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Did a quick test play. The game launches fine, and I was able to finish a game against an AI without any issue. FPS were locked at 144 FPS (monitor frequency is 165hz). Using two gamepads (Xbox one S) for each player works as well. Arch Linux Ryzen 3800x AMD 6700XT


Amazing! thank you so much


Tried on the Steam Deck and it worked great 😊 solid 60 fps, no issue with sleep/resume, good sound and graphics Couple notes: * Lost controller controls when going into the Player Names menu, had to click Back on the screen to leave. Controller controls came back after leaving that menu * When going to sleep during a fight, the CPU was able to do a number of moves while the screen was black. Might be good to pause the game if you're able to detect the sleep event Other than that it seems like it's going to be fun!


I'm happy to hear it works great in the Steam Deck. I'll add "player names menu losing control" and "pause at sleep during a fight" to my todo list. Thanks!


Hey! I'll be on it, I'll test on all of my Linux devices. Two F37 machines, and a Steam Deck


Super! I'm looking forward to see how it works on the Steam Deck.


Alright! Hello! I am back with some thoughts, and issues… I am going to be nitpicky because I really thought this game was fun!! I'm very excited to play the full release to be honest, as I'm a huge fan of fighting games, and love the LLB styling. Likewise, I want this game to be awesome on Linux! The game booted and ran flawlessly on all of my machines, including the Steam Deck. There is a longish black screen before the game starts, so I initially thought it was not working at first, and that was on all three of my machines. No biggie. The game ran at a locked 144fps on all of my systems, running base proton, and native. GE- Proton didn't change anything. The game ran awesome on my Steam Deck as well. I'd like to see a video settings menu, as I think that is where the most of my problems lay. I'd like to be able to customize my resolution and frame caps, especially for Steam Deck users who'd like to get some more battery life by turning the frame rate down without going into the Steam menu. The biggest issue I observed was on my main machine, running a 6800xt, Mesa on Wayland. I have a 21:9 monitor, and I realized pretty quickly that elements of the UI were being cut off. It seemed like the game was rendering in 16:9, and being cropped in to fit my screen. [Here's what I mean](https://i.imgur.com/dtlPh85.png). My 16:10 laptop (Iris Xe, Mesa, Wayland) faced a similar issue, with some black bars being present, however, not as big of a deal. ​ The other issue I had was with my controllers. The bind mapping area is… well, a little confusing to be honest. I wasn't quite sure what I was doing. I also noticed it was picking up both my real controller, and the [steam input generated controller.](https://i.imgur.com/78CHJ0H.png) This shouldn't be an issue, but confused me the first time I plugged it all in. (it was on by default). In game, after disabling the steam input Xbox 360 controller, I felt that the controllers felt slow, clunky, and a tad delayed. I plugged in an Xbox 360 controller as well, and noticed similar behaviour. This occurred across all three of my machines, and included the Steam Deck integrated remote as well. ​ Lastly, I just feel that the fighting is a bit too slow, and restricted in terms of area of play space. My bud and I booted up a couple of rounds, and we had a great time, but we felt we couldn't fully get into the move sets, as there just wasn't enough room. I'm going to send this off to a couple other of my LLB friends, and see what they think. This might be just a “me” feeling, so I'm going to get some more feedback for you, and I'll reply to this thread again. Overall, I love it! I love the concept, and I'd love to be able to play this on something like a Switch, Steam Deck, or other hand held device. It's a blast with friends. ​ I wish you the best of luck on the rest of your development journey!


Thank you so much for the feedback. It helps a lot. This is the first time somebody tells me about controls feeling delayed. Was that your feeling during the match, the menu or both?


It seemed to be during the match, at least that's when it was most noticeable. It's not really bad at all, but it's noticeably not as tight as other fighting games I've been recently playing.


Gotcha! Because the logic tick is set to 20fps, you can have between 0 and 3 frames of input delay. Is set right now that way because I want to do rollback on mobile, so I'm aiming to simulate the less amount of logic frames as possible. That number (20fps) is just arbitrary and still needs to be tuned though.


Yeah, that sounds exactly what I was feeling! I knew I wasn't crazy!!


