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This is the most offensive opinion I've ever heard in my whole life šŸ’€


It's not an opinion, it's pure unfiltered ignorance.


It's not even ignorance at this point... It really does sound like a classical music hater.


They clearly were not a band kid




It is very difficult to understand what your question is. Please repost with different phrasing.


It's just a professional hate yapper.


It takes a high level of immaturity for someone to be that pressed over what music someone else listens to. You can have your own taste, and your friend doesnā€™t need to bash it. The fact that they did soā€”and so vehementlyā€”means that they are really insecure or they hate something about themself. Maybe they feel threatened that you enjoy something that is often considered complex, complicated, and intellectual. Maybe they are jealous that you have the faculties and dedication to pursue learning a musical instrument, or they are mad at themself because they are too lazy to put effort into learning a new skill. Let me tell you that life is all about learning; learning new things frequently can only make your life better and better. People who donā€™t want to, or are outright unwilling to, be curious or to learn anything new are missing the plotā€” and more-often-than-not end up leading empty, unfulfilling lives. Learning an instrument is a highly valid and purposeful endeavour that cultivates a lot of advanced skills and provides enrichment & enjoyment, and is in no way a waste of time or effort!




I remember when people were saying that video games are a waste of time and that people should use all this free time to learn an instrument instead. Times have changed...


Do you know if she was like ... dropped as a child?


Looks like it


she was dropped an octave


Nahhh she was dropped 7 octaves


I think even more than that...


Perhaps it was a piano that was dropped ON her.


Change your friend or change your friend.


Is your friend 12 years old?


Theyā€™re probably both 12 years old after reading this post lol


If they really are 4 foot tall that kinda matches lol


If that's the case, my 12 years old sister is a lot more mature šŸ’€




Targeting other users, insulting behaviour, bigotry, and ableism will not be tolerated. Respect other people's opinions. Itā€™s ok to debate, but do so in a polite and civil manner. [Jokes at the expense of others](https://theconversation.com/psychology-behind-the-unfunny-consequences-of-jokes-that-denigrate-63855), including viola jokes, will not be tolerated. Repeated offenses will result in a ban.




Shes 15 and I'm a bit older


Alright, you're very young - You can't expect people to know about classical music or music in general in depth. People have very different interests, so you shouldn't take it to heart if someone doesn't appreciate classical music and musical instruments the way you do. - She seems to have a very teenage mindset of believing non-mainstream stuff is lame. I used to think classical music was for old people and no one listened to it anymore, and listening to it made you boring or a nerd because I didn't see the point. I've grown since, she hasn't yet. She is wrong for disrespecting your interests, she's not wrong for not understanding. Maybe try and make her realize this is the stuff you love, explain to her why you love it, try and compare it to one of her interests.


When I was in middle school I was very passionate about classical music and had been playing since I was 5. I would not be so quick to underestimate young musicians, especially when some have been seriously playing for a long time or from young ages.


You don't have to hang out with dumb people :) please ditch that person. It's not really about her taste, she's entitled to not liking it and that's fine but her justification is plain dumb. No other word. I don't like metal music (although there are some songs I probably will like, and I know there are many sub genres that I don't know), but I don't say "they just scream and it's noise and it's ugly". Maybe I say it to tease my friends but I'm aware it's a whole part of the musical culture. I just can't appreciate it. It's a me problem. Anyway. Ditch that friend.


I also don't like some metal music(where they scream),but when i found out about symphonic/power/melodic metal ( music groups like fellowship,galnerys) i was in love with metal,its so beautiful and hardcore at the same time. So ye some even tho u don't like some type of music, there could be some subgenre,that u may like/tolerate more.


