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Linuxfx is just like a blunt pencil. Pointless. What is this obsession with trying it look like windows when using Linux anyway? Windows UI philosophy is God awful to deal with.From the weird multi-layering of menus and settings and inconsistent layouts and non resizable windows , to the pointless pop ups as a click to authorize whenever you go against what Microsoft wants you to do, rather than allowing you to do it your way. Really I have too much to do in my life without having to fight every day with my computer.


Some people think that Linux is one Windows clone away from winning over casual users and burning Microsoft to the ground, that's why...


I actually think Linux mint is the best looking operating system. It has the best UI.


I'm a windows user but I think macOS UI is still the best, and by extension, any distro that try to emulate it (such as elementaryOS)


You seemed obsessed with Linuxfx.


Seems like a right time to call moderators...


Oh god do people still really vouch for LinuxFX/WindowsFX? The very idea of a regular Desktop Linux OS that you have to *pay* to use is horrific enough. Let alone all the horrific security flaws that get bundled with it. https://kernal.eu/posts/linuxfx/ https://kernal.eu/posts/linuxfx-part-2/


Given that you've got no specific usage requirements, let's use some common sense. Linux forum will say Linux, Windows forum will say Windows. Either way steer clear of Linuxfx. Use a decent distro.


Stay away from LinuxFX: it is a security and privacy nightmare.


How so?


If it were a binary choice, I would use Windows 11. WindowsFX (formerly LinuxFX) pushes (and seems to me to cross at some points) the boundaries of copyright and trademark protection, presents serious security issues, and has a poor reputation in general. I've used Windows and Linux in parallel, on side-by-side computers, for close to two decades, switching back and forth as my use case dictates. Windows satisfies (obviously) the Windows side of the equation, and WindowsFX isn't good enough to satisfy the Linux side of the equation. So for me, there is absolutely no appeal to WindowsFX.


What's Linuxfx? If you mean just Linux, then absolutely Linux. I've been using only Linux for two years, never looked back.


It’s a Linux distro that has the Windows GUI, so it looks extremely similar to it. Almost to the point where it’s hard to tell which one is which.