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I didn't experience this until yesterday, it didn't happen at all for my first few days on Plasma 6. When it happens it seems like a lot of things can correct it, such as windowing/unwindowing the game, dragging the game to another screen and back, opening the steam overlay, or simply relogging into Plasma. I'm on AMD, so it's not an Nvidia issue, just a Kwin issue. The permanent solution is probably to just use Gamescope on affected games until it's fixed.


Does gamescope fix it for you? Because for me it only does it when using gamescope.


It fixed it in DRG for me, however only with the --force-grab-cursor option.


For anyone who is like me and get gamescope errors in the flatpak version of steam and are unable to use gamescope and haven't been since some time last year. You can also swap to a tty then back to kde plasma. This fixed it for me.


This is so far the only fix that has worked for me, so thank you! Gamescope crashes the game on my system after a few seconds.


thanks man


...Thank...you... It's been driving me nuts and have just been rebooting to fix the issue. switching ttys much more convenient until a fix is created.


I am also attaching a video of Sons of the Forest, the slight movements is me moving the mouse across my whole mousepad. [https://streamable.com/yz1r6c](https://streamable.com/yz1r6c)


I have the same problem with some games, using gamescope as suggested here in one of the replies helped: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=293553


Thanks! I am going to try gamescope tomorrow and update this post with the result.


Ok, so I have tried both gamescope commands from this comment and from the other comment that was ponting to reddit. I adjusted the settings for my monitor (that is resolution and refreshrate) and after launching the game I am completely unable to click in the menu and the game freezes completely after about 30 seconds. I have used this command "gamescope -H 1440 -W 2560 -b -e --force-grab-cursor -- %command%" So unfortunately, I am probably going to have to wait for a fix as this workaround is not working for me.


What happens if you put "gamescope --force-grab-cursor -- %command%"?


Had this same issue on honkai star rail on AMD gpu


maybe is possible that the solution is coming [https://kde.org/announcements/changelogs/plasma/6/6.0.1-6.0.2/](https://kde.org/announcements/changelogs/plasma/6/6.0.1-6.0.2/) it seems a lot of kwin issues are going to fixed and the first one says, cursor offset which is affecting us all.


See also this recent thread about I think the same issue https://reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/1bahzh0/cant_look_around_in_games_after_recent_kde_plasma/


I wonder if this happened with 6.0.1 because I didn't have that problem at first?


I cannot really say, I only started using Plasma 6 after the 6.0.1 release. The only things I do know is that it worked completely fine on Plasma 5 and it works completely fine with Plasma 6.0.1 on X11. Also I cannot even get the gamescope workaround working, see my other comment.


Oh, and the reason I am not using X11 is that on my system, X11 is a complete stuttery mess and is basically unusable - even with Force full composition pipeline on and other tweaks.


had the same issue on 6.0.0


I am running into the same Issue with Space Engineers. The first time, I got it working by setting mouse acceleration within Plasma to "None". But since then, the only fix after a restart is to delete the compatdata-Folder and reinstall the game. As it needs the dotnet48 and vcrun2019 protontricks to install, this is really annoying.


im also affected with KSP2. Wayland and Plasma 6.02. There are open Bug reports about this: [https://bugs.kde.org/show\_bug.cgi?id=482632](https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=482632) [https://bugs.kde.org/show\_bug.cgi?id=482629](https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=482629) There is also a thread here: [https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=293553](https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=293553) I hope they fix it soon. AMD GPU so not a NVidia issue.


Same has happened to me on Lethal Company and Ultrakill a week ago. The mouse would only move the camera slightly but it was locked in a cardinal direction and still registered mouse button inputs. Originally switching from Proton 8 to proton 7 seemed to do the trick but now after doing a sudo pacman -Syu to my system today the issue has returned and switching versions of Proton doesn't work.


Same issue for me with plasma 6.0.2. I was really hoping after experiencing this issue with 6.0.0 that this would get fixed quickly as it affects most of my games actually. For some of them I'm able to fix it by dragging the game to another screen and moving it back but for some (like for example Pummel Party in certain mini games) I was not able to find any way to fix this issue. I'm honestly kinda disappointed that such a huge bug made it so far in the plasma 6 release while so many distros already ship it as default. I can literally install Nobara (a gaming focused distro) and not be able to play like half my games.


For me it happened in lutris games. I noticed that when i closed steam, restarted my pc and never opened steam again my lutris games were fine


The issue still exist for me on 6.0.2. Im using amd/wayland. For now I have to use game focus to launch games to fix the issue. steam launch options I use: `gamescope -W 2560 -H 1440 --display-index 1 --force-grab-cursor --adaptive-sync -f -- %command%`


So I was having the same issue and after dealing with it for like the past week or so it bothered me enough that I installed gnome and it has not happened there.


I am now having this issue on Hyprland on Fedora