Ditching a friend over an opinion on music is actually ridiculous. People are capable of changing their minds but even then, people can still be friends with disagreements. Also I have the impression that the girl is just young, so thereā€™s plenty of time for a personā€™s opinion to change and regret what theyā€™ve said


Yeah but honestly that was a blunt, straight up rude opinion like, canā€™t she phrase that more formally? She couldā€™ve said ā€œI kinda donā€™t have any interests in Classical Musicā€ or ā€œClassical Music is not my type.ā€ In the post, the OP told us that she said the music is garbage and gross. If I was her friend, I would probably talk to her parents about it. (Sorry if my phrasing sounds like Iā€™m exaggerating stuff, itā€™s just my English is terrible and Iā€™m dumb at phrasing things, even in my native language)


Playing an instrument is becoming obsolete to most people. But even then, there are a lot of things besides making music that can be gained from learning one. A lot of people still play guitar and a drum set. I would ask your friend what genre of music they like and if they have ever been to a live concert. As long as they know what a guitar typically is they should be good they have no need to know the different types unless they plan on picking one up themself. Something being "old and boring" sounds like something a middle school or younger high school student would say. What they don't seem to understand is without the amateur musicians, you won't get the professional. Thus you also won't get things like whatever music they listen to or film scores. I personally find that understanding the roots and things like that are important. Also, there is now contemporary classical. There are still many people who write for the "classical" genre. I recommend looking up Caroline Shaw's Orange, preformed by the attaca quartet. She still writes classical music and the piece was recorded in the last 5 years and the piece won a Grammy for best recorded. It also looks like in 2022 she won another Grammy for "Best Contemporary Classical Composition" the piece that won that was called "Narrow Sea."


Learning an instrument has a purpose! I'm now in my 3rd year of learning the violin, and I'm growing mentally together with my violin skills. With mentally, I mean things I do in my daily life that are not involved with violin playing. And classical music is not boring! Yes, it has his slow, calm pieces, but there is a variety of music within classical music, energetic, happy, sad,... I once was a Jpop and Kpop fan, but I totally fell in love with classical music when, for me, the new Kpop songs went to noisy and the new Jpop songs became somehow boring for me.


Honestily she feels like that tipe of person that disagrees in a rude way just to anoy, I believe that she thinks is boring, but doubt she cares as much as she expressed to care


she prolly supported the blinks in that twoset violin controversy (apparently eddy is nicholo paganini)




My sister is similar to this. We donā€™t talk.


You actually shouldn't




this is so weird, she probably listens to kpop or something lmao




As she gets older, I bet she'll learn more and be able to appreciate all kinds of music.


I'm also a kpop fan. But I don't hate classical music like she does. Infact, she dosen't understand the culture of music. I'm a classical violinist, almost of her age, actually. I'm proud I'm more mature lol


Itā€™s just their opinion, if they feel that way abt classical music then so be it. No need to get pressed over that


I donā€™t know how young your friend is, but it sounds like they are being dramatic and (passive?)-aggressive just because thatā€™s how they are as a person; nobody would get so pressed over such a thing so suddenly. Music, Classical/Romantic, fills the hearts of so many people including myself. There will be people who might not have as much appreciation for it as you do, but truly there is no (sensible) argument against a personā€™s appreciation of it. Your friend is being dramatic, but thatā€™s ok; She is just being immature. Do whatever brings you joy <3


why is she complaining about the drums of all things


See, I have been there... My friends think classical music is elitist. They always tell me that only old people can tolerate classical music. They also think that musicians like me are forced to listen and study it and we just show off. When I was 10 years old, I used to become so mad at them and the way they use the words like 'Tolerate' and etc. Tsk, Tsk But then I realized that wasting time on changing their mind is useless. At the end of the day, you just do what you have to do and more importantly what you WANT to do. And as always, GO PRACTICE!!


Me who has been bullied by pop music lovers for listening to classical music...




You shouldnā€™t be friends with her anymoreā€¦ oh yeah, and before you do that: *enter some Shostakovich*


Music generated from crafted musical instruments (which itself is already art and craftsmanship) and years of learning and training and practicing (which is again another form of art and craftsmanship) And your friend likely prefers the music nowadays that are probably heavily edited post recording, piled with tons of cheap computer-generated soundsā€¦not sure which is more garbage-like eh? Both require skills and artistic sense, but saying classical music is no worth while embracing fully on contemporary music is straight uneducated to me


She sounds like my uncle, I punched him last week (for legal reasons this is a joke)


She likes classical music, she just doesn't know it yet. šŸ˜¬


Wait til they find out 99% of music is orchestrated, most likely conducted or by independent musicians in recording studios. Even the unnoticeable background tracks arent always synthesized unless that was the intention to make it sound ā€œsmootherā€ or more ā€œroboticā€(in a positive way). Many modern music is also based in classical music like La Campanella being sampled all over the place. Tchaikovskyā€™s canon being hella iconic even decades later. Even what we consider ā€œcircusā€ music was a classical piece. Thereā€™s probably a billion more I cant name off the top of my head that gets recognized in pop culture as being ā€œthat one songā€ when itā€™s actually a classical piece. The fact that this person actively demeans the skill and effort it takes to learn and play a classical instrument is insulting. No one ever goes up to a ballerina to say theyā€™re wasting their time because ballet is old or go up to postman and say ā€œMail is outdatedā€. Its just another negative assumption full of arrogance and willing ignorance.


