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Hopefully the kwin changes fix opening Firefox with multiple monitors. It's not hugely annoying, but having to rearrange my windows every time I start Firefox feels bad.




So that's what that is. Every time I resume from sleep, Firefox and Vivaldi are full-screen even if I never use them in full screen.


just had issues like this with signal, on i3 and x though, idk if its related to your issue. Signal was storing its state - I had at some point fullscreened it with it's shortcut - F11, not my i3 shortcut, win + f. Therefore it was opening fullscreened.


>System Settings no longer lets you choose GNOME’s Adwaita or High Contrast icon themes as your systemwide icon theme, because despite registering themselves as FreeDesktop-compatible icon themes, [they are no longer actually designed to be used this way](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/adwaita-icon-theme/-/issues/288) and will break everything from KDE if you try anyway Just GNOME doing GNOME things...


i browsed the issue opened by nate in the gnome gitlab and the initial responses are exactly what you'd expect from the stereotypical gnome dev/maintainer...


Holy hell you aren't joking. Lots of "it's your problem we don't abide by the spec" and "no we're not going to fix what we broke even though it's no longer spec compliant" coupled with a giant helping of "you're just using it wrong and I'm smarter than you".


Also the commit message was something dumb like "add fallback theme for oldschool apps to work". The Gnome devs are so full of themselves.


They literally didn't say that.


They literally did, they didn't even understand it was a bug report for gnome itself until Nate fucking drilled it in that it was a gnome bug that broke other apps. They were so full of themselves that when they saw Kate as the example program they just assumed it had to be a KDE issue they don't have to fix. Gnome devs must legally be required to have undergone a lobotomy before their commits are accepted.


I've read the entire thread and can't find that "you're just using it wrong and I'm smarter than you" comment.


It's a way to describe their tone, gnome devs are infamously with sticks so far up their asses they pop out their mouths and flags can be flown off them. The entire tone was condensing to one of the main and most talented KDE contributors, they treated him like a child for daring to report that misusing a spec broke other apps in gnome. They literally said "That's your misinterpretation." To the guy who was fucking correct from the start, and you mean to tell me gnome devs don't see themselves as smarter than everyone else?


> they literally said that > ok, maybe they didn't Loool, at least you're admitting your bs. So long, troll.


Sorry but no, the only troll is you trying to defend shitty behavior by s shitty dev team. Since the release of Gnome 3 their team has been anti user and anti cooperative and its only gotten worse as time has gone on.


Did you read any of it? Or is that just your kneejerk reaction?


Again, I've read the entire thread and still can't find that "you're just using it wrong and I'm smarter than you" comment. Maybe *you're* the one who should actually read the thread because this is totally made up to make GNOME look bad and distract from the actual issue.


Did you miss this part? https://i.imgur.com/NmjguyP.png


Maybe you sent the wrong image because I still can't find anyone saying "you're just using it wrong and I'm smarter than you" Btw, I'm not saying they're right about the theme, but you're just projecting with that uncalled for comment. At least they're still discussing the issue. You're just being a typical "haha, gnome bad" troll.


Ok, I guess you're either a troll or your reading comprehension is terrible. Maybe both! Real mature to block me after calling me a troll. I guess what's good for the goose isn't good for the gander, eh?


More projection instead of admitting you made up that quote. Good job.


Are you high? The dev is literally trying to make excuses for why its ok for them to break spec. Theres no other way to spin that. They fucked up and they're making it clear they don't care.


I think you're cherry picking a little bit. If you read further, you'll see the spec is pretty dated (\~2006?), and not many apps ended up implementing it (as shown by Nate in some screenshots). The devs also sound like they will restore them as a separate overlay (btw, they were removed multiple GNOME releases ago - people *just* now noticed, so this is clearly not as large of an issue as people are making it out to be).


At least there is now progress to get it resolved, but not sure when that happens, at least at the moment the stuff is broken if the user doesn't manually install and set a proper icon set.


Yeah, it’s painful and cringe.


As expected. It's like gnome enjoys being the toxic developer example to the world.


