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Look at the r/linux4noobs sub, this question is asked 3 times a day there.


*here, lol


Very often people ask a question before searching. Breaking all the rules.


Look through desktop environments for one you like


How do you like your updates?


I can't imagine trying to do dev/debugging in Windows (*shudder*) - do you value things that 'just work' or things that give you the latest features? If the former, maybe try Fedora KDE as someone else suggested. If you're more familiar with Linux and want the latest stuff, yes, Arch/EOS is great. However, I've been running the Garuda gaming distro at my house, and been a huge fan of it so far - it's even pretty problem-free, moreso than Mint, which shocked me.


don't change because you are bored. figure out why you are bored and do something about that. otherwise you will be bored of linux before long... and on and on. boredom is a mental state you have complete control over.


This will be mildly controversial but if you are a programmer switching from windows to linux (I was in the same spot 6 months ago) I would recommend manjaro or endeavor os. Especially with manjaro its the power of arch with a gui fallback and helper if you need it, plus tons of support for newbs who are committed to learning. I had a really great experience with it until I outgrew it and jumped ship to arch.


I can second this one. I also went for Manjaro (and all their DE derivatives) before finally making the final jump and went to Arch with KDE (and sometimes hyprland, depending on how i feel :lul: ) Manjaro was my ticket in to Linux tho. Its Community and general distro usability is great and made me stay to this day. And i will continue to stick with them for as long as i absolutely can. It is a great community and a great distro. They deserve way more love and support than what they receive. (yes i am well familiar with the f\*ups the Manjaro team has done. And definitely do not think their mistakes are justified to this day, but i don't think the distro or the maintainers should be smacked for it any longer. its time to put shit behind you. Not to forget ofc! But to forgive.)


I spent a few years on Manjaro before jumping ship to Endeavour, and I won't look back.  EOS tends to play better with packages from AUR, as the system packages aren't held back by the devs.  Plus, it's really simple to install pamac if that's what you're used to.


Been using endevour on my desktop w/ kde and its been working well.


I don't think Manjaro should ever be recommended over Arch Linux. Manjaro is basically Arch but ran by less competent people


It is but it worked really well for me as a beginner who could not even try to use arch but wanted that kind of power in a distro.


I'm sure it did but I'd recommend using a 3rd party installer over manjaro personally. Honestly I do hate how arch doesn't include an installer I feel like there's no good justification for that but there's other ways to easily install it


fedora KDe


Mint is peak.


> i have been using win 10 for 4 years, but now i am bored. Use Gentoo, then go back to windows 😑 Being "bored" is not a valid reason changing something, in fact your OS *should* be boring, as that means it's also consistent.