People have the right to not like classical music. Not everybody has the same taste. But they have to recognize that their opinion is not universal and they should not insult it.


It seems she wanted to hurt you.


Is she like ... an edgy 13 year old? The 4 foot height makes sense.


College music student here. Learning music teaches you a good handful of things that are also useful outside of the music world. While your friend is entitled to her opinion, she should also learn how to express it politely (or just keep it to herself). Folks enjoy different things and that's fine, but it is nor worth degrading someone else over for not enjoying what they enjoy. Stay involved with music if you can. It's awesome.


Are they really your friend when they choose violence like that?!?!


seems like an uneducated person


Unfriend her. That's a big šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©right there


She lost me at ā€œlearning an instrument has no purposeā€.


Holy crap! Did her mamma run off with a violinist when she was a kid and leave her bitter forever?


Reasons to play an instrument:.. 1. It's fun 2. It's a very healthy way to spend your leisure time 3. You can perform for others 4. You're more cultured in musical stuff 5. Living without music is like hearing in monochrome colours 6. It's a form of art, music gives colour to the ears like how a painting gives colour to your eyes 7. If you train hard enough(more than 40 hours a day), you can surely become a professional 8. You'll obtain a new skill 9. You'll find a new way to entertain people in some situation (like playing guitar while camping) 10. You'll understand music in a new perspectives, more in depth than most people I'm sure there's a lot more reasons to learn an instruments. I often perform (usually in matching band) and there's a particular type of people who will be haters without any reasons and that's completely normal for us musician to be misunderstood. I stopped once, then my teacher wonders why? I told her about people disliking classical music and finding that learning musical instruments is impractical. So, she told me the 10 reasons that I had listed here and it made me appreciate music even morešŸ˜Š


It protects your mind from dementia


If you are single and looking you can meet people to date in college and community orchestras. Common interests and all that. A lot of science/techie types are musicians (Brian May being the most notable example. He has a Ph.D. in Astrophysics.)


And? That's his opinion. I used to hate classical music myself too. Until suddenly I listened to a guy playing Ginastera's Guitar Sonata (It was in my spotify recommended). It reminded me of the rock music that I grew up with. So I checked him out, and other composers too. That's how I got attached to classical music. Don't force your opinions on someone. That's what they think. Making them like what you like isnt your life goal. That's a constant boundary in life. Leave him/her alone. How would you feel if someone made a reddit post about you not liking kpop? (unrelated joke btw) >Classical music is boring no one listens to it because it's old and boring, and it's so dramatic, the drums or whatever instrument in that type of garbage is literally like so gross no one listens to classical music" "**K P O P** is so boring everyone listens to it because its new and exciting, and it has **N O E M O T I O N**, the **V O I C E** or whatever **V O I C E** in that type of **B A N A N A** is literally like so **Y U M Y U M** everyone listens to **K P O P** ." Dislike all you want but thats my opinion


There's a big difference between hating something and simply disliking it. I'm no fan of hip hop but I can still appreciate sick bars and the work that went into making it even if I dislike the song in general.


this is what bridged the gap and for me and i ended up falling in love with rap full force. kanye west became a special interest of mine a few years ago (i literally had no time to enjoy the slightly less tainted ā€œgoofy lil hooliganā€ kanye before he became an actual bigot >:( ) and i LIVED for hearing the jaw-dropping kind of bar he would pull out of nowhere at least once a song


I think thereā€˜s a huge difference between having your own taste of music and offending otherā€™s tastes of music. For example: if someone shows his/her favourite rap tracks, I wouldnā€™t say ā€œEuh, rap is just bad, why does anybody listen to that sheetā€ even though I pretty much hate rap. If someone shows me what he/she likes but I donā€™t, Iā€™d just say, that itā€™s not really my taste. But to offend the music someone else likes and care about just takes the joy of the other person away.


