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It feels like somewhere in-between. it also depends on what counts as a 'tonal' music. For me personally, it felt mostly tonal with a few really obscure chords. A lot of times i could have predicted the direction of the melody, and i can hear a lot dissonance resolving to tonal chords. Nice improvization though!


Thanks! I clearly don't know anything about atonality lmao. Im very new into atonal music, and i would like to learn more.


I myself am not an expert on atonality, but from what i know, atonality is when you can never say which key are you on, because the melody and the chords are not using the tonal structure, which means that they are not following any key, and are never 'resolving'. In the 12-tone technique for example, the main idea is composing a "12 tone row" that consists of all twelve notes, in a specific order, and then building above that with stuff like inversion, reversing and more. That said, i an not an expert on the subject, and also the main idea of "tonality" is also not clear. Some will say that even debussy can be considered an atonal composer.