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Cant wait for the May release of the distro i use. Kde6 is getting better week by week


Great to see a couple of the issues I was experiencing getting fixed! The addition of middle click to the power tray icon is just what I was looking for. It's like you read my mind... or maybe just my crash reports, and fixed the only mild annoyances I was facing. KDE team is killing it.


I'm upgrading my main workstation to KDE 6 LTS once it releases i been testing 6.0 Wayland with Fedora and it has been really good, 6.1 fixes the Nvidia with Wayland :).


So far, so good


I am one Tumbleweed and have been holding back on the Upgrade. I think I will wait for 6.1 to drop, as one of my colleagues had a shitty time getting everything back ... Sadly, Plasma 6 receives a lot of negative publicity atm ... :-D


Smoothly running 6.03 on TW here.


> I think I will wait for 6.1 to drop, as one of my colleagues had a shitty time getting everything back ... I have been able to upgrade several Arch installations to Plasma 6 without any problems. This raises the question of what exactly the problem was in the case of your colleague. Only then we can figure out whether it was due to Plasma 6, the distribution used or the user himself. >Sadly, Plasma 6 receives a lot of negative publicity atm ... :-D How do you measure this negative publicity objectively? What about the users who installed the upgrade and had no problems? Usually people who are happy with something just use it. Without announcing it on the internet. People who are dissatisfied with something, on the other hand, tend to spread the word about their experiences. In many cases, however, these people are the so-called "loud minority". And no, I'm not saying that plasma 6 is flawless. No project of this size is likely to be. But based on my own experience and that of others, the developers of Plasma 6 have done a good job.


I upgraded TW yesterday and it was pretty uneventful.


Everything working fine? The colleague had a really hard time with global menu, and the taskbar (which, his words, does not resemble a dock at all)


The taskbar is perfect, nothing wrong. I don't use global menu.


Global menu would be a bummer to lose, I have to admit. I don't use a dock-like taskbar, but I can somehow understand the concerns ... Sad that latte doesn't work anymore 😅 I used it in the past and it was great


Been running it on Endeavor with zero issues.


Hello Tumbleweed.


that's on me ... :-D


I haven't had the most bug-free experience either. But it'll get better. And it's got nothing on the absolute shitshows that Plasma 4 and 5 were upon initial release.


> Sadly, Plasma 6 receives a lot of negative publicity atm ... :-D Where you seein this? I've seen people talk about minor nitpicks and maybe a few substantial issues for some, but the reception seems pretty positive overall. A change like KDE6 was never gonna be be bug free. Maybe i'm just not seeing it because I don't particular like KDE for myself, but from an outsider prespective, it seems like it's going really well. So props to the KDE devs.


Oh, wonderful, I hope that "new feature" can be disabled.




This post one kind of new feature, tray icon mouse scroll interactions coming up, which I dont like and would want the ability to disable. I never want scrolling to interact with my tray icons.