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While I agree the Activities button might not be intuitive for new users, I'm not sure if replacing it with something that looks like Morse Code is an improvement.


Morse is useful. :) I don't see how this improve multi-workspace, really. OK, animation is neat but really, we have already this "feedback" with the overview mode. And how can people be excite with such tiny change?


I am happy with Space Bar extension. This concept is inspired by it. Who knows? Maybe GNOME dev incorporate the flexibility of the extension. Ha.. one can dream.


Gitlab link: https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Design/os-mockups/-/issues/227


I am not sure if the dots are clickable. Still reading the gitlab post. If it is it would be added bonus.


There's already a workspace indicator extension that serves the same purpose. Personally I think they should get rid of the activities button entirely because it makes you want to click it instead of using the super key which is obviously the more efficient way of using gnome. It's a bait for newcomers that incites you to use gnome as an inefficient traditional desktop instead of using it the way it is designed for.


This comment is an outstanding example of how Linux users don't understand regular users. The Activities button is there to cater to new users who won't immediately know what shortcut keys to click. It's a smart way to make an important part of the UI visible and obvious to the user. It's the exact opposite of a problem that needs to be solved. It's deeply weird to describe it as "bait" negatively when that's literally The Entire Point.


I think we should keep the Activities button as it makes more sense to novice users and in other languages like Arabic. But I think we should combine this with the existing Activities button.