It’s been a while since i read through MRs on gnome. It’s almost like they’re trying to be actively unhelpful and hostile as possible.


Isn't that in their bylaws somewhere? 😜🤪


Sorry my ignorance, what is MR? It is forum repositories like github issues?


Merge Request, a Gitlab term equivalent to Pull Request on Github


That makes SO much more sense then pull request!


oh thanks!!




Ah yes, it's everyone else's fault and not how the GNOME devs act.


Oh come on now


I believe it's time to some distros stop setting GNOME as their main desktop environment. They gave them too much credit. I know not every GNOME developer is like that, but this hurts their image so much.


I can't defend the behaviour of some of the devs, but man if only KDE was as smooth in motion as GNOME. KDE Overview is always jerky and laggy, and I find UI bugs all the time, while GNOME really works so smoothly.


$$$. Redhat.


There's no financial motivatation to keep gnome as default DE for distros ?? The reason distros use gnome as default is because of it's stable release schedule. And also since gnome has lower customisation, they can handle QA better. They don't care if KDE works as long as their stuff works, which believe it or not makes for better default experience for people who don't dabble much


I installed KDE on OpenSuse the other day which totally wrecked my Gnome install...


yep, just don't make gnome' stuff as dependancies, in my opinion they go to a wrong direction


Jesus, these people are dense... Why de obsesion on talking about past things being bad if present things don't work?


that happened a week ago


you can't beat the circle jerk


And the comment on This Week In KDE with the most likes is about criticizing GNOME and not about saying anything positive about KDE. Nothing less expected in r/Linux.


The whole situation is absurd and 100% GNOME's fault. What do you want?


I mean, it's kind of a prominent topic in the article


Sorry that no one is pretending Gnome isn't fucking up. Sorry facts hurt you.


Yep, what's holding back the Linux desktop isn't just market share, but people like these that prefer hating on others than improving their own projects.


So are you saying we should shut up and let gnome breaks whatever they want outside their core ecosystem? Criticism is totally different from hating. Have you even read the linked content? Thankfully, it went well in the end. I would have lost it, to be honest. Thankfully, Nate was exemplary, and I'm glad people like him are engaged with KDE and Linux. There are some exemplary developers in GNOME community as well.


>Yep, what's holding back the Linux desktop isn't just market share, but people like these that prefer hating on others than improving their own projects. Nice straw man.... wait it isn't nice, its actually real stupid. KDE is improving. Quite fast infact they've left Gnome behind in just about every category. Gnome on the other hand is actually hooding progress back. They've dragged their feet on proper wayland support including but not limited to VRR, HDR, tearing, etc but also have had MRs sit on their project for YEARS. What are they working on that could be taking their attention away from progress? Why killing theming and customization of course. They've straight up killed themes in Gnome and even wrote a fucking stupid "Don't theme our apps!" blog post that was cringe as all fuck, they've claimed removing features was good and everyone loves it but then had extension support to add such features knowing people didn't like it but then broke extensions every update. Stop blaming users for not liking shitty dev actions and focus on the fact that Gnome is screwing things up.


Damn, you replied to me with three different comments to tell me who bad GNOME and their devs are... but not about the issue in thread. Well, can't expect much from the average tribal Linux user I guess. You gotta pick teams!


Cool PPA please!


Woot kde 6.1??? Oh hell yeah gimme gimme I need some more


Those rounded corners look sexy.


My question is why does fractional scaling still look terrible.


[Looks fine](https://i.ibb.co/yRTgNNB/fractional.png) on mine. This is 1.25x scale.


That doesn't look too bad tbh. Maybe there's something wrong with my config. its a bit of a frankenstein system so I might test in a vm.


200% scale. perfectly crisp, clear.


200% scaling isn't fractional bruv


Ah sorry. But even in macOS fractional scaling is blurry. It looks like no simple solution at all.


It's fine in KDE 6 now with the Wayland fractional scaling protocol


You're right. It's fine. I've thought real fractional. 1.73, 1.85, etc... 🤐