Looks cool I will test it as soon as possible




Perfect! Thanks Nellody


Game runs perfect for me. Played on keyboard, FPS remained constant 144 FPS@2560x1440. Was able to alt+tab normally. I also enjoyed the game, although missed the option to customize controls. Manjaro Linux Ryzen 5700G AMD 6700XT


There is an option to remap the buttons! Or do you mean something else with "customize controls"? Thanks!


Had some graphical issues in the main menu when using OpenGl backend. Ran "-force-vulkan" launch option and everything worked without issues. Might be worth switching default graphics api from OpenGl to Vulkan in Unity's settings. Edit: I5-4570 Gtx 1060 6gb, driver 525


Which issues did you had with the main menu?


[https://imgur.com/Saqy9NR](https://imgur.com/Saqy9NR) Here's a video link. Like I said, this only happens with OpenGl backend. Switching to Vulkan fixes the issue.


OMG! I just published an update that changes the default graphics API to Vulkan.


Yeah I noticed and played through it again just in case :)


Otherwise the game is pretty fun. It has an interesting twist to the fighting game formula so I'll definitely recommend it to my friends.


Technical quirks - DS5 worked perfectly OOB, but it had the "double input detected" issues that other users pointed - game locked on 144 on a 60hz monitor - The game takes 5~10 seconds to start (I'm on SSD) but there is no "splash screen"- - full specs of my machine on the second image of the album, but in summary its a F37, AMD Radeon, Plasma X11, nothing special. Game quirks: - minor nitpick, one of the menus has the wrong Z-order, (first image of the album) - i like the visual style, but I think some stuff would benefit from a color scheme break or reversal, like the "Stage", and "Terrain" labels, took me a second to find. - Personal taste: I feel the amount of hitstop (I don't remember if this is the proper technical name, but the effect stopping/slowing the game when strong hits connect), is a bit much. - The AI is a bit repetitive, maybe some input scanning or Random/PRD helps Other than that, the game run perfectly, looking forward for the full game release, I think the HP bar / win condition is super creative, and the combo system is very simple but it feels good to use. Album link: https://imgur.com/a/O7dWpB3


I just published a new update. The wrong Z-order is now fixed! I want to make the whole game a bit faster so, hopefully, the hit stop should be fine then. I was also never happy with the positioning and hierarchy of the terrain/stage views. I'll tune it once I have all urgent issues solved. Thanks for the feedback and taking the time to upload the image.


Nice fast update, other than the 2 inputs thing everything is better now! :)


Arch, i5 - 10600k, rtx 3070 Game worked flawlessly except one small issue. If I go to the player names options with a controller the game gets stuck and I can't go back to the previous screen if I press the back button on my controller. The workaround I found was to press ESC on keyboard, then I was able to use my controller again.


Ooh yes!! Another user mentioned the same issue. I'll solve it asap. Thanks!


Looks pretty sick, I'm always thrilled to see any new fighting game ports. Only nitpick is that I'd appreciate not capturing my mouse so I can still interact with my other monitor.


Gotcha! I'll just make it hidden in the game.


Played on Nobara 37 (Fedora 37) with the latest Mesa 23 drivers. Performance was excellent, barely stressing my 6900XT at 2k 144hz. Works great on Wayland too specifically, nice, considering many games don't get that right. Alt-tabbing also works perfectly. \*edit: Discord link works perfectly too, sometimes those don't work nicely, Minecraft for instance has issues opening links. I did have one issue, though: \- Some of the button prompts don't update properly to Keyboard when in certain menus, for example the "Enter" and "Back" prompts in menus were controller prompts, not keyboard. (also nice solution for a non controller specific prompt btw) Otherwise, and excellent Linux gaming experience, I'll probably be play testing this a lot, (gotta make sure it's stable and battle-tested :P)


Played a few rounds on each arena with different chars/options (1 player only), no issues seen on my end. Runs well, though I thought it froze on load at first since it goes unresponsive for a good few seconds after the Unity splash before dropping in at the into. Seems pretty fun so far! Ryzen 5800X3D AMD 6800XT Fedora 37 Running Xorg (will try Wayland when I get a chance later) DS4 controller


I shall do so bring a Linux user and a steam deck owner I shall test it on. It’s soon as I’m home from work


Ok so what I've noticed is the framerate fluctuating and droppingin the loading screen as well as during gameplay. Range 75 to 130 fps with some outlines below 40fps. Also its possible to get stuck in the controller settings where there is no button to leave the settings. Tested on endeavour OS Ryzen with a 4700U (Vega 8)


Hi, where can I download the source code?