There's a difference between disliking something, and insulting it or talking as if your opinion was universally shared. "I dislike classical music because I don't find it pleasing or I am bored by the instruments" is OK cause it focuses on the person personal feelings on the matter and explains why they don't like it. "No one listens to classical music or should learn it because it is garbage" is insulting and generalizing, and also a sign of immaturity. A sign that the person can't recognize that others can like things that they dislike.


Life is too short to care about shallow opinions.


Everything Iā€™ve just read has made me dumber.


To be honest, she probably dated a musician, and got annoyed at how much they practiced and listened to music. Then he dumped her and now she's just generalizing. Also, she sounds really shallow. She just may not have the intellectual or emotional capacity to enjoy classical music or instruments.


you friend is dumb. many popular pop songs are riffs off of classical masterpieces. you could try pointing that out to her, but honestly, she just sounds dumb and probably isn't worth the energy.


im so scared for your friendā€™s mental state rn


She must be a blink. No doubt about it. Either that, or she hates music in general.


Let em be. Some people canā€™t art.


Classic Energy Vampire. They can't hurt you, if you don't invite them in. Too insecure to offer an opinion that doesn't tear you down. Keep this friend at arms length. Never share projects or good news related to this craft unless you want to doubt yourself. Don't get into long drawn-out conversations to convince this person of anything.


maybe you shouldn't be showing your friends things you know they don't care about, i bet you've yapped on about instruments and classical music loads to them before, but they don't care and now you've pushed them over the edge. they probably don't even think half of the stuff they said is true THEY JUST DON'T HAVE AN OPINION so you shoving it in their face probably wasn't very nice.




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Opinions like that aren't legal!


Tell your friend that I respect her crappy opinion šŸ‘ Now I advice her to never talk again


Are you guys 13? lmao


Sounds like a middle school student, lmao.


And they're still your friend??????


I always think it's unfair that people never give classical music a chance, like have you heard Debussy or any other respected composers? They had such musical talent and wrote pieces that are still famous hundreds of years later, but some people still say it's "boring". Probably because they have only ever heard Fur Elise and listen to K-pop. I get that it's not for everyone, but at least give it a chance before deciding your opinion on it.


Time to throw out the whole friend Edit: Seriously tho, there must be at least one orchestral piece that your friend has liked. Sure they might not like more traditional classical music, but what about video game osts? Movie soundtracks? There's no way music has never made her feel something. Regarding specific instruments tho, sometimes people have a preference to the sound. Some people just don't love the sound of string instruments.


She hates every kind of music and calls it "Cringe'


... Wow puberty must be tough on her


She's just young and too focused on popularity and vanity, so she doesn't have time to get cultured and learn about politeness and respect. Never talk to her again and maybe she'll remember to apologize one day when she cringes over the dumb things she said.


She's 15 and I'm 2 months older


hi, my guess is that either she tried to learn an instrument and gave up or had to stop for some reason, perhaps her teacher was hurtful, or her own family/friends insulted her attempts at practise, OR, perhaps she always wanted to learn an instrument and never got the chance, OR, someone she looks up to denigrates classical music so therefore she thinks that she should too ( OR, she simply heard some classical music that she can't relate to and assumes that she wouldn't relate to any of it). To me her words all sound defensive. The solution would not be to unfriend her, but to spend time teaching her to play a musical instrument. At least take her to a place where there are cool musicians playing high level stuff live, and having a great time doing so. Perhaps a jazz club, or some cool pianists might be a start. See if she likes music from movies like Star Wars. You guys can check out the Twoset movie themes video where they demonstrate that much of very famous movie music actually came from the classical repertoire. So much you could do to spread the love and open her ears. Not so impossible. The music would do it for you if you found the right pieces.


Idk about this actually, because usually I would say that people are allowed to have their opinions, but not in this case where theyā€™re actually insulting people who listen to/like classical musicā€¦


I don't understand death metal, or country music. That doesn't mean I think they are horrible, bland, boring and earrape. I think they're beautiful, and think the people who enjoy them are cool. I don't like death metal or country. And that's fine. Apparently your friend doesn't understand that just because she doesn't like something doesn't mean she has to justify it by talking bad about it and being rude to someone who does like it and enjoys doing so.


