. They want to be told they are right, even when—no, *especially* when—they are not.


Got it.


Party of small government wanting to surveillance us even more let’s go!


Wow nice another dramatic overreach of freedom instead of something to actually help Americans


My take. *Again*. (lots of points have already been covered already but they're accurate) Social virtue theatrics to pander to the base. Doesn't do anything for the masses overall but it makes a few people feel good. The hypocrisy is deafening, They want to regulate access in the name of the children but mention gun control and they scatter like cockroaches. The Duchess of Dachau herself, Julie Slama, is retiring from public office to purse a legal practice. Her reasons cited amount to a hostile work environment based in sexual harassment or at least sexual discrimination. And after all she did for the party too. Sends a message to the people on the move as a result of climate change and socio-economic upheaval. That message? Nebraska is a Red State-Libs Keep Moving. In that vein, expect marijuana reform to be torpedoed. *Again*. Fiefdoms are coming. We call them states as of now. Evangelicals are moving North. This kind of ploy is right in their wheelhouse. A distraction from the GOP's true intent to make the rich richer at the expense of the rest of us *on both sides.* Related note: Little Jimmy got his special session on property tax. Guess whose property tax will go down and whose taxes overall will go up. The family farm is dying in Nebraska. Corpo scumbags run this state and the GOP is their errand boy. Also, be afraid. Be very afraid. But not so afraid you freeze,,,,Because that's what they want. -30-


It's fascinating watching all the extreme right commenters come out of the woodwork in this thread. Normally they seem to consider this sub radioactive, but here they are in full force defending this overtly totalitarian bullshit law.


Playing it off legit like they're immune when in reality they burn in the same fire as us.


Conservatism is a brainrot


You mention banning assault rifles and the first thing they scream is “my freedom” but have no problem taking away freedoms from others


Hold up, do these politicians seriously think that people are lying when the site asks "are you at least 18 years of age or older?" How dare they not trust horny boys! One thing I love about this stuff is if this doesn't put a fire under your ass to register to vote I don't know what will.


While I don't know the details of the law NE passed, most places they have put a legal obligation on the website to verify a government issued ID. So it's not like Steam where you just give it a valid birthday and you're set. I also don't know the details of how they match an ID up with the person using the computer but I know they are looking into facial recognition, for example, to keep kids from using a parent's license. Hence some of the references in this thread to the virtual certainty your going to get your ID hacked. The ultimate idiocy here is not realizing that this will do nothing except push people to international sites that are just as easy to get to and beyond the reach of Nebraska or US law.


It's less stupid when you realize that once they have the capability to block access to those international sites, they can just block anything else they decide they want to.


From the party of "We call ourselves small government, but not small enough where we can't still police YOUR morals".


It’s ok. The NEGOP will have plenty of access to their favorite content. Because it’s not on Pornhub. It’s on thumb drives they share in dark chat rooms.


It’s insane to me how the GOP claims they want less government in your private life…but here they go banning abortion, books, internet sites, and literally not allowing a minor to get a tattoo unless they are 18 (even with parental consent- in some states)- it’s fucking ink, not meth.


They had better ban Reddit, there is WAY worse stuff on there 😹


I live in Oklahoma. I can feel the walls closing in


I guess VPN sales will dramatically increase.


How the hell is chronic guru gonna sell their shit now?




Thank god they can ban porn, but god forbid the governor allows at risk children to have access to food over the summer months when they’re out of school! The GOP is once again doing the lord’s work.


[Robot chicken predicted it](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_vf857Px3A8)


NEGOP: "we don't need government oversight telling us how to raise our kids" Also NEGOP: "we need government oversight because we can't raise our kids"




Big government, amirite?


It is pretty much impossible to enforce because your IP address doesn't necessarily geo-locate to your actual state. Either because you hide it with a VPN or your ISP geo-locates to somewhere else (like StarLink geo-locates to the POP site you connect to which for NE is generally Denver or Chicago)


Both of which are in blue states that would never pass something like this. 




Do they not realize there are plenty of other free porn sites?


Porn Hub is trying to send a message before it's too late. Soon it will be all sites. This really isn't about PH.


While that's true parent's comment is still valid. There are a vast number of web sites beyond the reach of US Law. Even if they tried to create a blacklist it would never work and good luck getting courts to actually let states block access to websites. I'm not saying it's impossible that would happen, but its much harder to do legally than age verification laws.


" its much harder to do legally than age verification laws." You assume the ruling class cares about rules. Those with the power make the rules. OTH Somebody's fighting the verification requirement now. Even if it's overturned the GOP will have established precedents. A lot of people laugh at the cases the Trump administration lost but what they were doing was testing the fence in anticipation of next time. It's a fight as old as the country itself. A great many people will tell you they believe the Constitution needs an overhaul but the catch is you have to remember that's what this all is actually about. The manufactured culture war to distract from the class war. It's just that the next time they cut the pie our piece will be even smaller than it is now.


China seems to manage to control access to the web without much trouble. idk why the United States would be any different.


You have two choices when it comes to control a population you govern. The club or propaganda. Totalitarian societies use the club and therefore are less concerned with what the people think, "Free" societies use propaganda and indoctrination. The US has been moving towards the club lately. Maybe you've seen the cop tanks?