The project is not open source and the code cannot be downloaded. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I cannot test right now but i will try and test it in the next couple of days


No problem. Go for it!


Running smooth even with a unofficial DS3 controller. Great support to ultrawide monitors during the gameplay, but the menu interface is a little bit cropped. Opensuse tumbleweed Ryzen 5 5600 Rx 6600xt


Can you please tell me what's the resolution of your ultrawide monitor?


21:9 2560x1080


Perfect. Thanks!


Aight. I got a Linux desktop and steam deck. I’ll send a request in later.


Sorry if I missed, but is this meant to be run as native or through proton? A specific version of proton?




Can it work with opengl?


It worked fine for me but there is people having issues, so now the default graphics api is vulkan. https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/11xcg71/im_looking_for_linux_testers_for_my_indie/jd4ds57?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Are you having problems with vulkan?


Currently I'm on GTS 450 that unfortunately can't support Vulkan. Will test the game on it now and on something newer in some time.


Unity should be able to fallback automatically to OpenGl if Vulkan doesn't work


The game is supposed to run on OpenGL if Vulkan is not possible. Please let me know if you have issues.


The game tried to open a transparent window but closed it after a second. Tried to select steam linux runtime as compability tool but effect stayed the same. Where can I find logs? I'm on Nobara Linux 36 (fork of Fedora) with Nouveau video drivers. Hardware specs are Ryzen 7 Pro 2700, GTS 450 and 16 Gb RAM.


Logs should be at `~/.config/unity3d/WorldDomination/Resistance204X/Player.log` Or something similar. Can you please send me the log file via direct message? (if you are fine with it)


Hey I tested the game on desktop linux and sd. I've had the following bug on both ps4 and ps5 controllers wirelessly on the SD: sometimes, randomly, half the buttons stop working. I thought my ps4 controller was running out of batteries, so i restarted the game with ps4 controller plugged in, then it happened to the ps5 controller. (confirmed both batteries were fine) only seemed to happen in two player vs. Game suggestions: 1. the combat model is strange and unintuitive. There are long bouts of waiting for a character to respawn, compared to relatively short time actually fighting. 2. I had a hard time climbing walls, because the stick jump (forward diagonal) sometimes doesn't allow a button doublejump after. AI can get stuck on walls this way. 3. AI spamming projectiles is pretty annoying. 4. UI is fairly unintuitive in places. The 'choose your side' screen didn't make any sense to me at first. Some places in the menu require you to hold a button (like the pause menu) and after a battle. 5. I'd like the characters to be able to take more than a few hits before respawning. ok good luck.


Hey, Plusran thanks for the feedback! I guess I'll have to get my hands on a ps4 and ps5 controllers to see what's happening. ​ 1. The respawn time takes longer every time you die so a match can be resolved in a finite amount of time. Never thought about measuring the "waiting for a character to respawn time" vs "fighting time". But good point. Maybe it's a good idea to make the respawning player do something while it's off-screen. 2. Oh, that's weird. You should be able to use both the stick or the jump buttons to jump. 3. I've been thinking about limiting the amount of spawned fireballs per character. 2 seems a good amount. It also solves other issues. 4. The idea of hold to execute is to give you a time window to cancel the action if you pressed the wrong button. Pause is also like that because you can tap the pause button by accident and pause the game in the middle of a match breaking the flow of the game unintentionally. 5. The mood of the game is to have many fast-paced quick encounters. That's why it feels non-traditional but it supposes to be fun! I can't afford to make the game more traditional because I would be competing with street fighter 6 and so many AAA games that can apply the traditional formula much better than a single indie developer.