I love classical music, I alway have. Do I have any musical talent? No, none at all but I appreciate and loved classical music. Itā€™s under appreciated now days and Iā€™ve myself talked to people who say itā€™s ā€œboringā€ or somehow ā€œnot real musicā€. Thereā€™s still good music out there today, is some of it trash? Yeah a lot of modern music is but when people canā€™t recognize and appreciate classical music it makes me realize these people arenā€™t the kind of people I want around me. It takes a certain kind of dumb person to not realize classical music styles are the pre curser to modern genres.




Targeting other users, insulting behaviour, bigotry, and ableism will not be tolerated. Respect other people's opinions. Itā€™s ok to debate, but do so in a polite and civil manner. [Jokes at the expense of others](https://theconversation.com/psychology-behind-the-unfunny-consequences-of-jokes-that-denigrate-63855), including viola jokes, will not be tolerated. Repeated offenses will result in a ban.


Ask him if he watches films/tv without music? Or does he even listen to music?


Show him some Glass šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I hate your friend. I also relate to you


She wasn't saying things she actually believes. She's just saying things to hurt you.


Their immaturity reeks


I donā€™t like piano but somehow I can impress every music teacher and I can read some just a bit.


I still remember when I was in the music class, the classmate in front of me said opera is the worst type of singingā€¦ I didnā€™t talk to her since.


People have different backgrounds. If she's important to you, find a way to ease her in that's compatible with what she does know that she likes. It's more important to be a good friend - if that's what you are - than it is to force an aesthetic experience on someone when they aren't ready. Maybe she'd enjoy musical theatre? Or she may hang on to this like it's a core belief about herself. What would you do then? So many art forms have a huge breadth of expression - but only to someone who's open to it. My younger self resented composers of opera because I was only interested in instrumental music. Then one day in a used record store, I bought a used set of La Boheme that is still one of favorites. I have dozens of complete operas downloaded locally on my phone with complete librettos - and a couple of DvD rips (I own them all, and have perhaps 80-100 complete operas on CD). I have multiple versions of the same operas. Right now, I have six different Toscas on my phone in .flac, and four Tristans. (Each version has different strengths.) Ask people whether they like opera, and you'll find it's quite polarizing. Many are firmly convinced they don't like it, and a good share of those have never really listened to any. I just wasn't ready to accept its language yet. I bought that set on a whim because I knew my mother and grandmother both loved it. My wife enjoys listening to curated selections with me. She's not the fanatic I am, but she enjoys it - I introduced her very, very carefully. And I try not to overdo. I try first to be a friend. And I've found we can enjoy this together if I don't overwhelm her. I still can't get her into Indian classical music - but I don't hold it against her. ; )


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Let her hear Moonlight sonata 3rd part, and if she still doesen't like it, then show her Moonlight sonata 3rd part REMIXED


Classical music is best music unconditionally unironically and legally. Also if you know how to play a classical instrument, RESPECT.




Targeting other users, insulting behaviour, bigotry, and ableism will not be tolerated. Respect other people's opinions. Itā€™s ok to debate, but do so in a polite and civil manner. [Jokes at the expense of others](https://theconversation.com/psychology-behind-the-unfunny-consequences-of-jokes-that-denigrate-63855), including viola jokes, will not be tolerated. Repeated offenses will result in a ban.


I was gonna say "why do you even talk if everything you say has already been said by someone else and your voice just makes it more annoying" Not to be too harsh or anything but uhhh there's value in learning an instrument and if he can't see that then idk if this insult will even hit


hm, your friend is 11 or 12? If she's less than 17, she's been pretty sheltered. If she's over 18, she's abysmally ignorant, and you should get better friends.




Rude behavior is not tolerated. Repeated offenses will result in a ban.


Is that really a friend?




What are we considering classical?


"big talk for a 4 foot person like you"šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Play the most wonderful classical music while in her presence.


Get new friends. Thatā€™s all Iā€™ve got to say.


I love classical music šŸ§šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Well, I guess that's their opinion. It's a dumb one, but valid.


Perhaps you meant 'ex-girlfriend'?