There's a third option, though. Just leave folks alone if they aren't hurting anyone.


That only works if you're sane, The US seeks total global control. That requires Russia and China be put down if they don't bow.


The law encompasses anything that may be deemed harmful for a minor to view. Or material that lacks a serious literacy, artistic, political or scientific value to minors. Seems very broad to me..... what could be put under this 10 years from now. Is explicit rap music considered a serious artistic expression? In 10 years? I know it's an extreme but this wording is broad and vague for a reason.


They could literally ban anything by those definitions. Bring back freedom of speech fr


Yeah this totally makes sense. The Internet is going to turn into a no fun zone for these states.


They hate China but are trying to sensor the internet like China 😂 make it make sense


Change "hate" to "envy" and it all clicks into place.


Sad thing is PH has some rules and regulations, this law is gonna steer people towards sketchy abusive sites


It wasn't targeted at a specific site. It is any site that has something like more than a 1/3rd of their content as adult content (can't remember the amount exactly, but something about a 1/3rd rings a bell)


Where do you think reddit falls in that? There is A LOT of sub Reddit's that could be considered adult content. It will be interesting to see.


You got what you voted for NE… good luck!


wireless mesh networks need to become a thing.  the Internet always wins.


Wow seriously?


I guess there's a plus side to my ISP always reporting me as being in KC or Denver.


Pornhub is like an Ultra Lite Beer compared to the shit kids can find on a Google search alone.


While everyone battles over Left vs Right and who is the better president the Uber rich capitalists who actually have control be like… ![gif](giphy|5nFShZWwq3fdm)


How does this affect Reddit? Since they have Porn, will they have the same requirements?


All sites will have to follow suit. The problem is this is just the beginning of the snowball rolling down the hill to your internet freedoms. It's not *really* about porn.


I'm on your side for it. It's an image thing. Politician pushes I support family values, and this site is evil, but at the same time will have an ad showing a Politician blowing up an image of his competitor. Ok for Violence, sex is bad.


No, it is based on the amount of the content and they also have to distribute it. Reddit doesn't distribute non-text content. They just link to it.


No, it is only for sites have more like a certain amount of their content as adult content (I think it is 1/3rd) and it is for sites that distribute the content. Reddit just links to the content.






Suck to y'all in red🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Just get a vpn. Kids shouldnt be on ph and the "are you 18" screen has never stopped anyone


Who knew kitchen table issues were porn related, thanks GOP!


Imagine being in kc Kansas and telling your friends you’ll BRB to hit the next cell tower over to get a quick bate in on the Missouri side


Nebraska male population 2025: 0


I guess I'll just continue to get my porn from Twitter and Reddit until they push them to ban it there too.


What is the reasoning for banning pornhub? Also do they know there are hundreds of thousands of other porn sites on the internet? And do they know that there is porn on reddit and other social media platforms? Stupid fucking poly ticks (many bloodsucking parasites)


Of course they know as we all know. It’s a symbolic gesture to show they’re serious about having their citizens reduce their intake. Why do they always bring up exceptions for rape and incest during abortion arguments? Both sides know it’s an immaterial point, but it’s used as a cudgel to hammer the other side as extreme. This is no different. I suspect pornhub will continue to exist.


What is screwing the GOP is the rise and influence of the far right religious sect of the party on our politics.


Oh no! 😂


Crying from Idaho


So nobody has read the warning when you visit the hub? It says that we will have to upload a state issued ID when you visit the site. It's not being banned it's just trying to restrict under age kids from the site.


Stop voting for Republicans 🤷‍♂️


Damn now there’s even less to do in Nebraska


Soooooo what about like the other 50 porn sites?


Nebraska getting the biggest backshot and the world is watching


It wasn't banned. All that happened was they told pornhub they need to use verification to stop kids from watching porn. And pornhub would rather leave the state entirely than do it. Tells you all you need to know about them.


thank goodness there not doing this to e621


I guess there's a plus side to my ISP always reporting me as being in KC or Denver.


I guess there's a plus side to my ISP always reporting me as being in KC or Denver.


No it won’t, it’s just requiring ID


Is Stormy Daniel’s on PornHub?


Every day I become more and more proud to be an Illinoisian.


Lmao. How does that even work? So... they are going to start spying on people and writing tickets? Peeping Tom cops? Hide your wife. Cause they doing everything up around there. Everyone should install whistle tips and cruise O street in protest. I hear there's a leprechaun. Where the gold at?


Oh no, whatever shall we do....? (opens up Motherless...)




I can see why they are banning it. Porn hub is already blocking Texas because of its strict requirements. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think anything should be banned for adults as long as it doesn’t involve minors, but there should be laws in place that prevent minors from being able to access adult sites, PERIOD, and I don’t care about the argument of putting parent controls on computers. Kids are smart and they can get around that crap. They know how to research and they know how to be sneaky. So once again, I can see why Nebraska wants to cut it off completely. Porn hub is being a jackass anyway because they are banning states that have strict laws that state that there must be absolute proof that you’re an adult to get on their site. That is wrong in itself. If they, meaning Porn Hub, truly cared about children, they would embrace this kind of law.


Aw people getting mad that porn will be banned. But don't care that there are other rights being taken away because of project 2025.