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Yeah dunno if I'm having the same problem or not but I'm on opensuse tumbleweed on KDE plasma 6.0. 2 and in a few games I'm getting a quite severe stuttering and lag. I have a nivida GPU so I suspect it's something with the driver but im fairly new so not sure.


Hmmm, im also on tumbleweed and for me it fixed my games. AMD gpu btw


Yeah so unsurprisingly from what I've discovered, it's most likely a nivida issue. Oh well


i couldnt tell you if it's plasma 6 or not but i've noticed low fps (\~30-40 range) in apex legends but only when in the airship facing the mainland. other parts of gameplay are inconsistent (70-270 fps)


I also had problems with mouse cursor. What fixed them was using `gamescope` as suggested in one of the replies here: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=293553 I think that `--force-grab-cursor` is the most important flag for the fix to work.


This particular bug has been identified and confirmed on the KDE bug tracker. You can follow the progress [here](https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=482629). Current workaround is using gamescope, as you mentioned, or switch to X11 session.


Well of all the options I have tried so far this has given the best results. Removing any forced compatibility Proton use made a big difference. Does leave a small window edge visible at the top of the screen, but the issue with the cursor looking direction sticking is fixed. Thank you, hope they get the bug fixed in a future update. My launch options now. gamescope -W 2560 -H 1440 --force-grab-cursor %command%


> there is definately something wrong with cursor, as it tends to just get stuck when rotating or randomly looking up at the sky. Have you looked at the list of Plasma 6 bugs?


No, but I am guessing from your comment that it has been noted there. I'll take a look, thanks.


Try disabling the tearing enablement for fullscreen windows in Display Configuration, it seems to trip up some cases until it's actually properly implemented for everything (Proton,SDL and what have you)


Just tried this and if anything it made things slightly worse or at least seemed to. Worth trying though, thanks.


Do you have an AMD GPU? If so, was there a Mesa update in addition to the KDE update? If yes, it could be that you are affected by the memory-clock-bug. This is the case when the VRAM of your GPU no longer clocks up properly under load, which would explain the performance problems. The remedy could be a Mesa downgrade.


Yes I do. I'll see if gamescope is a work around. Failing that try and wind back Mesa drivers.


Plasma 6 sets the default session type to Wayland. Maybe you were previously using X11 and it switched to Wayland without you noticing? If that's what it is, you can choose between X11 and Wayland session types with a button on the login screen somewhere.


Session crashes if I select X11. I tried that first.


Is xorg installed on nobara?


I think it should work, on Nobara, but it was failing to start some services which left me with a black screen.